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Chapter 399

Chapter: 399

In a small barony near the Alrn Territory, Erin, the third daughter, often heard stories about the Art Guild’s apostle before she became a maid in the Alrn household.

A wandering artist spreading their craft across the continent. A person who willingly shares what they’ve acquired with those suffering. Someone who rescued countless individuals tormented by the followers of the Evil God.

Back when Benedict Alrn was shaking the continent with his idleness, the apostle Prete made a name for himself through his kindness.

In a way, Prete might have been more famous among girls than Benedict.

The figure of Prete, relayed by wandering minstrels, was an artist with stunning looks and a sweet voice.

After quite some time, when Erin finally met Prete, he was even more captivating than the minstrels had described.

As far as Erin knew, Prete was of similar age to the head of the household, yet he looked like a twenty-year-old. Could this be the influence of the goddess’s blessing?

Although Erin admired Prete, she didn’t react overly much.

In the past, when she used to chatter away with the village girls, she might have squealed with excitement.

But not now. Keeping close to Lucy Alrn, she had grown accustomed to her beauty and could respond calmly even when looking at Prete.

Prete found Erin’s reaction refreshing and slightly raised an eyebrow but didn’t say more.

“Are you the exclusive maid for Lady Alrn?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Before I teach you, may I see how you usually do things?”

“If it pleases my lady.”

“I don’t want to. I won’t give permission.”

Suddenly cutting in mid-conversation, Erin turned her head forward to see Lucy’s face reflected in the mirror beyond her head.

The mischievous face of a little girl. A smile that was pleasant rather than the annoyed grin Erin had seen when she first became Lucy’s maid.

She hadn’t expected to see such a face after having taken on the role of her lady’s maid.

“Why not?”

“I said no.”

If it were another maid at the Alrn mansion, they would have been startled and bowed under Lucy’s sharp voice. But not Erin.

Knowing the Lucy of now, instead of being frightened, Erin wore a soft smile and bowed her head.

“Lady, could you please reconsider just once?”

“…If you’re going to be that serious, what else can I do? Ugh, boring Erin, you’re just no fun at all.”

“I’m sorry, my lady.”

“Fine. Do as you wish. Just know that if I don’t like it, I’ll have plenty of fun messing with you.”

“Thank you for your mercy.”

Watching the natural flow of their conversation, Prete smiled contentedly, but his expression gradually turned serious as he observed Erin dolling up Lucy.

“…What do you think?”

“It’s not bad. For someone from a decent noble family, this much is sufficient.”

It was a compliment of sorts, but Erin’s expression wasn’t bright. She sensed the anger in Prete’s tone.

“But Erin, your lady is not just any noble lady. She is unmatched, closer to the goddess than anyone I’ve seen. You must not use ordinary methods.”

The firmness in Prete’s voice and sharp gaze felt so heavy that it made Erin wonder if the soft smile she had just seen was an illusion.

Yet, even in the weighty atmosphere, Erin remained composed. After all, she had endured Lucy’s mischief even before her transformation. This level of pressure was nothing for her.

“Could you point out what needs fixing?”

“Look, Lady Alrn possesses such a perfect figure that it seems like there’s nothing to touch. And indeed, that is true, but even a perfect figure can be made more beautiful.”

Erin listened in awe as Prete explained. So, this was another way to do things. Truly, he was a person worthy of leading the continent’s art.

“Prete, would it be okay if I make notes in my notebook?”

“Do as you please. No, I’ll start over and explain everything so take notes and engrave it in your heart. I can’t allow anything less than perfect for the one who adorns Lady Alrn.”

As Lucy sat through the painstaking thirty minutes just to touch an eyebrow, she let out a yawn.

Immediately, Prete froze mid-sentence and pinched his nose to stop the blood flowing.

“Perverted apostle, please go die in peace.”

“Lady, I’m sorry, but I can’t do that right now. I have to finish my work.”

“Saying such things while bleeding just makes you look like an ugly piece of garbage!”

“If you call me ugly garbage, then that must be true. I’m honored.”“…I think I might vomit from disgust.”


Bishop Yurik’s corpse was found in his bedroom.

His usual discomfort with others entering his personal space delayed his discovery of what had happened.

Realizing that one of their companions had died right next to them and they hadn’t even realized it nor found him in time, members of the Art Guild forgot their bickering about the Evil God and began to blame themselves. They mourned their colleague, who had died in agony.

As Bishop Yurik’s body was recovered, endless mourning continued until dusk, when the doors of the guild headquarters opened, and an angel appeared.

With vivid red eyes carrying a sense of solemnity. Pale skin that held the warmth and weariness of sunset. The apostle of the guild had said that their appearance was close to that of the goddess. A frail-looking body, yet with an intense gaze that seemed unbreakable before any trial.

Lucy Alrn possessed an overwhelming presence that could erase even Prete standing beside her, and took in the world around her.

Even before the sunset, Lucy’s eyes didn’t dull; instead, they shone brighter.

The faithful meeting her gaze felt their hearts fill with awe and knelt down, spreading the reverence further, coloring the entire street.

Seeing this, Lucy silently pressed her lips together and stepped forward.

With her small foot, a step so tiny one might think she would vanish if touched, yet a resolute step that never faltered before countless trials, the wishes of the believers piled up.

Apologies for their fallen comrade.

Wishing that their friend who met with death found peace meeting the goddess.

Self-reproach. Resolution to atone.

These made a heavy burden upon Lucy Alrn’s steps, but she did not waver in the slightest.

It was as if she carried nothing on her back as she boldly moved forward and reached the place where Bishop Yurik’s body lay.

The bishop guarding the place met Lucy’s gaze, bowed respectfully, and stepped aside.

Carrying the wishes of all, Lucy approached the coffin, took a deep breath, and raised her hands to gather over her heart.

In that moment when she closed her eyes, a warm light began to spread from where Lucy stood.

A warmth that caressed and comforted the regrets, sorrows, and laments settled in the hearts of the people. As the faithful felt it on their skin, tears streamed down one by one.

Standing next to Lucy and watching the scene, Prete thought that Bishop Yurik must be smiling as he arrived beside the goddess.

He was convinced that those present would have their burdens eased a little.

This must be the power of someone cherished by the deity.

Really, how fortunate they were for having such a person here.

With a serious face, Prete watched Lucy’s prayer, wiping his reddening eyes with the back of his hand, then closed his eyes and raised his hands like the other believers.


After finishing her prayer and slowly opening her eyes, I surveyed the atmosphere among the people of the Art Guild.

Why were those kneeling in the street weeping while offering up prayers?

And why were the guildmaster and that perverted apostle, who should have been managing this situation, also sobbing like everyone else?

Above all, why were that pathetic Karl and the bald knight staring at me instead of coming over?

Aren’t you supposed to be my guards?!

Aren’t you protecting me?!

Aaaah! Seriously! Just what in the world is going on here!?

All I wanted was to pay my respects to someone who lost their life, but why has the atmosphere turned like this!?

Thinking back, things felt off even before I left the church!

Sure, it was normal to have eyes on me as soon as the doors opened, but why is everyone suddenly kneeling down!?

Am I a king?! A tyrant who’d chop off heads for a lack of courtesy!?

And why are you praying to me?! Your goddess is the Crow Goddess!

Praying to me would count as heresy! Aren’t you afraid of the Crow Goddess’s jealousy!?

Ugh! I feel like I’m going to suffocate!

What should I do!? What can I do!?

‘…Grandpa! What do I do!? This atmosphere is way too overwhelming for me!’

[It’s fine, Lucy. Just keep your mouth shut, and they’ll interpret it well for you.]

‘That’s not the problem! I feel like I’m going to die from the pressure! I want to run away right now!’

[Get used to it. As the apostle of the deity, this is something you’ll encounter countless times. Hmm. Thinking back, isn’t this the situation you wanted? Look around. Everyone here is sending you their awe, not hostility.]

‘I want compliments, not worship!’

Fuming at grandpa’s teasing, I heard a dinging sound beside my ear.

What now! Pathetic God!

Why are you barging in on this chaotic situation!?

Can’t you wait until everything’s concluded to talk to me?!

[Thank you so much, apostle of the deity. Thanks to you, the believers can embark on a better path.]

…Wait, what?

[While I don’t know if this is a fitting reward, please accept this offering from the Crow’s kindness.]

Huh. What?

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