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Chapter 388

Chapter: 388

Benedict was a monster beyond what I could perceive with my own eyes.

Each punch he threw was strong enough to shatter my defenses—seriously, is that even acceptable?

Even though I gained the skill [Superhuman Physique] and had a boost in my specs, I was still getting crushed by his relentless pressure until I ended up sprawled on the floor.

There wasn’t even a chance for me to provoke him. In a situation where simply breathing felt like a workout, how could I even open my mouth to talk?

After I was completely drained and couldn’t even move a finger, Frey and Arthur stepped up, eager to experience Benedict’s strength directly.

Watching them, I couldn’t help but wonder if they had lost their minds. They just witnessed what I went through and were still choosing to engage like that. It made me suspect they had developed a masochistic streak from their training in the Alrn Knights.

Benedict didn’t refuse their request. He said he could help those who had given him enlightenment.

“Since I can’t show you much by facing you one by one, you all should come at me together.”

“…Huh? Alrn Lord, I’m not that keen on sparring.”

“Understood, Alrn Lord. I will give it my all.”

“I’m going to make contact at least once!”

“No, I really don’t want to spar!”

“Haha. Very well. I hope your spirit stays strong until the end.”

“Excuse me?! Are you completely ignoring my voice?!”

Of course, the three of them got smashed by Benedict.

If I couldn’t even withstand his attacks, how in the world could the other three?

Even when Jack joined in, making it four against him, and I managed to recover my stamina to make it five, the situation barely changed. Benedict remained overwhelmingly powerful, and we were just toys for him to play with.

Despite knowing we couldn’t win, we never backed down. We threw ourselves at him as if we were desperate to prove ourselves, clinging to the hope that our spar with Benedict would somehow be beneficial.

Training with a fighter who’s the top tier on this continent, moving while interacting with him, had immense value.

So, for several days, I focused on physical training in the mornings, sparring with Benedict at lunch, and then more training in the knight corps until bedtime.

The blizzard that had enveloped the territory gradually weakened until dark clouds lifted, revealing the sun in the sky.

Mira. The woman Benedict loved, who was also Lucy’s mother, on this day they commemorate.

“Clumsy Erin, tie this for me.”

After waking up early, I pulled out an accessory from my inventory, the one gifted by the perverted apostle. Erin blankly stared at the accessory in my hand for quite a while before finally coming to her senses.

“My lady, what is this?”

“It’s something that reflects the perverted apostle’s gross tastes.”


Confused by my explanation, Erin blinked, but I chose not to elaborate further.

I knew that explaining the perverted apostle in any way would only deepen her confusion.

Erin caught on to my silence and didn’t ask further. She treated the strikingly precious accessory with caution.

“I apologize, my lady. I lack the skills to do this accessory justice.”

After quite a while of consideration, she had styled my hair, but her expression was still gloomy.

Her explanation was that she felt inadequate compared to the accessory’s grandeur.

I struggled to understand her feelings. To me, the hairstyles created by the perverted apostle didn’t look any different from her current style.

“I wish to seek guidance from the person who made this accessory. They must be an incredible artist.”

Watching Erin’s turmoil through the mirror, I considered introducing her to the perverted apostle.

While he truly is a disgusting pervert, he’s undeniably an overwhelming presence in the realm of art.

I didn’t think he’d mind sharing his craft if it meant indulging his twisted preferences. He’d likely smile brightly while enthusiastically teaching her.

“For the outfit, I’ve prepared a dress that your mother supposedly loved the most.”

“…Clumsy Erin, have you gone mad? Do you think the dress I wore back then would fit me now?”

“Don’t worry, my lady. There hasn’t been a significant change.”

Erin’s claim that minimal adjustment would suffice left me frozen in place.

It’s been years since Mira passed away, and you mean to tell me there hasn’t been a change? It’s as if Lucy’s body is still that of a child!?

An indescribable shock filled my head, but part of me also found it somewhat believable.

After all, Lucy’s height could only be compared to that of an elementary school student. Half of what’s at a theme park would surely be off-limits to her.

…More importantly, when I encountered Lucy back at the place arranged by the pathetic god, our eye levels were quite similar. With the undeniable fact in mind, how could I deny it?

The dress Erin brought me was a simple white gown that was similar to what I wore at the closing party.

An outfit that accentuated the wearer’s charm by keeping the decorations minimal.

“Oh my! Lucy! You look so beautiful!”

“What if I get whisked away by some angels thinking it’s my turn? I’m so, so worried!”

In that moment, memories of the past Lucy spurred through my mind.

Aha, damn it. Now it all makes sense why Lucy insisted on those unnecessarily flashy outfits. Without them, she’d just be haunted by her mother’s image.

“My lady? Are you alright?”

Hearing Erin’s voice snapped me back to reality, and I wiped the tears that had welled up in my eyes. I was slowly getting used to these sudden waves of sadness.

Finishing up, I stepped outside the mansion to find Benedict waiting for me.

He attempted to smile at me, but when he saw my appearance, his expression hardened for a moment before biting his lip and urgently turning his head, taking a while to face me again.

He wore a forced smile, but the moisture in his eyes revealed who he was reminiscing about.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you in that dress.”

“If I wear it, I look even prettier than usual, don’t I? I hate it when disgusting perverts swarm around me.”

“Haha. I suppose that’s true. Even now, there likely are talks in high society about your beauty.”

Benedict mentioned that and extended his hand toward me.

Even with huge fingers that could barely grip two of mine, he didn’t seem scary—more like trustworthy.

Without hesitation, I took his hand, walking side by side with him.

During our stroll, Benedict shared stories about Mira.

A chance encounter in the midst of war. His desperate courtship. The family’s opposition to marrying a commoner. Benedict’s determination.

As I absorbed his words, I realized how much gentler Benedict had become over the years.

In the past, he was an impulsive, mood-driven guy with the power and ability to act as he pleased. While he fundamentally had kindness, he was different from Lucy.

As I listened to him share his past and moved along, the Alrn graveyard came into view.

Despite being an early hour even by medieval standards, many people were gathered near the graveyard.

Strangely, they didn’t enter but merely stood outside, as if waiting for someone.

“Everyone, the Lord has arrived.”

As soon as one of them announced this, the group parted to make way.

A path created not out of fear but respect.

How enviable. Would I ever get to see such a scene?

“It’s been a long time. Lord.”

The man responsible for maintaining the graves greeted Benedict respectfully and then raised an eyebrow when he noticed me. Was my presence that astonishing since I didn’t come back last year?

“…My lady.”

“People naturally grow, don’t they?”

“Mira would surely be glad to see this.”

“That’s likely true.”

“Please, come inside. I’ll be keeping watch over the grave here.”

As we walked deeper into the graveyard, a marble structure caught my eye.

Bearing the house insignia, it seemed to be where the Alrn family members rest.

Benedict brought me to the front and took a step back.

“Go ahead and talk. This father tends to visit frequently, so there’s much to say.”

I didn’t refuse his consideration. The weight on my heart would surely crumble the moment I saw Mira’s grave.


I wasn’t mistaken. Upon entering and seeing the cross marked with Mira’s name, my eyes instantly turned red.


The emotional tide was a completely different feeling than the anguish of fear. When I was nearly overwhelmed by fear, it felt like a dam breaking; in this moment, it felt like the floodgates naturally opened.


So, I collapsed to the floor and cried. Tears poured out for quite a while.

Until the tears dried up and I could no longer cry.




When I could barely manage a proper voice because of hoarseness, I awkwardly stood up.

But the moment I again saw Mira’s name, I felt tears well up again, forcing myself to suppress those feelings. I felt like if I let it out again, I’d pass out from crying.

After holding back my grief, I clutched the necklace that Lucy had long sought.

Once a symbol of miracles, it had now lost all its power.

Unlike what Lucy used to prefer, it looked plain on the outside.

I placed the necklace on the grave, representing Lucy.

The moment it left my hand, a divine presence surrounded it.

Not the common divinity used by priests, but rather the warmth imbued by the god itself.

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