Switch Mode

Chapter 380

Chapter: 380

“Stupid Papa. I’m going to the High Society.”

Lucy, who had been fearful of leaving her parents’ embrace, suddenly declared to Benedict that she would be attending the social scene.

If this were a legendary story, you’d imagine a lost child who had lost her protectors breaking out of her shell, but reality was quite different.

With a heart rotten to the core, the girl’s eyes were only etched with the desire to unleash her hatred upon the world. She simply wanted to inflict the same pain that had been thrust upon her onto this cruel world.

If, perhaps, Benedict had noticed his daughter’s suffering, the story might have taken a different turn. If he had, as always, tried to shield her, Lucy wouldn’t have thrown herself into the depths of despair.

However, lost in the despair of losing his wife, breathing was a labor for Benedict, and he did not look at Lucy.

“Do as you please.”

“Yes. Stupid… Dad.”

Thus, the child had given up on salvation.

As the illusion shattered, Lucy’s despair carved itself into her mind. The darkness that even worn-out adults struggled to bear weighed heavily on her heart.

It was only after a significant time had passed, biting down hard on my teeth while enduring the pressure, that I finally wiped the cold sweat from my face.

[…Did you see old memories again?]

[You look quite troubled. How about resting for a bit?]
“I’m fine. This is nothing much.”

I answered the old man flatly, trying to force myself up only to topple forward. With a crash, I lifted my head while frowning.

[Nothing much, huh?]
“…Shut up.”

I could see the shield I’d dropped rolling away in the distance. With a sigh, I was about to pick it up when I caught my reflection on the bright white shield.

Anyone could guess the child’s face was anything but normal.

If I walked out like this, Kal would undoubtedly scream in shock. Karia would pretend to be concerned but would worry nonetheless.

Ugh. At least until I can make a face like usual, I should stay here.

With a long sigh, I sat on the ground and stared at the dark ceiling.

Why does that pathetic god want to show me this?

If that guy’s goal was simply to save the world by opposing the Evil God, he wouldn’t need this. It’s more of a hindrance. Who knows what variables could emerge if I get confused?

It’s hard to claim that’s for comforting the vanished Lucy as well. The blessing of being a Mesugaki in this world came from that pathetic god.

There’s no way the pathetic god, who can understand his own mistakes and feel ashamed, would commit such hypocrisy.

So what is it? What does this pathetic god want? Lost in thought, I realized that Mira’s memorial day was approaching.

The moment I understood that, my heart inexplicably sank, and I hugged my legs.


“It seems this incident was orchestrated by Lasha to protect Lady Alrn.”

Soon, as the event for the Church of the Lord was about to begin, Johan, who had visited the holy land, shared what he had discovered over tea.

“Lady Alrn?”

“Yes. She loves budding strong fighters. She must have taken extra care not to let them get crushed as they grow.”

“Uh, that’s all well and good, but how can you be so sure it’s related to Lady Alrn? There are other strong fighters in the capital’s arena, after all.”

“There are several reasons, but what solidified my certainty is that all those Lasha killed were trying to imprint Lady Alrn’s unique traits.”

Phebi realized why only those dealing with dark magic and priests had been murdered.

Dark magicians certainly regarded the apostles of the god as excellent sacrifices and would have killed them, while the priests of the church did not acknowledge the existence of the god’s apostles, so they had to be killed.

So then…

“Does that mean Lasha has caught on to Lady Alrn’s truth?”

“I think so. She is the apostle of the Evil God of Destruction.”


“Didn’t you know? It’s common knowledge among those who are aware.”

Johan’s seemingly nonchalant statement surprised Phebi.

“Lasha serves the Evil God?”

“Serving isn’t quite the right term. She has no faith in that god.”

When Lasha realized her connection to the Evil God of Destruction, the church set out to subdue her.

Lasha, who had not hidden her actions at all, engaged those who came to deal with her with a deadly smile, willingly knocking them all down. If they wanted to kill her, they should bring someone stronger.

However, Lasha’s wish was not fulfilled.

“At that time, His Holiness the Pope said that it is good news for the church that someone without faith holds the position of the apostle and that there is no need for further sacrifices.”

“That’s quite characteristic of His Holiness. He is a very pragmatic person.”

“Lasha herself was furious, but what could she do? After that, the Church has only observed Lasha’s movements without intervening.”

It would likely be the same this time. Johan would make sure of that.

Lasha would provoke the church again to realize her own ambitions. So they must ignore her.

Having conversations with those who recognized Phebi’s change, Johan was confident he could guide the church’s public opinion.

“I guess I need to pray longer today.”

Phebi gazed at the center of her teacup with sad eyes. Johan was sure that Phebi’s prayers would include mourning for the departed.

After about a minute of silence, just as Johan was about to change the topic, someone knocked on the door.

“It’s Kieran. May I take a moment of your time?”

“What’s up?”

“I have a letter from His Holiness addressed to the Saintess.”

What could keep this rarely communicative person busy, sending a letter to the Saintess?

Johan felt puzzled, but the letter delivered by the priest was clearly sealed with the Pope’s insignia.

Once the priest left, Phebi opened the letter.

“…Bishop Johan, His Holiness is certainly pragmatic, but he’s not a cold person, is he?”

“Indeed. It’s largely thanks to him that the current church has taken shape. But why all of a sudden?”

“His Holiness intends to directly warn Lasha.”

“His Holiness himself?”

Johan’s voice was laden with surprise. Was the situation serious enough for him to care this much?

…Wait a minute. According to information I received recently, Lasha was said to be heading towards the archipelago.

This means the Pope’s destination could also be the archipelago.

And just recently, someone from Karia’s side informed that Lady Alrn was definitely in the archipelago as well.

Although His Holiness is a good person at heart, he doesn’t act without reason. He doesn’t hesitate to cut away anything when it’s necessary.

What conclusion would he draw if he were to see Lady Alrn now?

Thinking this far, Johan furrowed his brows and stood up from his seat.

“Bishop Johan?”

“I’ll be stepping out for a bit. I have something urgent to attend to.”

Not yet the right time.

“I’ll return before a week goes by.”

Not yet too late.

Not yet.


What I confronted in the dungeon yesterday was Lucy’s declaration of going to the High Society.

If that’s the case, then what I’ll witness today will likely be even more grim. I shouldn’t eat dinner tonight. The moment I face that illusion, I’ll undoubtedly lose my lunch right there.

“Lucy Alrn!”

Hearing Arthur’s call, I snapped back to attention. At that moment, I saw a claw made of shell hurtling toward me.

It was too late to avoid it. Defending wasn’t looking good either.

So what should I do?

I need to smash it.

As I raised my mace instead of a shield and struck straight at the center of the claw, the once impervious claw shattered into pieces, scattering everywhere.

Recognizing the pained boss of the dungeon writhing in agony, I realized my mistake.

Oh no. I was just planning to play the shield in the front, and now this is going to progress way too quickly!

What am I gonna do? Should I heal him quietly without the others knowing?

It feels way too cheap, but it’s better than losing the bet.

[Don’t worry. The betting time is already over.]
“Really? Phew. What a relief.”
[And, by the way, you won’t have time to heal that claw.]
“Huh? What do you mean…”

My question did not finish. Before I could complete my thought, I sensed a massive surge of mana behind me.

“Nice! Lady! Thanks to you, an opening has appeared!”

Turning my head toward the surge of magic, I saw a swirling spell circle behind Joy.

A gigantic magic circle made by linking several smaller circles. It was complex beyond my understanding at this stage, but somehow, I could sense what kind of magic would be unleashed.

There was an endless chill emanating from the magic circle.

“Freeze up!”

Bang! The creature that felt like a big hill instantly froze, and the entire cave filled with cold.

Perhaps having burned all her mana and left unable to warm herself, Joy began shivering, yet her face beamed with excitement.

“I did it! I didn’t know if it would work, but I did it!”

Joy’s eccentricity typical of mages was likely prioritized over her noble etiquette at this moment.

I looked at her with disdain and surrounded her with sacred energy. This made Joy’s shivering stop.

“Ah. Lady. Thank you so much…”

“Dummy. Just asking, but do you not know the term ‘confirm the kill’?”
“You seriously don’t know? I thought you were a little smart, but I’m quite disappointed now.”
“No! I don’t not know that term! But this is clearly!”

Shatter! The sound of ice cracking echoed through the cave. Even frozen solid, the creature was still alive.


Watching Joy blink in surprise, I couldn’t hold back a sigh. That level of dumbness truly never seems to fade away.

“Joy! Lucy Alrn! This isn’t the time! That thing is going to revive soon!”

“It’s okay.”

With Frey’s flat voice, her sword swooshed.

The colors mixed together seemed to indicate it could turn into anything, yet it looked like nothing could become anything at all, slicing the frozen claw in half and extinguishing its life.

With a dull thud, the creature’s head fell, revealing the exit out of the dungeon.

“That’s it.”

Frey said casually, putting her sword away, but none of the three of us felt that way.

Hah. That girl really managed to manifest her powers before turning second year.

There should be limits to talent too!

At this rate, by the end of sophomore year, she might challenge Benedict directly.

“Your Highness! Your Highness! No time to waste! Time!”
“Ah! Time! Right!”

Prompted by Frey, Arthur snapped to attention and rushed out of the dungeon, taking Joy along, to confirm with those waiting outside for the timing of their conquest.

Having already heard the results from the old man, I leisurely followed behind, contemplating how to scare them today.

As expected, the three seemed to be despondent at having lost the bet.

“You idiot! If only you hadn’t made a mistake!…”
“But you said that was the right call back then too! This isn’t all my fault!…”

While I chuckled at the squabble, Karia, who had been disguising herself, stepped forward.

“Lady Alrn, it seems we must leave the archipelago immediately.”
“Why? Did someone catch wind of us? Which poor fool fell for your trick?”
“…Word has come that the Pope is heading this way. Bishop Johan delivered the information personally, so it can’t be a mistake.”

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not work with dark mode