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Chapter 351

Chapter: 351

Benedict, back in his younger days, was a man who didn’t know the meaning of compromise.

From an early age, he flaunted his unmatched prowess and had even crushed all the knights of the Alrn family before he ever set foot in the Academy.

At that time, the overly confident Benedict thought he could achieve anything he desired.

And his belief only solidified further after enrolling in the Academy.

Initially, he struggled with studying—a concept he’d never encountered before—but driven by his determination not to lose to anyone, he dedicated himself and ultimately succeeded in gaining satisfactory results.

Even after graduating from the Academy, not much changed.

He was adored by the territory’s residents, continued to triumph in wars defending the kingdom, and saw no reason to correct his arrogant and pompous demeanor.

The first time he experienced failure was when he felt the emotion of love.

He had always shouted that he had no time to waste on women, yet he fell in love with one.

“I’m sorry.”

He failed to achieve what he desired for the very first time in his life. However, Benedict was not one to give up.

He couldn’t understand the type of human who would stop just because they encountered a setback. Ignoring the various marriage proposals presented by family elders and relatives, he continued his pure love pursuit.

“What a silly man you are.”

His marriage, which hardly managed to succeed against odds, became the happiest moment of his life.

Benedict still couldn’t forget the emotions he felt when he first held his daughter.

He broke out in a cold sweat, fearing that even the slightest pressure might go wrong.

Next to him, his foolishness made his wife chuckle.

The moment when his daughter, staring at him, cracked a big smile and grabbed his finger.

Parenting was no walk in the park.

Before she could speak, he was anxious about what his child wanted. After she finally learned to talk, he soon found himself suffering from her unique personality.

Where on earth did she learn such bad words? When she threw around insults like “pathetic” or “idiot,” he often pondered where things had gone astray.

“Mirah, is it because we spoiled her too much? Shouldn’t we be strict like everyone says?”

“Benedict, can you really be strict with Lucy?”

“…Uh. Um.”

“See? You can’t do it. So don’t mind what other people say. We have our own ways.”

After his sickly wife passed away, Lucy’s odd behavior only intensified, but Benedict couldn’t focus on his daughter.

The absence of his wife was so overwhelming that he had no room to look around.

“Benedict, please take good care of Lucy.”

When he recalled the last words of his beloved, Benedict realized too many things had already gone awry.

Even the name of the hero, Benedict Alrn, couldn’t turn things back.

That’s when he learned the word “compromise.”

He learned to bow his head to find the best for his daughter amid the worst.

He grew skilled at suppressing his anger and wearing a foolish smile.

That’s why Senar Soladin could stand upright.

While he wished to smash that face at once, doing so would only ensnare the Alrn family in countless chains, which would ultimately affect his daughter.

Benedict hoped his daughter would live in peace, not turmoil.

Hence, even with blood vessels popping in his eyes, he refrained from swinging his fists.

“B-Benedict. So, this is…”

“First, please remove that foot of yours.”

As his overwhelming aura made even dragons tremble, Senar hurriedly staggered back and fell to the ground.

However, Benedict paid her no mind and approached his daughter.

Although Lucy had been crying in pain just a moment ago, she was already wearing a usual smile when he reached her.

“Foolish father! Isn’t it a bit early for the party to end? Did you run away from all the people?”

Benedict tried to smile back at the angelic grin but failed.

How much pain has she endured without my knowledge to smile like this?

Could she really smile as if her own wounds are nothing?

The same child who would cry for the smallest scratch.

“I didn’t plan for it to go this far!”

Hearing Senar’s shout, Benedict gently patted Lucy’s head as he stood up.

“This is!”

“I know too, Senar. I know my daughter’s temperament better than anyone.”

She was crafty enough to become the Second Queen. If Lucy was the cause, she wouldn’t have done such a crazy thing.


“However, Senar, there is a line.”

Today, Benedict understands what compromise is.

He knows those who insult and malign his daughter have their reasons as well, and just raising his voice in anger isn’t the solution.

He also realizes that his desperate attempts to stifle Lucy’s resentment will only backfire.

But there is a limit to endurance.

“Let me reiterate, Senar. I hope there’s a valid reason for my daughter to scream as she was trampled by your hooves.”

If not, I can’t guarantee what I might do.

As Benedict took a step forward, Senar instinctively backed away.

Her movement wasn’t born of reason but from a primal sense of danger crying out for her to flee from him.

However, that retreat wouldn’t last long.

The clock tower wasn’t kind to runners, and Senar soon realized from the sound of falling stone fragments that she was cornered at the edge of a cliff.

It’s coming.

The monster is coming.

The herald of death approaches.

The embodiment of despair disguised as a human advances.

Senar knew how terrifying that despair was from her battles on the frontlines.

A calamity that could change the tide of war could not be tackled by mere humans.

Humans couldn’t stop it.

Should I take a fall instead?

No, that won’t do. That disaster would still chase after me.

Should I scream?

What would change by doing that?

Is there anyone who can stand up to that monster?



In the surging terror, what broke the endless despair was an unexpectedly cheerful voice that didn’t match the night.


With a light tap.

The small girl’s hand blocks the giant’s advance.

She could easily shove him aside, but the giant didn’t budge.

He simply waited for the words of the child he loves.

“It’s totally normal for an old lady to be grumpy♡”


“And I’m tired♡ Why aren’t you being a good daddy and leaving me alone because of this annoying old hag?♡”

As Lucy spread her arms to ask for a hug, a relaxed smile spread over Benedict’s stoic face.

“I’m sorry, sweetheart. For not being able to pay attention.”

With one arm, he easily lifted Lucy onto his shoulder, but when he turned his gaze back to the now wobbly Senar, the smile vanished.

“Let’s hope there won’t be a next time.”

And that was the end of it.

Benedict shook the clock tower with a single step and left the Academy behind.

Abandoned in place, Senar held her trembling hands to control her fear and took a deep breath.

She wished to show the fools who said the kingdom’s fangs were withering and remained on the outskirts what they had just witnessed.

How is that guy old and withered?!

The monster is still a monster! She banged on the stone floor, shaking off thoughts of what it meant to be a queen, and wiped her face with both hands.

“Navil. Come here.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Her attendant, appearing from the walls of the clock tower, bowed respectfully.

“I apologize for not being able to assist you in such urgent circumstances. I…”

“Enough. I know. The moment you showed up, the situation would have worsened.”

Once Senar drew her axe, the situation became irreversibly tangled.

Under no circumstances should she have taken out her weapon.

Especially not now with Lucy Alrn so desperately seeking her.

“Foolish girl. So caught up in the past that you ruin your present.”

And this is how she lives, despite vowing to live for the future.

As Senar resented her foolishness, she suddenly frowned.

Wait a second.

Why has my rationality completely flown away?

It’s not just simple anger. Somewhere along the way, my reason vanished.

Right! The moment I insulted Lucy Alrn’s mother and that little brat’s smile hardened.

As Senar bit her lip, she recalled the image of the child that had stood between her and Lucy’s father and exhaled deeply.


I thought there was none of that in the Nobility.

Thinking back on how oddly mature Cecil had looked today, Senar pressed her eyes shut and finally managed to speak.

“Navil, send a messenger to the Alrn House. I’ll go and apologize.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

Having earned Benedict Alrn’s hatred was unavoidable.

However, I must ensure it doesn’t escalate into outright enmity.

That monster has the power to tip the scales all by itself.

If worse comes to worst, I should at least win over the heart of the girl who can control that monster.

“Arrange a meeting.”

After doing something that careless, how could I change their hearts?

Having that monster order me to die would be more likely.

“Your Majesty, I have a suggestion.”

“What is it?”

“The Lady Alrn is sensitive to the term ‘mother.’ It might be appropriate to send an apology related to that.”

“…That could work.”

I remember that bracelet she gifted me once. I’ve held onto it because it was too simple, but now it serves a purpose.

“Prepare something related to dungeons or gear as well.”

After all, I have more than just apologies to offer to Lucy Alrn.

“Understood, Your Majesty. Is there anything else you wish to command?”

“And… no, that should be enough.”

Shaking her head, Senar stood up, re-gathering her composure before heading back to the party hall.

“Ah, I see.”

Benedict listened to the full story without saying anything, his expression complex as he gazed out the window.

Instead of making a false statement before his confusing emotions, I chose to wait for him to regain his calm.

He looks just like any other day.

But that terrifying glare from moments ago? Unbelievable.

Even though it wasn’t directed at me, I felt completely paralyzed by that overwhelming presence.

If that aura had been focused on me, I would’ve probably been mumbling “I’m sorry!” unable to move.

Leaning with my chin on my hand, I recalled the events at the clock tower and how I had been toyed with by Senar, pouting a little.

“Grandpa, how can one make up for a lack of experience?”

The reason I lost to Senar was clear—the difference in experience.

I hardly had any real combat experience with seasoned warriors.

Warriors like Possell and Karl tried to teach me rather than defeat me.

In the case of Adriana or Nakrad, I didn’t win through skill but rather through rotten knowledge.

And even my encounter with Duke Burrow was a win merely through clever tactics against someone possessed by an evil god.

Senar’s ability to read and counter me stemmed directly from my lack of combat experience.

[Well, there’s no way around it. You just need to fight more often.]

“Of course.”

I’ve always thought that I need to engage in serious battles with stronger opponents.

To grow stronger.

While pondering all the things I need to do during this vacation, I suddenly remembered something I needed to ask Benedict and hastily spoke up.


“Foolish father!”

“Hmm? What’s up, Lucy?”

“I have a request.”

“I’ve got something I would love to grant you that could make this foolish father super happy!”

“Anything you say! This papa will do whatever is possible!”

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