Switch Mode

Chapter 348

Chapter: 348

When I first stepped onto the stage, I thought my plan was falling perfectly into place.

The hypnotized gazes of the people were exactly what I had hoped for, so I figured I could wrap up my speech quickly and exit the stage.

However, the moment I stood in the center and opened my mouth, I realized just how flimsy my plan actually was.

The eyes filled with confusion, embarrassment, and irritation clearly belonged to those who had fallen prey to my Mesugaki skills’ provocation.

No matter how stunning my looks were, they became utterly meaningless in the face of the overwhelming performance of my Mesugaki skills.

The moment my big premise shattered, all my efforts just worsened the situation.

What could I possibly do when every word that slipped out of my mouth was twisted into something that stung the people’s ears?

It was completely my fault.

The blunder of underestimating a provocation ability that even the Evil God wouldn’t dare confront.

And the blunder of not considering how wrong things could turn.

If I had just tried a little harder, maybe Joy wouldn’t be looking at me like that.

In a situation where there were no answers in sight, hope came to me in the form of Duke Partran’s laughter.

Bursting into laughter amidst the disgruntled atmosphere, he dominated the hall with the presence of a great noble.

Even Grandfather, who had always been zealous in his criticism, was left in awe of his talent, so it didn’t take long for all eyes to shift from me to Duke Partran.

I can’t tell you how grateful I felt watching it unfold!

I’m so sorry for calling you a sloppy Duke until now!

From now on, I’ll be sure to call you the Non-Sloppy Duke!

I’ll let everyone know that the Duke has the dignity of a great noble!

Whatever the consequences of my Mesugaki skill will be, anyway!

“My Lady Alrn.”

Just as the series of events neared its end and the situation was about to conclude, Duke Partran said something sternly on the surface but telepathically transmitted another message.

“Let it be known that I helped you this time solely to respect my daughter’s wishes. So, if you’re going to show gratitude, direct it to her.”

At his subtle request to look after his daughter, I responded with a smile.

Rest assured, I will cherish Joy.

Before she became my favorite character, she was my closest friend.

I would gladly risk my life for her.

Having exited the hall, I stepped out into the now-empty building, taking a deep breath under the tree.

“I’ll never step on a stage again.”

If I ever find myself in such a situation, I’ll just break the stage instead. I won’t stand in front of everyone again. One experience like this is more than enough.

[Right. I felt a little dizzy this time too. It was a situation you couldn’t manage with your skills.]


I couldn’t imagine how much worse things would have gotten if Duke Partran hadn’t intervened.

I really don’t even want to think about it.

[So, what now? ]

“I’ll wait for Father.”

Given my blunder, it won’t be easy for Benedict to just slip away.

It’ll take time to fix things.

So for now, let’s just relax until then.

If it’s Benedict, he’ll surely come to find me.

[Are you not going to the dormitory then? ]

“Grandfather. What would happen if that clumsy fox saw me like this?”



[So, where are you going? ]

“To the place in the Soul Academy with the most beautiful night view.”

Instead of the dormitory, I chose the clock tower right in the heart of the Academy.

Generally, it’s not a place to just walk into, but it’s not impossible either.

They have maintenance and repairs to do, so surely there must be a way in.

In the game, it’s a place that opens after clearing a quest from a distant area, but this isn’t a game.

Let’s see… if my memory serves me right, if I press here and here…

Boom! With the sound of locks clicking open, a staircase leading up appeared.

Since it’s a place normally unused by people, it was dusty and not the most inviting.

But I didn’t hesitate.

As long as the Crow Goddess’s blessing endures, I wouldn’t have to worry about dust sticking or my curated look getting messed up.

Thinking about escaping from that hell, I bounded up three steps at a time and reached the top of the clock tower in no time.

The nights in this world come quickly.

Even if magic replaces science, it remains the privilege of the upper class.

It’s not something ordinary lives can enjoy.

So, once the sun sets, the world has a long dream time ahead.

Beneath the tranquil, colored sky, the stars and the moon showed off their dance together.

The clouds, the undignified audience, passed by, obscuring the view.

As I sat on the railing, swinging my legs while recalling moments from earlier, I thought about all those who looked at me with different eyes amidst the sea of negativity.

Joy, brushing off the hand of another noble, came over to me.

Frey, glaring around with utensils set aside.

Phoebe, praying with her eyes closed.

Benedict, straining to hold his ground while desperately maintaining his position.

Karl, who hadn’t even drawn his sword but rested his hand on its hilt.

Visi, looking at me with a disdainful gaze as if to say, “What now?”

Avery, trembling and unsure of what to do.

Professor Baines and the others, who were bickering in the background.

And others who gazed at me not in anger but with concern.

Even those who thought of me first, despite my faults.

Their faces felt like proof that the time I spent in this world hadn’t been wasted.

So, even while knowing my reputation as a capable troublemaker would solidify, I was able to smile comfortably.

What those I don’t know think of me is none of my business! As long as the people around me hold a favorable view, that’s enough.

– Ding!

Wow, even the pathetic god notices promptly.

It’s only been a short while since the speech ended, and here’s the notification?

[Quest Complete!]

…Quest completed? Why?

How in the world could a quest clear after creating this chaos?

Oh, I see. I guess it’s satisfied just by showing off its beautiful apostle’s performance?

Ugh, should I be pleased or disgusted at this?

I don’t know. I can’t be bothered to think about it, so let’s just check the rewards.

[Hero’s Soul]

[1. One who possesses the Hero’s Soul inspires others to forge ahead.]
[2. ???]

No way! Excuse me, pathetic god.

Could you stop giving me vague descriptions and instead provide a detailed tooltip like in the game?

When an apostle speaks, you should listen too! Right?!

It’s not like you haven’t done whatever you wanted before, but I’ve done plenty too. Can’t you share a little grace?

[Hey, girl.]

“What is it?! Right now, I’m…”

[Someone is coming this way.]


Upon hearing my grandfather’s warning, I sharpened my senses to the sound of someone climbing the stairs.

What’s this? Did I forget to close the door when I came in?

…Oh, I did. I got so caught up in climbing the stairs, I forgot about that.

What to do? Am I really turning into that clumsy fool’s friend? I’m starting to resemble her!


I guess it’s fine.

It’s still early for the party to end.

Even if someone comes, I doubt it’ll be a big deal.

“…Lady Alrn?”

Not long after, when I met eyes with the woman climbing the stairs, I immediately regretted not jumping off the railing.

The surprise on her face was clear; she was none other than the Second Queen of Soladin.

Senar Soladin.


That damned Partran. What was the need to bring up Academy matters and turn my insides inside out?

Using the excuse of being tipsy, Senar left the party and walked through the empty square, cursing inwardly.

Senar thought back to her embarrassing memories from her time in the Academy.

A time when she was still young.

A time when she was unaccustomed to hiding her emotions and presenting herself as a noble.

Her family pushed her to live as a Duke’s daughter, and she felt like she could vomit from the pressure since she couldn’t bring herself to like it.

“Senar. Have you lost again? Ugh, how did I become this child…”

“Damn it.”

“Oh dear, Lady Bedfur. Such a shame. If you’d just done a little better, you could’ve won.”

“Damn it.”

“You should know better than to harm yourself like this. You’re capable of…”

“Damn it.”

“Senar, it’s fine to have fun, but don’t be a burden to me. Because of you…”


Bam! Senar slammed her palm against the wall of a building.

I know, I know. This is all from the past now.

I can imagine the Duke Partran thoughtlessly mentioning it to tease me!

But what can I do? No matter how well I understand it, the nightmare doesn’t end!

No one, not even the Bedfurs, can dismiss me like they used to.

Even the old geezers who used to insult me now look to me for approval.

Even that annoying sister makes sure to call me ‘Your Majesty’ in front of me.

So, the nightmare of the Academy should have ended there.

The nightmare shouldn’t continue to shadow me!

Yet, why can’t I seem to escape it even now?

Walking without purpose, filled with anger, Senar arrived at the clock tower right in the center of the Academy.

What’s with me returning here again, like some kind of twisted joke?

Senar thought she was dumb for coming back as she stared at the wide-open entrance of the clock tower.

…Why is the door ajar?

All the professors from the Academy should be at the party?

Could it be?

Without thinking, Senar stepped through the door.

Not caring that the dusty stairs might get her dirty.

Enchanted by something, she simply wished to meet the person at the end of these stairs.

The slow, echoing footsteps transformed into a determined stomp.

Before long, it turned into erratic footsteps that quickened in pace.

And shortly after she reached the top of the stairs, brushing her tangled hair away, she looked at the child sitting on the railing.


That wasn’t who she had been looking for.

The person Senar sought wasn’t someone who looked so beautiful.

She wasn’t delicate enough to be afraid of touch.

She doesn’t flash a mischievous smile like that.

No idea why Lucy Alrn was here, but let’s call it a blessing.

Now she has the opportunity to talk with that cocky brat one-on-one.

“Hello there, Lady Alrn.”

As always, quickly crafting a facade of the queen to wear like a mask, Senar chewed her lips as she stared at Lucy, who simply regarded her without a bow.

Hang in there.

Hang in there.

This little brat is important to our faction right now.

If my foolish son is to compete with Rene Soladin, I must win this little girl over.

“…Hello there, you filthy old hag. You wear the dust quite well.”

…That little brat really knows how to push buttons.

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not work with dark mode