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Chapter 347

Chapter: 347

When Lucy first stepped onto the stage, Joy watched her with pure awe.

In a moment where all the fancy words she learned as a noble lady became meaningless, only the praise of her beauty remained. It was such an astonishing experience that Joy found herself spellbound, forgetting the gazes of those around her as she tracked Lucy’s every movement.

Even I, who had seen her performance before, was left speechless—there was no need to ask what others thought.

Hehe. I’m thrilled that the sight of my chosen outfit on the Young Lady will be etched in everyone’s memory.

Seeing all those outfits I tried on her and finally choosing the best one made it worth it.

But Joy’s happiness didn’t last long.

The moment Lucy opened her mouth standing in the center of the stage, she realized this event would be remembered for a different reason.

“Lady Alrn! What on earth are you doing?!”

“This isn’t a place for us!”

“This is where all the powerful nobles gather!”

“No matter how huge your backing is with Sir Benedict, there have to be limits!”

“It’s one thing if the previous Lady Alrn didn’t know, but surely you must realize that now—why on earth would you do this?!”

“Why is everyone looking so shocked? It’s not like I said anything untrue. Ah, did I hit too close to home with my truth? I’m so sorry~”

“I heard you’ve changed, but I guess I was wrong.”

“Lucy Alrn is still Lucy Alrn, after all.”

“Will such a girl really inherit the Alrn family?”

Joy internally screamed as she witnessed her friend’s reputation plummeting in real-time.

No! No matter how the old Lady Alrn was, the current one is a good person!

She’d willingly throw her life away for others!

Maybe she comes off as a bit playful, but she’s thoughtful enough to let insults slide!

You all think you know her just from one side, but she’s not someone easy to judge!

While thinking this, Joy also realized she couldn’t say much against their judgments.

Even the smallest slip-up in sudden encounters could be seen as a flaw in noble society, and in a gathering of this many nobles, the blunder was more than enough to define a person.

“Why are you all so upset? Is what I’m saying bothering you? Haha! But really, the ones who set me up here are the pathetic ones from the Academy. They’re so weak and clueless compared to me that I don’t see how I can lose to them!”

“W-what the hell…”

“Hey. Look to the side.”

“If it weren’t for everyone here…”

Seeing her fellow nobles grow grim around her, Joy chewed her lips behind her fan.

The situation was dire. Every time Lady Alrn spoke, it reminded them of the past Lady Alrn.

If this continued, no one would ever believe that the young lady had changed.

People believe nobility doesn’t change.

A troublemaker remains a troublemaker, regardless of ability.

“The disgrace of the Alrn family.”

As the words crept into her ears, Joy turned her head, seeing a pale-faced lady covering her mouth, causing Joy to clench her teeth.

She understood.

Once it had come this far, there was no way to fix it.

With a disaster already occurring, there was no going back.

Joy realized that the moment she stepped forward, she would become a target of criticism herself.

The criticisms lurking just below the surface would soon become louder.

She knew that when encountering different factions in the social circles later, this would be the starting point for blame.

According to the mindset of an ordinary noble, it would be wise not to step in during such a situation.

Acting without justification here would mean accomplishing nothing.


Just then, Joy’s eyes met Lucy’s, who was laughing on the stage.

Amid the rising voices of discontent and the criticisms popping up from all directions, Joy stared blankly at her friend.

And then she lowered her fan that was hiding her face.

As the Young Lady of the Partran family, Joy had worked tirelessly to present herself as proper.

No one asked her to do it.

With a legitimate heir to carry on their line, the Partran couple had told Joy to follow her aspirations, so her efforts to be a noble were her own choices.

‘What a true Young Lady of the Partran family.’

She didn’t want to betray others’ expectations.

‘How can she be so elegant?’

She feared the disdainful glances from those around her.

‘She really is reliable.’

She worried she would become an outcast if she didn’t fulfill the expectations.

Joy had been striving to be the perfect duchess.

She hid her love for sweet and delicious treats.

She erased her longing for friendships portrayed in various novels.

She suppressed her emotional nature like any other girl.

She believed this was how she should live.

However, ever since she met Lucy, that changed.

Lucy had called her the silly Young Lady while laughing.

She treated Joy not as the Duke’s Young Lady but as a friend.

She showed Joy there was no need to hide to avoid isolation.

Right! What does social standing even matter?

What does it matter what the other young ladies think of me?

Why should I care what other nobles think of me?

No matter what, I’m still Joy Partran.

The Young Lady of the Partran family.

The one who makes life uncomfortable for other young ladies.

The one who gets teased as silly among close friends.

A talented magician praised by the Academy’s professors.

Lucy’s friend.

“Lady Partran?”

The moment Joy stepped forward, a young lady from a nearby count family called her name.

“What do you plan to do?”

“Are you going to take Lady Alrn’s side again?”

“Please don’t, Young Lady.”

“Lady Partran, just remember you are our faction’s center.”

“Please, Young Lady.”

As various young ladies threw different comments at Joy, she didn’t register any of them.

Instead, she revealed her usual sharp smile, previously hidden by her fan, and said to them,

“Shut it.”

Words she wouldn’t normally say.

A phrase that was clearly insulting to anyone listening.

A line that would leave other young ladies blushing.

However, nobody among the ladies dared to say anything back to Joy.

The coldness around her was so severe it felt like one would freeze upon stepping near her.

Shaking off the hands that tried to hold her back, Joy moved forward naturally along the path that opened.

…What should I do?!

In that moment, I acted impulsively, and now I have no idea what to do!

Of course, I don’t regret what I did!

I believe I did what I had to!

I’m feeling refreshed about it!

Even if they say something later, I’m confident I can retort!

But! I have no way to handle this situation!

Aaaaah! Stupid me!

Can’t I just think before I act?!

So that’s why they call you the silly Young Lady and the Third Prince!


As she moved toward the stage while internally screaming, Joy blinked as she recognized Jeff’s face.


“Did you have any plans figured out?”

Joy couldn’t provide an answer, her mouth moved without sound.

“I knew it.”

“What should I do, brother?”

“Don’t worry. You’ve already done what you needed to do.”


“You expressed your will to the head. That’s enough.”

Ah, it didn’t take long for Joy to understand the meaning behind his words that now she could step back.

“Ha ha ha!”

A loud laugh echoed, drawing everyone’s attention in the hall.

The head of the Partran family, considered one of the most prominent among the six duchies.

A power player in the kingdom known for spreading terrible rumors.

One among the few who could speak boldly in gatherings of many nobles.

As the Duke of Partran laughed heartily, he continued while receiving everyone’s gaze.

“Well, this is quite a surprise. My heart rejoices at seeing the Young Lady’s boldness.”

Whispers began to flutter among the nobles at the mention of the Duke’s words.

Lucy’s earlier behavior could hardly be considered ‘bold’; it looked more like arrogance.

Yet neither the Duke of Partran nor Lucy Alrn paid any mind to the small chatter.

“Lady Alrn?”

“Why, what’s the matter, Clumsy Duke?”

“Puhuhh. Am I really being called Clumsy Duke here? Thank you.”

The nobles in the hall gasped as they witnessed the two engage in conversation.

The sight of Lucy Alrn insulting the Clumsy Duke, and the Duke laughing off the affront, left them in shock.

“However, I must give you a word of advice. While I understand you’ve been disappointed in classmates who don’t measure up, it’s unwise to express that sentiment outwardly.”

“…Isn’t it wrong to call the pathetic pathetic?”

“Essentially, speeches at the end-of-term party target students, so you can speak that way. But the ones gathered here aren’t just students. Behold, so many stars remain here that you have yet to surpass.”

Having said that, the Duke used his magic to teleport behind Lucy.

“First and foremost, let’s speak of First Queen. A gentlewoman warrior known as one of the strongest in Soladin’s history, who brought peace to the kingdom. It’s famous how the Capital’s Knight Order mourned for months when she was chosen as queen.”

Upon mentioning the First Queen, she glanced at the Duke and smiled.

“Months is quite an exaggeration. It was but a month.”

“Only in your presence. In other settings, complaints would continue.”

“Oh my, is that true?”

“It’s not just me. First Queen, the Vice Commander still toasts your prowess at drinking parties.”

“Really? I had no idea.”

Following the Knight’s words, the Duke continued.

“And the Second Queen! For a time, her prowess was feared by many Academy students.”

“Duke, you’re complimenting me, right?”

“Haha! I know well the reassurance of the Bedfur family’s banner! How could it not be a compliment!”

“So true.”

The laughter from the Second Queen eased the atmosphere within the party hall gradually.

“The pride of Soladin’s swordsmanship is Count Kent. The only one capable of holding his own against your late father in his prime.”

“That was more about holding on than holding your ground, if you ask me.”

“Haha! What modesty! Ah! We cannot forget Duke Ruhten! When that guy smashed the boulders hurled by giants with a hammer, I was utterly shocked!”

“When are you talking about?”

“Referring to when you got hit by the broken stone and tumbled down the castle wall!”

“How many times must I tell you not to bring that up?!”

The Duke of Partran summoned tales of accomplishments for each individual present, memories of battles they had faced.

Those were awe-inspiring achievements, stories that brought laughter from all ages and excited the imaginations of the crowd.

Before long, when all the tales had ended, the Duke looked into Lucy Alrn’s eyes and said,

“Lady Alrn, your talent is as stunning as your father’s. In time, you will surely be hailed as the best on the continent. But, for now, you are still young and inexperienced.”

“Can’t you just say that directly? I dislike unnecessary roundabout conversations, Clumsy Duke.”

“Practice humility, future of Soladin. Don’t let your talents breed envy; let them inspire admiration, just as your father did.”

Lucy, who was quietly observing the Duke, said nothing as she left the stage.

It was a blatant disregard for decorum, but the Duke just chuckled and let it slide, so no one spoke up against it.

“First Queen, would you do the honors of delivering a toast on behalf of the often clumsy future of Soladin?”

“I suppose I have no choice. Now, everyone, please raise your glasses. To the future of Soladin!”

““To the future of Soladin!””

The hall, which had nearly filled with criticisms and anger, was now buzzing with the pride of the nobles.

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