Switch Mode

Chapter 346

Chapter: 346

Arthur, who had been frozen in place, finally snapped back to reality when something heavy and rock-like was placed on his shoulder.

He turned his head slowly, unable to believe that the thick touch belonged to a human being, only to find himself face to face with Benedict, whose serious eyes looked like they belonged to someone a few heads taller.

“Greetings, Third Prince. What brings you here?”

“Uh, I… I came to express my gratitude for the precious gift I received from Lady Alrn of the Alrn family.”

“Your eyes don’t quite reflect that sentiment.”

“Daaad! Don’t you remember what I said the other day?!”

“That’s not it! Lucy! It’s not what you think!”

“Oh, really? Does my dad see me as blind?!”

Despite kneeling, she still had to look up at her father, who was now slumped and offering lame excuses in front of his little daughter. Arthur couldn’t help but chuckle at how foolish his previous thoughts seemed in comparison.

She was so lovely that it was hard to believe it was Lucy Alrn.

“Has dad turned into a floundering goldfish? Why are you forgetting what happened less than a day ago?”

“…I’m sorry.”

“I think I’ve heard that sorry before… am I losing my mind? Did being your daughter turn me into a fool too?”

She was right. No one else could treat Benedict like that.

After a while, as Lucy’s eyes began to shimmer with tears, she sighed and reached out to pat Benedict’s head, urging him to do better next time.

Sobbing and smiling, Benedict surreptitiously glanced at her, cautiously speaking up.

“Thank you, Lucy. Um, I just have one question.”

“What is it? Go ahead.”

“Are you really going up there in that attire? Isn’t it a bit too eye-catching?”

“Is Dad really that dense? If not, why would I bring that pervy Apostle along?”

“…Pervy Apostle?”

“Nice to see you, Sir Benedict.”

Having wiped the blood from his face, Frete smiled brightly, and Benedict’s face twisted again into a scowl.

The difference this time compared to when Arthur was there was that Lucy didn’t step in to stop Benedict.

“You’re the Apostle of the Art Guild, aren’t you?”


“I think we need to have a serious talk.”

“Is it true that conversations within the Alrn family involve raised fists?”

“The discussion between a father and his daughter goes like this.”

“Very well. I understand. Just let me live so I can get a chance to explain when it’s all over.”


“I thought I’d never step foot in this disgusting place again.”

“…Second Queen, there are many people around.”

“I know. That’s why I’m speaking quietly on purpose.”

Upon entering the end-of-term party, Senar Soladin smiled and greeted her allies from a distance while simultaneously muttering harsh words.

“Damn. What a hassle because of that crazy chick.”

Her feelings toward the First Queen, Kabadi Soladin, were far from warm, despite the gentle look in her eyes.

From childhood to now, Kabadi had been a stumbling block in her way; how could anyone like her?

“Just hold on for a bit. It’s just one evening, right?”

“I know. I just can’t help but grumble about it.”

After all, it had been years since she had planned to make her son king by becoming the kingdom’s second queen.

Senar wasn’t an idiot who couldn’t differentiate between work and play, having attended enough social events to be fed up with them.

The only thing that bothered her was being back at the academy. But it wasn’t all bad.

“At least Cecil has finally started acting like a decent human.”

For once, her son, who had never done anything as she wished before, was finally acting like a prince.

After losing to Lucy Alrn last time, perhaps he was realizing something, as he now portrayed a more mature self than ever.

Even the esteemed old nobles who had looked down on Cecil were starting to see him in a different light.

“Thanks to that, I’ve been able to do what I needed to do instead of just pandering to those old men.”

As she shifted her gaze from Cecil and his crowd, Senar slowly scanned the hall.

“I’ll subtly sway the people around Lucy Alrn while she’s not here.”

Her first glance landed on the young lady from the Partran family, who wore a formal smile amidst a sea of other noble ladies.

With the colossal backing of the Partran family, anyone with even a little bit of status would feel intimidated by her sharp features.

She embodied the rituals of nobility, with magical talent that showcased the strength of the Partran bloodline.

As soon as she entered, she became a central figure among the noble ladies.

Considering the throng surrounding her, it was clear that her name held even more power now than before.

Her achievements at the Soul Academy, along with her sculpted looks developed during her school years, made it possible for her to command such attention.

Waiting for an opportunity to approach would be wise; if she jumped in too soon, everything would be exposed.

By the way, that girl’s outfit is stunning.

Where on earth did she find something like that?

Even the artisans I know wouldn’t be able to make something so exquisite.

I should ask her about it later.

Senar’s next target was the saint of the Church of the Lord.

Having dedicated herself to doing good in the world for ages according to the will of the gods, the saint was now surrounded by admirers despite not being there to seek them out.

What they all expressed was nothing but gratitude.

Gratitude for saving a territory in the past.

Gratitude for saving someone’s life.

Gratitude for avenging an innocent life taken too soon.

The endless chorus of thanks reminded one of someone observing that while the Church of the Lord might be doubted, no one could deny the saint’s personal kindness.

I can’t approach her just yet; she’s a landmine compared to those old men surrounding Cecil.

…Oh? She seems to be dressed a bit more extravagantly than usual today.

That looks a lot like something Lady Partran would wear. Is it a gift from a friend or something?

It’s truly beautiful.

Who could possibly have made that? My curiosity keeps growing.

I’ll put this curiosity on hold for now.

What’s the lay of the land looking like?

Looks like Kenta’s daughter is chilling over there. Born into a famous swordsmanship family, she’s impressive enough to crush her contemporaries with her skills.

It was believed she would one day bring glory to the kingdom, though now she’s been overshadowed by Lucy Alrn; nevertheless, she still possessed overwhelming swordsmanship prowess.

And she was way more beast-like than noble in how she carried herself.

Watching Kenta’s daughter stuff her face with food from the corner, Senar subtly turned her gaze away.

Recalling the former times, it was clear approaching her would just lead to frustration.

That leaves only Arthur.

Where could he be? The party’s about to start, and he’s nowhere to be seen.

With his recent surge in accomplishments, more and more are eyeing him.

While wondering if she should chat with the other nobles, the lights in the hall went out.

Here we go!

Finally, let’s see Lucy Alrn’s entrance.

Shall I take a look at that face that the Apostle of the Art Guild praised for its beauty?

Full of rebellious intentions to nitpick any wrong move she might make, Senar surveyed the stage, but as soon as the spotlight fell on a person glowing softly in the darkness, all of her thoughts scattered away.

Until now, she had marveled at the beauty of countless women as the kingdom’s second queen, always merely describing them as beautiful.

In her past, she might have praised herself for being efficient for thinking like that, but not now.

Right at this moment, all the words seemed to escape her as she looked inward with contempt for her previous laziness.

How could she possibly describe the scene before her?

How does one convey a sight that leaves one’s mind blank just by taking it in?

How can she express the radiance that sparkles even in the darkness?

Does she need to elaborate in lengthy prose?

How can she crudely describe just how stunning everything, from top to bottom, is?

Or should she employ metaphors like a poet?


Brighter than stars?

Like a warm sun descended upon the dark hall?

Like an angel sent by the gods to this earth?

I don’t know.

That thing, which cast a stillness over the hall just by its appearance.

Even the sound of its small feet moving kept her ears on alert.

Its every gesture captured her full attention.

Every glance it threw made her heart race.

Even its annoying smirk felt strangely charming.

What on earth am I supposed to say?

Ah, I get it now.

I was under a delusion.

The word beautiful didn’t encompass all my admiration.

That was just my limit, forcing everything I ever saw into the realm of beauty.

And in this moment, I find myself in front of a presence that is beyond the grasp of beauty altogether, realizing just how futile the word “beautiful” truly is.

I start to resent myself.

There’s a beauty here that cannot be held by mere words.

A beauty that deserves to be described with something much broader and richer.

Yet here I am, restricted to repeating how beautiful it is.


As the angel, hidden in wings, stood at the center of the platform, the time in the party hall seemed to stop.

The silence created when that angel revealed herself was so steady that it felt like it would last until she hid herself away again.

“Phew. Hello, you pitiful folks. Isn’t it super gross to be checking me out with those pervy eyes? Staring at someone this beautiful after only looking in the mirror must feel like a dream for you, right? Oops, what am I to do? I might start fearing the mirror from now on~”


“…What on earth is that?”

“…Am I hearing things?”

And the silence that had been so solid was shattered by the very girl who had created it.

Amid this confusion of beauty that defied description and utterly uncouth words unbefitting of nobility, countless people found themselves bewildered.

At the center of this chaos stood Lucy Alrn, chuckling as she gazed down at the hall.

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not work with dark mode