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Chapter 345

Chapter: 345

As Reine watched the headmaster sweating bullets, she felt a twinge of guilt.

Despite being the First Prince and a strong contender for the throne, it wasn’t exactly thrilling to make things difficult for someone he’d owed so much to during his time as a student at the Soul Academy.

However, Reine couldn’t just solve the current predicament.

After all, it was his mother who created this situation.

Earlier that morning, just before the end-of-term party, Reine was surprised by a sudden visit from Queen Kabadi.

He had expected the party to kick off in the evening, thinking they would only set off in the afternoon at the earliest.

“Your Majesty, I believe the escort hasn’t been prepared yet.”

“Yes, that’s true. But it’s no problem. We’re planning to move separately.”

“…Excuse me?”

Instead of answering Reine’s question, Kabadi clapped her hands.

At that moment, the door swung open, and members of the Information Department strolled in with disguises in hand.

“We wouldn’t want to disturb those enjoying the festivities by moving around openly. We should move stealthily.”

With not a shred of doubt in her reasoning, Reine asked the very sensible question, like how the headmaster was feeling at that moment.

“Um, Your Majesty, it’s somewhat risky for someone who is essentially the face of the kingdom to roam around without an escort.”

“Headmaster, why worry? With Reine and I together, how many people could possibly harm us?”

Kabadi’s assertion, providing she wasn’t talking about the Duke Bennett going completely off the rails, left both the headmaster and Reine utterly speechless.

How many folks could stand against the kingdom’s First Queen, the one who was previously one of the top assets of the capital’s knights?

“Will I even need to exert my strength? I trust in the capabilities of Soul Academy.”

With a subtle implication of “Are you implying you can’t prevent an incident?”, the headmaster could only respond, “Please enjoy yourselves.”

As one of the high nobles and an exceptional scholar who became the headmaster, he was still in a subordinate position in front of one of the most powerful figures in the kingdom.

“I was a student here many decades ago, and it still looks the same.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. That building over there. That statue too. And the scholars’ prison over there.”

While Kabadi added that it should be a good place, she spotted a young girl passing by in the square and watched her with keen interest.

Bright red hair fluttered with every step.

Eyes full of mischief.

White skin that seemed to glow even under the sun.

Femininity radiating from her petite form.

That girl was so stunning that she could capture everyone’s attention wherever she went, but Kabadi was interested in more than just the girl’s looks.

It was what lay inside.

She possessed an extraordinary and powerful divinity, with a body honed to an unbelievable degree for a student of the academy.

“That girl must be Lady Alrn, right?”

“…Uh? Ah, yes. That should be the case.”

Reine’s answer was lacking in confidence.

Having crossed paths with Lucy Alrn during the Partran Festival, the differences between her then and now felt strikingly similar yet entirely different.

What could have happened in the months since the festival?

He had heard she had changed, but to this extent?

How on earth did a mere doll turn into something so lively?

…It seems there’s a strong reason why the Apostle of the Art Guild praised her and even made songs about her.

“She’s even more amazing in person. I can hardly believe she was the same girl who insulted me back then.”

“That must be part of the bloodline of House Alrn.”

“Considering she’s a first-year at the academy, she’s really impressive for her age.”

As Kabadi formed a crescent moon with her eyes, she watched Lucy Alrn until the girl disappeared from view before leading her lighter steps toward the training area.

The dungeon training area was still packed with people.

From those trying the hardest to mingle and create connections to those who rarely stepped outside their own realm.

As Reine admired the grandeur of the dungeon, nodding along, Kabadi wore a smile that only grew wider.

After a while, as they entered the dungeon, Reine and Kabadi strolled leisurely through it.

What did people find entertaining here?

And what did they enjoy?

Their conversation, between Reine, who was deemed perfect for the throne, and Kabadi, who had explored countless dungeons from her pre-queen days, was elevated enough to bring tears of joy to Lucy should she hear it.

Stopping at the hall that led to the 0th floor, their conversation came to an abrupt halt when they arrived at the fourth chamber, and Reine found his head rolling from Kabadi’s playful attack, rubbing the cut portion of his scalp as he stood up.

“A magic seal, huh? A soundproof type.”

Was this a trick the queen had set up, or was it inherent to the dungeon itself?


“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“What do you think about the engagement with Lady Alrn?”

“…Are you being serious right now?”

Reine couldn’t dare to dismiss the statement as a joke.

Setting aside her personality, Lucy Alrn was practically flawless.

The issue was her personality being way too problematic.

As Reine contemplated how to deal with a stubborn queen, Kabadi chuckled.

“You look genuinely annoyed. I was just kidding. Lady Alrn has way too many issues to be a queen.”

“Well then.”

“But she is indeed a talent worth keeping an eye on.”


“At the same time, she’s a target to watch closely.”

With that, Kabadi lifted Reine upright again, gently easing off her magic while she spoke,

“I have more tasks on my plate now. Lots to look into, and preparations to make, so many things to think about.”

“Is there anything I can help with?”

“No. Just keep living as you have been. This is something I need to tackle myself.”

With that, Kabadi concluded the conversation and withdrew her magic, proceeding down the corridor alone.

Her pace was slightly slower than when she had come into the dungeon.


– Ding.

“Lady Alrn, did I make some kind of mistake?”

Startled by the sudden notification, I jolted, causing the perverted Apostle, who was fiddling around my head, to cautiously ask me.

‘Oh no, it’s fine.’

“It’s just your disgusting hand movements gave me chills. Don’t worry about it. It’s not like you haven’t had me feeling sick before.”

“Haha, well, I’ll be careful.”

After confirming the Apostle continued his hand movements, I swiveled my head towards the message.

The panel had been silent even after the penalty expired; why was it popping up now?

With no response for so long, I thought maybe something would come after the break.

Wait. Thinking back, didn’t that pathetic god only throw out a quest when something urgent was about to happen?

With Adria and Phoebe, things were similar.

So, did something happen again?!

[A new quest has been issued.]

[So what? I’m cute, right?]

[Show the world how noble you really are!]

[Reward: A clue about the hero’s spirit.]

Reading through the quest details, I noticed my reflection in the mirror went cold as I sighed.

So it was just to make me boast about our Apostle being this adorable and lovely!

Please, have some godly dignity, would you?

The deity should at least look worthy for the Apostle’s sake.

The way things stand, the pervert behind me shows no doubt at all about the god they represent.


Because the perverted Crow knows how to present themselves credibly to those who believe in them!

What if the deity ends up being less than the people under them?!

And what’s with the quest conditions being so vague?

“Show how noble you are”? What on earth does that even mean?

I could just flub this and you might decide I failed right off the bat…

Uh? Why don’t I see any penalties for failure?

Something seems off, huh?

It doesn’t appear anywhere in the quest window or log!

What’s this? It’s strange for a pathetic god to act like this!

Whether it’s a serious matter or a silly one, they would always include a penalty.

That god’s gestures are too impossible for me to ignore.

Along with an absurd vision, could they just be playing dumb with me?

Ugh. I don’t know.

Fine then! Who knows? Something will work out, right? Let’s see what the reward is first.

If it’s about a hero’s spirit, isn’t that a new feature?

I surely received it as a reward but never even checked out what it does.

I tried verifying it through any means possible, but I just gave up after not knowing anything, thinking I’d find out eventually.

And now I’m getting a clue about it?

Maybe I should be grateful for getting a reward so soon.

I’d have said “Thanks” if I were a devout believer, but I’m not Phoebe!


Snapped from my reverie by the overly animated Apostle, I gave a slight nod to show I was listening.

“I would like to convey a final blessing from the goddess, if you would allow it?”

Most blessings from the Crow Goddess are linked to charm stats, right? If that’s the case, why not, especially since it’s a good situation for me right now.

‘Sure, go ahead.’

“Go ahead. I don’t know if that Crow can actually make me even prettier than I already am!”

Wow. While I still treat the pathetic god respectfully, I’m not giving the Crow any of that goddess treatment, huh?!

Unintentionally belittling the god right in front of the perverse Apostle, I sneaked a glance at their expression in the mirror.

They looked completely stunned. You too found this hard to process, huh?

“…Well then, I’ll commence immediately.”

Was that too sacrilegious for him to hear?

Is that alright?

Isn’t your goddess supposed to be angry?

That pathetic Crow must be feeling all kinds of way, huh?

What if the blessing came with some sort of weird punishment disguised as a blessing?

Feeling increasingly anxious about getting a blessing from a petty Crow, I held back any comments as the Apostle began his prayer.

Hoo boy, this should be fine. Probably.

No matter how nasty they are, surely they wouldn’t do something unholy to their apostle?!

“Oh goddess!”

Focused on the Apostle, a divinity spread out around them.

It wasn’t the kind of solar warmth from me or Phoebe, but rather a refreshing breeze of spring that tickled my skin like fingers.

It could be because I’ve gotten used to dealing with divinity, but I quickly sensed what it was trying to convey.

I’ll get the path cleared for it to come in?

No funny business, alright.

Messing around, and I swear I’ll roast you alive.

As I cleared a path for the divinity flowing through me, the Crow Goddess’s grace moved in.

I closed my eyes, feeling that refreshing sensation spread through me.

– Thank you for the name Crow! I’ll remember it in my heart! You’re such a cute girl!

Before long, I heard a voice resounding in my mind at that moment when the divinity etched itself into me.

This is…

Could it be…

There’s no mistaking that bright, bouncing, and unmistakably cheerful voice!

Surely, the only person I know who’s such a god is…


Forget the “model yourself after me,” I take that back.

Just stay right where you are.

You’re way better than that perverted Crow.

Right? I’m sure you’re the better choice!

Oh yes, much better.

Yup, definitely better.


Hearing a splashing sound, I opened my eyes to see the euphoric perverse Apostle grinning at me.


We’ve met more than enough times for such reactions to be expected, right? Wouldn’t you develop some tolerance by now? Nothing about me looks different.

In the mirror, I looked just as I usually do.

“Grandpa! Did anything change?”

But I couldn’t see anything since that old man didn’t respond.

Why is this guy ignoring my words again?

This situation feels like it’s making it impossible to get an objective evaluation from anyone!

Knock, knock.

“Lucy Alrn, may I come in? I have something to discuss before the party begins.”

Oh. Arthur. Perfect timing.

I really need someone to evaluate my current state!

‘Come on in!’

“Feel free to step in, but be prepared! Poor Prince Clumsy will find it hard to hold himself steady.”

“What nonsense are you spewing…?”

Arthur froze mid-sentence as I opened the door to find him frozen like a statue.

Guess he won’t be evaluating me today.

Why are all the guys around here such sad sacks?

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not work with dark mode