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Chapter 343

Chapter: 343

Dressed up like a typical noble, Alsetin hurriedly navigated the crowd, making his way toward the Soul Academy.

He had crucial information to relay to his most important client, Lucy Alrn. Why on earth is the First Queen of the Soladin Kingdom attending the academy’s end-of-term party?!

With the king’s health in decline, she was practically drowning in work, so how could she find time to visit here?

To someone like Alsetin, who thrived on organizing and compiling information, this was completely unexpected.

When Rene Soladin was attending the academy, the First Queen never bothered to attend the end-of-term parties due to her duties. How could anyone predict she would show up on the pretext of her sons, who she ordinarily neglected?

Consequently, a stir ensued among those under Alsetin’s guidance, considering the potential fallout from such an important change in schedule.

And nobody could predict the disaster that might occur when their key client, Lucy Alrn, met the First Queen.

“Hey, apprentice. Our employer is the kind of person who would call the king an old, sick pig. Do you really think she won’t insult the First Queen?”

“…Looks like we’re in for another uproar.”

“I’m quite curious how much trouble it will take for Benedict to lose his disguise. I can’t guess how that crazy woman will react to our employer’s rudeness, so I haven’t been able to experiment yet.”

Having been ordered by his master to bring Lucy and Benedict along, Alsetin hurried his steps, wishing for no accidents before he arrived.

Following the traces left by the two members of the Alrn family, Alsetin soon found Lucy Alrn at the academy dungeon experience area.

It wasn’t hard at all. Lucy was the kind of person who stood out no matter where she was.

“Good day, Young Lady Alrn.”

As Alsetin feigned noble courtesy with a bow, Lucy squinted at him, visibly annoyed as she tore her eyes away from the crystal.

Her expression made it clear she found his presence bothersome, so Alsetin waved his hands anxiously.

It was a gesture agreed upon between him and Lucy.

Only after confirming their little arrangement did Lucy relax one of her eyebrows. However, the other eyebrow remained firmly furrowed.

“Are you blind? Can’t you tell I’m busy right now?”

“Lady, this is urgent. Just a moment of your time.”

“Wait a few minutes. It won’t take long, and I’ll praise you later.”

It rose to his lips to protest that this wasn’t the time, but Alsetin endured with remarkable patience. He could not cause a ruckus in such a conspicuous situation.

What in the world could be so captivating inside that crystal that the Young Lady couldn’t take her eyes off it?

As Alsetin pondered that thought and subtly shifted his gaze, he spotted Benedict blurring down the long hallway in under a second.

Was Sir Benedict conquering the dungeon?

Having tried to conquer the dungeon designed by Lucy on his master’s suggestion, Alsetin had a good sense of where Benedict was.

Right before the floor leading to the zero level.

If he’s moving at that speed, he’ll be there soon.



Just as the door opened, revealing a crumpled figure, Benedict’s fist drove into the guy’s face.

The hopelessly fast punch—an impact so unbelievable even a seasoned warrior couldn’t react—sent the defeated body crashing against the wall, then collapsing to the ground.

“Sorry! I was in a bit of a rush!”

Benedict apologized to the guy who was too busy spitting blood to respond, and he swung his arm again.

And once more, a shocking sound echoed from beyond the crystal.

With the way the defeated one was not even getting a chance to retaliate against such overwhelming strength, Alsetin was left speechless.

He’d heard countless stories of Sir Benedict’s extraordinary strength.

As a paragon of both admiration and fear among those who had fought alongside him.

But seeing that prowess firsthand made him realize just how misguided his imagination had been.

According to his master, this guy was in a considerably weakened state as well. Just how powerful was he at his peak?

…Could that rumor about him splitting a dragon’s head be true?

“Damn! Die!!!”

Less than a minute after Benedict confronted the defeated one, the guy unleashed his red aura, scattering it around.

That was his last struggle.

The final strike against those aiming to break records.

Before the magic filled with the intent to kill, Benedict leisurely relaxed his shoulders and charged energy into his fist.

“Good job, man. Why don’t you take a breather?”

And that was that.

Benedict’s fist crushed the red aura, and soon after, a door leading outside appeared.

It took only 2 minutes and 32 seconds from entering the dungeon to defeating the boss.

An overwhelming number that significantly shortened Lucy Alrn’s record, which had previously been unchallenged.

To think he achieved that without even drawing his weapon; when he does pick up the great sword he had in Menestel, I can only imagine how much stronger he’ll be.

“…Wait, no. That’s not possible.”

Huh? What’s Lucy rambling about? Not possible, huh?

“That stinking loser’s way too tough for no good reason. Tsk. Shouldn’t rotting meat be easier to tear apart?”

Upon hearing that remark, Alsetin realized what Lucy’s mumble actually meant.

Was she looking for a way to break the record set by Sir Benedict?

That impossible record that seemed unachievable?

Alsetin was taken aback to realize that her mumbling was no mere whim.

She had a definite plan in mind, continuing to contemplate ways to surpass Benedict’s record.

She was attempting to leap over an insurmountable physical gap using her own capabilities.

Ha! Like father, like daughter, huh?

It’s no wonder rumors spread that only monsters are born from the Alrn bloodline.

Just as Alsetin was left pondering this alarming thought, a tremendous thumping noise approached rapidly from afar.

No need to guess who the owner of that sound was.

There could only be one person in the world with such a boisterous and imposing voice.

“Lu-cyyy!!! Did you see your daddy in action?! Daddy’s seriously awesome, right?!”



“Having a blast and bragging in front of your daughter is the most pathetic thing ever♡ It’s embarrassing to have someone like you as a ‘dad’♡”

“That…that’s not true!”

“Don’t come any closer♡ It’s gross♡”


Just moments ago, the man who had exhibited overwhelming strength was now begging his daughter for forgiveness, leaving Alsetin once again speechless.

Though I shouldn’t say this, can we blame Young Lady Alrn’s quirkiness to Sir Benedict’s influence?

“…Uh? Who’s that over there?”

After what seemed like ages waiting for Lucy to accept his apology, Benedict’s gaze naturally turned to Alsetin standing nearby.

The warm, affectionate look he had been giving his daughter was now replaced with a cold and intimidating atmosphere.

Despite having met all sorts of characters in his line of work, the pressure emanating from Benedict took Alsetin aback in fear.

“By the looks, you’re not a student at the academy.”

“Just one of my loyal dogs.”


Before Lucy could utter anything else, a surge of magic flared around Benedict.

In a suffocating atmosphere where it felt like he’d suffocate and die, Alsetin barely managed to squeeze out a few words.

“Count Alrn. There seems to be a misunderstanding.”

“Misunderstanding, huh? That’s a fun word.”

A giant hand that could easily rip off an adult male’s head brushed against Alsetin’s ear and settled on his shoulder.

“Care to explain yourself?”


The sensation of death that had once washed over him when he met his master came flooding back.

He found it hard to breathe, cold sweat streaming down his face, his mind going blank.

Damn it. I can’t steady myself…


Fortunately, before Alsetin completely crumbled, Lucy raised her voice.

“What’s going on here?♡ You seriously think THAT loser is worthy of me?♡ Really?♡”

“Uh, no. Lucy, it’s not like that.”

“You think it’s fine to treat my puppy like that? How dare you place someone as noble and pretty as me on the same level as this trash!♡”

“I’m just worried about you.”

“Super disappointed!♡ I’m leaving!♡ A mean daddy shouldn’t follow me!♡”

“Lu-cyyyy!!! I messed up!”

Is the man who was just threatening me a moment ago now on his knees, pleading for forgiveness before his daughter?

Alsetin watched the rapid shift in scenes, completely dumbfounded, as eyes from all around focused on him, prompting him to rush over and interject himself between Lucy and Benedict.

Fortunately, the signal from his master held true even for Benedict.


After separating from Alsetin and heading to the designated meeting place, Karia welcomed us.

“Hey there. Long time no see… Wait, our employer! What’s with him?”

‘Don’t ask.’

“How should I know? Your idiot dad’s making a fool of himself.”


Hearing the huge figure, whose size was at least three times mine, sniffle, I couldn’t help but sigh.

The fact that he jumped the gun right away upon seeing Alsetin gave me the impression that it would only get worse later.

Who would have thought those repercussions would last this long?

[Don’t forget that the pride you have in your dungeon was insulted, and that’s what ticked you off.]

Hearing my grandpa’s voice in my head, I stood in front of Benedict, who was constantly checking for my reaction.

If I left things as is, nothing would get done.


“Idiot dad.”


…This idiot pretended not to hear me.

Is he sulking?

Aaargh! Seriously! Fine!

Just call him as he wants!



“Daddy’s a big idiot, so I’ll forgive you this time because I’m a nice girl♡”

“Whoa, Lucy. I really appreciate it.”

“But♡ if you pull another stunt like this, I’ll just leave, so keep that in mind♡”

“I understand! This daddy will do everything possible not to let Lucy down!”

Seeing Benedict beam with joy after being forgiven made it hard for me to say anything, knowing that saying one wrong thing would likely trigger a repeat of what just happened. So, I silently took my seat.

Looking on at this scene, Karia gazed at Benedict with a look that suggested he found him pathetic before shaking her head silently.

“Ugh. We’re out of time, so I’ll get straight to the point. The two of you were called here regarding the attendees at today’s end-of-term party. I’ve organized it here, so take a look.”

Who’s coming that prompts Karia to act like this?

Are a bunch of dukes attending to make her shake like this?

Nah, that’s nothing I can’t handle right now.

It’ll hurt a bit, but it won’t be a major issue.

Is it people coming from the church because of Phoebe?

That shouldn’t be a problem either given my current ability to conceal my holiness.

…Wait, is the Second Queen coming?

Is that old hag coming to recruit me?!

That would be… rather troublesome.

Just thinking about what would happen if I slipped “old hag” in front of her…

Lost in my thoughts, I flipped to the top of the paper and froze upon seeing the name written there.

“Kabati Soladin”

Isn’t that the medieval Trump card who’s supposed to be holed up in the royal palace?!


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