Switch Mode

Chapter 339

Chapter: 339

The last time I got an accessory from that perverted apostle, I also received a crystal that would allow me to contact him.

He said to reach out whenever I needed help because I owed him a favor, but I let that slide right out of my ear.

I mean, just dealing with one clumsy fox next to me is already driving me nuts, and he expects me to keep a perverted apostle around as well?

With that in mind, I almost threw the crystal into the trash but ended up carelessly tossing it into my inventory instead.

Putting aside the apostle’s questionable character, his abilities could be useful. I figured I might need to ask for his help someday.

Looking back, that judgment was spot on.

Before even a month had passed, I found myself needing to call him.

Maxing out my charm to dazzle everyone before they realize what’s happening and finishing my speech before anyone could snap out of it.

To pull this ridiculous plan, which started with the nonsense of the clumsy fox, into reality, the abilities of the perverted apostle would be essential.

Think about it. Just showing up and stunning everyone is no easy feat.

Unless everyone in the world was trash like the clumsy fox or the perverted apostle, I needed to raise my charm to the max to wipe the minds of normal people.

And the one person I could call an expert at elevating that charm is none other than the perverted apostle.

Regardless of his dubious personal life, he was chosen by the apostles of beauty and art, showing off fantastic aesthetic sense.

If I could enlist his help, not only would I get a stellar coordination, but I’d also likely receive the blessings of the perverted crow goddess.

Moreover, I had some other requests besides my styling.

“Lady Alrn! You look absolutely stunning today! Even the goddess says…”

As soon as I sent a message through the crystal, the perverted apostle appeared with a wide grin on his face, and I felt a wave of bad words rising up.

What on earth was he doing to respond to my message in a split second?

Is he seriously waiting for my contact all the time or something?

“Seeing your piercing gaze is making my heart race! Could you look at me with even sharper eyes?!”

…Should I just say I got the wrong contact and hang up?

[Calm down, girl! Just hold on a little long!]

But that little bit feels like it’s going to crush my molars.

…Damn it. If only he wasn’t an exceptional person with no alternatives!

I clenched my fists, trying to hold back various curse words, while the perverted apostle gave an awkward smile.

“Ah! I’m sorry! I got carried away! So, what did you need?”

‘Well, you see…’

“Listen well, you disgusting perverted apostle. I’m giving you the right to style me.”

“…Could you explain that in more detail?”

I concealed the full story and mentioned that I had to give a speech at the academy’s end-of-year party and wanted to look my best there. Upon hearing that, the apostle’s face lit up with pure joy.

“Thank you so much! I’ll come to see you tomorrow!”


No, wait. There’s still quite a bit of time before the end-of-year party, and he wants to come tomorrow?

That’s totally unnecessary.

I’d prefer he come a day or two before, so I’m not loaded down with pressure from the start.

“Apostle! What on earth are you talking about?!”

While I was stunned by the apostle’s excitement, a shrill voice came from behind the crystal.

“Do you have any idea how much work piled up while you were gone?!”

“Kesi Priest. This is more important than my life.”

“Please! For the love of all that’s holy! You need to realize you’re the only apostle of the Art Guild! You can’t just lounge around!”

“Uh, Kesi?”

“Weren’t you just saying how important this was a week ago while holed up making accessories?! What’s the excuse this time?”

“Kesi. Kesi. Hold on a second.”

“What do you mean ‘hold on’? I’ve spent nights awake all because of you!”

“Calm down and take a look at this crystal.”

“Hah. It better not be a trivial matter.”

As I faced the rage-twisted face of the woman, a wave of fear washed over me.

I’m sincerely sorry. I didn’t intend to cause trouble. That pervert just clung to me like a leech. If you’re going to be angry, take it out on him.

“…Apostle. Who is this person?”

As I mentally piled on my apologetic thoughts, the woman’s expression suddenly changed.

Where did her earlier fury go? Now, her face was filled with pure admiration, reminding me of the perverted apostle from a moment ago.

“Lady Alrn of the Alrn family! I’ve mentioned her several times, right?”

“I recall that, but wow… I didn’t expect it to be to this degree.”

“Uh, t-thank you?”

“Fufufu. Be thankful to me. I’ve purged your eyes of the things you’d have to see in the mirror every day.”

“How can your voice be this beautiful, too?!”

I regret thinking this woman was normal just a moment ago.

Anyone beneath the perverted crow wouldn’t be sane; I momentarily fooled myself.

I sighed dramatically, hoping they’d hear me.

“I’ll thank you later. My request for coordination goes to this lady.”

“…Apostle, I just had a brilliant idea! I’ll handle it!”

“No matter how skilled Kesi Priest is, I can’t allow it. This task is ordained by the goddess.”

“Oh! If the goddess saw my masterpiece, she might change her mind!”

The noise coming from the crystal became so raucous it felt like it echoed through the Art Guild’s chapel.

“What in the world is going on this time… Ahh! No way!”

“Please, just shut up!… Apostle! Just give me a chance!”

People from the guild came inquiring what was happening, facing me and, with chaotic integration, joining the fight several times.

“I guess there’s no choice now! According to guild rules, let’s settle this with a challenge!”

“Don’t think just because you’re an apostle that you’ll win forever!”

“While you’ve been loafing around, I’ll show you how far we’ve grown!”

While watching these folks ignore my input in amazement, I turned off the crystal and tossed it into the trash.

‘I’m definitely not joining the Art Guild.’

[…Oh. That seems right.]


“Everyone has grown, but even so, none can defeat me, the apostle chosen by the goddess.”

Looking at the apostle’s prideful face made a storm of words bubble inside me, but I kept my mouth shut.

Whatever I said, that perverted jerk would rejoice, so why even open my mouth?

“You mentioned you’d already settled on a dress? Would you show it to me?”


“Now, take a good look with your disgusting eyes.”

As I placed the dress Joy had picked up on the table, the apostle raised an eyebrow just slightly.

“Design looks good. It needs adjustments to fit the lady’s body, but it should work as is.”

“You said you’d wear my accessories, so we can figure out the makeup to go with that.”

“Borrowing the goddess’s power, I might be able to give a few blessings. Your holiness is tremendous, after all.”

“Aah! This isn’t going to work! Just visualizing it in my head isn’t enough! Please, let me try it on! If I see how the lady looks, I believe inspiration will strike!”

Examining the apostle’s earnest gaze made me realize I should be in a position of requesting, yet here I was.

I hadn’t even explicitly offered any compensation yet, but seeing him so desperate brought a fun idea to my head.

In this atmosphere, wouldn’t it be fair to charge him for allowing me to get styled?

“Um, apostle…”

“Perverted apostle. We haven’t discussed the essential details yet.”

“Essential details?”

‘Well, that is…’

“Letting you dress me up with your pathetic and disgusting hands, and then observing my beautiful looks—that should require something, right? You’re not expecting to waltz in empty-handed, are you?”

“…Right. My apologies, Lady. I was rude.”

As I watched him ask what I wanted, I couldn’t help but laugh.

I knew it was coming, but when it became reality, it was dizzying.

“It’s nothing major.”

“The request is simple. I need outfits made for my friends by you.”

A couple of nights ago.

Due to everything surrounding the speech issue, I was half out of my mind and gave up on sleep, reminiscing about years past when I custom-made outfits.

I didn’t think it would be such a tough task.

It’s not like my fashion sense is top-notch or anything, but I recall how we used to argue over our characters in the arena.

Drawing from those opinions to dream up designs was easy until I hit a wall.

[…Hey, are you sure this is a human you’re drawing? ]

‘…For the time being, yes.’

The skills in my hands simply couldn’t render the image sitting vividly in my mind.

What’s good about having legendary designs in my head if I can’t sketch them out?

After pulling an all-nighter and being slammed by Grandpa for thinking of revenge on my friends, I ultimately let go of the idea of designing outfits myself.

Instead, I jotted down the characteristics of outfits best suited for Joy and Phoebe on paper.

The plan was to ask this perverted apostle for the design.

He might be a pedophile and a pervert, but his aesthetic sense is impressive.

If I handed my notes to him for design work, I’d undoubtedly get results that would satisfy both girls!

Originally, I’d intended to pay him for the favor, but—

“Oh, it’s not too difficult. If I could style you with my hands, I’d happily do that much.”

Living up to that aspect of a perverted apostle ended up working in my favor.

…Is it really a win for me?

It’s not that I haven’t lost anything, but every time I see that perverted apostle’s bright smile, I end up feeling a bit unsettled.

“Can I meet the friends whose outfits I’ll be making? I think I’d need to see them to make an accurate judgment.”

‘Of course, that’s possible…’

“Just don’t start spewing stuff that’ll make me want to barf like usual, okay? If your pervy nature seeps out just a little, I’ll gladly bash your head in.”

“Ahaha, don’t worry! I’ve spent years as an apostle of the guild; I know how to behave.”

As soon as I began to nod, I got lost in thought on whether to scold him for knowing manners and yet acting like this.

It’s pointless to get angry when I can already anticipate his response. Just ignore him. Just ignore him.

‘For now, I’ll go get my friends…’

“I’ll fetch those fools right now, so you get your ugly hands ready for action.”

“Are you planning to do the demonstration in front of my friends?”


“Yeah, the pervert’s perspective definitely lacks objectivity.”

By watching their reactions, I figured I’d get a decent grasp of whether my plans could work.

Please let the outcome be good.

Otherwise, all this time I’ve endured the nonsensical chatter from this pervert would be a complete waste.

“This is sad, lacking any credibility. Apparently, no one is more objective in terms than myself.”

While ignoring the perverted apostle rambling, I left the room, pressed my forehead, and sighed.

Ugh. I’m exhausted. Just utterly drained.

Having one perverted apostle around is rough enough; what in the world is the Art Guild like, overflowing with similar types?


No matter what happens.

No way in hell.

I’m not stepping foot in there.

Surrounded by the disciples of the perverted crow goddess, I might just mentally break down.

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not work with dark mode