Switch Mode

Chapter 331

Chapter: 331

The next morning, I had an unexpectedly deep sleep, unlike me, and didn’t wake up until the sun was fully up.

If it hadn’t been for Parna coming to wake me, I might have slept until the afternoon.

Sitting at the breakfast table, I heard the Countess zealously directing others and looked around to ask where Frey was.

I wanted to confirm whether my penalty was still in effect or if it had ended with last night.

“If it’s our sister, she probably went to the Academy first,” came the reply.

“Huh? Frey?”

“What? That foolish knight?”

I chuckled silently after hearing that she had hastily left, ignoring the Countess’s admonition about leaving her friend behind.

It must have been embarrassing for her to recall her actions from last night.

Frey has a surprisingly girlish side to her.

My assumption that it would be difficult to meet her once we returned to the Academy turned out to be correct.

Despite purposely searching for Frey, I couldn’t find her until lunchtime rolled around.

As if to fill that gap, Arthur found me right when the sun reached its peak.

He brought Frey’s message that she couldn’t meet me today.

“That guy just can’t sit still; it’s normal, but today he’s particularly over the top.”

Hearing about Frey running away before I even got to ask what nonsense he was spouting made me imagine her expression, causing me to chuckle unconsciously.

‘Is there any business to discuss…’

“Is that all you have to say? If so, please disappear so I can enjoy my meal. Seeing the poor prince’s face makes my appetite vanish.”

“It’s unfortunate for you, but there’s still business to discuss. I need to talk about what you’re going to carry out tomorrow.”

Hearing it was about something I had to do the next day, my appetite genuinely disappeared.

What does he plan to ask me to do in advance?

I have so many transgressions against Arthur that I can’t even guess!

Just the other day in the dungeon, he boldly declared he’d give me a proper lesson, and now he even set fire to it!

“If you’d like to eat first, I’m willing to wait,” Arthur continued.

‘Would a prince even be able to eat in this situation?!’

“Is the poor prince lacking in empathy? I heard something significant is happening, do you really think you might have an appetite? Ah. You must want to see me eat with a sad face? Haha, you’re really a pervert.”

“…Then I’ll take that to mean you want to chat first.”

Arthur, biting his lip to hold back his anger, led me to a private room in the Academy.

Is this a story that can’t be told to others? My anxiety was escalating.

“Don’t worry; it’s nothing bad for you.”

The moment I noticed him shrugging his shoulders while leaning back, my unease intensified.

When it’s not something bad, it’s always somethings bad.

“Let’s get to the point. I’ll give you two choices, and you must pick one. That will be your penalty.”

I knew this was coming!

Nothing bad, huh? What was he even talking about?

Arthur is genuinely malicious!

He’s going to enjoy watching me choose a penalty and then again relish seeing me carry it out, ready to say that I brought it on myself if I complain about it!

My anger must have been evident on my face because Arthur waved his hand, resetting his posture.

“Calm down. You can be mad after you see the choices I present.”

Well… that’s true.

If Arthur’s choices are both reasonable, there’s no need to get mad.

I crossed my arms, hinting that I wanted him to finish already, and Arthur forced a smile.

“Even a third prince is still a prince.”

‘Shut up! Just tell me already.’

“How long are you planning to drag this out? I’m getting tired of accommodating the poor prince’s perverted preferences.”

“Ha ha. Understood. One of my suggestions is that you become my maid for just one day tomorrow.”

‘…Excuse me?’


“You’ll dress as a maid and serve me respectfully. I won’t make you do anything beyond the duties of a maid, so it shouldn’t be too hard.”

After hearing the first choice, I returned the mace to its original size and placed it on the desk.

So Arthur could get a nice view of its gleaming tip.

“I think the poor prince might have forgotten something in his lust-filled haze; this punishment lasts for only one day, right?♡”

Forgetting that after tomorrow, the point of that mace could smash your skull and send your brain gasping for air would be a mistake.

I smiled sweetly, packed full of threats, and saw a bead of cold sweat forming on Arthur’s forehead.

“Are you overreacting?! Think about it! Even if I tell you to do maid work, how would I force you to do something you don’t want to?!”

Arthur tried to rationalize that he was only thinking of keeping up appearances, but I couldn’t accept that excuse.

I had realized the strength of the penalty after my time with Frey yesterday.

To ignore the mesugaki skill and force me to act is the penalty I have to bear! And you’re telling me to do maid work?! How do you expect me to know what kind of tasks you’re thinking up?!

“I understand! Just tell me the other option! If you don’t like the former, you can pick this one!”

As I silently toyed with the mace handle, a pale-faced Arthur hurriedly added more words.

“The second is this! Instead of carrying out a short penalty that won’t take long, I want you to teach me how to conquer dungeons!”


‘What did you just say?’

“I said I want you to teach me your method of conquering dungeons!”

Arthur, you bastard!

If that’s the case, you should’ve said so earlier!

What should I teach him first?!

Where do I start?!

I have so much to share that I’m about to explode!

Alright. At first, let’s talk about the various gimmicks that can exist in a dungeon.

“Of course, you might not want to lose your knowledge…?”

‘What nonsense is that?!’

“Poor prince? You indeed have a talent for nonsense.”

What newbie would willingly ask to be taught that, and who in their right mind would reject it?!

That’s not what the ‘rotten water’ would do!

No one can call themselves ‘rotten water’ with that much cheek!

The kind of ‘rotten water’ that asks for help would bring a thesis to thoroughly scare off the asker!

‘Forget it! Just tell me what this short penalty even is!’

“I don’t want to waste any more time, just go ahead and tell me what this short penalty is!”

If it takes a master to teach a lewd newbie, then so be it!

What are you making me do?!

Tell me!

Will it be a smack on the head?

You gonna make me kneel and apologize?

Or am I supposed to wear maid clothes and do a cutesy “moe moe kyun” for you?

“I was thinking of receiving a heartfelt apology from you, delivering a smack on the head, and then wrapping things up.”

‘That sounds like no big deal!’

“Pfft. So you’re trying to make it like that? You really are a small-hearted person, poor prince.”

I can’t accept an ask where I’m forced to perform when my mesugaki skill kicks in! But right now, it’s different!

Thanks to the penalty, I can ignore my mesugaki skill, and I can bow my head to others a hundred times if it means saving my face! That’s how society works!

“Then, shall we go with the latter?”

‘Yes! Let’s…’

“You really want to get an apology in such a pathetic manner; I can’t say no. Seriously, you have a knack for making yourself seem miserable.”

“…For someone who should be apologizing, you’re a bit too proud.”

Realizing that dragging this out any further would just annoy me, Arthur sighed and said we should go ahead and finish it quickly, waving his hands.

Arthur’s offer was something I welcomed as well.

Better to wrap it up quickly than spend the whole day worrying about whether Arthur would change his mind.

Accepting his suggestion, I stood right up and faced him.


So, I admit my defeat, apologize for my usual rudeness, and get smacked on the head afterward, right?

This should be easy-peasy!

Let’s finish this punishment and go have lunch, shall we?

Just as I was about to start my rehearsed apology, a message popped up before my eyes.

[While apologizing, you will ‘put your heart into it’.]

Putting my heart into it, huh?

Dear pathetic god? What does that mean?

I get that Arthur wants an apology in earnest, but isn’t that just a flowery way of saying it?

“What’s on your mind, Lucy Alrn? Didn’t I say it’s no big deal? Hurry up. So I can smack you.”

As Arthur raised his fist to hurry me, another message appeared.

It was about the penalty if I failed to perform.

Alright! I got it! I don’t totally get it yet, but I just need to apologize!

When I think about it, I have more than one thing to apologize for. I have way too many accumulated wrongdoings.

“Sorry for being rude to you.”

Even if he’s far from the throne, he’s definitely one of royal blood.

Though he’s overlooked various flukes, he’s not someone I could afford to treat lightly normally.

I’m totally depending on his kindness now, so it’s undoubtedly something I should apologize for.

“I’m really sorry for not being able to express my gratitude when you often help me.”

Although our first meeting was rough, Arthur had always come to my aid when I found myself in a pinch.

During the Partran Festival. When I had to deal with the Second Prince. Even recently during the speed run.

Although I knew I should express my thanks for his help, I never actually said it.

Even if it was because of my mesugaki skill, it was still something I should apologize for.

“I’m sorry for calling you pathetic all the time.”

It’s clear that Arthur isn’t pathetic, looking at how he manages both sword and magic training without falling behind in either. He’s obviously worthy of the title genius.

And instead of acknowledging his efforts, the only thing I did was call him pathetic.

That’s also worth apologizing for.

“And. Uh. I’m sorry for teasing you about being pitiful, even though I know how much you hate it.”

I know well how deep the trauma is regarding Arthur and the word ‘pitiful.’

Having witnessed his feelings from outside the monitor, how could I not understand?

Teasing him about being pitiful and digging into the injury of losing his mother and being left to his father must be hurtful.

Though he brushes it off normally, I’m sure every time I mention it, something dark piles up in his heart.

“Ugh. And. Sigh.”

As I kept thinking about my wrongdoings, my eyes started to sting.

When I reflect on all I’ve done, I feel like the worst brat ever.

Blaming it all on my mesugaki skill, I’ve become desensitized to the wounds I’m inflicting on others.

And now I feel sorry about that too.

“Ugh. Ugh.”

Damn it! So this is what it means to put your heart into it!

Once you’re submerged in your emotions, it’s impossible to pull back!

Words just wouldn’t come out properly!

As I kept wiping my eyes, the sound of the door bursting open resonated around me.

“Third Prince! I heard you took the Young Lady…!”

“Arthur! No matter how much you’re betting…!”

Joy and Phoebe, probably.

And they showed up at the worst possible moment for misunderstandings.

I need to clarify this quickly, but tears kept spilling, making it impossible to speak.

Damn it! When is this penalty going to end?!

“What in the world is happening? Third—no. Arthur?”

“No! Joy! I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s a misunderstanding!”

“What do you mean it’s a misunderstanding? Please, tell me calmly, Your Highness. I’ll pass judgment according to the will of the Gods.”

“Saintess?! No! Please calm down and let me explain!”

Bang! The sound of the door slamming shut echoed in my ears.

Before long, Arthur’s scream, filled with indignation, filled the room.

As I quietly observed the entire process, I realized something I had heard somewhere before was true.

When normally nice people get angry, it’s terrifying.

…From now on, I should be a bit more careful not to pester him.

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not work with dark mode