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Chapter 330

Chapter: 330

Frey gazed in awe at the ruckus created by metal clashing against wood.

The scene of a divine white shield getting shoved back by a wooden sword.

She had never once managed to break through Lucy’s shield, despite her desperate attempts more than ever this time.

Others were no different either.

Even the Third Prince, whom Frey regarded highly, was powerless before Lucy’s shield.

As for the Second Prince, who overwhelmingly outmatched Frey in sheer strength, he too was helpless against Lucy’s barrier.

There was no sharp difference for anyone else.

Lucy’s shield stood as an unyielding fortress to her peers, like an indomitable wall.

However, that fortress was merely impressive within the confines of the Academy.

Before Count Kent, it was nothing more than an ordinary shield.

“Looks like you’re having a hard time holding on. What happened to your initial momentum?”

“Can’t you tell?♡ I’m just toying with you♡ How can you not catch on?♡ So pathetic♡”

“Oh, is that so? Let’s pick up the pace, then.”

To rephrase that, Lucy’s shield was performing its duty not only beyond the Academy but also in front of Count Kent.

Look at him—one of the most renowned swordsmen on the continent—struggling to pierce through Lucy’s shield.

He stacked up illusions to disrupt the shield’s movement.

Striking at the areas that the shield couldn’t cover to rattle her focus.

At times, he even struck the shield itself to throw Lucy off balance, and Count Kent wasn’t merely playing with a friend; he was seriously facing off against Lucy.

Since Lucy’s shield had stepped beyond the childish realm into that of adults, his serious demeanor spoke volumes about his respect for her, separate from any personal feelings.

Frey had anticipated this outcome since bringing Lucy along.

Knowing that her father would treat Lucy with sincerity, she expected Count Kent to guide her on how to surpass Lucy’s barrier.

“Even if your lips are trembling, are you going to keep going?”

“Huh?♡ It’s just because the pathetic Count is so hopeless that I’m holding back laughter!♡ I’m totally at ease!♡”

“Understood. Let’s keep going.”

Frey’s judgment was spot on.

Count Kent showed various methods to dismantle Lucy’s defense.

Watching Lucy tumble repeatedly while she always stood regally at the Academy allowed Frey to gather important intel.

Information aimed at defeating Lucy.

She was aware that this was a cunning tactic.

Had it been the Frey of a short while ago, she would have questioned why to do something so dull, meaning she certainly understood the implications of her actions now.

Despite that, Frey felt no regret in her actions.

She didn’t divert her eyes from Lucy, who was struggling to get back on her feet.

Winning against Lucy was far more important than preserving her silly pride, as that would mean she could continually be by Lucy’s side.

“Will you still keep going?”

“Looks like you’re tired already?♡ Haha♡ This is why old men are such a drag!♡”

“Yes. Understood. Let’s continue.”

For Frey, Lucy Alrn was a miracle.

A person who brought color into her monochrome world.

The first of countless emotions.

Someone who made her aware of her own pride as a swordsman.

And someone who added vibrancy to Frey, who had always felt alone.

The world Frey saw after entering the Academy and meeting Lucy was nothing like the one she had previously gazed upon.

How could the days when she wandered aimlessly, unaware of her fears, be the same as now, where she searches for emotions she yearns for?

“…Were you holding back? That’s surprising.”

“Pfft♡ It’s just that the old, useless Count is tired!♡ If you’re worn out, you can say so! Aging isn’t a crime, right?♡”

Understanding the gap between the two worlds, Frey was aware of how chilling it was when a single new color would illuminate her previously dull scenery.

Thus, when faced with that scene again, she comprehended the fears that would awaken in her.

Frey wished for Lucy to always stay by her side.

If Lucy, the one who colored her world, vanished, it would feel as though her world would turn to ash once more.

“Do you really think that’ll work?♡ I’m not some foolish idiot like big sis Frey!♡”

“You seem clever, but you’re still lacking! You didn’t notice what was hidden behind it!”

But Lucy didn’t stay still.

Each passing day, she surged ahead of everyone else.

Without arrogance. Without lethargy. As if she was obsessed with strength, she relentlessly dashed forward.

Watching Lucy stride ahead, Frey knew she couldn’t keep holding onto her wrist.

So she chose to run alongside Lucy.

As long as she could keep up with her leaps, she could always remain at Lucy’s side.

“…So this is what greed feels like.”

At the end of her thoughts, Frey recalled a word she had once seen in the dictionary, unconsciously curling her lips into a smile.

She found yet another color.

Thanks to Lucy.

How could she return this joy to Lucy?

As she pondered deeply, Frey looked up at the warmth brushing against her skin.

At the center of that warmth was Lucy’s mace glowing like a small sun.

“Surely you can handle this, right?!♡”

“Tch! The bloodline of the Alrn family is full of monsters!”

Before long, the end of their duel was approaching.


Exhausted to the bone, I stupidly stared blankly at the clear sky above.

I had been utterly defeated.

The gap between Count Kent and myself was so vast that no matter how hard I tried to think, an overwhelming loss struck me dumb.

Even the considerable time I had held my ground against the Count was merely due to his kindness toward me.

Had he been intent on crushing me from the get-go, I would have crumpled to the ground without so much as a fight.

How long had it been since I felt this way?

To find a comparison, I’d have to recall the moment I stepped into this world and got smashed by Karl.

Ah. The more I pondered, the more it irked me.

Back when it was still a game, I would challenge Count Kent to take him down with my bare hands, and here I was unable even to approach him now.


I thought I had gotten stronger, but perhaps not.

I’m still weak.

At this rate, I might not only be unable to witness the conclusion of the Soul Academy, but I’d also need to worry about surviving till graduation.

It’s true that I managed to take down one enemy, Naklad, but there are still countless trash around who wish for destruction in this world.

As a servant of the God, and opposing the Evil God in line with His will, they would surely come to take my head.

If I’m to survive, I must significantly increase my strength beyond what I possess now.

Pfft. I’m grateful to Frey for suggesting this duel.

If I hadn’t clashed with Count Kent, I would have gradually become complacent.

And there’s one more thing I must give thanks for.

The various shortcomings I discovered while wrestling with Count Kent.

Thanks to Count Kent diligently exposing my flaws, I was able to clarify the direction I needed to pursue.

‘First, I need to boost my physical abilities.’

Though I have several shortcomings, raising my physical capabilities must take precedence.

Even if my physical ability is considered overwhelming amongst my peers, I’m not facing them but the great evils my grandfather battled.

I need to reach a level that could at least withstand Count Kent.

[Your thoughts are right, but pushing yourself any harder than now will only bring adverse effects. Careful, young lady.]

‘Don’t worry. That’s not the kind of method I’m considering.’

Even if I tried to undergo more rigorous training than what I’m currently doing, it wouldn’t lead to a rapid improvement.

The stats that can grow through training have their limits.

So how do I elevate my physical prowess?

If there’s one thing the rotten waters of the Soul Academy would do, it’s only one:


With other matters continuously cropping up, I’d neglected leveling up, so I’ll catch up over the break.

Ah, this vacation, I’m bound to spend entirely holed up in a dungeon.

Without so much as a tiny break.

Roaming through a multitude of dungeons.

I’d have to live like a recluse.


That sounds like so much fun.

While I was planning what to do over the break in my mind, Frey’s face suddenly popped into my view.

Her eyes sparkled with an unsettling gleam.

She isn’t suggesting another duel, is she?

That would be tough.

I’ve already exhausted every fiber of my being to put forth against the Count.

I’m completely spent.

No matter how sturdy my stamina might be, there’s a limit!


‘What is it now?’

“What? Big sis Frey.”

“Let’s head to the mansion. To celebrate bringing my friend, we’re throwing a party at the mansion.”

…Cancel that.


Frey! Why don’t we just train together instead?!

I’d rather keep moving and have a duel even if it meant collapsing!


Right now, I don’t think I can withstand the endless positivity of the Kent household!



Unfortunately, Frey was not in a position of power at the Kent mansion.

Dragged half-forcibly into the mansion, I found myself once again offering thanks to the household and,

Told my stomach felt empty even after hearing I was nothing but skin and bones, I was treated to an endless feast.

I ended up training alongside the raucous knights of the Kent family, including Frey and Parna, and,

Before I knew it, I was preparing to sleep in one of the mansion’s rooms.

How did it come to this?

I hadn’t planned on spending the night here.

Reclining upon the bed in a room that, for a count’s family, was surprisingly modest, I reflected on the day’s chaotic events when someone knocked on the door.

“Lucy. Is it okay if I come in?”

‘Yes, that’s fine.’

“Go ahead. Big sis Frey.”

Dressed in leather clothing fit for an adventurer, which now served as her pajamas, Frey approached me as soon as she stepped inside.

‘What brings you here?’

“Why are you here, big sis Frey? You aren’t feeling lonely at night and asking me to sleep together, are you?”

“No, not that. I just wanted to ask you one last request before today ends.”

Thinking back, the only requests Frey had made of me were to call her sister and to have a duel with the Count.

Afterward, it was all of us being swept away by the Kent mother-daughter duo, leaving no time for us to do anything together.

Alright, I’ve decided.

Thanks to you, Frey, I’ve gained so much.

I’ll try to grant anything reasonable.

‘Go ahead.’

“Tell me. I’m curious about what silly thought you’re harboring, big sis Frey.”

Upon hearing my question, Frey hesitated for a moment, then boldly leaned her head against mine.

“Pat my head.”



“I wanted you to praise me for conquering the tough dungeons. Compliment me for mastering my aura.”

What a request, I thought.

With her ears turning as red as a beacon even under the dim light of the lamp, I couldn’t help but smirk as I placed my hand atop her head.

I wasn’t worried she’d blurt something stupid.

Now, I could surely convey my feelings to her.

“You already manage your aura so well. Big sis Frey is really a genius.”

“Yeah. That’s right. I’m a genius.”

“You also charged at the dungeon boss like a total badass. I was really impressed!”

“Yeah, and?”

“I was shocked to see big sis Frey cooperating during dungeon raids. It’s like she actually listened to others!”

“…Is that a compliment?”

“Of course it is! It’s like a wild beast learned to obey!”

“…No matter how I think about it, that doesn’t sound like a compliment.”

“Pffhahaha! Got caught, huh? You’re sharper than usual today, big sis Frey.”


Listening to Frey’s grumbling voice, I laughed heartily and continued delivering everything I had left to say under the pretext of a compliment.

You know.


If you somehow foresaw this and arranged everything, then I’ll sincerely thank you with a prayer.

It truly makes me happy that I can express myself properly to a friend.

Wait a minute. When I think about it, isn’t my inability to speak properly due to the blessing from that perverted Armadri?

Ultimately, I’m merely getting back what was taken for a moment, yet am I supposed to be glad?

Wow. So this is what gaslighting is.

That devious, pathetic god truly is sneaky.

Well, still.

I’m happy, so I’ll express my thanks sincerely. Armadri.

I should do it properly, because if I don’t, you’ll likely sulk and pull some weird stunt later.

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