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Chapter 322

Chapter: 322

It was the final day of the academy’s term exams.

Vici had struggled her way to the 2nd floor of the final exam dungeon, but that was where her limits lay.

The brute force of her party just wasn’t enough to push beyond the 2nd floor.

Before they even figured out what was real and what was fake, they’d been smashed to bits countless times, forcing them to accept that this was as far as they could go.

“If only Adri had kept quiet partway through, maybe things would’ve changed.”

Vici’s party had initially led the way thanks to Adri.

With her ancient wisdom, Adri was practically a cheat sheet when it came to tackling the dungeon’s gimmicks.

If Adri hadn’t clammed up after reaching the 4th floor, wouldn’t the Vici party have made some real progress in the dungeon?

– You can’t keep relying on me forever.

“What’s wrong with a necromancer getting help from the spirits?”

With her lips puckered, Vici huffed, and Adri chuckled awkwardly in response.

– But I can’t just be your spirit without hesitation.

“That’s… well, true.”

Adri was no longer a spirit that Vici, still a mere apprentice necromancer, could just summon.

The only reason Vici could even ask for Adri’s help was because Adri genuinely liked her.

In a typical spirit-human dynamic, Vici would have long been a sacrifice.

Vici understood that she was trying hard to become a proper necromancer, but that didn’t make Adri’s words feel any less frustrating.

“More importantly!”

To hide her disappointment, Vici raised her voice, deliberately trying to sound sulky.

“Adri, are you really sure you figured out the dungeon strategy? Didn’t you just go quiet because you had no idea after the midway point?”

– Of course not! I knew everything! Lady Alrn kindly provided the problems.

“…Kindly? What do you mean by that?”

– Since the final exam is over, shall I explain it to you now?

“Go ahead. I’ll see if you’re bragging or not.”

– First…

“Look here! ♥ You scrubs! ♥”

Just as Adri was about to continue, a girl’s voice rang from the entrance of the exam hall.

Clear, beautiful, and both ticklish and annoying. It was a voice that any student in the academy would recognize immediately.

Lucy Alrn.

The creator of the academy’s dungeon studies exam problems and the one who had become a target of hatred for the students due to her tricky gimmicks and vile hints.

“Pfft ♥ It’s hilarious to see losers crawling on the floor ♥ I, being super kind, made such an easy dungeon for you all, and yet you can’t even conquer it ♥ Totally pathetic ♥ You’re not just clueless, you’re dumb! What’s that thing hanging around your neck? ♥”

As Lucy’s laughter echoed throughout the exam hall, negative emotions started to seep into the gazes directed at her.

“She makes the exam harder just because she’s not doing it herself.”

“Did she come all the way here just to taunt us? She really has a nasty personality.”

“Just a pretty poison on the outside.”

“Ugh. So mad.”

The countless students in the exam hall murmured with disappointment.

The atmosphere was a mix of hatred and anger. Even those with strong hearts would show signs of fear against such a palpable vibe, but Lucy Alrn remained unfazed.

“From now on, I’ll let you know just how pathetic you’ve been! ♥ Giving foolish old bums like you a chance to learn, I must be too kind! ♥”

Ending her sentences without a hint of hesitation, Lucy giggled out loud as if to wish for everyone in the exam hall to become her enemy.

Watching her, Vici tilted her head, unable to fathom why Lucy was deliberately riling people up like this.

Was there really a reason for it?

– There’s definitely a reason.

‘…Adri, did you just read my mind again?!’

– What can I say? Even if you cover your ears, I can still hear you.

Vici sighed as she watched Adri shrug while pretending to plug her ears.

‘…So, you mean Lucy Alrn is doing this intentionally?’

– To be accurate, it seems to be half intent, half sincerity. The feelings of contempt towards the students appear to be genuine.

Vici frowned at Adri’s words, which seemed to hint that she’d be annoyed if they didn’t pick up on it.

‘Hey! That means I annoyed you while watching the dungeon conquer, doesn’t it?!’

– Maybe I misspoke.

‘Misspoke? More like it was on purpose!’

As she fumed about how she would pinch both her cheeks later, a student in the exam hall stepped forward towards Lucy.

It was the guy who had confronted Lucy about the dungeon not too long ago.

He was the one who got punched by a little girl after trying to pick a fight.

“Good to see you again, Lady Alrn. I am—”

“Not interested in your scrub name at all! Don’t waste my precious time, just get to the point!”

“…To put it bluntly: As the one who created the dungeon, you must know what’s inside it. And considering you’re stronger than the average first-year, you can stroll through it as if it’s a walk in the park. I find it distasteful for a noble to gossip while breezing through in such an easy manner.”

The words of the commoner, this Innam, known for suppressing his rage, were sound.

Most students attempting to conquer the dungeon without enough power didn’t accomplish much.

As some students nodded along to his remarks, believing them to be true…

“Pfft ♥ Hehe! Hahaha! ♥”

Lucy could no longer contain her laughter and started clapping with glee.

With her ceaseless laughter like she was standing before a comedian, veins popped on the guy’s neck.

If this had happened a few days ago, a punch from Innam would have likely landed right on Lucy.

While those looking down at Lucy were about to jump in, their friends were trying to hold them back, but…

Lucy continued to laugh until she ran out of breath before finally speaking again.

“Didn’t anyone tell you that listening to someone until they’re done is a courtesy? ♥ Pathetic, premature loser? ♥”

“…What are you getting at?”

“I told you! ♥ I’m going to show you just how much of a loser you all are! ♥”

“So that means…”

“I’ll be conquering the 3rd-year dungeon alone from here on out! ♥ That way, I can prove just how trash your brains really are! ♥”

Lucy’s declaration of going solo to conquer the 3rd-year dungeon sent a hush over the exam hall.

It was nonsense.

The 3rd-year dungeon, which even those on the verge of graduating struggled with.

Even Prince Kurten, with incredible talents in physical strength, had claimed there were no answers in that dungeon.

Now Lucy Alrn, merely a first-year, was saying she would conquer it alone.

No matter how strong she was, that just wasn’t possible.

The majority of students concluded that Lucy was just boasting, saying outrageous things to save face after losing an argument.

However, that thought quickly collapsed when Dungeon Studies Professor Jesel next to Lucy nodded along.

“Lady Alrn’s words are all true. She intends to enter the 3rd-year dungeon alone, aiming to prove that brute force isn’t needed for this term’s dungeon conquer and simultaneously to share the dungeon strategy with everyone.”

“Did you hear that? ♥ From now on, you all couldn’t conquer the dungeon due to your own foolishness, but my dungeon is perfect! ♥”

Riding on Jesel’s words, Lucy Alrn stepped forward, looking around at those staring at her.

“So, don’t interfere. Step aside! ♥ Pathetic premature losers! ♥”

“…I only hope you’ll keep your promise.”

As Innam of the Commoner House stepped aside, the path naturally opened up.

Skipping any interruptions, Lucy Alrn reached the entrance of the 3rd-year dungeon and stepped right inside without any preparation.

No armor. No shield. No weapon. Just her school uniform.

Per…formance, right? I bet she’ll pull out a shield and a weapon from that special space poket later, right?

Just as Vici internally muttered those words, as if she had predicted it would happen, an annoying voice echoed from somewhere.

“Seriously, do you think any scrub would think I’d go in without a weapon? ♥ If they do, I’ll praise them! ♥ How talentless can one be to think like that? ♥”

– Haha, she said she’d praise you!

Vici shot a glare at Adri for her cheeky comment, now focusing on the giant screen everyone was watching, playing the recorded video.

“Has anyone forgotten what I said? ♥ I told you, brute force is NOT required to conquer this dungeon! ♥”

As Lucy walked down the hallway, she stopped briefly, chuckling, before exclaiming.

“Oh! ♥ There might be some idiots who think this is pre-recorded! What should I say? ♥ Maybe I should comment on how ugly the scrub who talked back to me looks? ♥”

Her comments targeted Innam’s appearance—his bulging eyes, his big face, his disgusting voice.

With criticisms spilling out as casually as breathing, Innam’s face turned crimson, transitioning quickly to a devilish visage.

Everyone watching realized this video wasn’t pre-recorded—Innam’s change of expressions couldn’t possibly be acting.

“Wow, the hallway is already ending ♥ I still have plenty more insults to throw! ♥ How sad!~”

Lucy promised that next time she had the chance, she’d explain how artistically ugly that loser really was and at that moment, the scenery shifted around them.

The first room. It was nearly impossible to win with mere brute force; one needed to attack specific parts to defeat the soldiers and knights inside.

“There’s no way a scrub couldn’t clear this first room, so I’ll gloss over it! ♥ But if there are any morons who can’t seem to read the hints I left behind, I’ll… umm~ ♥”

“Seriously, it’s just too strong! This damned!…”

As Lucy’s words reached a boiling point, something snapped in one student who couldn’t hold back any longer, but their shout never reached completion.

The fact it was a testament to their failure to progress to the first room marked them as academic losers.

With soft chuckles emanating from several corners, the shouter had no choice but to fall silent.

By the time that little commotion came to an end, Lucy in her school uniform had already arrived before the first soldier.

“C’mon, at least use a weapon or something.”

“Why? ♥ Are you scared a barehanded girl will wipe the floor with you? ♥ Hahaha! ♥ Of course, you’d be scared! ♥ That means you can’t make any excuses! ♥”

Before Lucy even finished, the soldier’s eyes went wild, tightening his grip.

Vici completely lost track of the soldier’s moves—his speed was too much for her to follow with her instinct.

All Vici could do was witness what would happen afterward.

“Pfft ♥ You’re impatient, but your spear is slow~ ♥”

The spear that pierced the air had already crossed into Lucy Alrn’s embrace.

She gently touched the empty abdomen of the soldier, skipping towards the next soldier with a bounce as she called out.

“See? That’s how it’s done ♥ What’s up? ♥ Surely there aren’t any morons who can’t do this just ‘cause I’m a small girl? ♥”

“…Is she serious right now?”

One voice in the crowd questioned in disbelief, but nobody could counter it.

Most students were thinking the same thing.

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