Switch Mode

Chapter 320

Chapter: 320

As the dungeon was conquered, the looming message of quest failure and subsequent penalties appeared on the screen.

Upon seeing that phrase, I felt neither despair nor frustration.

From the moment I decided to uphold my pride over clearing a quest presented by the god, I knew this outcome was inevitable.

I never expected the dungeon would be cleared not by my grand designs but through sheer brute force instead.

My feelings were quite complicated.

Honestly, I was happy for my friends whose efforts had led them to grow so strong.

Frey had become powerful enough to stand her ground against a boss based solely on sword skills without any retreat.

Arthur, seamlessly alternating between offense and defense, showcased what it means to be a versatile magic swordsman.

Phoebe elevated her sacred magic to a higher level by adding knowledge of general magic to it.

And Joy proved the results of her desperate efforts by breaking down the magic I had designed to be inescapable.

The sight of these individuals, strengthened far beyond what I had initially imagined, filled me with a sense of pride.

If they had smashed my meticulously crafted dungeon using their enhanced abilities, I would’ve been beaming with satisfaction instead.


What kind of penalties were about to be enforced?

Maybe something utterly humiliating that I had previously failed to set up?

Or the notorious “Troll Kiki” reenactment?

If not that, perhaps I’d be forced to wear one of Lucy’s old dresses all over again?

As memories of twisted past scenarios flooded my mind, I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread associated with this perverted god’s intentions.

Did he really derive pleasure from seeing his apostle suffer humiliation?

The future of this world truly looks bleak.

“Ah! Seriously!”

“Whatever it is you plan to punish me with, just get on with it!

This moment of anxiety squeezing my heart is the most infuriating part!”

The uncertainty of what was to come filled my mind with all sorts of thoughts!

Can he be planning this too?!

Is he enjoying watching my unease?!

The very thought gave me chills! Damn, this perverted god!

“Lady Alrn.”

As I seethed with disdain for the perverted god in my mind, the Dungeon Studies Professor shifted his gaze from the screen and spoke.

“Did you assume that the dungeon would be cleared like this? The dialogue differs from the original plan.”

‘Of course.’

“I don’t understand why you’re asking such an obvious question. Tch. Stupid professors.”

Of course, I wanted them to discover the dungeon’s perfect conclusion by using the gimmicks I designed. But I had also accounted for the possibility of them clearing it without using the gimmicks.

I was the one who used every trick in the book to outsmart the dungeon creators.

I understood how imaginative the challengers could be, so I couldn’t confidently say everything would go according to my plans.

Naturally, I anticipated unexpected variables cropping up, and I had included in my design what might happen in those cases.

If they struggled to conquer something they had worked so hard for, only to find it blocked because they didn’t follow the conventional methods, it would be disheartening.

I couldn’t let them have that experience in my perfect dungeon.

“You’re quite meticulous.”

‘It’s nothing much.’

“To call this meticulous—do you have any idea how dull-witted you seem? Totally pathetic.”

“Aha! Since I’m the one evaluating, hidden paths are tough to score points on, you know.”

The Dungeon Studies Professor chuckled as he explained how the scores for Arthur’s group would be calculated.

All floors except for the fifth had been conquered neatly, so they would receive proper scores. But not the fifth floor.

In a place meant to test their ability to navigate the gimmicks, they had disregarded them completely in their approach, meaning the fact that they conquered the fifth floor couldn’t be acknowledged at all.

“That’s why obstacles are typically set up when progress deviates from the norm. So they realize their mistakes and can try again.”

…Wait a minute. Based on the Dungeon Studies Professor’s earlier statement, does that mean they wouldn’t realize they messed up because I set up a different ending altogether?

“I should point out that you must not disclose this. That would be cheating.”

‘Th-That’s true?’

“How cruel. That’s why you’ll become an old hag with wrinkles.”

“…I’m still not at that age yet.”

While the Dungeon Studies Professor quivered his lips upon hearing how old he was, I glanced at the screen where voices of joy rose among those who had reached the end of the dungeon.

…Is it okay?

Even if there are penalties, they’re still going to be the top scorers in Dungeon Studies.

Who among the first-years could possibly outscore them?

Yeah, in the end, the results wouldn’t change.

So it’s not my fault.

– Ding!

What now, you pathetic god?

Has the contents of the penalty finally been decided?

What exactly do you want to see?

I’m curious about what bizarre task you plan to assign me to satisfy your twisted preferences.

Think carefully. I might just switch sides if something truly weird pops up!

[As a penalty for quest failure, you must grant the requests of the first conquerors of the dungeon. (Anything)]

The first conquerors of the dungeon would be them, wouldn’t it?

Arthur, Joy, Phoebe, and Frey.

Pfft. I don’t know what you were thinking, but you picked the wrong penalty.

I’ve already made a bet with them, so I need to grant their wishes anyway.

So it doesn’t even matter whether this penalty exists or not.

Thinking you could torment me, you pathetic god, makes me feel like you’ve truly become a joke.

I scoffed at the penalty issued by the pathetic god, but then paused at the phrase at the very end—(Anything)—that caught my attention.


Let’s think this through again.

Did the pathetic god not know about the bet I had with them?

No way!

That god must be a complete creep, always eavesdropping!

It wouldn’t be strange if he were the type to peek while I was in the shower, what with how this perverted stalker is!

So giving me that kind of penalty means he must have some sort of motive in play.


Whatever they want, I must grant it.

By force, due to the penalty.

…This is a ridiculously dangerous penalty.

Think about it!

If by any chance that right fell into the hands of the Clumsy Fox, what kind of chaos would ensue?!

As the image of the Clumsy Fox licking her lips flashed before my eyes, I involuntarily wrapped my arms around myself.

I know they wouldn’t make some awful request like that.

But you never know how things will turn out in this world!

Just look at the dungeon I crafted!

It was designed to be impossible to clear without using gimmicks, yet they shattered it using pure force!

Common sense doesn’t mean anything when reality defies it!

The moment someone makes a bizarre request as if it were a joke, I’m finished!

My friends, the ones I thought I could trust, would want to obliterate my dignity.

Is this really what a god is like?

Is this what the center of the divine is supposed to be?!

Hey! Gods! Is this how it’s supposed to be!?

Is it alright for such a malicious pervert to represent you!?

As I shuddered at the malice of the pathetic god, Arthur’s party came into view on the screen.

“Now that we’ve had enough rest, shall we head out? We need to let Lucy Alrn know of our victory.”

“Oh ho! Finally, I get to fulfill one of my dreams!”

“A dream, huh? Joy, what do you intend to request from Lucy Alrn?”

Now I’m curious, Joy!

What are you planning to ask that allows you to achieve your dream?!

Why are your cheeks slightly flushed while you hesitate to speak?!

Don’t tell me you’ve turned into a weirdo like the Clumsy Fox or the Perverted Apostle?!

Please tell me that’s not the case!

“U-Uhm? Should n’ t the prince say something first?”

“Me? It’s nothing much, just planning to make Lucy Alrn apologize while kneeling before her.”

That little brat isn’t going to apologize in a lifetime unless forced, so Arthur is planning to make him pay for his usual teasing and impertinence!

The moment Arthur finished speaking, all four of us, myself included, felt a chill creep over us.

That guy! Despite acting so casual, he’s actually harboring all these grievances!

How petty.

He’s just a poor little prince with a heart so small!

“What? How could I not expect to ask for something in exchange after everything I’ve endured from Lucy Alrn?!”

“Well, that’s true.”

“Yes, indeed. Third Prince, you could be justified in wanting an apology.”

“…I’ll respect your resolution, Prince.”

Seeing Arthur let him go like this, it felt as though the atmosphere was beginning to shift.

Arthur trailed off, pointing at Joy in a moment of desperation.

“Joy! What do you intend to request?! Since you’re looking at me that way, I bet you want something normal, right?!”

“Me? M-Me?!”

“Yes, you! You brought up the subject first! So hurry and spill it!”

“Well, umm, that is… I was thinking of asking the Young Lady to let me adorn her, and for her to dress me up, too. It’s something I’ve dreamed of for a long time.”

Is that really all it was?

The moment she finished speaking, unable to lift her head, it seemed genuine.

Pfft. Ah, seriously. How cute.

If it’s just that, I’d grant her wish without needing her to say!

Wait. Hold on.

Is Joy planning to pick out my clothes herself?

Not involving anyone’s help but directly with her own hands?

You—who gives off that villainess vibe yet harbors such innocent girl vibes?

An image of a horrifying scenario flickered through my mind but never took solid form.

Before I could organize my thoughts, Arthur had regained his composure and asked.

“So that’s your dream?”

“Yup! Most young ladies find me uncomfortable. I know I’d make them struggle a lot if I ask for this.”

“Y-That’s a valid point.”

Arthur, having discovered her girl-like innocence while on a witch hunt for similarities to his own hideousness, was at a loss for words.

“Wh-What about you, Frey?! What do you want?!”

After that, instead of salvaging the situation, he opted for a different topic altogether.

That’s strange. Arthur seemed to have been a cool character within the game, and now he’s turned into a gag character at best.

Is this also because of my influence? Did I do something wrong somewhere?


“Yeah! You!”

“Well, for me, I’d like to be complimented. You did well! You’re amazing! If someone calls me a genius, I’d feel really happy!”

The moment I heard Frey say that she’d be filled with warmth if I patted her head while saying such things, I couldn’t help but cover my face with both hands.

That’s way too wholesome! Frey!

When did you start acting like such a good girl with that delighted expression?

The sheer force of Frey’s innocence seemed to paralyze everyone in the dungeon.

Arthur, seemingly unable to pursue this line of questioning any further, had turned rigid.

“Uh, guys?”

As the silence settled in, it was Phoebe, who had been observing as a bystander, who finally spoke up.

“Let’s get going soon. There must be people waiting for us outside.”

“Ah, yes. You’re right. This dungeon was a significant event, so there must be those waiting for the first conquerors.”

Though Phoebe’s gentle and calm voice tried to ease the situation, Joy suddenly looked up, as if she had just overflowed with embarrassment.

Her eyes sparkled with wrath reminiscent of a true villainess, making even Frey take a step back.

“Are you trying to slip away by yourself, Phoebe?”

“N-No! I just meant—”

“Don’t hold back! Speak up about what you wish from the Young Lady!”

As Joy took one step closer, Phoebe’s complexion turned ghostly pale, searching the room for support, but Arthur and Frey had already backed away.

“Do not engage with that one. Frey.”

“…Yeah, it looks that way.”

Left alone, Phoebe retreated, only to find herself cornered against the wall.

“Isn’t it strange? The Phoebe I know isn’t the kind of person who’d think about escaping alone.”

“Joy, that’s really not—”

“Speak up! What did you mean to ask?!”

Seeing Joy’s scornful stance drew the last ounce of bravado from Phoebe as she realized she had no choice.

Having just exposed her innermost thoughts, Joy’s sanity was already long gone.

“Uh, well…”

“Out with it!”

“What I wanted to ask was… um, if you could pray for me…”

As Phoebe finally confessed, tears shimmering in her eyes, Joy revealed a smile that conveyed satisfaction.

“There you go! If you had told the truth earlier, things would’ve been so much easier!”

…Let’s keep the teasing of Joy within limits.

She’s genuinely scary when she’s mad.

This feels less like overcoming fears and more like, “Uh-oh, I’m sorry”!

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not work with dark mode