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Chapter 316

Chapter: 316

Dragged into the professor’s office without even getting a bite of my pasta, I glanced nervously at the Dungeon Studies professor, who was holding his forehead.

Back then, my reason had slipped just a bit, and I went ahead and threw some punches in front of a ton of witnesses.

Now, I don’t regret swinging my fists, but if you ask me whether it was a bad or a good thing, it’s definitely the former.

With everyone in the cafeteria as witnesses, quietly sweeping this under the rug was impossible. I’d have to clarify their outrageous and threatening behavior while insisting that I had a valid reason for my actions.

It’d be great if I could show a bit of remorse, too.

Although I recognized what I needed to do, my outward demeanor was far from coordinated with my thoughts.

Proudly slouched shoulders. A defiant, cocky gaze as if questioning why I was wasting time like this. Pouted lips sticking out. Legs twisted in a way no courtesy could be found.

I knew full well that this posture would just make them concoct even more ridiculous punishments!

But what could I do?

As long as I’m armed with my Mesugaki skills, it’s impossible for me to show anything resembling humility, much less bow down!

“Lady Alrn.”

While I was internally lamenting, I heard the professor’s voice and subtly turned my head. He was probably going to lecture me about what just happened.

“I apologize.”

I blinked in confusion; I absolutely never expected the Dungeon Studies professor to apologize.

Apologize? About what?

“I should have anticipated that those fools would come looking for you.”

My confusion was cleared by the professor’s subsequent explanation.

As it turned out, those pathetic losers who approached me had previously visited the professor to discuss the dungeon.

“Is it really a place that can be conquered? Isn’t it a place that ordinary students couldn’t dare to enter? Can you prove that Lady Alrn can conquer it?”

The professor’s voice dripped with anger as he explained that he had merely intimidated them into leaving because they were spouting nonsense of no merit.

After all, he had a significant hand in creating the final dungeon.

Just imagine how irked he must have been hearing that questioned, especially since he took pride in having contributed to it.

If he hadn’t been sitting in his position, he might have personally dealt with them before they came to me.

Ah, just thinking about those jerks makes me mad again.

I had kept my pride intact against the pathetic god of rubbish only to have those unqualified fools babble about my dungeon like that.

I really should have beaten them up more. I should’ve trained them to the point where their faces went pale just from seeing me…

No, I can always go find them later and calmly teach them their place, right?

See? I’m a genius!

Heh. What should I do first?

“Lady Alrn?”

Huh? What is it?

“I can somewhat guess what you’re thinking, but please hold off for now.”

…Did it show too clearly on my face? It must have, considering the professor is trying to restrain me even without me saying anything.

“It would draw too much attention if you go visit them today. So, wait until things have calmed down a bit and then politely inform them.”

I let out a hollow laugh at the professor’s words, which hinted that he could provide me with a justification if necessary.

Ah. So you’re not stopping me; you’re offering advice?

Seems Professor was really ticked off, huh?

To be expected. Anyone who would listen to those trashy idiots would understandably be enraged. Yeah.

“Let’s leave the nonsense about those worth mentioning behind. There’s something more important.”

‘Something important?’

“What’s important?”

“It’s about the declaration you made to conquer the dungeon in front of everyone.”

Just a moment ago, I declared in front of all that I would show them I could conquer the finals dungeon.

I was implying that it wasn’t that the dungeon was impassable but that they were too pathetic to conquer it.

That was a straightforward statement, and anyone involved with the dungeon creation would nod in agreement, but those who heard it in the cafeteria wouldn’t think the same.

If you’re struggling to solve a difficult problem, how would it feel to be criticized for your incompetence by someone nearby?

“Surely the eyes watching will be critical of you.”

Having made that taunt, it’s only natural that the eyes on my demonstration wouldn’t be kind.

They’d likely be trying their best to catch me at something, no doubt.

Now, it dawned on me what the Dungeon Studies professor was getting at.

“Are you alright with this?”

She was genuinely concerned for me.

She was asking if I’d be okay facing judgment under the public gaze.

Hah. This Dungeon Studies professor, who had only harbored sharp emotions until she created the finals dungeon, now seemed to care for me.

Looks like I really did make a good dungeon, huh?

I let out a chuckle without realizing it, and the professor’s expression softened a bit.

She probably knew what I was going to say before I even opened my mouth.

‘I’m fine.’

“Pfft. That a mere rubbish professor cares about me is pretty audacious. Isn’t it about time you realized your place?”

It’s not like I haven’t been teaching the methods to conquer dungeons to everyone to the point of boredom.

I’m the one who wrote strategies for every dungeon in the Soul Academy, including the many dungeons that came up as mods.

There’s no way I can’t demonstrate the dungeon I made myself, right?

“Then I won’t bother asking again.”

Just as the Dungeon Studies professor smiled and added that she’d set a schedule for the demonstration after the finals ended, the old man, who had been quietly observing until now, finally spoke up.

[It’s going well. Young Lady.]

‘What do you mean?’

[I thought you were dreaming of this moment, having even planned how to demonstrate conquering the dungeon to others.]

‘…How do you know that, Grandpa?’

[I saw it happen.]

You mean you saw me happily basking in my glory!?

I thought I was free to express my identity since you weren’t answering me!

Was that old man really keeping a silent trap set for me from the beginning?!

[Didn’t you at one point think, ‘This will surely impress everyone’? And then smile…]

‘Gyaaaah! Stop! No more!’

What the—aren’t you supposed to think of me as your granddaughter?!

Is it really okay to expose the juicy dark history of the granddaughter of a legendary Holy Knight like this?!

Shouldn’t you have had just a little more consideration!

[Ha. You should have just kept me from Lady Lina.]

You’ve been holding on to that moment in your heart, huh?!

How petty!

Wasn’t it you who provoked me first?

How could you in return go around enacting revenge like this for tickling my nerves!

Just you wait!

I’ll keep this in the book of grudges in my heart!

Desperately trying to curb the rising embarrassment, I anxiously sought out another topic of conversation.


Anything suitable.

Oh right! The leading group of the Academy dungeon!

What on earth are they doing that they still haven’t cleared the 5th floor?!

They’ve been trying since yesterday, it’s about time they at least made some progress!

I was already mentally prepared for the penalties since yesterday!

Why are they still struggling on the 5th floor?!

As I tossed this question out, I noticed that the Dungeon Studies professor, who had looked somewhat lively when setting the demonstration schedule, had noticeably slumped.

What’s up with that? Why the sudden change?

Has Prince Curtain been up to some weird shenanigans again?

No way?

Then what is it?

Did Cecil mess up and lose control during the process of conquering?

Not that either?

Ah, wait, maybe our goofy Young Lady has done something outrageous.

“Rather than explaining it verbally, it seems better just to show you a video.”

With a wave of the Dungeon Studies professor’s hand, a large magic circle filled the desk.

And as magic infused the circle, a video appeared between the professor and me.

It was Arthur and his party.

“Perfect timing. They seem to be preparing for the 5th floor boss’ strategy.”

They were standing right in front of the door where the boss, whom I’d specially designed to represent the finale of the dungeon, was waiting.

Arthur and Joy were preparing a magic circle, while Phoebe was buffing everyone, inscribing sacred magic on her accessories.

Freya, on the other hand, had her sword enveloped in aura, eyes closed, likely picturing the precise moment of battle.

‘Joy. Are we ready yet?’

‘Yes, Your Highness?’

‘I’m done. Now we just need to figure out if the preparations we’ve made are the best we could do.’

…Huh? Wait a second?

Isn’t the dialogue seeming a bit off?

Why are they talking about personal preparations rather than discussing the gimmicks?

They should be aware, having battled before!

The 5th-floor boss isn’t meant to be taken down by sheer brute force!

No way?

I hope they’re not thinking of what I am right now. Right?

‘Sigh. That Lucy Alrn. Despite my repeated warnings not to use her as a standard, she still creates such an outrageous creation.’

‘You never know. This might also be something Lady Alrn has been concerned about.’

‘…I truly fear it might be so.’

‘Everyone. Lady Alrn must believe we can surpass this trial. So…’

‘Don’t worry, Saintess. We know this guy well.’

‘The third prince is right. Phoebe. Although Lady Alrn sets the standard awfully high, it’s not like she’d present an insurmountable problem for us.’

No! What are they talking about!?

Is that a boss designed to wipe you out on a whim!

That was designed to channel them toward the right solution instead of mindlessly charging at it!

‘Well then, should we give it another shot? You never know what Lady Lucy might say if we can’t conquer it by the last day.’

As Arthur’s words ended with a dramatic expression, they opened the boss room door, making me unable to contain my rising fury and facepalmed.

Why can’t they sense the absurdity?!

No matter how exceptional they are, even when considering first-year students and the entire continent, there’s no way this kind of boss would be given as an exam question!

After a few failures, wouldn’t the rational thing be to ponder and seek another way to tackle this?!

Why on earth would you charge in headfirst?!

And you guys are the top two students of the Academy’s first-year class!?


Alright. I’ve made up my mind.

This winter break, I’ll ensure they experience a complete lack of freedom.

Through special training of the Alrn Family style, I’ll force them to learn how to conquer the dungeon from start to finish.

Requests for leniency will not be accepted.

This is a catastrophe they invited upon themselves.

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not work with dark mode