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Chapter 299

Chapter: 299

After a long and sigh-inducing conversation with the perverted apostle, I managed to snag some jewelry as a reward for conquering a dungeon.

In return, I decided to wear one of the pieces he created.

To put it simply, I ended up with two pieces of jewelry crafted by the Art Guild.

“How is receiving rare and expensive jewelry a fair trade?” you might wonder.

Trust me, I don’t get it either, so don’t ask me.

It was that guy who first shouted, “If you accept my jewelry, I’ll throw in another piece for someone else!”

If the creator of the jewelry himself is okay with this arrangement, why should I stop him?

After achieving one of my original goals, I quickly changed my outfit and stood before the perverted apostle and the clumsy fox.

“What kind of destructive power is this?!”

The perverted apostle staggered again, bleeding from his nose, but unlike before, he didn’t pass out.

Instead, seeing blood trickling from his tightly pressed lips made me wonder if he bit his tongue to hold on.

…It’s strange. The bunny girl outfit is just meant to boost attractiveness; why does it seem to deal fatal damage only to that perverted apostle?

Maybe there’s a hidden feature that says “Deals damage equal to charisma points” reserved for him.

A hidden trait I didn’t even know? Wow~ Reality is amazing~

While I was fantasizing about the landscape of reality, the perverted apostle finished his preparations for drawing.

“Thank you for waiting! Young Lady! We can begin now!”

‘What should I do?’

“What do you want? Go ahead, use that disgusting mouth of yours to spill your perverse desires, you filthy apostle.”

“Um… Could you strike a few poses for me?”

How many portrait sessions had he done before? The perverted apostle sprang up in his seat and demonstrated poses as soon as I asked the question.

“To express the unique confidence of the Young Lady…”

‘So, roughly like this?’

“Hmm. So our perverted apostle wants to feel belittled, huh? How disgusting.”

“Yes! Perfect! Just like that! Um… Could you do a few more poses?”

What is this? Am I not enough with just this one pose?

Are you trying to satisfy various desires under the guise of art?! Right?!

The moment I had that suspicion, it quickly faded. His eyes, devoid of excitement, held only the solemnity of an artist.

As I followed him in striking several poses, I heard him mumbling to himself without pause, nodding his head.

“This pose… Yes! This works.”

Did he just say, “This works”?

Was that line intended for someone else?

It’s strange. There are only the three of us here.

I didn’t say anything, and I can’t imagine the clumsy fox drooling in the corner striking up a conversation with the perverted apostle.

…Wait. Could it be that the goddess of beauty and art is whispering guiding advice to her apostle?

Is this goddess, busy as she is tending to her guild, dropping everything to concentrate on painting the portrait of a little girl?!

No way. That’s a bit much.

Even if the nuisance crow is that pathetic, this is just too far.

I convinced myself that the perverted apostle was just spouting nonsensical nonsense due to mental exhaustion.

‘So, should I just stay like this?’

“Look at you. Enjoying this role far too much. You truly are a sex offender of the highest order. It’s disgusting. Makes me want to throw up.”

“…N-no. I’ll begin right away.”

His hands moving across the canvas were so fast they seemed to surpass even an ordinary human’s level.

Moreover, every stroke of his brush was filled with a clear conviction that this was correct, elevating the drawing experience itself into one of artistic splendor.

Before I could ever wish to crack his head open, he proved to be much more than just a pervert; he was an apostle of the Art Guild, endowed with notable talent.

Even when I momentarily forgot how unnerving his presence was while watching him paint, he suddenly halted his brush and gazed intently at the picture.

Then, with a gasp from deep within, he clasped his hands together in prayer before grabbing his brush again.

…Could it be? He really was getting creative inspiration via divine revelation. You nuisance crow of a goddess.

For real, you’re hopeless in every regard, both in-game and reality.

While I thought the Art Guild was practically non-existent in the game world, here they had considerable influence. Could it be that the goddess didn’t differ from usual?

Sighing, I suppressed an exasperated breath, not wanting to let on that I had figured out the goddess’s presence.

With a crow’s nature, if she got a connection, she’d cling like a nuisance.

Just the pervert beside me is already enough of a burden.

I didn’t want to take on any more ties closer than that.

“Young Lady! It’s finished!”



“Yes! As an apostle of the Art Guild, this much is expected.”

Curious about the confident smile that hinted at intrigue, I hurried over to the canvas.

What kind of picture was drawn?

Was it distorted by that perverted gaze?

Or maybe it was a twisted image unique to a fervent believer of art?

Even if the final product turned out to be ridiculous, it could still be amusing.


“Wow~ So this is how I look through the eyes of a disgusting pervert?”

The painting on the paper was delicate and realistic, but it wouldn’t be correct to call it just a photograph.

The emotion left behind from every stroke infused life into the artwork, allowing one to feel various emotions with each glance.

…Turns out the bunny girl outfit can evoke more than just lewd feelings.

“Do you like it?”

The more I looked, the more entranced I felt, and I inadvertently nodded.

‘Yes. It’s amazing!’

“Are you really satisfied? Hehehe~ I’ll definitely take it home~ My foolish father will probably try to hunt down whoever painted this!”

“…This painting might just end up haunting me. I haven’t had a long life, but I have no regrets.”

Isn’t that a bit too much to jump to desires about ending life just by mentioning Benedict?

With that, it feels like he’s become a mafia who just catches anyone who annoys him.

That old man truly cares for his daughter, but he’s not some hot-headed guy, either.

Trying to defend Benedict with a hollow chuckle, the perverted apostle seemed more interested in pulling out a piece of paper to write his will.

Sigh. There’s no way he’ll listen to me now, so let’s just ignore him.

“Ugh… Ugh…”

Turning my head at the sound of ragged breathing, I saw the clumsy fox gazing at the painting with bloodshot eyes.

Like she was entranced, she focused intently on the canvas, then turned to me and bowed her head straight to the floor.

“Lucy! I beg you! Please allow me to receive this painting! I will do anything for it!”



Huh. That’s interesting. I squatted down to meet the clumsy fox’s gaze.

“Transform and become a beast!♡”

Without hesitation, the clumsy fox complied with my order, immediately changing into a white-furred fox.

Honestly, she looks better in this form than as a human.


“…Uh. What is this?”

“You said you’d do anything, right?♡ Have you gone senile?♡ You don’t even remember what you just said?♡”

She’s normally aloof, acting superior if I try to approach first, but now she’s all about obeying when I throw out commands.

As it turns out, she just agreed to anything out of desperation!

I can’t miss this opportunity.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to be treated like a dog? Well, guess what?!♡”

“U-uh. That talk was when I was in human form! In my original form—well then, this is—”

“Hmm♡ Is that so?♡ Then, you must not really want it if you’re denying it now?♡”

Watching the clumsy fox act like this is oddly entertaining.

I’ve waited too long for this chance, and now it’s time to really enjoy it.

Still, I don’t need to ask anything extra from her.

“Now, I want to see your obedience!♡”

Suddenly, the sound of her hitting the floor rang out as the clumsy fox bowed deeply.

“…Yes. Here it is.”

“Wait?♡ Why is it that a dog can speak human words?♡ Did I mishear that?♡”


“Pffft♡ Well done!♡ This is how a good pet should behave!♡”

As I scratched the top of her head, I felt some shivering in her legs.

Looks like she wants to run away. It’s only natural since I’ve rarely ever given her this kind of chance before.

But no. I have my own grievances to settle.

Watching the clumsy fox with her drooping tail, I grinned, reminiscing about the countless tricks I would love to teach my past pets.

Starting from “sit,” then “paw,” to more complex antics like sticking her nose between my fingers, or playing dead if I shout “bang!”

Smiling at the clumsy fox that rolled onto her back, I teased her with a playful voice.

“I wonder what the beasts of the forest would think if they saw you like this~♡ What kind of eyes would they have watching the protector of the forest acting like this?~♡ Such curiosity~♡”


Given how she’s discarded all her pride, it seems she really wants that painting.

Hmm. I’ve packed enough desires into this to feel satisfied, and I’ve confirmed her longing.

Do I still have something to take from the clumsy fox?

Nope. At this point, I’ve taken what I could from her a long time ago.

Then where can I apply this intervening sense of relief?



A great idea has bloomed!

“I can see our perverted fox truly yearns!♡ So I’ll give you a special chance to decide!♡”


“Choose between the leash walk or that painting!♡”

“…You mean, pick between the two?!”

Even while in fox form, the pain written all over her face was abundantly clear.

“Yes♡ Just one!♡”


Listening to the clumsy fox’s panicked voice, laughter bubbled up from within me.

Pffft. Ah, I’m definitely a genius for coming up with this plan to torment her by posing those two options so desperately within such a short time!

Alright, clumsy fox. This is karma.

You’ve tormented me when we meet normally, so isn’t it time for me to give you a taste of your own medicine?!

“Choose the painting! No… wait. That’s not right. What value does something that isn’t engraved on your body hold? I’ll go with the walk! But how can I give up the long-lasting happiness for some fleeting happiness!”

The clumsy fox, cradling her head with her paws, made for an amusing sight.

As I gazed happily at her, the sound of a thud caught my attention beside me.

Turning my head slightly, I saw the perverted apostle, his face smeared with blood.

Seeing that blissful smile etched on his face puts me at ease.

I’d prefer to leave him be to avoid any interaction with that filthy creature.

Concluding that, I stood up and headed to my room to change clothes.

No matter what kind of conclusion would arise, it seems that it would take some time, so I had planned to train until then.

Just before the clothes change, an amusing thought occurred to me.

If the perverted god with his glorious collection of degenerate perverts, including the nuisance crow at their core, prayed while wearing the bunny girl outfit, wouldn’t I receive more than usual in return?

Making sure to confirm whether Armadi truly is an unredeemable pervert, I clasped my feet together in prayer, just as I had done daily.

– Ding!

And as my daily prayers finished, I heard the familiar notification sound.

[Armedi is touched by your heartfelt prayer!]
[Your strength has slightly increased! Your charisma has risen! Your divinity…]

Excuse me, Armedi.

Why has your reward noticeably increased?

Didn’t I pray while carefully avoiding traps, so why does change exist?!

Shouldn’t you try a little harder to hide your perversion during this scripture time?!

… I genuinely feel like I’m in a moral decline now.

When I think about it, can’t I create dungeons as I please in this world?

Why not pivot to devoting myself to the Evil ones directly at this point?

– Ding!

What is it, Armedi?

It’s too late to stutter and mumble now.

The last thing you did just made my faith in you drop to a chilly level.

As one of the various gods, you should maintain some grace.

If you act this way, it’ll only lead to more nuisances like the crow goddess.

Since you’ve sent a message, I’ll confirm it, but still.

[New quest available!]
[Your Pride]
[The dungeon you created at the academy has become the testing ground for all grades, not just the first! Prove yourself against those murmuring that a first-year’s dungeon was childish by making sure no one conquers it!]



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not work with dark mode