Switch Mode

Chapter 292

Chapter: 292

After having a good time with Arthur, I realized something: that guy is definitely not dumb.

But that’s not all. He’s growing at a pace that I’d never expected before.

I mean, he’s using aura even before the second year has started!

And it’s not just a matter of barely grasping it; he’s become skilled enough to use it in real combat!

Even though I told him the best ways to level up fast, isn’t this a bit too quick?

I knew Arthur was a genius, but I never imagined his talent would blossom this much.

If he hadn’t risen to the holy rank yet, I might have taken a serious beating.

“Wow, you’ve worked hard, Third Prince.”

“I didn’t know the poor prince could get this strong. You must have worked really hard. Kuhuhuh, but that still doesn’t change the fact you got wrecked by a girl who’s two heads shorter than you.”

Arthur, sprawled out on the floor, didn’t respond at all to my words.

No reaction at all. He looked like a corpse, and as I pondered where I might’ve hit him too hard, Frey wandered over to pat Arthur’s back.

“Don’t blame Third Prince. It’s just that Lucy is too strong.”

“Lady Kent is right. Your display, Third Prince, was impressively high for your age.”

“Stop with the pointless consolation and just leave me alone. It will take some time to heal this emotional trauma.”

Ah, so it’s just that he was shocked he got wrecked despite using all his tricks.

Thank goodness. I was worried that I might’ve actually made him feel like a real sorry prince.

‘They’re right…’

“Exactly. Our poor prince was quite strong for being weak. I could hardly take it how scary it was to see you flailing to leave a mark on a cute girl’s face. I almost screamed at how ugly it was!”

“…Lucy Alrn, I find it strange that the loser is saying things like this, but could you possibly shut up?”

At Arthur’s trembling voice, I quickly clamped my mouth shut. I added a “sorry” at the back, not wanting to say something horrific next.

Hmm. Honestly, I don’t think staying here any longer will end with good outcomes.

Seeing Arthur train harder than I commanded confirmed I should sneak away.

But hold on. If Arthur has nothing against me, why did he run away the moment he saw me yesterday? I don’t get it.

[Are you genuinely perplexed?]
‘Well, yes.’
[…You don’t understand human emotions at all, do you? It’s obvious.]
‘Are you suggesting Arthur ran away shocked by my changed appearance? That can’t be! The Third Prince isn’t a perv like the clumsy fox!’

Honestly, there’s no way someone would develop weird feelings looking at a tiny brat like me.

Only pervs like the clumsy fox or the Art Guild’s Apostle, or the pathetic perverted god would do that.

The Arthur I know is a normal person with common sense, not like those perverts!

‘Ah! Could it be that perverts can only see other perverts?! I trusted that old man above all else!’
[What kind of slander is that?! What do you take yourself for? Are you insane?]
I tuned out the old man’s rampage as I pondered why Arthur fled but came up with nothing satisfying. It felt like he had something to hide, but I couldn’t figure out what. He seemed fine when we met yesterday, so it probably wasn’t a big deal. For now, I’ll just let it slide.

[Are you listening!? You’ve been showing way too little respect for yourself lately!]

Maybe my teasing him piled up over time and burst.

The old man’s complaints continued until I reached the Dungeon Studies professor’s office.

I’ve been poking fun at him a lot lately. I can’t deny that’s a fact.

But come on! His reactions are amusing every time I tease him!

Watching this usually serious guy raise his voice in rage makes me smile without even realizing it.

If he doesn’t want to be teased, he shouldn’t give such entertaining reactions!

I can kinda see now why the old Lucy used to mock people…

No, no. I can’t empathize with the old Lucy. That was more like torment and oppression.

I shouldn’t understand her previous heart.

[Do you understand? While I can accept your friendly demeanor, I wish you’d at least show a minimum level of respect.]
‘I wouldn’t disrespect you! I always think you’re amazing in my heart!’
‘Of course! I’ve seen you pull miracles against the Evil Gods! I can still vividly remember the sun rising in that dark cave!’
[Cough. What’s that to remark about? It’s nothing compared to what I could do in my prime.]
‘Really!? You’re amazing, Grandpa! Legendary Holy Knight Ruel, right?’
[If you’re going to butter me up that much, it won’t be enough to make me forgive you.]

Oh, grandpa. You say that, but your wavering voice betrays your true feelings.

It must feel great for him to be praised by the granddaughter who was once only mischievous!

‘This isn’t flattery! This is sincere flattery, Grandpa!’
[Flattery is flattery. What’s this sincere flattery nonsense?]
‘The respect is real!’

[In any case, I can never win against you with words.]

Having succeeded in soothing the old man’s heart, I thought about keeping a balanced ratio of teasing and praise before entering the Dungeon Studies professor’s room.

“Lady Alrn.”

Recently, she looked like she hadn’t gotten enough sleep, with dark circles under her eyes.

“I’ve been waiting for you. Did you hear from Professor Kal?”
‘Yes. About that…’
“I heard. That pathetic professor acknowledged he can’t properly assess me with that dumb head of his.”

Despite the translation of my words being delivered with a Mesugaki skill, the professor gritted his teeth, but I didn’t mind him at all.

I had long given up on trying to win him over.

“Have you made a decision?”
‘Yes. I’m going to create a dungeon.’
“Exactly. I’m going to show you what a real dungeon looks like since I find it suspicious how you even became a professor. Ha. Seriously. I’m just too kind-hearted.”

With every word that slipped from my mouth, the Dungeon Studies professor’s face turned beet red.

I’m worried he’ll collapse from the pressure and raise his blood pressure!

What if the notorious name of Lucy Alrn gets added with the note ‘raised blood pressure until death’?

“…Assistant Professor.”
“Please explain the details.”

The poor graduate student sandwiched between the Dungeon Studies professor and me came closer, drenched in cold sweat, and bowed deeply.

“Uh! Lady Alrn! May I have the honor of explaining to you, this pathetic garbage?”
Although his overly respectful attitude felt overwhelming, I didn’t panic.

‘…Uh, yeah.’
“Heh. You understand the topic a bit. Now, spill it out.”

This wasn’t the first day this sort of thing happened.

Last time when I made a mess of the commoner dorm, I commanded Luca to clean up the culprits properly.

I had no idea what foolish things those idiots would pull if they hung around.

Luca did well with my command. Though he did go a bit overboard.

I didn’t expect those culprits would vanish from the academy overnight!

Because of this incident, a terrifying rumor started circulating that if you provoke Lucy Alrn, you’ll evaporate!

In truth, I simply had those who caused trouble quietly removed, but usually, rumors spread much faster when they are sensational.

Thanks to this, I became an object of fear amongst commoner students and staff after that incident.

Ah, just thinking about it makes me mad again.

I do enjoy how the earlier punks have vanished, but having people begging on the ground for mercy whenever I come near is overboard!

Why am I considered trash for doing nothing wrong!

Even though I’ve given up my reputation, this is too much!

“W-Wait, Lady Alrn! Did I mess up my explanation?!”
I snapped back to reality at the assistant professor’s terrified voice while I bit my lip at her near-bow-on-the-ground posture.

‘That wasn’t clear enough! Could you explain it one more time?’
“Can’t you say it more clearly? I can’t understand it at all. It’s pathetic. Explain it properly again.”
“Yes! I’ll do my best… hiccup! Hiccup!”
“Haa. Enough. Assistant Professor. Get back to your work. I’ll explain it.”

Maybe seeing the assistant professor about to cry was too much. The Dungeon Studies professor stepped forward, and the assistant professor’s face visibly lit up.

Wait, just how low is my reputation in the academy?!

What have I done for them to be this scared of me? I haven’t done anything!

Aaaaah! It’s seriously unfair! Why do I have to be treated this way when I blocked the revival of the Evil God twice?!

I’d rather have dealt with people I hurt than this ridiculous treatment.

While I was thinking like that, the Dungeon Studies professor opened his mouth.

“First, what you need to know is that the dungeon for the final exam is meant to assess what you learned in class. Therefore, the dungeon’s content must include material covered in the exam scope. I think you are aware of this since I mentioned it before.”

‘Did you inform us?’
“Did I say that? Seriously? You didn’t get it wrong or something, did you?”
“…I told you, didn’t I? Didn’t you hear it?”

Oh, right.
Sorry, Professor.

But hey, we were supposed to meet in Dungeon Studies.

How can I know what the professor is saying? Besides, it’s all stuff I already know, so why should I bother listening?

Seeing me nodding confidently caused the Dungeon Studies professor’s mouth to twitch.

“I’ll say it again. The scope of this exam is gimmick-style dungeons. It relates to strategies and content regarding various dungeons that you can’t pass without thinking.”

The Dungeon Studies professor strained to suppress his rising voice as he explained the various gimmicks and their solutions covered in class.

Since it’s material from the first year, there’s hardly any truly insane gimmicks.

So, I have to design a dungeon using these gimmicks.

“So, there are a few other conditions. The size of the dungeon. The difficulty. Capacity limitations, and…”

The restrictions are pretty strict.

Well, creating a dungeon isn’t free. There are bound to be a few realistic limitations.

Listening to what the professor was saying, I rummaged through the knowledge stored in my head.

To create the perfect dungeon while using the resources given to me as efficiently as possible…


While pondering with my arms crossed, a good idea popped into my head.

If I could use this gimmick, it would be the best, but I wonder if I can make it work.

“Uh, Professor, is it possible…?”
“Hey. Are you asking whether this pathetic academy can replicate something like that?”
That was a tough question I had in mind; but the professor’s answer surprised me.

“It’s not that difficult. But how are you planning to use that gimmick?”

…It’s possible?
I really can use this gimmick?!


First year academy kids.
Get ready.
I’m going to show you what a proper dungeon looks like!

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not work with dark mode