Switch Mode

Chapter 286

Chapter: 286

After staring blankly at the message for a moment, I finally collected my thoughts and checked it again.

[The status of Jakal Burrow will change from ‘Contractor of the Evil God’ to ‘Your Servant!’]

Servant? Does that mean the kind of servant from the term that includes ‘slave’?

To verify if I got that right, I used my emotion skill on the word ‘servant,’ and a new screen popped up.

[Destiny’s Servitude]

[This person’s life and death are now dependent on you.]

[1. The bound target cannot harm you. 2. The bound target must only act in your benefit. 3. The bound target must obey your orders absolutely.]

The moment I read all these phrases, one word rushed through my mind.


If all these words are true, then it’s practically saying Jakal has become my slave.

Wait, no. It could even be worse than a slave.

If I say “bark,” he’d better bark. If I say “roll over,” he’d damn well roll over. And even if he gets heated while doing it, there’s nothing he can do except wag his tail!

Having wrapped my head around the concept of ‘servitude,’ I crossed my arms, pondering Jakal’s usefulness.

For now, he’s pretty useless.

He’s weak, hasn’t got much knowledge, lacks connections, and he’s no beloved character like Joina or Phoebe from the game.

It might be fun to mess with him, but that’s about it. I can’t see much value beyond that.

But then again, that’s just the situation right now.

Although he has the background of the Burrow family and the nickname of ‘Young Lord,’ if I take into consideration his decent in-game performance, if I nurture him well, he could definitely become useful.

What’s more appealing is the fact that he’s in no position to disobey my orders.

This means I can manipulate him like any character on the other side of the monitor.

Hehe. What kind of hell shall I unleash on Jakal?

Thinking of him rolling around while piling up resentment towards me made me chuckle to myself.

For starters, I guess I should focus on developing his spear skills based on the Burrow family’s training, right?

Plus, I should enhance his ability to handle various annoying issues, just like Karia and Alsetin do.

And later on, he ought to develop his political skills to support me in high society.

As I listed all these tasks, it seemed like my workload was piling up, but who cares? It’s not like I’m the one doing it.

I just need to keep this ambiguous toy slave from breaking until I’m done using him.

While I was debating what to make him do first, Jakal suddenly twitched his body.


Waking up, Jakal blinked as he wiggled his toes, confirming he could move freely.

Only after checking that everything was moving as it should did he press one hand to his face and let out a long sigh.

So that means he finally broke free from his dream.

Since being turned into a dungeon’s wedge by Naklad, Jakal had been dreaming nonstop.

Dreams of when the mansion was lively.

Dreams of when his older brother was alive.

Dreams from the moments his brother was dying.

Dreams of the massacre of the people in the mansion.

Dreams of his father strangling him.

Dreams where his mother and the servants looked down on him with tears of blood.

And dreams of something warm and comforting flowing into his body.

What he faced after all those dreams was a mystery figure.

Though they were standing right in front of him, he couldn’t recognize their gender, shape, age, face, or voice.

All he felt from that figure was their divine and sacred presence, which delivered the following message in his dream.

“Poor and foolish child.”

“Even if my apostle has saved you from sin, that does not erase all your crimes.”

“In an ideal world, you would suffer in pain while alive or dead.”

“I shall grant you an opportunity for penance by considering the achievements of my apostle.”

“You ought to be grateful for your life, child.”

“You shall live your life for my apostle.”

“And constantly remind yourself of your place.”

What kind of dream was that? With the oddity haunting him, Jakal suddenly recalled looking at his collarbone.

The mystery figure had left a mark there in the dream.


So it wasn’t just a dream?

Then it must have been real.

“Why are you flaunting a body so pitiful? If you wanted to make me laugh, you’ve failed. You’re so pathetic it’s almost sad.”

While Jakal stared blankly at the mark on his collarbone, a voice interrupted him.

That voice was all too familiar to Jakal.

How could he ever forget that clear yet irritating voice?

Raising his head to question why she was beside him, he froze at the sight of Lucy’s face.

In the past, Jakal despised her. Even so, he acknowledged her looks were commendable.

No matter where she went, her face stood out; there was no denying that.

But to him, she was just a pretty doll that, upon closer inspection, was filled with poison.

Just a pretty brat.

But this time was different.

As Jakal took in Lucy’s appearance, he could only think that she was beautiful.

“Ugh. Just look at you, glancing over like that. Can’t you hide your creepy tendencies? It’s disgusting. I wish you’d bite your tongue and just die.”

“I apologize. You’re just so incredibly lovely, Young Lady.”

Jakal, who was about to say no one would ever like her, was horrified by his own polite response.

What’s going on? Why is my mouth moving on its own?

“Pffft. Just look at your usually brainless face—now it’s even more clueless!”

“Do you know what’s going on here?”

“Curious? Want to know? Then kneel down and beg me for answers. Maybe I’ll tell you if you ask nicely.”

Why should I do something like that? Jakal wanted to shout but found his body was thinking differently.

Before he knew it, Jakal found himself kneeling on the ground, bowing his head before Lucy.

“Please grant me the honor of hearing your story!”

What the heck is going on?

Why is my body talking?

…Wait a minute.

“Wow. Looks like you have zero pride, huh? But then again, someone like you, contracting with a sleazy evil god, would be rewarded with such disgrace. You’re just disgusting trash.”

That mysterious sacred being spoke of his apostle.

“Congratulations! You’ve been given the honor of serving me.”

Lucy Alrn, of all people!?

“What? Are you too happy to even respond?”

Jakal did not want to accept that someone unevenly as Lucy, who was filled with nothing but horrors, was a divine apostle, but denying it would not change the reality.

His body already submitted to Lucy long ago.

“Well, I guess for someone who made that sleazy evil god their contract partner, it’s a fitting honor.”

“…How do you know that?”

How does she know about my contract with Taliki?

She shouldn’t have had a clue when we left the mansion!

“I know you’re a massive fool, but it wouldn’t hurt to think a little before you speak. Your head isn’t just for decoration, you know.”

Listening to Lucy, Jakal reflected on his memories.

When the mansion was devoured by the evil god’s apostle.

He recalled discovering that the real purpose of the intrusion was to sacrifice the lives of the whole territory amidst the chaos.

He recalled shouting that it was inconsistent with what he had originally agreed to.

And how he had grabbed them by the collar, claiming that wasn’t what he wanted.

And then…

“Would you stop calling me that?”

With a shaky voice, Jakal cautiously lifted his head.

“I have something I wish to ask.”

“What is it?”

“What has happened to the Burrow Territory?”

The corners of Lucy’s mouth slowly rose upon hearing Jakal’s trembling question.

“Curious, huh?”


He wanted to know.

“Are you really curious?”

“Yes, I am.”

He wanted to know what kind of outcome had resulted from his foolish wish to return to the days of happiness at the mansion.

“It’ll be a huge shock for the trash prince, you know. Still curious?”

“Yes. Still.”

Whether everything had been resolved, as the enigmatic being had suggested, or if catastrophe had come, causing unforgivable sins.

“I want to know.”

He wanted to know.

As Lucy laughed at Jakal’s earnestness, she lifted his chin with her foot and spoke.

“Hmm. You seem really desperate.”

“Yes, I do. So please.”

“So I’m not going to tell you.”

This girl is teasing me to the end!

Just as Jakal was internally raging at Lucy’s playful demeanor, she smirked wider and continued.

“Well, wouldn’t it be more fun to see it with your own eyes? Right, Auntie?”

“Are you saying you want me to take you there? I was already prepared for that!”

As soon as a voice came from behind, a hand rested on Jakal’s shoulder, and the scenery around him shifted.

From a dark room.

To the scene of a plaza.

“Ugh. How much time have I wasted because of that damn evil god?”

“I’m completely wrecked this year. No way to fix it.”

“Hey, folks. At least we survived thanks to the Art Guild!”

“Hey! You think you’re the only one making a profit, huh?!”

The merchants who always sat center stage in the plaza were now filled with liveliness, their voices brimming with life, contrasting with their previous hollow gazes during the evil god’s presence.

“Oh my! Sister, aren’t you too skinny?!”

“Look who’s talking! You think that sly god was gonna help with your diet?!”

“Because of that, I’ve had a lingering worry every time I step out.”

“Oh my, really?!”

Two chatty women, known as the gossip queens of the city.

With their animated voices now echoing, other women gathered around, drawn in.

“Anyone feeling off should come see the church!”

“Uh, excuse me, priest! I think this friend’s face hasn’t fully healed yet?”

“Hey! You’re serious?!”

“Oh! I’m sorry, what’s fated from birth is under the purview of God Armadi.”


When Jakal was dreaming foolishly, two men who resembled the tavern’s background were now conversing happily with the priests of the Art Guild.

As Jakal observed all this, he suddenly lifted his head to gaze at the sky.

A clear blue sky. Clouds drifting lazily along.

And the sun shining prominently in the center.

In that moment, there was no shadow.


The words of that mysterious being were correct.

Due to his foolish actions, a crime that almost manifested has scattered away.

Many who were meant to lose their lives due to him were now living joyfully in their everyday lives.

Even if his sins remained sins, they no longer had a place in reality.


At that moment, a hard and heavy voice pierced through him, and Jakal turned his head.

His father.

The head of the Burrow family stood there.

“Jakal Burrow.”

Jakal could find no answer to give to the Duke.

He couldn’t meet his father’s eyes out of guilt.

Out of shame for the foolish actions he had almost undertaken.

And fearing that the very condemnations of all his guilt would spill from his father’s lips.

Feeling those desolate eyes could push him away and send him spiraling into hell.

Jakal merely sealed his lips and took a step back.

However, he didn’t get far before the Duke swiftly approached and grabbed him by the nape.

“Welcome back.”

“…Ah…Father? I…”

“You’re back home.”

Any words Jakal wanted to say evaporated as he felt the warmth of his father for the first time since his brother’s death.

The wish of the foolish child had traveled a long and winding road to fulfill itself beneath the warmth of the sun.

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not work with dark mode