Switch Mode

Chapter 283

Chapter: 283

As I experienced the tutorial for the various skills I had learned so far, I couldn’t help but feel that this tutorial was quite different from your typical game tutorials.

You know, the kind of tutorial that teaches you how to walk or the basic concepts of addition and subtraction in math—does that make sense?

But the tutorial provided by Armedi operates on the premise that you already have some foundational skills.

Take the Shield Master tutorial, for example. It wasn’t about explaining the basics; it was aimed at improving my existing shield skills.

The other tutorials were quite similar. Even the Iron Wall tutorial assumed I could already make judgments before the Iron Wall got a chance to react.

And as for the Sacred Martial Arts, you couldn’t clear it unless you could handle divine powers properly.

The reason for these prerequisites was crystal clear. If I couldn’t surpass those conditions, clearing the tutorial would be nearly impossible.

A tutorial that demands some proficiency in the skills? If anything, that felt more advanced than beginner-level!

Still, I’m not complaining. Actually, it’s the opposite; I often find myself grateful.

I’ve learned quite a bit during these tutorials, and the entire process was enjoyable.

Especially the tutorial for the Sacred Martial Arts—it was a blast!

That one involved fighting against a young Holy Knight whose skills were so impressive that it made strategizing a joy.

What I particularly enjoyed was his reaction whenever he got provoked.

Eventually, it got to a point where I couldn’t tell if I was in the Mesugaki skill tutorial or the Sacred Martial Arts tutorial!

The old man had to step in and tell me to stop, or else I might have kept him alive just to toy with him.

Anyway, after diligently going through the tutorials, I finally finished them.

I completed the tutorials for all my skills except for the Fear Overcoming and Heroic Determination, which I hadn’t met the prerequisites for.

I didn’t feel tired at all, but now I find myself without anything to do.

Oh! Speaking of skills, the Mesugaki skill is still a skill, right? So can’t I do its tutorial?

“I want to do the Mesugaki skill tutorial!”

As I sat in practice mode, I mumbled that out loud, and a window appeared before me.

[‘Mesugaki’ Tutorial]

[Prerequisites 1. Acquired the Necklace of Miracle (Achieved!) 2. ??? (Not Achieved)]

Well, there is a tutorial for this too! It seems that even skills created through mods are still considered skills!

But why on earth is the prerequisite for the Mesugaki skill the acquisition of a necklace?

What does that have to do with the Mesugaki skill?

I tilted my head in confusion, but pondering over it led to no answers, as I had no knowledge about the necklace.

So, it looks like I can’t execute this tutorial right now either.

Ah, just how long will it take for my body to adapt to the divine power?

Since I’ve already done everything I could, can’t I just wake up soon?

I’m itching to try out what I learned in the tutorials in real life.

“Grandpa, grandpa.”

“What is it?”

“What’s causing such a long delay in my body adapting to the divine power?”

Feels like I’ve already spent half a day, yet the changes still haven’t completed.

How significant can the change be if it takes this long?

“Well, it differs from person to person, but for the young ones, it’s growth, and for older folks, it’s rejuvenation—to match the body’s prime age. This leveling up process…”


While the old man’s explanation was lengthy, just one word stuck in my ears: Growth.

The body changing to match its prime age.

Does that mean I can finally escape this brat phase?

I won’t have to constantly look up at everyone anymore?!

I once thought I might never grow taller, but finally! Finally, I’m growing!

How tall will I get? Considering my current height, there should be a noticeable change.

5 centimeters? Or maybe 10?

Oh no! If I suddenly grow 10 centimeters, adjusting will be tough.

My line of sight will shift entirely, and I might have to relearn how to walk.

And if I grow that much, my arm length and hand size will change too, meaning I’ll have to rework how I swing my mace.

And of course, I’ll need to get all new clothes too.

Ugh, man. When I think about it, it all just seems like such a hassle!

Honestly, I’d rather stay short.

Heh, heh.

“Listen, young lady. Just so you know, don’t get your hopes too high. As mentioned, the changes depend on the individual.”

“C’mon, grandpa. I know all this! Don’t worry.”

I do have some conscience!

I’m not expecting 10 centimeters.

But how about 8? Or at least 5?

Can’t I settle for just 3 centimeters?!

“…Whatever happens later, just don’t blame yourself, okay?”

“I wouldn’t even think about it. Worrying for no reason?”


On the night Lucy unexpectedly collapsed, Phoebe remained by her side.

Her condition was still quite good. Given her intense training history, her recovery was swift.

Her divine energy, which had been drained, was quickly replenishing, so soon she’d return to her usual warmth.

Based on her physical condition alone, it was perfectly reasonable for her to wake up at any moment.

“Why hasn’t she woken up yet?”

Phoebe murmured that question absentmindedly, but no one was there to answer. It was just her and Lucy, who lay in a deep slumber.

“I heard from the Apostle of the Art Guild that what Her Ladyship is experiencing isn’t a cause for major concern.”

The Apostle of the Art Guild, Frete, appeared a few hours after Lucy had collapsed. She wanted to explain what was happening to Lucy.

“Her Ladyship collapsed?!”

However, that was impossible because Lucy was still deep in her sleep.

Initially, Frete had been startled, observing Lucy, who was peacefully breathing with her eyes closed, but her surprise quickly turned to relief.

“So, is this just a case of her divine power leveling up?”

“Divine power leveling up?”

The person questioning Frete was Johan, who looked puzzled by her statement.

“Yes, it’s certain. I’ve experienced it myself and cared for others who’ve leveled up their divine energy. It can’t be a misunderstanding.”

Johan wasn’t unfamiliar with the phenomenon of divine power leveling up.

It was a rare occurrence among those who serve the gods.

It’s when the god bestows more love on their disciple, helping them draw closer to the divine.

Anyone who serves a god surely imagines experiencing this at least once.

“But Her Ladyship serves the Lord.”

Despite that, Johan questioned Frete for a straightforward reason.

In the history of the Church of the Lord, there had never been a case of a disciple experiencing a divine energy increase.

“What does that matter? If Alrn’s Young Lady becomes the first case, that’s enough.”

“…Well, that’s true.”

“Regardless, time will pass, and she’ll naturally wake up. For now, I’ll return to Burrow Territory to handle matters and come back once she’s awake.”

As this conversation unfolded, Phoebe was beside them, soaking in all of Frete and Johan’s words, but…

“But I just can’t sit back and relax.”

She found it impossible to wait patiently for Lucy to wake up.

Throughout her life as a Saint, she had never witnessed anyone undergoing a divine power increase.

She didn’t know what could happen during this process.

The thought crossed her mind that something might go wrong with Lucy.

She worried that the Apostle of the Art Guild might have judged the situation incorrectly.

Thus, Phoebe couldn’t shake off her anxiety as she glanced at Lucy, deep in her slumber.

“I know the great Lord wouldn’t let anything happen to Her Ladyship because of His love, but if something went wrong, I…”

As Phoebe spoke, she sighed deeply, looking at Lucy, who was peacefully sleeping.

This was the first time seeing her lie on a bed instead of slumping over her desk during Academy classes.

Even when they had gone on field trips to the forest, she always volunteered for night watch.

She clearly felt that with a bunch of novice folks like us, she couldn’t trust her safety to anyone else.

Looking back at those past memories, Phoebe suddenly became aware that her eyelids were gradually lowering.

She had risen early that morning, overcoming multiple dangers.

After not getting a decent night’s sleep yesterday, it was no wonder she was feeling tired.

Under normal circumstances, she would have returned to her room to prepare for her rest, but instead, Phoebe slapped her cheeks.

She wanted to stay by Lucy’s side until she woke up.

Just in case anything bad happened, she wanted to help Lucy.

And when Lucy eventually woke up from her long slumber, she wanted to greet her with a smile.

However, despite her efforts, Phoebe’s head kept drooping lower.

Her weary body began to overpower her mind.

No, Phoebe. You can’t fall asleep.

After slapping her cheeks repeatedly and going in and out of drowsiness, there came a moment when she fainted right into sleep.

The next time she awoke was to the sound of rustling nearby.

Having fallen into such a deep sleep that she had no awareness of it, she slowly opened her eyes and realized there was a blanket thrown over her shoulders.

Huh? What’s this?

Trying to come out of her sleepy daze, she looked around to see the bed had become empty, and she shot up from her chair.

Did I just fall asleep?!

When was that!?

What time is it?!

No, this isn’t the time to be worried about such things!

Where has Her Ladyship gone?!

If she isn’t on the bed, then surely!

“Hmm. So this is how it goes, is it?”

As Phoebe urgently turned toward where the voice came from, she froze in place.

Piercing red eyes, vibrant yet irresistible laughter, skin as pristine as fresh-fallen snow in winter, long flowing red hair, and a petite frame for her age.

All these traits clearly belonged to Lucy.

Yet one thing that confused Phoebe was the aura she exuded.

It was an enchanting vibe that involuntarily drew one’s gaze—something Lucy had never possessed before.

“So, you must be that incompetent perverted loli-god, huh? Is this the form that fits your twisted tastes? So disgusting!”

With those blasphemous words, it seems our Young Lady has indeed returned.

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not work with dark mode