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Chapter 278

Chapter: 278

In the early dawn, just before the sun began to rise, the morning prayer scene was solemn.

No one was nodding off in a daze.

Nor was there anyone making a sound.

Even breathing loudly felt like it’d be a sin, so it was complete silence.

The only voice was that of the one sitting in the center—Pope Paul Liberio.

“Thus, the Lord…”

Although the Pope was an elderly man, there wasn’t a single mistake in his prayer.

In his youth, in his middle age, and even before becoming Pope, he carried out the worship as steadily as a golem made by a skilled alchemist.

“Thank you all for your hard work. We shall conclude the morning prayer here.”

As soon as Liberio stepped down from the podium, the priests of the church sprang into action.

Everyone was busy preparing for the day ahead in the Holy Land.

And the same went for his attendant, Keddle.

The moment Keddle saw the Pope emerge from the door behind the podium, he bowed deeply and took the various loads the Pope was carrying.

“You chose another good topic for prayer today. Thanks to that, I was able to deliver a good message. Keddle, my priest.”

“Thank you, Your Holiness.”

Although the words sounded like kind praise, Keddle didn’t take them at face value.

Having been with the Pope for several years, he knew that there were many layers behind the words spoken.

Mentioning the topic specifically meant he wasn’t too pleased with it. It seemed he needed to review it again.

While Keddle followed the Pope and furiously turned his head around, the ever-expressionless Pope spoke up.

“Today’s schedule was to visit the yacht or the kingdom, right?”

It was a sudden question, but Keddle wasn’t flustered in the slightest.

Talking about work on the way back to the office was part of the Pope’s daily routine.

“Yes. That’s correct. We will be making the visit around lunchtime, followed by a march, prayer, meal, and then a meeting.”

“The preparations for supporting the affected areas?”

“The advance party is already active, and plans for additional personnel are in place.”

“Good. Please double-check to ensure the staffing is done correctly.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

“Is there anything else to report?”

“There are a few things. First…”

As they walked, Keddle’s reports were mainly upbeat news.

It was about a talented individual rising from a particular guild, a priest receiving a blessing, or a noble pledging substantial support—things he could smile about when sharing.

However, the moment the door to the office shut and just the Pope and Keddle remained, his words took a different turn.

“Bishop Korg has made another blunder.”

“Who did he kill this time?”

“The third daughter of Baron Atlam.”

“Send someone to give Bishop Korg a stern warning and let him handle it.”

That was a conversation about someone’s death.

“And the experiment in Bardrog has yielded results. It seems they’ve successfully transferred the divinity of the test subjects to another.”

“Oh? Interesting. May I see the report with my own eyes?”

“I’ve brought it, as I anticipated you would wish to see it.”

That was about achievements built on the blood of children.

“There are troubling movements concerning the Poliou family. It seems they are eager to grasp more than what they have.”

“Those who aspire for more than they possess must face punishment.”

“Understood. I will send someone.”

It was a discussion determining the fate of those far away.

What was chilling was that the Pope’s expression remained unchanged even while discussing such topics.

Whether congratulating someone, speaking of good fortune, addressing irritating tales, or even deliberating about the killing of others—his face was always devoid of expression.

As if he’d lost the ability to show emotions from the moment he was born.

“That wraps up the reports for today.”

After Keddle finished all the discussions, he prepared to leave the office. The Pope rarely had any additional questions once the reports were done.

“Keddle, my priest. May I ask you something for a moment?”

However, today seemed to be one of those rare exceptions.

“How is the child who acquired Ruel’s mace doing?”

“You’re referring to the Young Lady of the Alrn family, yes? She seems to be making significant strides at the Academy.”

“How is her relationship with the Saintess?”

“Good. She considers her a close friend.”

“That’s wonderful. Truly, our masterpiece. I hope that relationship continues…”

Just as he was speaking, the Pope suddenly closed his mouth and stood up to gaze out the window.

For the first time in the years Keddle had served the Pope, he saw his tranquil eyes tremble.

Keddle nearly let out a question about what was wrong, but he held back and waited for the Pope to speak.

How long did the silence persist? Just when the sunlight streaming through the window had shifted significantly, the Pope finally opened his mouth.

“Keddle, my priest.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.”

“Today’s schedule… No, that’s not it. Is Inspector Nian currently residing in the Holy Land?”

“Yes, he is.”

“Head immediately to Duke Burrow of the Soladin Kingdom to investigate any abnormalities there. It’s urgent.”

It was an order without premonition, foundation, or evident reason, yet Keddle bowed his head as if it were only natural.

In this Sacred Land, the Pope’s word was practically law.


The identifying weakness skill fundamentally informs about the opponent’s weaknesses, but there’s an additional feature.

It also reveals what the opponent finds uncomfortable or fears.

When I tested it against Frey, I initially considered it just a skill to enhance provocation, but it had other uses.

When I decided to annoy Nakrad, I initially thought about hitting him as much as I suffered, right?

But no matter how I thought about it, hitting him wouldn’t relieve my frustration.

It might be fun at first, but it would surely turn into labor halfway through.

So while contemplating, the identifying weakness skill found something amusing for me.

How can I make Nakrad feel shame?

“Hmm♡ Hehe♡”

At that moment, I realized.

Creating a moment of pain that would fade away in an instant wouldn’t be true revenge. Instead, crafting a lifetime of embarrassing history would be it.

Recalling how Nakrad almost killed me brought up more painful memories than when Joy and Frey caught me in a bunny girl outfit. I was convinced this was the way to go, I decided to grant Nakrad an unforgettable experience.

“Okay♡ How about this?♡ Isn’t it super cute?♡ It would totally suit you!♡”

“…Just kill me! I swear, take my life!”

“How strange~♡ Why is a doll dressed like a pervert so chatty?♡ Where should I poke to fix you?♡”

“Don’t! Fine, I’ll cooperate! Ack!”

Of course, the process was not smooth, but thanks to our diplomatic negotiator, I was able to secure Nakrad’s cooperation.

Dressing up Nakrad was quite a delight.

First, the base was a dress that Lucy used to wear!

I had stored it in my inventory just in case, but who knew it would come in handy like this!

It was a tad small, making a crunching sound as I pulled it on, but who cares? It’s not like I’d be wearing it again.

Next, the hairstyle. Not bald, but twin tails.

Hmm. Yeah. Just shave the center!

As I passionately worked on his appearance, old memories began to bubble up.

I once wondered how to make a more horrendous crossplay.

I had sought advice from someone else doing the same thing, only to give up after witnessing the depths of humanity.

Eventually, Nakrad’s completed look was that of a tall kid wanting to be a cute girl.

Staring at the ghastly sight late at night, I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

“Puhaha! You’re too cute!♡ Looks like you’d sell for a peculiar tale in a back alley doll shop!♡”

At that, Nakrad’s shoulders shuddered, but he had no way to escape this hell.

Bound by ropes blessed through Paybi a few times, he couldn’t use his Apostle’s powers, and he was considerably weakened.

‘Grandpa, how’s my aesthetic sense coming along?’

[…It’s dreadful.]

‘Puhaha! Oh, grandpa. You just don’t get it. You’re very outdated.’

[If this is the new era, then I will live my life as a fossil.]

Satisfied with the grandpa’s exhausted reaction, I nodded and stepped closer to Nakrad.

“What is it?”

“Is your training still incomplete?♡ Why is this disgustingly perverted doll talking so proudly?♡”

“…W-What do you mean, Young Lady?”

“Puhuh♡ Haha! Ah~♡ It’s making me sick enough to hurl!♡”

If looks could kill, Nakrad would have killed me a hundred times over with that glare, but his fierce gaze only made me happier.

I felt like I was slowly transitioning into a Mesugaki type.

Ah, who cares! If it’s fun, then that’s all that matters!

Today, I’m just going to enjoy myself to the fullest!

“Get down♡ You naughty doll♡ I’ll give you the chance to be my super cute lil’ chair♡ How’s that?♡ Aren’t you happy?♡ Huh?♡”

“Yes, I-I’m… happy, Young Lady.”

“Ew!♡ How can a perverted little brat be so happy?♡ Are you sure you aren’t mixed with some strange stuff like blood?♡”

Watching Nakrad’s face turn beet red while he laid there, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter as I opened up the quest window.

I wanted to check why I wasn’t receiving rewards even after perfectly defeating the Apostle of the Evil God.

[Quest Z#@!…]
[Agra has…]
[Armadhi has…]
[Agra has…]
[Tariki has…]
[Armadhi has!#…]

The moment I opened it with a carefree mind, what unfolded before me was a struggle of power between the gods unbeknownst to me.

Armadhi trying to help me in any way, juxtaposed against two Evil Gods trying to kill me by any means necessary.

Seeing that made me let out a hollow chuckle.

If Armadhi was this frantic, it must mean I was genuinely in danger.

And seeing the tenacity of the two Evil Gods trying to kill me left me flabbergasted.

It was meant to look down on the pathetic gods, but I couldn’t do that anymore.

As I lowered my gaze to follow the unfolding battle, I watched their fierce struggle.

– Ding!

What’s this?

Is the reward finally being given?

Armadhi, I’m really counting on you!

Having gone through so much this time, I have faith that you’ll deliver an awesome reward!

Something extraordinary to satisfy this rotten brain of mine…

[Quest Activated!]


[Hide Your Identity!]


[The church’s interrogators are coming here! Now is not the time to reveal your identity! Do not let your identity be discovered!]

…Excuse me?


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not work with dark mode