Switch Mode

Chapter 277

Chapter: 277

When Ruel entered the dungeon with Lucy, what he saw was a still image of a mansion.

It looked like a painting created by some talented artist.

As Ruel thought about what might be prepared in this dungeon, he first felt a sense of unease because Lucy was absent from that landscape.

What’s this? Why isn’t the Young Lady visible even though she’s here?

Just when he was perplexed, Lucy provided an answer.

She was dodging an enemy’s attack that was neither seen nor heard, whispering who or what was lurking throughout the dungeon.

Sensory Disturbance.

One of Tariki’s powers, which takes away all senses from the opponent.

The same power that once posed a deadly threat to the Hero party.

Even now, Ruel remembered that day of crisis vividly.

If the Lord hadn’t performed a miracle, Ruel—and indeed, the entire Hero party—would have perished right there.

As far as Ruel knew, the power that takes away senses ranked high among Tariki’s abilities.

And to think, that guy, who hasn’t even been resurrected, spread this power throughout the entire dungeon?

Especially after losing a significant amount of his strength due to the miracle invoked by the Young Lady?

If he were to pull such a stunt, Tariki himself would have to pay a hefty price.

It didn’t take long for Lucy’s words to prove true.

Not long after Lucy achieved victory in battle, part of the landscape melted away, and Ruel’s senses returned.

The chaotic landscape of the mansion razed by combat.

Lucy was struggling to move her body, which could collapse at any moment.

And then…

Two corpses lay sprawled on the floor.

The moment he saw them, Ruel was sure.

The Evil God of Darkness saw Lucy as a threat.

He aimed to bring down Lucy, pouring all he had hoarded for hundreds of years into this.

The method chosen by the Evil God was the worst.

Driving a physical body to its limits while gnawing away at the mind, pushing the opponent into a corner, forcing them to kneel.

No, this is too much for the Young Lady now.

She hasn’t even been fully realized as a single Apostle yet.

How could a child, unable to bear the death of another, withstand such torture?

A fragile girl incapable of enduring even a false death—how could she possibly endure this?

Lucy, who had been retching on the ground, soon stood up and pretended to be strong.

“Don’t worry.”

“It’s nothing to be concerned about.”

With those words, she smiled, but Ruel saw through the charade of confidence.

He noticed her eyes that couldn’t even look down.

Her condition worsened the further they navigated through the dungeon.

Her hand, gripping the mace, trembled.

Inside, she kept murmuring to herself.

She feared moving forward.

Seeing Lucy, who had never lost her confidence, now faltering tore Ruel’s heart apart.

What hurt him the most was that Lucy did not stop moving forward.

She should want to sit down. It must be terrifying.

She ought to want to break down and cry.

Yet she continued to push ahead.

As if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Amidst the overwhelming sense of helplessness pressing down on her shoulders, all Ruel could do was pray.

Please let the Young Lady escape this dungeon whole.

Please bless the girl who wishes to fulfill your will.




[Young Lady?]

What is it? What’s happening? Why can’t I hear your voice?

[Don’t joke around.]

Your defensive skills are renowned across the continent.

There’s no way you could fail to block an attack.

How could such an outstanding warrior drop her weapon?

[Please, Young Lady.]

You’ll be fine.

Even if you fail to defend, even if you’re in trouble, you’ll be okay.

You’re the Apostle of the Great Lord.

He’s always watching over you, so he will create a miracle.

Just as we were cared for, you’ll be cared for too!

[Lucy. Please respond.]

It has to be.

It must be.

It has to be!


Ruel called out Lucy’s name with all his might, yet there was no reply.

Still, he shouted.

With glory lost.

With flesh gone.

He remained, just a wretched soul bound to a weapon.

That was all he could do.

…How powerless.

So utterly powerless.

How long had it been?

He felt a warm divinity from afar.

A light that could be found even in the densest darkness.

It was surely.


The moment he heard Lucy’s voice, Ruel almost burst into tears.

Thank goodness. I’m so glad.

I’m really glad you’re alive.

Ruel struggled to hold back his rising emotions and asked about the situation.

The update Lucy provided was the worst possible.

Even the one thing he could count on—his hearing—had turned meaningless.

Upon hearing that, Ruel panicked and began to think.

He needed to find a way out of this situation.

Yet, nothing came to mind.

Even Ruel, who had faced countless deadly crises in the past, couldn’t figure a way through this.

“It’s okay, Grandpa.”

But strangely enough, there was confidence in Lucy’s voice, who had to face the crisis herself.

Different from when she feigned confidence while trekking through the dungeon.

A voice laced with self-assurance.

Ruel couldn’t understand where Lucy’s confidence was coming from.

But whenever she spoke like that, she always displayed something beyond common sense, so he kept quiet. He didn’t want to disrupt Lucy’s concentration.

Even when Lucy resumed combat, all Ruel could see was the painting.

In the eerie silence, he couldn’t discern what was happening at all.

But having felt the warm divinity beyond his grasping hand, he waited, trusting in Lucy.

He endured, believing that the Lord was watching over her.

Then at some point, part of the landscape that filled Ruel’s vision melted away.

What emerged was Lucy’s footfall.

From the way she kept moving without stopping, it seemed she had succeeded in something.

Oh? The landscape melted away again.

Was that near Lucy’s legs?

Seeing a broader view than before, Ruel soon felt shock.

Lucy was dodging the enemy’s attacks.

There was nothing to see or hear. Yet, her feet moved light on the ground to evade every attack.

How is this… possible?

Isn’t it absurd?

Dodge attacks that are neither seen nor heard!

Such feats were beyond even the peak of her former self. No, even the beast of a Hero couldn’t manage that!

This isn’t just a good instinct.

It’s prophecy.


It’s prophecy.

Unless you know everything that’s about to happen, this wouldn’t be possible.

While Ruel pondered in awe, the surrounding scenery melted away once more.

“What the heck are you?! What are you?!”

This time, what was revealed was the enemy’s ruined face.

His nose was twisted.

Jaw shattered.

Struggling to keep one eye open.

The hideous face smeared with blood reflected sheer horror.

Fear of what stood before him.


Not long after Ruel met the gaze of that monster, the landscape changed again.

“What do you think it is~?”

Even drenched in blood, those vividly red eyes glowed unmistakably.

“You already know, don’t you?~”

With a wild grin plastered on his face.

“This cute and sweet girl is your angel who will smash that thick head of yours and take you to your heaven with your beloved!~”

There, Lucy, that look suits you best.


With a solid slam from the mace crashing into Nakrad’s face, the surrounding landscape crumbled completely.

“Oh~ right! You’ll be thrown into hell, so you’ll never get to meet your lover again!~ It’ll be better for that ugly brat who was your fiancée too—no one wants a stalker who disregards everything!~”


As the refreshing wind blew across the meadow, the green grass swayed.

Feeling delighted to see such a landscape again after all that gross stuff.

It would have been even better if that trash trying to crawl on the ground right in front of her wasn’t here.

In desperation to survive, I chased the running guy and stomped on the back of his head.

A scream escaped Nakrad’s lips as he did, but I couldn’t care less.

How much pain could a little girl like me possibly inflict, anyway?

It’s all just whiny drama!

“I’ll kill you! I swear, I’ll hunt down every last one of you!”

“Kek! Wow~! That’s terrifying~! If only you weren’t trembling when you said that, maybe I wouldn’t feel so cold!~”

“I won’t ever let you die easily!”

Nakrad desperately voiced out from beneath my feet, twitching his fingers.

His fingers were weaving together Tariki’s energy, trying to create something.

[Young Lady! That’s the same magic we saw before! He’s trying to run away!]

‘I can tell.’

[So why are you just standing there? Stop him!…]

‘I’m stopping him.’

But Tariki’s energy just scattered in the air.


[…Ah. So you had a plan, huh?]

‘Of course. Who do you think I am?

The panicking Nakrad tried multiple times again, but once again the result was the same.

Tariki’s magic kept accumulating but failed to take form.

Since Ankir was shining light where Tariki’s power began to gather.

“What are you doing?♡ Are you trying to run away all ugly and dirty again like you did when you abandoned your lover?♡”

“…What are you…”

Since my divine power was on display, it was impossible to drive away significant energy even with Ankir’s help.

But right now…

It was entirely possible to break apart Nakrad’s magic, which had just spent every last bit of energy in an attempt to recover.

“Now you can’t even run away?♡ Losing your only skill? How sad~!”

The look of Nakrad, who vowed revenge, turned steadily to fear.

It was fun for him to torment others, huh?

Yet here he was.

Now in a position where he was the one being tormented?

“Y-YOU! You can’t kill a person!”

Trembling in fear, Nakrad raised his voice as if he had pieced together something revolutionary.

“What a perverted freak! How do you know me so well? It’s disgusting! I feel like I’m gonna puke!”

“Haha! Exactly! You weakling!”

“So, I’m just not gonna kill you~”


As his senses returned, all the abilities I had regained their normal functions too.

Even my ability to recognize weaknesses bestowed by that skeleton was back in action.
Hmm, so if I harass here and here, this trash will be very, very happy?

That sounds fun~!

“Let’s play!”

“No! No! Stop!”

“It’s game time!♡ You pathetic trash!”

I wondered how strong this toy was going to be?

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not work with dark mode