Switch Mode

Chapter 262

Chapter: 262

As soon as I heard Alsetin’s story, I headed out of the academy.

Classes are waiting, but right now, I can’t be bothered with such trivialities.

Trying to offer up a territory to that evil god? What kind of insane nonsense is that?! It’s absurd!

The Burrow family is undoubtedly enormous. Being one of the few ducal families in the kingdom, the land under its influence is vast, and the number of people living there isn’t small either.

If he could gobble up all life within it, he’d gain a tremendous amount of power, but that’s only assuming he could actually swallow everything.

There are several points where this plan makes absolutely no sense.

First of all, the sheer size of the Burrow territory is the problem.

How could one prepare enough magic to handle that vast expanse? Even if he somehow manages to keep it under wraps, that magic would surely be riddled with flaws.

There’s countless evidence for this!

For one, Tariki’s powers are lacking. His authority isn’t all that great.

The Burrow family is a knight’s territory, so magical resources probably aren’t abundant.

And above all, there’s a severe shortage of time.

It hasn’t been long since Nakrad fully devoured the Burrow family.

Even if he started preparing things from then, time is still short.

Manipulating people through fanaticism has its limits. The magic of sacrifices can never be perfect. Even managing to activate it would be considered miraculous.

Even if, by some stroke of luck, the divination is successfully set up, the question remains: how can they endure until the sacrifices are made?

The Burrow family is a vast territory.

When a level of dark magic capable of swallowing it all activates, the church is sure to notice. No matter how much Tariki’s power is specialized in concealment, there are limits.

Considering his powers are currently incomplete only makes this more certain.

Surrounding territories. The country. The church. They’ll all come to smash Tariki to smithereens. The magic cannot be completed.

Let’s assume for a moment — a rare moment — that the sacrificial magic unfolds flawlessly.

Let’s imagine he managed to endure Tariki’s movement while offering up the Burrow territory.

But could Tariki really defeat those coming to hunt him down?

Ha. There’s no way.

A sacrifice is, ultimately, energy and heat.

No matter how much food is laid before you, there’s a limit to how much you can eat; the same goes for countless sacrifices — even if they’re offered, there’s a limit to the strength he can draw from them.

Right now, Tariki is like a person who has been living for ages down in the dirt, surviving by eating bits of falling water and wandering bugs.

It doesn’t matter how much of a glutton he used to be. Even if a grand feast is placed before him, how much could he possibly devour having not tasted proper food for so long?

I’m confident that even if the magic is completed, the resurrected Tariki’s strength will be infinitely weaker compared to his prime.

In such a state, Tariki wouldn’t be able to stain the sky black; he’d just provide another line to the achievements of those who came to hunt him down and fade away.

How can I be so certain? I’ve seen with my own eyes the rushed resurrection of Tariki. Compared to when he was fully revived, the guy was so pathetic that it made me chuckle.

That’s why I thought there must be some kind of misunderstanding.

No matter how I think about it, this is a suicide mission isn’t it? What else could you call betting your life on a gamble that’s bound to fail?

Could it be because I figured out the hidden secrets of the Burrow family and he started moving to deal with me?

Not at all. He might be desperate, but there’s no reason to engage in such madness.

He’d have recovered plenty of power in the process of devouring the Burrow family; it’d be better to withdraw and savor that. Why would he gamble his fate on such a sure-fire failure?

In the game, that was exactly how Tariki operated. He’d leave, letting humans fight among themselves, causing more havoc than when he was present.

“This is the report relayed by my master. The Apostle of Beauty and Art saw it, and since it has been verified through numerous priests by my master, it should be accurate.”

However, this world’s Tariki is vastly different from the one I knew.

He’s truly preparing to swallow the Burrow territory.

I don’t want to accept it. I want to deny it!

But all the info laid out before me clearly points to one fact, and there’s no ignoring it!

Dammit! Karia! You’re really doing a hell of a job!

How on earth can you sneak in among the priests of that evil god?!

The fact that he’s in such a weakened state! How devastating was he in his prime?!

“What will you do?”

At Alsetin’s question, I snapped out of my daydream.

He was trying to maintain a normal expression, and that act must be practiced. If it were me before I figured out the weaknesses, I wouldn’t have noticed a thing.

But not anymore. I can see it clearly now. The anxiety he tries to hide. The concern for his master.

The moment I faced that emotion, the myriad thoughts swirling in my mind settled, and calmness took their place.


I let out a long breath and closed my eyes.

As all information points to this magic being real, it’s a fact that Tariki is about to do something insane.

So, calling it insane doesn’t change anything.

Let’s think in the opposite direction.

‘Why would he have to commit such madness?’

What’s he aiming for? Restoring his power? No, if that were his goal, there are better options.

Hatred toward the Burrow family? He doesn’t have that.

Nakrad’s unilateralism? That doesn’t fit. Hyde’s inflated ego aside, his loyalty is real.

What is it? What in the world is it?

The more I think, the more I feel like I’m falling into a maze, and just as my head starts spinning, my grandpa let out a sigh.

[Haah. Why does my head get so stiff over matters unrelated to dungeons? ]

‘…Huh? Grandpa, what did I just say?’

I didn’t say anything to him? I was just thinking in my head, right?!

[Some thoughts slipped out in the midst.]

‘In that case, you should have warned me ahead of time!’

Why sneakily listen in?! You need to respect personal privacy! Act more like an adult!

[It’s commendable to see you thinking for yourself.]

‘For real?’

[Then what other reason could there be? ]

‘No, but I just heard what the skeleton said a bit ago.’

[How often must I say no? My preference is not for kids like you! …Anyway! Why are you failing to notice what’s right in front of you!]

You’re saying I’m right in front of the answer? What does that even mean?

[Let me ask this. When someone is willing to throw away their life for something, why would they do that? ]

‘To protect something precious? ’

[…Something similar. More precisely, when something more important than their life is at stake. ]

Something that is more important than life itself. If it’s Tariki. If he’s the evil god of darkness. A guy who has accumulated hatred after being sealed for ages.

‘Revenge against the lord.’

That’s the only thing he’d want to achieve even if it costs him his life.

[Good. Now, what must he do for that revenge? ]

‘Eradicate the world or something. ’

[Why would he think like that? ]

‘Because this world is the most precious thing to the lord…’

Something precious. Something cherished. Something cared for. Something constantly watched over.

Back when the pathetic god barely interfered with this world, that object must have felt abstract.

But it’s not anymore.

I have.

The Apostle of Armadi right here.

[Exactly. It’s you. Young Lady.]

‘…No, but still. Doesn’t this have nothing to do with me?’

Of course, I have to go to the Burrow family for the quest.

However, Tariki doesn’t know anything about quests.

Honestly, if something were to happen in the Burrow territory while I just sat back and ignored it, what would he do?

He’d be the only one causing chaos and then destroy himself.

Isn’t it too awkward to say he’s targeting me?

[So can you ignore that?]


[Can you really disregard the countless damages caused by your indifference? ]


[I’ll ask something else. Can you bear the consequences when your negligence brings about the burning of the Burrow territory? ]


I can’t. I’m not that strong of a person.

If I struggled with just carrying a single life, how could I possibly handle the many lives that would be at stake?

[Then let’s return to the beginning. Is this matter unrelated to you? ]


There’s no arguing against it. As long as I exist, I can never turn a blind eye to what’s happening in the Burrow family.

[That’s right. Knowing that you’ve shown numerous hints, he must be aware of that too. ]

Facing reality had calmed my mind.

Ah, damn it. Now I can’t completely ignore it.

If Tariki does something and sacrifices occur, it makes me part of that fault.

[It’s clear the opponent is digging a trap targeting you. There will undoubtedly be countless dangers and hardships if you go there. ]

That’s for sure. Knowing the opponent is coming, there’s no way I wouldn’t (prepare) for them.

Ah. Is the reason I captured the trial dungeon related to this?

To find out how I strategize the dungeon?

And to craft a dungeon to take me down based on that information?

Did I mistakenly think he was merely scouting for a backstab?!

[My opinion remains the same as last time.]

Grandpa said.

To learn how to sacrifice.

Don’t throw your life on the line with everything.

Ask for support.

Just like you did last time.

But this time, there was something different in Grandpa’s words.

[Since you are my master, I must respect your wishes. I ask you now, what will you do? ]

When I heard the question about what I would do, one word floated into my head.

‘I’ll strategize.’


Crafted for me.

Designed to take me down.

A dungeon optimized just for me stands before me, and you expect me to pass it by?

The mod creator constructed a dungeon for me, and you want me to ignore it?

No way! I absolutely can’t!

[…Haah. I knew you’d say that. Then next question. Are you confident? ]

‘Is that even a question, Grandpa? It’s a dungeon!’

Ha. So what if he’s trying to beat me! He’s just a pathetic evil god!

Having beaten this game a countless number of times, I know just how lacking that pathetic genius’s creativity is!

Let’s see him try! I’ll make him feel how painfully limited his stupidity is!


‘Knowing that the enemy prepared a present for me, I also have to get a gift ready for them.’

If the opponent generously prepares something loathsome for me, of course, I ought to prepare something that would vex them in return.

I’m kind and courteous like that.

Wouldn’t they be disheartened if two suns rose in the sky?

[…Is that even possible? Without the lord’s help?]

‘It is possible.’

Not in the past, but with my current self and newly acquired skills.

Though it’ll cost me a bit of dignity.

No, actually quite a bit.

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not work with dark mode