Switch Mode

Chapter 257

Chapter: 257

“How long are you going to sit there? At this rate, it’s no different from hitting a scarecrow.”

The skeleton’s voice dripped with venom, probably because of my taunt.

Blocking and blocking again against the frenzied sword strikes, it was easy to see why one would snap, but unfortunately, I couldn’t argue back.

That was just the reality of it.

Despite the battle dragging on, I was still stuck in a defensive position.

There were two significant problems.

“Where did the power from the trial go? Was it truly a miracle bestowed by the gods?”

One issue was the difference between facing the freed-from-trial skeleton and actually overcoming the trial itself.

The scenery from the trial didn’t differ much from what I had seen on the monitor.

The screen had simply turned into reality.

The movements of my opponent, their habits, the types of attacks they unleashed, the traps—they all mirrored exactly what I remembered.

At that moment, I had the ability to recreate the madness of the past. I just needed to show off my knowledge of this stagnant water.

But the current scene didn’t resemble anything I had once remembered.

I had faced the escaped skeleton several times before. I knew its patterns all too well.

In the first few rounds, my knowledge matched perfectly. I sometimes wondered if I could’ve swayed the battle in my favor if it weren’t for the skeleton’s ridiculous counters.

However, at some point, the narrative changed.

The skeleton began to react differently.

From what I knew to things I didn’t understand.

Thus, every bit of veteran knowledge I held was rendered ineffective.

“What’s this? As you’re cornered, has your once-active tongue finally come to a halt? Quite brat-like of you.”

The next problem arose as I was knocked back and forced into a defensive position.

There was simply no room to strike back.

My basic strategy when facing an equal or stronger opponent is to endure and create an opening.

Sure, my skills were rapidly improving, but it has only been a year.

I was bound to lack absolute experience, so if I sought a fair confrontation against a strong foe, I would naturally be at a disadvantage.

That’s why I preferred to hide behind my shield, waiting for that decisive moment to leap out and swiftly end the fight.

Lucky for me, my Mesugaki skill, which was both a blessing and a curse, was specialized in creating openings against my opponents. It matched the fighting style of a shield bearer that my grandpa had taught me. Thus, I had stuck to this strategy until now.

In fact, it never failed me.

If I could withstand the opponent’s attacks, I could create an opening through them, ultimately guiding myself to victory.

However, this battle was unlike any other.

Was it impossible to endure the opponent’s strikes?

Not particularly.

The skeleton, who believed itself to be Garad, originally moved with the same magical energy that other skeletons had thanks to Charon.

However, as the trial concluded, that energy vanished. What was moving the skeleton now was the power of the Evil God.

And while it had yet to make a full resurgence, that Evil God’s power was certainly lacking compared to Charon’s magic. The strength lying within this skeleton was nothing near what it had when facing the trial.

It didn’t stop there.

The skeleton resisted the Evil God’s energy. Just the fact that it spoke with rationality and chose not to kill was enough proof.

This skeleton was burdened with these two limitations.

Its strength was far weaker than what it had at the end of the dungeon.

So I could endure.

My shield. Ankhir. I could easily block the skeleton’s sword.

Is my taunt failing?

Not quite.

The powers of the Mesugaki skill are absolute.

With every provoking word I threw, the rattling jaw of the skeleton.

The intensifying sword strikes.

The hand devoid of muscle showing it was using some strength.

The swelling sense of accomplishment within me.

All indicated that my taunts were indeed working.

So, the strategy that had brought me countless victories thus far was still in play.

As the exchanges continued, my internal frustration grew stronger.

“…Ew♡ Why do you have to make me talk when I’m struggling to endure the skeleton’s disgusting smell?♡ Do you want to see me puke?♡ I thought you were a pervert, but you’re truly a nasty kind!♡ You weren’t planning on licking the floor later or something, were you?♡”


I pondered as I responded to the taunt.

What’s the issue here?

Why can’t I find an opening?

Why am I not being given a chance?

Am I playing it too safe?

If my opponent is more skilled than I am, do I need to take some risks?

While my head buzzed with these questions, Garad’s swordsmanship became clear to me.

If it’s that.

If it’s that sword.

I can surely deflect it.

Before I even finished thinking, my body acted on its own. Like being possessed, I moved my shield.

Ting! A definite parry sensation traveled along my shield.



Finally, that moment arrived.

Unconsciously, I stepped forward with my left foot and assessed the situation.

The sword that had been forcefully bounced back had already returned to its position.

The stance remained the same as ever, ready for anything.

The excitement I felt turned ice-cold in an instant.

I wasn’t reacting to a crisis.

I was trying to swallow the bait creeping into my mouth.

Just as I made that judgment, the iron wall warned of impending danger.

As I hurriedly raised my shield against what I was told, my hastily lifted defense was slow and insufficient.

If I blocked the attack now, I would lose my balance and be left exposed to my opponent’s follow-up.

I had to continue defending in this unstable pose.

…But that would definitely lead to collapse.

So what to do?

What flashed through my mind was a lesson learned during training with the Alrn family.

Sometimes, it’s better to let go and throw yourself at the opponent floating in the air than to feebly block.

I slightly leapt backward to receive the skeleton’s sword.

My lightweight body, suspended in mid-air, was simply pushed back by the skeleton’s force. As I spun in the air, I found myself quite far from the skeleton once I regained my stance.

I had succeeded in resetting a situation that should have turned unfavorable.

“You’re good at hiding, but it seems you’re also good at running away. Are you a rat from a sewage pit?”

“Sorry~♡ I thought that a dog bone stuck in a sewage would be lonely, so I tried to approach, but the smell was just too awful!♡ Please understand!♡ I’m a small and cute noble girl!♡ Not like you, living in a sewer!♡”

“…That tongue of yours.”

As I continued to annoy my opponent, I assessed the situation.

First, I could sense that my opponent was significantly stronger than I was.

The sword skills honed over a long time. The logic forged through countless battles. It was crushing me completely.

Had the Evil God not taken control of the dungeon and weakened, and if this skeleton hadn’t been conserving its strength by resisting the Evil God’s energy,

Could I truly have endured against it?

As I wondered this, the answer returned quickly.


I would’ve shattered in less than a minute.

And soon fear would rise through my spine, seizing my mind.

All I could have done then would be to cover my head and sob for mercy.

That much of a gap exists.

A gap that substantial.

As I mulled over that fact, I couldn’t help but chuckle.

If even the weakened fake is this strong, just how powerful is a true hero?

I had sensed it before when my grandpa worked miracles: the road ahead is long, way too far.

Thinking so, I grabbed the handle of my shield again.

[Why are you so desperate to win?]

Before I could even finish that thought, my grandpa broke his silence.

[You only need to hold out until your knight arrives, don’t you?]

‘Well, that’s just great.’

What I needed to do right now wasn’t to win against the skeleton, but to endure.

If I could hang on until Luka is subdued, then Karl would take care of the weakened skeleton.

[Why, then, are you rushing in? Do you truly believe you can win?]

‘Not really. I’m not that deluded about myself.’

[Then why? Why push forward? Perhaps…]

‘Because I want to land at least one hit on that skeleton.’

Grandpa, you might not get it, but I wasted a whole month on that skeleton.

Do you have any idea how much stress that caused me?

I mean, I even got a hole in my head from all that stress?!

Sure, after endless efforts, I managed to fill it after overcoming the trial, but I still vividly remember that moment of helplessness.

And now, starting this duel with that skeleton, I felt very similarly.

Helplessness. Frustration. Impatience. Annoyance. Anger.

If I just endure until Karl comes, those feelings wouldn’t go away.

Stuck at 0 wins and 1 loss.

I wouldn’t have the chance to flip this score and would have to forever reflect on my defeat.

I don’t want that.

Absolutely don’t want that.

Seeing the skeleton win and swagger away would infuriate me to the point I feel like collapsing!

So, I’ve got to land a hit.

For that mental victory.

To be able to shout “You can’t do it, can you?”

[…Grr! Hahaha!]

After hearing my thoughts, Grandpa fell silent for a moment before bursting into the most boisterous laughter.

What’s up, Grandpa? I’m serious right now! This isn’t a laughing matter!

[Good! Very good! You’re so adorably lady-like, I love it!]

‘What on earth are you talking about?’

[I was initially monitoring Garad’s actions to verify a few things, but my perspective has changed.]

Oh. That’s all good and dandy.

But are you sure there’s nothing weird in the middle?

Is the reason I could hang on so well not because I’m skilled but because that silly skeleton thought it was amusing to toy with me?

[Yes. Now let’s give that guy a taste of humiliation.]

After hearing Grandpa’s words, I took up my stance once more.

Despite the length of the battle, my body was still unscathed.

So if I got a chance, I thought I could still land that hit, but if this condition was due to the skeleton not taking me seriously…

Ah, geez. This is really embarrassing.


It’s true.


I am seriously mad right now.

[First of all, your strategy wasn’t wrong.]

‘Huh? But—’

[I know. You felt helpless. You were frustrated. You wondered if your movements were right.]

That’s right.

I was frustrated.

I felt powerless.

As time passed, my thoughts piled higher.

Reading my concerns like an open book, Grandpa finally answered with confidence.

[But doubt not. That strategy stands correct. I, Ruel, will prove it.]

‘…Then what’s the problem?’

After countless attempts to strike, I’ve failed every time.

It’s one thing if my gaming knowledge had kicked in, but after that, I couldn’t even provide a threat to it!

[The answer will reveal itself through battle. Get ready.]

‘I’m always ready!’

[Well done. It’s great to see the fruits of my teachings.]

Grandpa praised me and spoke with a voice full of laughter.

[Alright, my lady. Round two. Let’s smash that arrogant charmer’s face!]

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not work with dark mode