Switch Mode

Chapter 256

Chapter: 256

Karl watched leisurely as Lucy moved up ahead.

The current battle was a classic case of one versus many.

Their opponents were a decent assembly of monsters.

Given that they were tackling the dungeon together, he should have been standing next to Lucy, but he didn’t.

It was because Lucy—his master—had commanded him to guard the back.

There was no hint of anxiety in Karl’s eyes as he surveyed the battlefield. He knew that Lucy wouldn’t lose against such a group.

And he was right.

It took Lucy less than a minute to wipe out the horde of monsters.

She easily parried the attack from a skeleton wielding a massive two-handed axe, destabilizing its center of mass.

With a swift kick, she knocked the skeleton over and disrupted the movements of the waiting enemies.

Heaving her way through the fallen skeletons, she took out the mage in the back.

As she effortlessly dispatched the foes that tried to get back on their feet, Karl nodded in approval.

Of course, she’s our Young Lady. Much better than a bunch of rookie knights who don’t know how to take it easy.

Those guys might swing their weapons decently, but as soon as a real fight ensues, they become total clowns.

But our Young Lady is different.

She reads the enemy’s strength before charging in, strategizing the flow of battle, and adapting optimally to any variables that arise—definitely a level of a seasoned warrior.

Who would think she’s only been building her combat experience for a year?

While Karl was endlessly praising Lucy in his thoughts, darkness suddenly converged beneath her.

Being distanced from the battle allowed Karl to perceive the danger before it struck, sparking an instinctive urge to charge forward.

“You fool! How many times do I have to tell you to stay put?”

That voice resonated in his head, stopping him dead in his tracks.

It was the fox that Lucy had always carried around—guardian of the forest, reprimanding him.

When Karl hesitated, the fox spoke with a tone dripping with disappointment.

“Do you really think your master would be harmed by something that trivial?”

“I know that, but—”

“Then why are you trying to move?”



With that click of the tongue practically echoing in his ears, Karl awkwardly smiled.

Deep down, he knew Lucy wouldn’t face any real danger here.

He had been by her side since she first entered a dungeon.

From helping her train as a knight to accompanying her into the academy’s dungeon—whatever her reasons, he was there every step of the way, tearing through the dungeons around the academy and speeding toward Menestel.



Karl knew better than anyone the abilities Lucy possessed. He recognized that Lucy Alrn was practically omniscient when it came to dungeons.

So when she said she’d take the lead, he didn’t worry much.

The Young Lady wasn’t one to act recklessly. She only stated what was possible and what wasn’t.

For her to ask others to follow would simply mean she deemed it the most efficient course of action.

Though his reason understood all of this, his body refused to obey.

Whenever Lucy found herself in danger, memories of the scene at Menestel would flash in his mind.

A pitiful version of himself, unable to even serve as a meat shield. A dagger poised directly in front of Lucy’s face. Shaking hands visible beneath that pale visage.

When he tried to sleep, those haunted images would greet him once more.

The only difference being that there were no miracles in his dreams.

Perhaps after seeing that sight time and again, Karl found himself moving before he even thought when he saw Lucy in danger.

“You foolish creature, why couldn’t you just perform the task you were given? Now I’m stuck having to stick my lovely soft hair atop your wretched shoulder!”

Shaking himself out of that annoying internal monologue, he met the gaze of the fox whose expression reflected genuine annoyance.

This dignified fox was incredible and undoubtedly a considerable helper to Lucy.

After all, he owed his life to her in the past. How could he deny that fact?

Yet every time he heard the forest guardian’s comments, he couldn’t help but wonder if it was acceptable for his Young Lady to be around such a pervert.

No matter how debonair the guardian seemed, it was undeniable that the fox was a total creep.

“Who’s the pervert here? Just a trash who uses the excuse of deceiving those behind him to satisfy his desires.”

“That!… that was not an excuse!”

Karl knew Lucy wouldn’t issue nonsensical commands, but he disobeyed on purpose to trick Luka.

He poured out a passionate defense, claiming that he had no ill intentions, but the fox didn’t buy it one bit.

“Oh? Really?”

“Yes! Absolutely!”

“Can you swear you didn’t feel even a little joy during the dog treatment?”

Karl couldn’t bring himself to answer that. Outside of Lucy, he was utterly the epitome of a stubborn knight who couldn’t tell any lies.

“I-I think we should be focusing on what the Young Lady asked of us!”

In a panic, Karl hurriedly switched topics.

Lucy had mentioned that Luka, once engulfed by darkness, had a high chance of falling into it again.

Thus, his role was to ensure the useless rookie wouldn’t get into trouble. He’d focus on that and not worry about anything else!

It was pretty obvious to anyone looking, but the fox only regarded him with exasperation, as if questioning why she should even bother probing him further.

As those two exchanged their banter, Lucy confidently strode forward.

Though it was a path unlike any she’d taken before, neither Karl nor Luka doubted her steps.

Both knew she wouldn’t get lost in the dungeon.

After roughly thirty to forty minutes of walking, a door leading outside the dungeon finally came into view.

But it wasn’t just the door standing there.

A guardian of that entrance stood proudly in front of it.

“Well, if it isn’t you again.”

A long, ashen-gray sword.

The aura of a warrior surrounded him.

A clean and serious voice that didn’t match that of a skeleton.

Karl knew the identity of that skeleton. He wasn’t the sort to forget such things in under an hour.


A piece of the hero who saved the world.

One of the names of knights Karl admired.

“What’s this? A skeletal pooch? Not only did you give me a shield, but now you want to offer me a sword too?”

“As much as I’d love to, that’s not possible right now. Embarrassingly enough, I’m being controlled.”

“Wow, that’s just pathetic. And you’re still a hero?”

“But what can I do? This is reality.”

When Garad lifted his sword, Karl hurriedly drew his own weapon.

He wasn’t an opponent Lucy could handle yet.

They needed every bit of strength they could muster just to stand a chance.

“Go all out.”

The instant Garad’s sword came crashing down, darkness filled everywhere except around Lucy, ensnaring both Karl and Luka in a black fog.

Damn it, Young Lady!

As Karl charged desperately to break free from the fog, the scenery around him shifted.

The scorching air constricted his breath.

Alsetin lay sprawled out before him.

A terrified Lucy stood just a few steps away.

A dagger lunged toward her throat.

Karl stared blankly at the horrific scene, then closed his eyes.

Not because he wanted another dreadful glimpse at that nightmarish event, but merely to assure himself this wasn’t reality.

After all, how could it be?

The Young Lady was someone blessed with the love of the gods. The great divine being watches over her, after all.

There’s no way she would end up in such a wretched state.

The absence of miracles simply indicated this wasn’t real.

Don’t trust your vision.

Don’t trust your touch.

Don’t trust your smell.

Don’t trust your hearing.

All a knight should believe in is their own instinct.

With closed eyelids.

The searing air.

The foul scent of volcanic ash mingling with the smell of blood.

The sound of a human puppet crashing to the ground.

Emboldened, Karl felt a murderous intent leading him somewhere.

So, he swung his sword, guided by that instinct.


With the sound of metal clashing, the scenery around him transformed.

A black mist.

Beyond it, a confrontation unfolded between the past hero and someone on the verge of becoming a hero.

A vile dagger targeted the girl’s back.

And standing between it was his sword.

Seeing the wild gaze in Luka’s eyes, now devoid of reason, brought a refreshing grin to Karl’s face.

Of course, Young Lady. You predicted all of this.

So, my task is simple. I just need to subdue this foolish rookie as you instructed me.

“Buy some time. I’ll help him regain his senses.”

Between a few exchanges of attacks, the fox’s voice echoed, but Karl rejected the suggestion.

“There’s no need. We have our own method.”


“Yes. The knights of Alrn Family. Whenever someone loses their composure, we beat them back into shape until they come to their senses! Weak-willed minds deserve a little discipline!”

Karl was sticking to the Alrn Family’s traditions once again, making sure to impart the majesty of being a senior knight to that rookie.

Hearing that, the fox let out a sigh of disbelief before springing off his shoulder.

“Do as you please.”


Alright, useless rookie! Let me show you the grand tradition of the glorious Alrn Family!

This will be a glorious experience, so be thankful!


From beyond the fog, the sounds of steel clashing echoed.

As I predicted, Luka fell into darkness, and Karl intervened.

I didn’t know how the situation unfolded, but if it was Karl, he would hold the fort long enough for the Clumsy Fox to bring Luka back to his senses.

“Is there even a chance to glance away?”

A sword aimed at my shoulder. It slices through the air as I deflected it with my shield.

In a typical scenario, an opening should have appeared, but not today.

There’s no way this skeleton would allow any weakness.

Just as I attempted to attack, the creature retrieved its sword and brandished it at me again.

Attack, attack, and more attack.

A complaint slipped out about how it was doing its own thing, but I didn’t make a move.

Trying to rush in would only result in me getting toyed with by the many blades flying around.

“Where’s the bravado you had before? Hiding behind your shield like some bug in the shadows.”

The skeleton continued its one-sided assault, hurling insults.

What a deranged skeleton this is.

It must’ve taken my earlier words during the trial to heart.

How can a hero be this small-minded?

When a girl plays around, you should show a bit of leniency.

But this guy simply can’t handle provocation.

Perhaps it’s because he adheres to some knightly code?

“Pfffft♡ To think you’re getting a kick out of tormenting a little girl!♡ So, the mighty hero has such tastes after all!♡ No wonder!♡ They say those who seem polished on the outside are often strange on the inside, and look at you!♡ It holds true!♡”

“I can’t believe I’d fall for such taunts…”

“But it’s intriguing!♡ How can a skeleton so hollow be such a pervert?♡ Ah!♡ Is it a way to ease the void of what’s missing inside?♡ How pitiful~♡ No matter how much you chatter, all that emptiness will only grow!♡”


“Hey♡ Hey♡ Can I ask something?♡ Doesn’t it gnaw at your conscience when you fake an attack to satisfy your own desires thanks to the Evil God?♡ Huh?♡”

The silent skeleton swung his sword again.

There was definitely more strength behind that swing this time.

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not work with dark mode