Switch Mode

Chapter 254

Chapter: 254

[…You’re just not getting it, huh? You couldn’t possibly block that with your skill!]

After I deflected the skeleton’s sword, a moment later, Grandpa muttered quietly.

He was right. Normally, I couldn’t have blocked that attack.

The only reason I was able to parry this time was that it was a trial.

If my past self hadn’t drilled the attack timing of the skeleton into my body,

If it hadn’t allowed me to adjust my stance every time it attacked,

If it hadn’t exhibited its preparatory moves so blatantly…

I would have crumbled helplessly in front of the skeleton.

So this was a spectacle only possible within the system.

Even if a similar situation happened in a real battle, all that would await would be the sight of a terrified girl shaking while her shield lay shattered.

‘It’s a miracle!’

[Was it the divine’s assistance then?]

Knowing who he was, I diverted credit for this occurrence to the Pathetic God. Weird things seem more convincing when you throw a god’s name behind them.

[But, dear girl, I have one question.]


[Didn’t you just call me “grandpa” a moment ago?]

‘…Huh? What do you mean by that?’

Oh come on, Grandpa! There’s no way I’d call you ‘grandpa.’ You’re practically my mentor!

[Do you really think I didn’t hear that?]

You didn’t hear it, did you!? Were you too overwhelmed by the miracle happening!

Damn! If you heard it, you should have admitted it already!

‘I’m sorry!’

Maybe it was because of my Mesugaki skill that I got a little too carried away! My apologies!

I offered a straightforward apology without unnecessary excuses, and Grandpa chuckled.

What’s this? Wasn’t he mad?

[Now, this time, it indeed was your fault, wasn’t it?]


[And previously, it was my fault, wasn’t it?]

Ahh. Ohhh.

[So that means I’m free from any punishment, right?]

So he was still hung up on that initial incident?!

[In modern terms, it’s a fair trade-off. Do you agree?]

‘Fair trade is not exactly a modern term…’


Phew. I’m glad I got the upper hand at the start. That way, I managed to dodge the bullet.

Otherwise, I would surely have been subjected to Grandpa’s endless lectures or some hellish training. Maybe both would’ve hit at once.

That Mesugaki skill felt like it had intensified. No matter how high I flew, I never accidentally misstepped while talking to Grandpa.

This can’t be a good sign.

At this rate, I might become someone spouting lines like, “Got wrecked by a girl, huh, pathetic knight?♡ Did you think you could stand up to me?♡ Get ready to hear me cry ‘I’m sorry~’ while laughing like a psycho!♡”

Did I say something similar recently?

To provoke someone, I tossed out those words as an excuse.

Oh wait.

Am I already deeply affected right now?

“Not bad at all.”

While I was gnawing my lips in anxiety, a voice suddenly came from in front of me.

It was the skeleton.

With the same smooth voice it used when it had swung its sword just moments ago, it spoke again, leaning into the scenario’s context.

“I cannot deny your skills. Congratulations. You’ve passed the trial.”

‘Thank you, Garad!’

“Why’re you acting like you actually did well after getting wrecked? Oh, is your pride shattered that badly that you need a petty mental victory? Sorry~ Hero!~ I totally didn’t know~”

I could see the skeleton’s hand trembling. It wasn’t that it had calmed down; it was struggling to hide its irritation.

If I pushed it a bit more, it was likely to swing its sword seriously next.

Best to keep quiet.

“…Here’s the trial reward. Ankhira.”

I gazed down at the shield the skeleton extended.

A shield that still retained its pure white even after centuries had passed.

The moment I laid eyes on it, my lips curled into a grin.

The me who first arrived in this world didn’t know much about the value of such a treasure.

Given my experience with the game, I knew it was a big deal, but I couldn’t judge it in reality.

After all, I was a modern-day person who would never touch an actual weapon.

But that was not the case anymore.

Having swung a mace countless times over the years I possessed this body, I recognized the worth of such equipment just by seeing it.

That shield, Ankhira, is something everyone wielding a shield would yearn for and admire.

The moment I accepted it from the skeleton, I felt the divine energy within me becoming clearer.

The relic bestowed by the divine was elevating my standing immensely.

Ah. A mithril shield! Want to take a short break in my inventory?

I’ve worked hard up till now, so let’s give it a little rest.

I’m not throwing you away or anything, just taking a breather, alright?

I hope you understand. Just rest for a bit, okay?

Having grown fond of the now-gone mithril shield, I carelessly tossed it into my inventory and strapped on Ankhira.

Before long, the size of the shield adjusted automatically, reaching the ideal form I had in mind.

Wow! Now this is what a divine weapon feels like! Yes!

The weight was just right when I held it.

The grip felt good, and there was no discomfort when moving.

But above all, the transmission of divine energy was smooth!

This was nothing like that mithril piece of junk!

With this, I can surely replicate what Grandpa can do, right?

Ah, what should I do?

I really want to use this in real combat right away.

I want to take on an attack meant to genuinely break me.

Feeling even more enamored with Ankhira than expected, I noticed the skeleton smiling as it spoke.

“You, who have received the divine’s love, could undoubtedly overcome the trials left by my friend, Karon. If you find me again, I urge you to take on the challenge. These relics may not be as good as those of the so-called holy knight, but they are certainly valuable items.”

Well, I know that already. Are you talking about the so-called holy knight right now?

[What’s up with this guy, talentless at anything but charming ladies! It’s not acceptable! All this while, I protected you from his dark history! Young lady! Provoke him! Go ahead, hit him where it hurts!]

‘…I’m not looking to get myself killed, you know.’

I don’t know what that dark history entails, but I’m not bringing it up; I’m scared I’ll actually get stabbed.

“May blessings follow you on your journey.”

Believing itself to be Garad, the skeleton bowed gracefully before turning away.

As soon as it settled back in place, it crumbled, making a creaking sound as the door opened once more.

Thus, the trial ended.

– Ding!

[You have overcome the hero’s trial!]
[You have succeeded in achieving a great feat!]
[Rewards are being dispensed!]

For a moment, I tensed at the sound of the message, but thankfully, it wasn’t from the Evil God.

Huh. Pathetic God! If you’re going to give me a reward, do it after I’ve made it out of here!

How terrifying is it to hear that ding!

I can’t complain about rewards, but I’d appreciate being a bit more cautious next time!

By the way, speaking of rewards, having Ankhira in my hands is already a great reward; what else could they possibly give me?

It can’t be anything too impressive. Maybe just a few stats like when I cleared Luca’s trial.

[Reward: S#^#^#$%@!$%%]


Wait a second.

Just a moment.

I’ve seen this before.

I’ve definitely seen it before.

It was when I tried to conquer Menestel.

At that moment when the Evil God tried to block me from escaping the dungeon.

The message screen had been corrupted.

So this means—

It’s a sign that the Evil God is getting involved.

My prediction was right on the money.

Just then, the strange letters on the message screen suddenly shifted to bold black text.

[The night is the time of darkness, and the underground is the place of darkness.]
[You shall be consumed by the darkness.]

As the message faded, the dim light left the underground space entirely, wrapping it in a complete darkness.

A smirk escaped my lips.

Did that Evil God realize I had figured out the truth about the Burrow Duchy? I thought I had pulled it off pretty well, but maybe not.

[Hey, girl.]

The way Grandpa called me this time held a weight I hadn’t heard before.

This wasn’t the usual scatterbrained Grandpa; this was the heroic Ruel speaking.

Feeling that seriousness seep into my heart, I listened intently.

[Light the way.]


I infused my divine energy into Ankhira.

As I surpassed the trial, the divine essence within me became even purer.

Then, the pristine shield began to radiate light, spreading warmth around as if it was the sun.

One step.

Another step.

The darkness shrank back, frightened of the light.

This was the power that Ankhira possessed.

The ability to dispel evil.

As the area illuminated like daylight, the senses the world had lost returned.


“Now it seems you’ve regained your wits, Pathetic Junior.”

As the light illuminated, I saw Luka brandishing a dagger against Karl, who stood poised to protect him.

This is one of the annoyances of storming a dungeon connected to the Evil God of Darkness. If resistance fails, you get devoured whole.

As the negativity fled, Luka, now fully aware, blinked rapidly before hastily putting away his weapon.

“What is going on?”

‘This is the doing of the Evil God of Darkness.’

“More like the creepy pervert who controls a girl’s body—it’s disgusting and sickening.”

But isn’t it strange? Considering Tariki’s powers are still minimal, and Luka is a pretty competent fighter, it should be natural to resist.

How many sins has that guy piled up in his heart?

If left alone, he might explode again, so I grabbed Luka’s hand and invoked Armadi’s touch.

Given that I have Ankhira now, I should be able to chase away such residual energy.

Did he feel the divine energy flowing through my hand? Luka stared at me blankly before nodding deeply.

“Thank you, Young Lady.”

I couldn’t respond to him at that moment. Just as I was about to answer, a new message appeared before me.

[A new quest has been issued!]
[The Evil God of Darkness has taken over the dungeon using its powers! Escape from here!]
[Reward: ???]

Wait, so it’s not just a casual takeover of the dungeon?

Did I really rub him the wrong way that badly?

To make such a ridiculous commotion with his limited power!

But, seriously, he should have done this earlier. Such stupidity.

Now that I possess Ankhira, trying any sneaky tricks is utterly pointless.

Ah. So you’re the darkness seer who’s been listening to my wish to try out my shield?

What a wonderfully thoughtful gesture, Evil God of Darkness!

With that as my reward, I’ll show you something entertaining.

I’ll have your carefully prepared traps destroyed in this circus of fun!

So fun, I could use some expletives!

Revisiting the map of this maze, I let my spear fly.

Suddenly, Karl clutched his chest dramatically.

“Ugh, Young Lady! I feel like I’ve been infected by the Evil God’s energy!”

I shot him a look that could curdle milk.

His tone was way too stiff.

His movements were too awkward.

To anyone watching, it was clear he was just putting on an act.

What’s worse is that I could see right through his intention.

Is that pathetic jerk actually jealous of the divine energy I bestowed on Luka?!

‘This is truly disgusting.’

“Truly disgusting.”


Karl flopped forward, his body tumbling.

Sigh. What on earth do I do with him?

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not work with dark mode