Switch Mode

Chapter 247

Chapter: 247

Thinking back to the comfort I felt when Duke Partran teleported me last time, I naively expected a similar experience this time around.

Of course, I knew the reason I didn’t get motion sickness back then was Duke Partran’s exceptional magic skills, but a girl can dream, right?

Considering how strong I’d become compared to my past self, maybe I could handle the dizziness now!

Feeling all adventurous, I reinforced my body with divine power and stepped into the portal for teleportation, only to realize I was still as weak as a kitten.

I wasn’t completely immobile, but boy, was I barely hanging on!

The nausea was real, and right above me, the Clumsy Fox let out a chuckle.

“Why don’t you just let me help?”

The moment it spread its wings, my insides felt calm—proving once again how useful the Clumsy Fox could be when it counted.

It was a shame, though, that it only showed its worth at times like these.

Last night, when I figured out that the Clumsy Fox could communicate with Grandpa, I had a brilliant idea.

What if I used the Clumsy Fox as my translator to talk to people normally?

After relaying the information to Grandpa, he could then share it with others through the Clumsy Fox.

I was buzzing at the thought of finally breaking free from the masugaki skill’s annoying interference, but of course, my grand idea flopped spectacularly.

[Sorry, Young Lady. I don’t think your voice is getting through.]

Of course that pathetic perverted god wouldn’t allow it—he thrives on making my life difficult!

I was prepared for this outcome the moment I conceived the idea, so I wasn’t too disappointed.

I should have learned my lesson after a couple of experiences like this.

Ugh, why is that pathetic god so meticulous about such things?!

That same meticulousness could be used to help me out a bit, you know!

“Are you sure you don’t want to bring Bishop Johan along?”

As I grumbled about my frustrations with the pathetic god, Karl threw me a question.

When I mentioned to Johan that I was heading to meet Isabel, he insisted on joining me, claiming it would make things smoother.

But I turned that down.

I didn’t need a bishop tagging along for a simple discussion about a tablet—I had no intention of discussing anything else inconvenient.

I had thought it was just a friendly gesture, but judging by Karl’s expression, he had a different reason in mind.

…Had I done something at Count Artea’s that I wasn’t aware of? No way, right?

Not long after exiting the portal, the Artea family mansion came into view, and I couldn’t hold back a gasp.

The Artea mansion was more beautiful than any building I had ever seen!

The words used by game characters to describe it seemed to perfectly reflect its sacred aura, like the gods themselves had blessed this place.

When I heard those exaggerated descriptions through my monitor, I thought they were just that—exaggerations. Sure, it was a nice design, but not outstanding compared to other magnificent mansions.

But now? Being here, standing in front of the mansion, I was completely blown away.

It wasn’t gigantic.

It wasn’t overly ornate.

It was just divine.

I could easily believe a god had just left that very spot a moment ago.

Is this what it feels like to be overwhelmed by human architecture?

[Huh. Just how much money does it take to create a building like this?]

‘…Seriously? You’re talking about money right now?!’

No, Grandpa! Can’t you see I’m having a deep moment right now? Don’t ruin it!

Even I, someone treating that pathetic god like trash, felt a surge of reverence; so how can you say something like that?

Look! Even the Clumsy Fox is quietly gazing at it!

For crying out loud, Grandpa, you’re way less sensitive than a perverted fox!

“Not that impressive, though. Just because it’s dressed up, the core hasn’t changed,” he scoffed. “There’s no point in looking at it.”

…This is why adults shouldn’t be so emotionally stunted!

Everything has to be viewed as mere numbers to you!

You should appreciate it with your heart—like I do!

“Please, hold on just a moment.”

Feeling sorry for both of them—my grumpy Grandpa and the Clumsy Fox—I headed toward the mansion, only to see the guards mumbling among themselves.

They seemed horrified, which only supported my hypothesis that Lucy must have caused a ruckus here ages ago.

Eventually, the youngest guard stepped forward.

“Excuse me, Young Lady of the Alrn family. May I ask the purpose of your visit to this mansion?”

‘I came to meet the owner of the mansion.’

“Came to meet the fanatical money-grubber, huh?”

So, Isabel is a fanatic? Not entirely incorrect, but from the guards’ perspective, it likely didn’t sound right.

The guard’s expression twisted in disgust at my description of his master as a “fanatic,” and he quickly shot another question at me.

“…Are you referring to Count Artea?”


“Why ask if you already understood? What’s the deal?”

Dude, learn to manage your expression! It’s not like I just insulted him casually—what I said had the provocation skills of masugaki behind it. It would be abnormal if you weren’t annoyed!

“Did you schedule this in advance?”

‘No, not at all.’

“Why should I have to schedule an appointment when I’m willing to meet? Makes no sense.”

“…Could you just hold on for a second?”

The guard finished, then hurriedly ran back toward the mansion as if he was escaping.

Hey, wait! I still have something for you!

Seeing his back, I felt frustrated but couldn’t bring myself to shout.

Maybe the guards around were looking at me with disapproval because they’d overheard me calling the Count a money-grubbing fanatic.

Hmm. I’m here for business; stirring up trouble is the last thing I need.

For now, I guess I’ll just wait for the guard to return.

When the time comes that they say I can’t see the Count, then I’ll whip out the seal to prove my identity.

“I apologize, Young Lady.”

Shortly after, the guard returned with an apology.

He mentioned that Count Artea was too busy with work to find time to meet me.

Even I, who wasn’t particularly politically savvy, could feel the underlying meaning in that statement.

Translated, it meant something like, “I have no time for you, so just scram.”

Given Lucy’s reputation, I suppose this response was understandable. So, I took out the seal I received from Johan and showed it to the bowing guard.

‘It’s not like I just showed up without reason…’

“It’s a favor from the old priest. He sent me here to talk with the so-called fanatic. Even a dimwit like you would know that, right?”

The guard, upon seeing the seal, looked utterly at a loss.

Why not go inside, check if it’s real or not?

Just then, another man strode out from the group of guards stationed by the door.

He was middle-aged, and despite showing no signs of frailty, he seized the shoulder of the younger guard, shoved him aside, and stood right in front of me, declaring:

“Showing such a fake is troublesome.”


“What nonsense are you spewing?”

“It’s a known fact that Bishop Johan went through hardships for your sake, Young Lady. So, there’s no way he’d hand you the seal.”

Ah, so Johan wouldn’t give someone like me such a valuable item, huh?

That makes sense. Knowing my reputation, I totally got where his suspicion was coming from.

I asked him to verify the seal’s authenticity, but he just shook his head.

“There’s no need to double-check. I don’t know what greed you’re harboring to meet the Count, but please leave before causing any more trouble.”

The fact that he said “once again” indicated Lucy had definitely stirred up trouble with Count Artea before.

Whoa, Lucy, did you really cause a ruckus everywhere?! I mean, you did call a king’s livestock smelly, so what’s terrifying about anything else?

…Oh, so that’s why Johan insisted on coming along. Had I known, I’d have dragged him with me right away.

But no choice now. I’d have to go back to the territory and rethink my approach.

“Please consider how this behavior reflects upon the honor of Sir Benedict.”

Just as I was getting ready to leave, the old guard added something that quite changed my train of thought.

He spoke politely, but deep down, it was like saying, “If your father heard this, wouldn’t he be embarrassed?”

I may not know much, but I can certainly recognize insults. I’d heard words like that plenty during Soul Academy’s first semester—over and over again.

Hmm. That was a tad infuriating.

What to do?

Backtracking due to insults isn’t really my style.

Ah, I had a brilliant idea! I’d cause a ruckus on purpose.

Mistakes made by subordinates reflect on their superiors! I could force them into a mess that’d leave Isabel indebted to me!

No clue how Isabel would view me, but if her underling attacked first, she wouldn’t be able to drop the “summon curse.”

After all, I have both Karl and the Clumsy Fox by my side, so I wouldn’t get hurt.

‘Here’s what I’m planning, what do you think?’

I conveyed my freshly thought-out plan to Grandpa.

[Young lady, you shouldn’t do that.]

Of course, Grandpa was against it.

Sorry, Grandpa! But asking for your opinion was more like a heads-up since I’m going ahead with this!

[You should make it grander. Stopping at this level won’t cut it!]

…Wait, is that not discouraging but rather cheering me on?!

The unexpected switch caught me off guard, and I burst into laughter.

Ah, okay then, Grandpa.

I’ll take your advice and really kick things up a notch.

Just as I composed myself and looked up, I caught the elderly guard watching me with a worried expression.

He must think I’m about to do something crazy.

Ugh, why make a fuss first?

I shot him a smug smile and then stomped down on the guard’s foot.

“Hey there♡ Are you really not seeing how you’re just insulting the crazy lady of the mansion?♡”

“…Huh? What are you talking about?”

“Oh, you poor dimwit can’t see that?♡ Why are you even guarding the front door, bit of fluff?♡ You’ve got the likes of a pathetic god and its fanatic just lounging around, huh?♡”

The old guard’s face flushed bright red.

He was boiling with rage—too furious to hold it in, and I knew from past experiences that with just a nudge, he’d swing at me.

So, let’s poke that bear even more!

“Are you angry?♡ Is this little brat disrespecting your esteemed master?♡ Hehehe♡”


“But you hired someone like this as a guard? How are you going to ignore trash strewn across the entryway?♡”

“…Young Lady.”

“Staring at me makes it smell like trash, why don’t you just disappear?♡ Oh, wait—it’s not your fault for not understanding, is it?♡ I bet a rock won’t even get it either!♡”

In the end, the old guard couldn’t take it anymore and threw a punch.

Fueled by frustration, he swung wildly, like a child lashing out in a tantrum.

Sure he had impressive physical abilities, but there was a limit to how much power he could muster when launching a clumsy punch like that.

I didn’t even need to draw my shield to block it.

All it took was a flick of my hand to swat the punch away.

“A punch like that from a rock head is surprisingly soft! That’s adorable!♡”

Now then, let’s really ramp up the ruckus, shall we?

Make sure your master realizes he can’t just look down on me without facing repercussions!

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not work with dark mode