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Chapter 244

Chapter: 244

Since that day when Phoebe was saved by the true apostle of the deity, Lucy Alrn, she followed Lucy’s side whenever possible.

Be it during class, meal times, or training sessions.

Unless she had to leave due to church-related matters, Phoebe always kept Lucy in her sights.

She knew that her actions led to rumors of favoritism towards Lucy, yet she continued regardless.

Phoebe wasn’t naive enough to think that her actions wouldn’t be bothersome. At times, she even worried that Lucy might end up avoiding her because of it.

Still, the reason Phoebe couldn’t pull away from Lucy’s side was that being near her felt like basking in divine warmth.

It seemed to chase away her anxieties.

She could have faith in her own beliefs.

Plus, Phoebe regarded Lucy Alrn as someone precious. The steady determination and unwavering confidence she exuded made her feel inexplicably precarious, compelling Phoebe to look on without being able to tear her gaze away.

In the process, Phoebe learned a few truths about Lucy.

First, she recognized that Lucy was strict with others, just as she was with herself.

Every morning, Lucy was the first to arrive at the training grounds, pushing herself through rigorous training, staying later than anyone else.

It seemed there was no room for rest or study during her training, but Lucy completed such a schedule with ease and still managed to score excellently in her midterms.

Watching her, Phoebe couldn’t help but wonder if the Young Lady ever got any sleep.

Next, she realized that Lucy was undoubtedly a kind person.

Though it was hard to tell due to her sharp expression and sarcastic tone, she would respond with good intentions as long as no hostility was shown first.

She acknowledged that people feared her and would move away to less noticeable spots during meals or class.

She always nodded agreeably when others requested her help.

If someone, like the Burrow scion or anyone else who might have once envied or hated Lucy, found themselves in crisis, Lucy would go out of her way to help them.

Through all of this, Phoebe understood why Joy liked Lucy and why the deity deemed Lucy worthy of being His apostle.

She was indeed a person deserving of divine selection.

Lastly, Phoebe figured something out about Lucy’s manner of speaking.

Regardless of whether she was dealing with a commoner or a king, she’d always use a provocative tone and cast condescending glances, but there was a slight difference between her usual speech and that when she genuinely sought to belittle someone.

It felt like the tone she used to anger her opponents.

Sharp, clear, annoying, and too hard to ignore—Phoebe even felt a red tint creeping into her heart when she heard it.

Lucy occasionally adopted this tone.

To draw a monster’s attention towards herself.

To shake her opponent’s emotions during a spar.

To genuinely infuriate someone she wanted to insult.

And today was no exception.

“Why are you upset?♡ How could I not get embarrassed being adored by a girl like me? You should be the one feeling bad for mingling with that inferior lord!♡”

“That’s nonsense.”

“Oh?♡ Is that so?♡ Is our inferior lord just a shy young man who doesn’t know how to handle his own cuteness?♡ I understand!♡ A guy who hasn’t even held a girl’s hand is always like that!♡”

Seeing Burrow’s scion turning beet red, Lucy obviously aimed to ruffle his feathers.

And it was clear why.

Phoebe had made a mistake.

Today, she had visited the Burrow house at Lucy’s request.

There might be something suspicious about Duke Burrow’s illness. She was asked if she could help detect any anomalies.

When she received that request, Phoebe nodded, as though it were a matter of course.

She had always relied on Lucy’s help.

If she could repay that salvation somehow, even if it was a tiny contribution to fulfilling the deity’s will, she would do anything; to her, the thought of refusing was non-existent.

Having resolutely come to the Burrow house, she expected the place to be rife with tension.

Yet the Duke, who was said to be severely ill, looked perfectly healthy, while the Duchess appeared slightly fatigued but had no unusual signs. Inside the Duke’s mansion, she couldn’t pinpoint even a minor peculiarity.

While contemplating how even Lucy, who always appeared flawless, could make a mistake, she felt a bit relieved.

If there are no abnormalities, that means no problems, and no problems mean no one’s suffering.

Thus, it would be best if everything remained perfectly fine, even if she couldn’t repay Lucy.

However, Phoebe overlooked one crucial fact.

Lucy was the apostle of a deity. Every time she acted unexpectedly, it always meant there was divine intention behind her actions.

Such was the case now. Lucy had shown no interest in the Burrow family until now, despite the knowledge of the Burrow scion’s absence.

Yet suddenly, she insisted that they visit the Burrow family.

What the hell does that mean? This situation implies it’s not just Lucy’s whim but a will of the deity itself.

The deity must have sent Lucy a revelation indicating there was a problem within the Burrow family, so how could there be a mistake?

There had to be something unusual within this mansion. They simply had yet to discover it.

‘Didn’t think that so many people would come to see me.’

As Phoebe registered this fact while watching the Burrow scion, she greeted him.

‘It’s been a while.’

Seeing the lurking desire in his eyes, she noticed the familiar dark aura that had once tried to tempt her.

She realized it.

She understood.

The dark evil god who had once attempted to seduce Phoebe had now switched targets, aiming for the Burrow family.

Upon this realization, Phoebe was so taken aback that she stood up from her seat.

Though she shouldn’t have revealed that she had noticed something was off, she involuntarily did just that.

“Saintess? Is something the matter?”

When the Burrow scion’s gaze fell upon her, Phoebe could only stand in bewilderment, unable to utter a single word.

She knew she had to rectify the situation. She was painfully aware that remaining silent could jeopardize the deity’s plan. Yet, her mind went blank, preventing her from even uttering a trivial excuse.

Lucy was the one to cover for her in that moment. Regardless of whether the accusation was true, she made a seemingly frivolous remark about some shameful and malicious rumor.

With that, she managed to divert the Burrow scion’s attention and erase Phoebe’s blunder.

Phoebe, what on Earth are you doing?

You came here to help the Young Lady, to repay her kindness.

Yet, instead, you’re now risking the deity’s will while being helped by the Young Lady!

As Phoebe blushed with embarrassment, gripping her skirt tight, the squabble between Lucy and Jakal continued.

“I doubted what the inferior lord believed, but it seems he believes in his own adorability!♡ I’ll give you credit!♡ Your head’s cute, your spear skills are cute, and your height is cute!♡ Why don’t you try wearing a dress?♡ I bet you’d look splendid!♡”

“Shut it! You’re no better, Lucy Alrn! Who would like someone like you?”

“Hahaha! Your eyesight’s adorable too!♡ Can’t you see this cute girl standing right in front of you? It’s such a pity!♡ I wonder if you’ll manage to produce a successor at this rate!♡”

“Hah! It’s truly laughable when a girl like you—who can only mock because you’re so foul-tempered—says something like that!”

“Both of you, can you please just chill? Your racket is going to fill this previously quiet mansion with noise.”

At least it was fortunate that Arthur was present.

When he, bearing the title of prince, voiced his annoyance, Jakal was the first to shut up, followed by Lucy falling silent as well.

As Lucy looked down at Jakal with a derisive gaze, and he shook with barely restrained rage, Duke Partran re-entered the reception room.

He glanced around the sight before shrugging and suggesting it was time to leave.


“Good work. Jakal is likely seething with frustrations directed at you.”

‘…Well, it’s no big deal.’

On the way back after visiting the Duke’s estate.

As I stepped back into the dormitory, Grandpa praised me, but I couldn’t fully accept it.

Initially, I provoked Jakal just to grab his attention.

But midway through, that had changed.

We had been discussing and heated up.

Looking back, I’m still not satisfied.

What the hell is wrong with that guy, acting all upset by himself?

Being tied to a trash character like himself must feel downright bad!

To have him moan about his character’s looks, story, and performance—not a single thing about him isn’t trash, so once you complete his stupid quest, you never need to worry about him again!

It’s absurd!

If it hadn’t been for Arthur jumping in, I’d have fired back and stomped him into the ground!

As I sulked in frustration, I heard a knock on my door.

Even though I hadn’t opened it yet, I knew who was on the other side. There was only one person I knew with that warm divine presence.

“Come on in, Phoebe.”

“Excuse me, Ms. Nobility.”

As Phoebe stepped into my room, looking a bit sheepish, I activated the ring’s magic to dampen the surrounding noise.

Seeing how startled Phoebe was, I figured whatever she had to say wasn’t meant for others’ ears.

Phoebe walked in and hastily lowered her head, almost on the verge of saying she had nearly messed up today.

I couldn’t grasp why she’d feel that way. If it hadn’t been for her, I might not have even figured out what was going on with the Burrow family!

“It’s fine, Phoebe.”

“Do I seem like that petty to you, Ms. Nobility?”

“No! Not at all!”

“Forget it, it wasn’t anything anyway.”

“…How do you manage to be so forgiving?”

Being a true apostle of the deity, Phoebe almost lowered her head repeatedly before I finally calmed her down. I then outright asked her the most important question.

What on earth had she seen in that inferior lord that left her so flustered?

“I sensed an evil aura from the Burrow scion. The same energy that used to seep into me.”

Wait. Hold on a second.

Are you saying the Burrow family’s problems are connected to the dark evil god?

– Ding Ding

[Quest Clear!]
[You successfully uncovered the anomaly in the Burrow family!]
[Rewards are being calculated! Please wait a moment!]

The moment I processed Phoebe’s words, several windows popped up in front of me.

This could only mean one thing.

Everything Phoebe said was indeed true.

…Uh, well, that’s quite a surprise. Finding out something I thought was impossible was actual reality is unsettling.

But one thing is definitely clear.

I now have a justification to smack that Jakal bastard right in the face!

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not work with dark mode