Switch Mode

Chapter 238

Chapter: 238

“Long time no see, my employer. You really stirred up quite the scene, huh?”

As soon as I stepped into the shop, Karia greeted me. She was smiling while talking, but her eyes told a different story.

Behind those friendly eyes lay clear disappointment. What on earth was I thinking when I pulled such a crazy stunt?

I mean, I did go a bit overboard. Not only did I call the Second Prince a “dumbass prince,” but I also picked a fight right after our duel.

“Honestly, if you wanted to test Benedict’s disguise durability, you could’ve just given him poison instead! Do you have any idea how annoying it was to have him keep calling me after hearing this news?”

Karia grumbled about the hassle caused by Benedict, who was likely pacing back and forth in anxiety. After a fair bit of lecturing, she let out a deep sigh.

“On the bright side, the results weren’t all bad, so I’ll let it slide this time. But next time, think and then act.”

But I did think before acting! I came up with this plan after discussing it with Grandpa. She wouldn’t believe that, though. Let’s keep my mouth shut.

“Anyway, back to business. Thanks to your little escapade, your name is spreading like wildfire.”

The clash between the infamous Lucy Alrn and the Second Prince of the Soladin Kingdom was trending gossip; especially as word spread that the Second Prince, who had shown a lack of talent, was utterly overshadowed by me.

Things like conquering the academy dungeon in just one day or effortlessly blocking the unique aura the Second Prince wielded became part of the narrative.

With this incident added to the past match with the First Prince at the Partran Festival, Karia explained that people were beginning to doubt my talents less and less.

“Right now, your reputation is as follows: an overwhelming talent, smart, but with a dirty personality and an unruly noble.”

To sum it up in a nutshell: a talented brat.

So, the reputation that was once confined to the academy was spreading across the entire continent.

It’s a good thing to be recognized for my skills, but having my personality labeled as “dirty” along with it feels a bit weird.

Well, with the gossip that followed, the fact that I called the Second Prince a dumbass prince likely spread, so if anything, that’s only going to worsen the situation.

“There are also some news related to the church—things like repentance, possibly being devout, and being favorable to the church.”

Most of the church-related news was positive.

And it couldn’t be helped. Lucy’s past was just too tragic, and my recent actions were undeniably seen in a good light by the church.

I had obtained Ruel’s mace through divine revelation, lifted two curses from Agra, handled sacred magic thanks to my massive amount of divine energy, and became good friends with Phoebe.

If anyone other than Lucy were the topic of this story, everyone would be nodding their heads saying they were a devout believer.

“It seems the church is starting to take notice of you. Keep that in mind.”

The moment I heard that I was being noticed, my brows furrowed.

Being noticed by the church was definitely not a good thing. The current church doesn’t seek out genuinely faithful individuals.

…Hmm. Should I ask Johan to spread some negative stories about me later?

“Oh, and there’s this too: someone with a face that looks like it was chiselled by the gods.”

‘…What the heck?!’

“Auntie, what nonsense is that?”

“The Apostle of Beauty and Art made a song for you and spread it around.”

Ah, that pervert I met at the Partran Festival.

Not wanting to talk longer, I told him to do whatever, and he went and made a song?

“The lyrics are a bit outrageous, but the tune is nice, and bards sing it often. Wanna hear it?”

I felt a moment of curiosity arise, but I quickly suppressed it and shook my head.

No matter how I thought about it, listening to that song felt like it would be a severe injury to my mind.

It’s a song made by a pervert that could rival a clumsy fox. There’s definitely going to be some of that perverted essence in it, and I really don’t want to hear it.

“Well, anyway, thanks to your talent being solidified, everyone is blushing with excitement. You’re Benedict’s daughter after all. Anyone remembering his glory has no choice but to hold high expectations for you.”

There’s a chance that the daughter might inherit the glory her father created. She might even create even greater glory.

The combination of the name Alrn and the various achievements I’ve made has significantly raised my value.

Daughter of a monster who changed the course of war single-handedly. Who wouldn’t want to have someone like that under them?

Even if I’m a handful to deal with, it’d be much better than making an enemy out of me.

“Isn’t it curious that even after handing the Second Prince a massive humiliation, the Second Queen is still hopeful about you?”

While I did succeed in spreading the word about the Second Prince’s lack of talent, that was just a part of the result—what I handed the Second Prince was more about humiliation than any gain.

Given the circumstances, it would be normal for the Second Queen, who hopes for her son to become king, to narrow her eyes at me this time. But this time it’s different; my value was just too great.

“Now let’s get to the main topic.”

Karia, who had been chatting leisurely until just a moment ago, suddenly lowered her voice.

“Alsetin will guide you to a person from the Second Queen’s camp. So, there will be discussions about the recent events.”

That makes sense. The fact that this incident has spread means the title “dumbass prince” has also made its way around.

The Second Prince’s camp, which is already under a somewhat dubious assessment, wouldn’t let that title slide lightly.

“Though I know this will be a tough job for you, you still need to approach the title issue humbly, alright? You must be humble. At least try to save some of their pride!”

Though I understood what Karia was saying, I couldn’t bring myself to offer a heartfelt reply.

There’s no way the mesugaki skill would allow me to approach this situation humbly. If I could do that, I wouldn’t have called the Second Prince a dumbass in the first place!

“I doubt they’ll be overly picky. After all, the Second Prince’s side isn’t in the clear in this matter. Once this discussion wraps up, they’ll likely attempt to coax you afterward.”

They might bring up the sins I have caused. Or whisper sweet nothings in my ear. Karia paused for a moment, then continued with a smile.

“Whatever they say, just refuse everything. It’s all not worth hearing.”

[This girl is right. Whatever terms they offer, refusing them is the right choice for you.]

Grandpa’s words matched Karia’s. There’s no need to listen to any of the nonsense they have to say. Just let it drift in one ear and out the other before getting up and leaving.

I find it rather funny that I need to ask why I should do that, to which Grandpa chuckled softly.

[Just think. Don’t you have confidence that you can become stronger than you are now? Just because you’re being pressured doesn’t mean you should lower your head.]


There’s no way I’d say that. As a disciple of that pathetic god, I have to follow his orders.

I know that one day I’ll have to face the evil god myself.

To survive then, to see the end of this world, and to kick that pathetic god right in the face, I need to become much stronger than I am now.

[Is your support really so desperate that you have to bend your neck to the Second Queen? Is that truly you? Do you really think so little of yourself? What about your pride? Shouldn’t you even just consider that before groveling? ]

‘No. Not at all.’

I don’t need any support right now. Like I always say, I can get just about everything I want as soon as I desire it.

[So why do you feel the need to lower your head to accept their conditions? Why do you have to bow your neck? Don’t you think you should be waiting until they are the ones bowing their heads to you instead? ]

Ah. I get it. So Lucy Alrn’s stock is at its lowest right now.

Right. I can’t sell here. I need to get to Mars instead!

Understanding Grandpa’s explanation, I stood up with a firm resolution that no matter what the Second Queen says, I won’t be tempted.

Alsetin, whom I hadn’t seen in a while, looked worn out. I suspected whether he had even been sleeping lately, so I asked him if he was alright, to which he smiled.

“I’ve been busy learning various things from my master. It feels delightful to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.”

Though his response brought a hint of joy, I could see the spark of a new recruit who was overly ecstatic about his military life there.

But if he says he’s happy, then it must be alright.

Alsetin led me to the same shop where I’d met Kurz Newman.

As I opened the door to one of the rooms following the waitstaff’s guidance, I came face to face with the familiar old gentleman.

“Greetings. Young Lady Lucy Alrn of the Alrn family. I am Nabil. One of the knights of the Bedper family and a close aide to the Second Queen. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”


He’s one of the close aides of the Bedper family, someone who handles important tasks for the Second Queen regardless of light or shadow.

That he had introduced himself as Nabil meant that the Second Queen greatly valued me.

What he’ll say from now onward likely isn’t going to differ from whatever the Second Queen might say, either.

“Hello, Nabil.”

“Good to see you, fake grandpa.”

Fake? Well, isn’t that true? More of what’s out there is likely to be fake.

Nabil, being one of the stronger aides of the Second Queen, challenged me with that jab, but I took it with a shrug of indifference.

It’s not like this is the first time it’s happened. I know Nabil isn’t someone who’ll go too far over just this, anyway.

“Haha! Just as I heard, you don’t call others by their names, do you?”

With a jovial laugh, Nabil invited me to sit. I wondered what he had prepared to entice me. Given what the Second Prince did, he probably had something substantial.

“As you might have speculated, I came to discuss a few matters with you today.”

‘Could you get right to the point, please?’

“Excuse me, fake grandpa. Can you stop prolonging it? Do I look like someone with all the time in the world to you?”

I didn’t want to hear any drawn-out refusals, so I interrupted, and Nabil shrugged his shoulders.

“My, my. I apologize. When you get older, there tends to be more chit-chat.”

Seemingly trying to show he’s old, he chuckled and made annoying pointless sounds, only to quickly clear his throat and adopt a serious tone.

“The first thing I want to convey is that I’m not the person you should have a conversation with here.”

…Huh? What does that even mean?

As I blinked in confusion, Nabil pulled a crystal ball from his robe and placed it on the desk.

Once the magical energy seeped into the crystal, a spell was activated, and a woman’s face appeared as a projection above it.

She had piercing, sharp eyes and a thick brow lined with furrows, with her tightly shut lips giving off a sense of disdain.

Instinctively, I felt frozen in place by the sight of a woman whose personality radiated negativity from every angle.

[Hello, Young Lady Alrn.]

Uh-oh. Umm, so…

[My name is Serane Soladin. I hold the position of the Second Queen in the current kingdom.]

…Better not say anything?

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not work with dark mode