Switch Mode

Chapter 227

Chapter: 227

I dodged the punch aimed at my head by simply turning my head aside and then stepped back to avoid another attack.

When I kicked the representative’s poorly defended thigh, he staggered but managed to regain his balance.

Even though it had barely been three minutes since the duel started, the situation was already clear.

I hadn’t let a single attack slip by me, yet the dimwit was already falling apart at the seams. Even if we continued this duel, it would just turn into my one-sided bullying.

If he were a noble known for his refined demeanor, it would be about time to encourage him to concede, but I wasn’t about to do that.

“It’s not even been three minutes and your legs are already trembling like jelly?♡ Is that your limit?♡ Seriously?♡ Even a rabbit could last longer than this!♡”

Ah, the embodiment of a brat, Lucy doesn’t know any better!

…Okay, that was a joke. The reason I wasn’t knocking him out right away was that he hadn’t mentioned anything about his backup yet.

He was allowing me to stomp on his dignity with my mesugaki skills while not uttering a single word. Is he just some loyal little puppy to his master?

Honestly, it’s starting to feel like he never had anyone to pledge loyalty to in the first place.

Even Grandpa Mon didn’t have all the answers. Didn’t he cause trouble at the last festival with his nonsense?


While I was lost in thought, the dimwit representative charged at me again.

Was he planning to ram into me with his shoulder?

The trajectory was so obvious.

With a slight movement of my foot, I dodged him and hooked his ankle to take him down.

Unable to control his speed, the dimwit rolled along the ground and crashed into the wall with a resounding thud.

As he regained consciousness, he tried to push himself up, but failed.

His body just wouldn’t listen to him.

After hitting his face against the ground multiple times, I was convinced his limit was nearing.

Let’s finish this with one last interrogation.

If that didn’t work, I could always ask the other two. Judging by their terrified eyes, they might just spill some useful information.

I approached the hindered dimwit and stomped on the back of his head while he struggled to breathe.

“Hey there. Is this it?♡ Got nothing else?♡”


“I mean, you had to have some faith to challenge me to a duel, right?♡ Oh, or did you just think you could win?♡ Puhahaha!♡ You’re just too adorable with that kind of attitude!♡ How could you underestimate me, you pathetic little trash?♡”

Through gritted teeth, I could hear the muffled sounds of his frustration beneath his head being crushed, but that was all.

The representative’s body had clearly reached its limits.

Unless he’s getting possessed by some perverted deity wanting to be trampled by a kid, he won’t be moving anymore.

“Then again, there’s no way this loser could have any confidence!♡ Just a commoner!♡ His martial arts skills are complete trash!♡ And his stamina? Nonexistent!♡ His brain’s just a hideous decoration!♡”

When I mentioned “the being he believes in,” there was a slight reaction from him.

So what does he have going on? Should I try to divert the topic there?

“What you call support would only be acknowledged by fellow losers!♡ It’s so obvious!♡ No one in their right mind would take it seriously!♡”

“What do you know about that guy?!”

Oh? Ohhhh?!

Is there really someone backing this dimwit?!

Hey, dimwit representative. Yeah, I know nothing about that guy you mentioned.

So, I’m really curious! Would you mind explaining who he is?

“How should I know? He’s just someone in your delusions!♡”


Pffft. Trying to shut up now? You can’t take back what you’ve already blurted out. Once you start talking, you gotta finish it! That’s just manners!

Did you sleep through etiquette class at the academy?! Too bad! I’ll make you learn some manners!

“Your delusional master, what are they like?♡ A girl?♡ One who asks for hugs while sobbing?♡ Ugh!♡ Just imagining it makes me sick!♡”

“Prince 2! He is…”

As soon as the dimwit representative yelled out that name, silence fell over the entire room. I was stunned too.

The name that tumbled from his mouth was utterly unexpected, leaving me blinking in disbelief.

Prince 2?

Is he actually talking about that dimwit prince?

No way! Did a total idiot have another idiot backing him up?!

No, that can’t be right!

The prince who likes powerful, talented individuals would never take an interest in a loser like him!

But he wouldn’t just drop the name like that without a reason!

‘Ugh… What do I do?!’

This was beyond my knowledge.

The Prince 2 I knew would never be interested in this guy.

Which means… some variable has appeared.

[Why are you so scared? ]

‘Because it’s Prince 2!’

If this dimwit really believes he’s supported by Prince 2, it explains why he stood up against me.

In the community, he’s called “Dimwit Prince” because of his ridiculous behavior, but that’s different from reality.

Prince 2 is a contender for the throne alongside Prince 1. Unlike Arthur, who has no claims to the throne, he carries weight and has power behind him.

[Looks like Prince 2 is pulling the strings. ]

‘Is this going to be a problem?!’

[Not at all.]

Despite my panic, Grandpa remained unfazed.

[First off, you’ve become someone not to be trifled with. Think about what’s behind you. Acting against a mere commoner isn’t worth the cost.]


[And this dimwit is worthless anyway. He’ll be used and then discarded. Important matters don’t get assigned to clowns like him.]

So, it shouldn’t matter.

Even if I drag this loser to Prince 2, I’d probably just hear back that they didn’t even know who he was.

As I listened to Grandpa’s explanation, I felt all the worries weighing on my mind evaporating.

[What you should be concerned about now is the intent behind this. Why Prince 2 would entrap you like this. From now on… ]

‘Grandpa, can you just cut to the chase?!’

There’s so much happening right now, my head is about to explode!

You seem to have concluded something in your mind, so can’t you just share it with me?

[No can do. If it were a minor issue, fine. But if it’s involving a prince, we need to think carefully.]


[And speaking of that, you have a task to handle.]

‘…A task? Just the task, please.’

[Am I supposed to explain everything to you? If that’s what you want…]

‘No! I’ll listen patiently!’


When Rab was a kid, he counted down the days until the day the bard would come. His parents always told him to respect the nobles.

Just nod your head to whatever they said.

Little Rab didn’t fully grasp the meaning behind it, but he followed his parents’ words and showed them respect.

That was, until the noble in his territory ran off before the dungeon.

That day, when his village fell into danger, he finally picked up the sword he learned from his mercenary father and slayed monsters for the first time.

Rab thought to himself, why should he respect the nobles?

That thought solidified over time.

As he honed his talents and witnessed the spoiled antics of a noble’s child, who had enrolled in the fallen Soul Academy, he realized…

He, a commoner, was recognized by Prince 2.

Rising through the ranks with better grades than most nobles, he became a second-year student.

Through this series of events, Rab settled on one idea:

People’s worth isn’t defined by blood. It’s defined by their abilities.

If Mane had heard this, he might have thought about how to dispose of this dimwit, but Rab never doubted him.

But was that all? He had developed a crazy notion that he would prove his worth by achieving success.

There was a specific reason why Rab came to think this way.

The prince he respected, who outwardly showed respect while inwardly looking down on him – he believed that the only person he truly wished to be acknowledged by, Prince 2, was keeping an eye on him.

It all began on a day during a previous exam.

By a stroke of luck, he ended up sparring with Prince 2, did his utmost, and faced a devastating defeat.

There were no excuses like bad luck or lack of preparation.

It was just overwhelming.

If he fought a hundred times, he would lose a hundred times over.

As he stared blankly at the prince, Prince 2 said:

“If you learn properly, you could become a decent knight.”

After that, Prince 2 looked after Rab in various ways.

He’d have his subordinates buy weapons and armor for him.

He’d offer rare potions.

He’d gift him opportunities to master swordsmanship.

With such continued support, Rab was always searching for ways to repay his debt.

So, when Prince 2’s henchman found him and told him to do something, he nodded without hesitation.

“I’ve heard that resentment against Lucy Alrn is strong among the commoners lately. Use that to trouble her.”

What he proposed was typical mischief that the commoners pulled on weak nobles.

Simple tricks that could easily be ignored, and he had no responsibility since he only secretly told them to go ahead.

“That’s all? All good?”

“Yeah. Oh, and if Lucy Alrn starts questioning you, suggest a duel trial.”

“…What’s a duel trial?”

“Well, you see…”

“Hmm. No need to hear more than that.”

Rab woke up startled from a voice coming from next to him, but he couldn’t get up.

Something was binding his arms and legs. It even felt like a blindfold was on, for despite opening his eyes, his vision was consumed by darkness.

“Awake? Did you sleep well? Thanks to you, I got to see quite a show in your dream.”

“Ugh! Mmm! Ugh!”

What the hell is going on? Who are these people? What’s going to happen to me now?

Despite the turmoil swirling in Rab’s head, the voice of the person holding him down remained perfectly calm.

“Got scared, huh? Don’t worry. You’ll forget all about this and be back to sleep in no time.”


“Oh right! I should mention this.”

Next time you touch our employer, you might be in deep trouble, you know?

Karia gave him that warning before putting him back to sleep.

Tomorrow when he awakens, he might forget about the night’s events, but those words will haunt him in his subconscious, torturing him.

The fact that this dimwit may not have a next time is already questionable, and even if he does, it’s unlikely to pose any threat to their employer.

“Is the disciple ready?”

“Already on it.”

As Karia watched Alsetin removing several spells installed in the area, she contemplated.

Hmm… Is our employer too popular?

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not work with dark mode