Switch Mode

Chapter 223

Chapter: 223

The situation was straightforward.

It was simply a missing paper from my submission.

Looking at it normally, one might think it just got misplaced during the work process.

Since the enrollment period isn’t over yet, I could just rewrite it and submit it again, but perhaps because I heard from Luca that the commoners dislike me, this little issue weighed on my mind.

A small doubt grew over the course of the day. Several trivial incidents added up.

Like the food I planned for lunch getting burned. Getting called to a place I had no reason to go. Sitting on my favorite chair only for it to break the moment I did.

As all these incidents piled up, I found myself recalling a certain commoner storyline from the game, one that should have nothing to do with my current predicament.

So, for the first time, I decided to investigate.

Starting with the missing enrollment paperwork.

Soul Academy provides job opportunities for commoner students.

It’s not because they lack people, but to help those commoners among the Academy staff who are facing financial difficulties.

The living costs for the academy and the surrounding area, dominated by wealthy noble offspring, are not something ordinary commoners can endure.

Scholarships are given, but even that barely covers their meals.

If they want to buy even a single piece of equipment, they need to prepare to starve for a week. Commoner students who cannot receive support must live with the burden of poverty.

The academy set up jobs for these students as well. Not just any jobs, but ones with conditions far better than average.

The work is easy, the pay is decent, and there are several benefits that help in their academy life, so commoner students tend to work within the academy instead of venturing outside.

Naturally, the academy doesn’t assign specialized tasks to students. Most of what they do consists of simple, tedious paperwork.

For instance, sorting enrollment documents.

[That seems like rather stretched logic. Could it just be a day filled with unfortunate events?]

‘I’m aware. But I still want to check it out myself.’

I thought just like Grandpa. Under normal circumstances, I would question if it was just a coincidence today.

But the reason I’m being so sensitive is because there’s a similar quest in the game.

When you choose a commoner character in Soul Academy and proceed with the game, you’ll face bullying from upperclassmen.

Everything from petty annoyances to severe issues. Resisting and fighting against this bullying is what the early narrative for commoner characters is all about.

And the catalyst that kicks it off is precisely the missing enrollment document.

Isn’t it similar? A series of unfortunate events starting with the missing enrollment document.

If this worry is just unnecessary, good. But what if my suspicion is accurate? What if a madman unknowingly crossed my path?

They should at least inform me of who they’ve touched.

The professor overseeing administrative tasks recognized my face the moment I entered and began speaking.

“Lady Alrn. Did you come regarding the missing enrollment document?”

It seemed he knew well about my notorious reputation as he bowed slightly while I glanced at the students behind him.

One boy, his head down behind a partition, focused on paperwork; another girl, fidgeting nervously at my presence.

I recognized the faces of both. I often had to swing by the administrative office while completing various quests at the academy.

The girl was notable enough to have her name mentioned.

“I was shocked to discover you hadn’t submitted your papers, Young Lady.”

‘But I definitely submitted them.’

“Professor Ttilbang, I submitted the papers, okay? Can you not think of me as a fool like you?”

“…Is that so? I apologize. It seems there was a mid-process oversight.”

When I submitted the paperwork, the administrative professor wasn’t present. Knowing that, I pointed out the administrative professor to seamlessly move on to the next point.

‘I gave them to that girl. Right?’

“I gave them to this foolish brat. Hey you, brat, remember?”

Bellma, who was called a brat by someone smaller than her, was at a loss for words.

Knowing her timid nature, I kept my mouth shut and waited for a response, but she just glistened with cold sweat, her face pale.

“I remember.”

At the end of that wait, the boy working on paperwork stood up and voiced,

“Lady Alrn, you did indeed visit on the enrollment initiation day.”

“Bits, is that true?”

“Yes, absolutely. Lady Alrn naturally captures everyone’s attention, so it’s unforgettable.”

As the boy continued, Bellma’s face turned from a sickly green to a dark shade.

I couldn’t help but almost laugh, even when I should be angry.

Wait, is this face changing in reaction for real?! Her expression is hilarious! Perfect for teasing!

“Bellma, you remember too, right?”

“Uh… Ah! That is… well.”

Finally regaining some composure, I felt a sense of déjà vu listening to their exchange.

“Could it be you actually lost it?”

It’s almost identical to the dialogue from the game. I had to think I was reciting a script. So does that mean my speculation is correct?

Wow, I never thought starting as a noble would drop me into such a commoner storyline.

“Bellma, is Bits telling the truth?”

Before Bits could continue, the administrative professor jumped in.

His meaning was crystal clear.

This incident was Bellma’s personal error.

This seemingly clumsy girl lost the documents and was now terrified of being scolded, keeping quiet out of fear.

“…Uh. That is… um.”

“This is no small matter, Bellma.”

“I’m very sorry, Lady Alrn. It seems like there was a mistake along the way.”

Any ordinary noble would likely fall for their intentions. They’d think it’s just a mistake from a clueless commoner.

A kind person might tell them not to do this again, and if someone were angry, they might raise their voice, but it would all revolve around Bellma. The administrative professor or the nearby boy would just receive a lecture about proper management.

This is within Soul Academy, where on the surface everyone is meant to be equal, so killing their heads off from my noble position is impossible.

But I’m far from an ordinary noble. I’m a rotting mess who’s seen the story from every rank within Soul Academy.

Naturally, I also know their backstory well.

Even if you’re part of the commoner group, not everyone there is the same.

Can a merchant who can’t be treated carelessly be in the same boat as a peasant worrying about their daily meals?

Such disparities manifest even in the academy’s commoner groups.

Those born into decent families, cultured folks, or individuals with outstanding traits are preferred within commoner circles and strive to foster good relationships.

However, the opposite group faces discrimination. Much harsher than how nobles disdain commoners. They hear that they are the reason commoners are disregarded, and they become targets for bullying.

Bellma’s case was one of them. Born to a farmer, she managed to enroll in Soul Academy by sheer luck, only to become a target of scorn and bullying.

In the game, the document loss wasn’t her fault.

The commoner boy working with her ordered her about, and Bellma had no choice but to follow his lead.

And she ended up labeled as a nasty traitor to her friends.

What was the administrative professor doing during all that?

Some commoner students working here have managed to stay on at Soul Academy.

The administrative professor before me is one such case.

He worked here during his student years and became a staff member, turning into the administrative professor who is well-aware of the inner workings within the commoner enclaves and often helps with their issues.

It was the same during the document loss incident in the game.

The boy sought prior consent from the professor, who granted it, leading to the whole situation.

Will it be the same this time?

I still don’t know.

Deep down, I’ve kind of convinced myself, but there was no solid proof yet.

Having seen far too many instances where stories diverged from the game, I refrained from smacking the administrative professor right then and there.

If by any chance he’s innocent, my slightly improved reputation would surely plummet again.

Other people aside, I would need a real justification for acting out against my inner circle.

I don’t want to see Joy looking down at me!

“I’m terribly sorry, my Lady.”

“How should I apologize…”

“Do you guys think your voices are nice?♡ Listening to you is akin to being cursed in the ear?♡”


“Shut up already, you noisy brats!♡ Don’t you get it? Are you too dumb, even lower than a goblin?♡ You don’t even look as good as one!♡”

Both flinched at my blunt insult, but couldn’t muster any anger. There was clearly a disparity between us.

Having cleared the noise, I forcefully tilted Bellma’s chin up, making her look at me.

“Oh dear, you look like a clueless little brat!♡ Pfft♡”

The provocation of my Mesugaki skill is absolute. It can even mess with opponents stronger than me, making even inanimate objects heat up and look at me!

“How did something like you get into the academy?♡ Even if this is a totally pathetic academy, this is just too much!♡”

So, what happens if I provoke this timid girl?

“Apologize to everyone accepted into the academy♡ Apologize for being the trash that gets to share the same place!♡”

What if I provoke this terrified little girl, who can’t say a word and bursts into tears?

“Because a dunce like you is attending the academy, you should apologize by dropping out!♡”

“I didn’t make any mistakes! I…!”

The wailing voice burst forth from Bellma, startled and wide-eyed.

That was enough.

It seems this situation doesn’t differ much from the game’s storyline.

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not work with dark mode