Switch Mode

Chapter 217

Chapter: 217

You probably already know that Luca is the type of character who treats students like gacha tickets. I’ve explained that ad nauseam.

But there’s still something I haven’t mentioned. How is Professor Luca treated by the users?

Surprisingly, the way users treat Luca is quite similar to how he treats his students.


From the moment you get involved, the risks skyrocket, but so do the returns with this NPC.

If you want high-level play, you’ll inevitably have to deal with him at some point.

When complaints fill the boards, he’s got a solid quarter of the blame.

That’s the identity of that guy named Luca.

Luca continuously throws users into crises.

Whether he dumps you into a dangerous dungeon, has you threatened by a contractor, or sets you up for unfortunate accidents, he creates surprise encounters.

In a game where the time to level up is limited, more encounters meaning a higher cap for growth should be welcomed from a user’s perspective.

The problem comes when a crisis arises that can’t be solved physically.

For instance.

Right, the dungeon where the alchemist appears.

I memorized all the information about that dungeon, but I couldn’t conquer it. It just wasn’t a dungeon I could handle at the time.

All I could do was try to survive as long as possible.

I nearly bit the dust, but barely managed to escape by getting a leash from the pathetic god.

From the moment you connect with Luca, users are bound to face situations like this frequently.

Just when you saved, if you suddenly find Luca’s absurdities waiting for you. And your previous save file is a long way back.

Do you know how that feels?

I do.

When I had the grand goal to create the top-tier character for each class, I was constantly encountering Professor Luca’s face.

I even went so far as to post guides about the events you can see when meeting Luca, because I spent plenty of time having “fun” with that bastard.

I’ve memorized his behavioral patterns perfectly.

That’s also why I’m thankful that Luca is exactly the same as he was in the game.

If he’s just like in the game, I can manipulate his actions.

After countless attempts, I had succeeded in controlling my options even when they were limited in the game. So in reality, when I can choose my options as I wish?

It’s easy.

The blue light around me fades, and the landscape reveals itself.

The trees, stark and stripped of leaves.

The parched land, cracked and barren.

The few leaves scattered on the ground seemed ready to turn to dust the moment I stepped on them, and the aura of death permeating the forest was heavy and gloomy.

If a blade were to come here, it would surely screech like a banshee before blushing at the sight.

A dead forest.

Not a dungeon that a petty evil god can interfere with, but a field riddled with dangers.

I never would have thought I’d choose a place that I thought there would be a blessing regarding dungeons, but here we are.

Lucky me.

“You’ve matched the appointment time well. I thought I’d have to wait longer.”

At the voice behind me, I turned to see Professor Luca’s figure emerge.

“Are you pretending to be calm? Or did you predict such a situation and are staying composed?”

‘Shall I pretend to be shocked?’

“Why, pervy weirdo? Do you want to hear my scream? Hah! Then just confess. You would’ve heard my scream filled with sincerity.”

“…Either way works for me. Both seem extraordinary.”

Luca put on his best act, pretending he didn’t hear my voice.

“I see myself as a craftsman of gems. Finding brilliant raw stones and beautifully crafting them is my life’s purpose and goal. I’ve been doing this for so long that I take pride in the profession of crafting.”

I’d heard that line before.

I expected it the moment he told me to just accept his help.

Hearing that made me smile, realizing the situation was falling into place.

Alright, Luca. You’ll say gems must follow the craftsmen’s touch kindly.

“Gems shouldn’t speak. They must follow the craftsman’s touch obediently.”


Yes! This is how it should be.

I’m the rotten substance of the Soul Academy, after all.

Things should align perfectly when I plan something, right? Why does it always end up going in unexpected directions?

“A gem that meddles with this or that under the craftsman’s hand is unnecessary. However, Lucy Alrn, the brilliance of your gem is just too bright. So I decided to test you. To see if you have the ability to carve yourself.”

With that, Luca took a slow step back.

“I promise. If you demonstrate results here, I will allow you to carve yourself.”

As he stepped back repeatedly, his figure grew fainter, and it wasn’t long before he disappeared entirely.

And just like that, I was left alone in the forest.

[So, is this part of your plan?]

[Is this a prophecy?]
‘Something like that?’

Usually, I would blindly blame the pathetic god, but not this time.

In any case, it was the pathetic god who told me to undergo trials from Professor Luca. I was just faithfully carrying out what the god said.

[It’s evident you don’t seem willing to properly explain things.]
‘Not really…’

[Enough with the random remarks. Just answer my questions. Was it dangerous?]
‘No, not at all.’

I can confidently assert that.

No matter what variables arise in this situation, I won’t die.

How can I be so sure? There’s no way I would throw myself into something without any preparation to strengthen valuable gear.

Luca exposing his true intentions means he wants me that badly.

Whether I pass the test or not, he won’t leave me to die in this dismal place.

Eventually, he’ll prepare a grand stage for enhancement and toss me into it.

However, at the moment I fail this trial, Luca will do something to me mentally to enforce his will and silence me.

That’s how it worked in the game.

Once his true self is revealed, he uses some kind of magic to make me complicit, you know?

Once that spell is cast, I wouldn’t be able to refuse whatever Luca says.

To counter that, I would need some mental skills or NPCs that can handle it well, but I have the Clumsy Fox by my side.

Even if Luca plays tricks on me, I can handle it.

[Will you gain anything from this?]
‘Oh, plenty.’

Not only can I clear the quests given by the pathetic god comfortably, but I’ll also accelerate my growth.

Dungeons that are hard to enter as a student. Normally high-level areas I shouldn’t be able to access at this stage. Combat experience gained by fighting stronger foes.

If I succeed in taking the initiative against Luca, I could pick any of these benefits as I please.

I could select what I had to compromise on during the endless retries in the game.

Of course, Luca will interfere with his nonsense along the way, but once the pathetic god gives me a quest, that’s just how things are.

[Do you know what you need to do?]
‘Of course I do.’

The answer to that is simple.


Endure until tomorrow morning in this field.

That’s what Luca demands when tossing users into this place; so it’s probably similar this time.

[Lastly, are you confident?]
‘Is that even a question?’

The situation is unfolding just as I planned.

The petty evil god’s interference is impossible.

There are no adventurers here since people avoid this place.

Moreover, the field itself is a favorable match for me.

The primary monsters appearing in this dead forest are evil spirits. Monsters possessed by evil spirits and undead.

All of them are vulnerable to the sacred.

And I am the apostle of the god who carries strong sacred energy, as well as a holy knight.

‘I can do anything here.’

I already confirmed where I am located.

If I wanted, I could escape this place by my own power and return to the Soul Academy.

But why would I worry about that?

[Then it’s settled.]

The old man replied like that with a long sigh, grumbling that if I plan something like this, I should have told him in advance.

[Have you ever not faced sudden crises? My heart nearly stopped.]
‘You don’t even have a heart, Grandpa.’

[It’s a metaphor! Just get it!]

While I bantered with the old man, I sensed a sinister energy approaching from a distance.

Perhaps it was because I practiced handling sacred energy with him throughout the break, but my body was keenly sensing the presence of death—energy opposing the sacred.

[Alright. Let’s consider this a chance to practice in the real world. Young Lady, prepare yourself.]
‘Yes, sir.’

Drawing a deep breath, I spread the sacred energy throughout my body from my heart.

With the basics of Ruel’s sacred martial arts, I circulate the sacred through my blood to strengthen my body.

I might not yet be able to spread my sacred energy to fingertips as expertly as the old man, but I could manage a rough imitation.

I felt vitality surging in my body enhanced by the sacred.

Just as I practiced in the Alrn family.

Seeing the malevolent energy shrink back, seemingly frightened by the sacred released with my breath, I smiled, ready to fight.

I pulled out my shield from my inventory and made the small mace I’d hung around my neck grow to fit my hand.

I would have liked to wear armor too, but I doubt I have the luxury for that now.

– Kyaaaah!

Those seeking the life of the living start to reveal themselves.

Once, these beings frolicked among the flowers in a beautiful forest. Yet now that the forest is filled with death, they’ve grotesquely transformed to survive.


I counted the number of their eyes filled with ugly greed while smiling.

Three of them? This should be just right for a warm-up.

“Eww! You look disgusting! Smelling like a corpse! Is this really a fairy? If the Fairy Queen were here, she might accidentally exterminate you, you know?!”

With the excitement filling my body, one of the banshees lunged at me.

These creatures are closer to death than life. They’re ghost-like beings.

Thus, typical attacks can’t damage them, but that’s no problem for me.

The mace imbued with sacred energy doesn’t pass by the dead.

Slam! With a satisfying sound, the mace hit the banshee’s head, and its body could not withstand the shock, scattering everywhere.

Now that’s a problem.

They’re too weak for a real warm-up. Shouldn’t they at least put up a fight?

Were they scared of their comrade’s brutal demise? The banshees tried to retreat, but I wouldn’t allow it.

“Where do you think you’re going, you crones? Afraid of your saggy wrinkles? Sorry? You’re feeling ugly next to someone as beautiful as me?”

These experience points aren’t going to escape!

You’re my warm-up target—you’ll die properly!

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not work with dark mode