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Chapter 208

Chapter: 208

I had no intention of countering Tabol’s words.

For him to have any credibility in his accusations, they had to appear somewhat believable enough for the Duke to accept my resignation.

So, I planned to just watch the show while ignoring the slanders aimed at me, but the situation started to change midway.

It was all kicked off by Phoebe.

She quelled the arrows of criticism against me simply by revealing her presence.

Who could possibly argue with the Saintess of the God Church asking everyone to listen calmly?

With that, as Phoebe set the stage for counterarguments, others wasted no time raising their voices before I could.

Arthur pointed out Tabol’s flimsy evidence, Frey testified to my strength and talent, and even Joy wiped away the suspicions regarding magic.

If you asked what Tabol’s downfall was, it would have to be his lack of preparation.

His points weren’t entirely wrong.

It’s true that I had my limits and that I had indeed surpassed them with the aid of the artifact called the “Plaything Bracelet.”

But he had no evidence. Nothing to prove that I had used an artifact.

If Lucy had been in a situation where she didn’t have anyone to back her up like before, then the lack of evidence wouldn’t have mattered.

But now that wasn’t possible.

The Saintess of the God Church. A strong candidate for the next Sword Saint. The third prince of the Soladin Kingdom. The Young Lady of the Partran Duke’s family.

With such a lineup stepping up to support Lucy Alrn, how could someone be buried under mere allegations?

How foolish! If you were gonna throw shade, at least prepare properly!

As a result, the gazes of those watching me turned lukewarm!

Those who hated me still glared daggers, but others?

Aside from the most bitter individuals, everyone else seemed to be watching the events unfold!

At this rate, I could totally picture myself standing on that podium!

To the four who supported me, I apologize, but honestly, I had been rooting for Tabol up until midway.

Of course, I do appreciate it.

When Phoebe first stepped up, I was moved. When Arthur, Frey, and Joy came forward to support me, my heart swelled.

Who would’ve thought I’d have people willing to help me, someone who thought making even one friend was impossible! If it weren’t for my mesugaki skills, I might have shed a tear!

But while I’m grateful, reality is reality.

If Tabol wins this debate, my award will be revoked!

I don’t want to stand before the influential figures, including the First Prince, and say, “You pathetic nobodies are getting wrecked by a girl who hasn’t even undergone her coming-of-age ceremony!♡”

Despite my heartfelt support, Tabol lost the debate and quickly brushed the artifact usage aside.

Then he started talking about the dungeon as if those doubts couldn’t be denied.

As I listened to his uselessly loud, clear voice, I sighed inwardly.

Hah. This is what brain muscle does.

Why not harass him right until the end about the artifact? After all, the suspicion had some merit, so there might have been a chance!

Maybe I could have subtly thrown him a clue.

Why not pretend there’s some foul play in the dungeon conquest, right?

I could totally do that. Just stammer a bit, and that’d suffice.

But if I admitted to that suspicion, what would happen to the chopped-up vendor? I’d end up being the one who made the First Prince lose due to foul play—what a criminal act!

And above all, my rotten pride wouldn’t allow it!

How dare he talk about dungeons to me?! Do you really want to challenge someone who can recite strategies for every dungeon in the Soul Academy universe?!

That’s something I can’t let slide. There’s no way I’m gonna let my thousands of hours of research be dismissed!

If I have to be a dungeon noob, I’d rather hear whispers calling me a crazy lady among the influential folks at this party!

“You already knew? Are you admitting to the suspicion?”

“Pff~♡ Wrong answer! Wrong answer! That’s a pathetic response, like a balloon muscle knight!♡ At the very least, think before you speak. Your head can’t be as empty as a balloon, right?♡”

Since I wouldn’t be cheering for Tabol anymore, I decided to provoke him with sincerity, turning his face beet red.

He hardly said a few words before his fists were twitching. Is this guy’s reaction too good?! Now I wanna tease him even more.

“…Then what do you mean by saying you knew?”

“I meant that lame dungeon? I knew before it could even be an issue. I’m smart, unlike Balloon-Brain Knight!♡”

I started rambling in front of Tabol, who was waiting for me to slip up.

The name of the dungeon. All of its terrain. The types and locations of monsters that appear within. The types and locations of traps, how to dismantle them. Strategies for the boss.

I had all of that perfectly memorized.

“That’s ridiculous!”

Tabol raised his voice before I even finished speaking, questioning whether I thought he was trying to deceive himself with nonsense.

“Oh dear♡ Did I get caught?♡”

“Of course! That’s impossible!”

“I was asking if your hollow head got revealed, Balloon-Brain Knight!♡ It’s so sad that your comprehension is lacking!♡”

Is he holding back the crass comments? I could see the veins on Tabol’s neck bulging.

Maybe I should pause here; he looks like he might burst.

Turning my back on the trembling Tabol, I raised my voice so everyone in the party could hear.

“The structure of the disgusting bug dungeon is…”

And I began listing information about the dungeon that had been a topic of debate.

The structure of the dungeon. How to understand that structure. The various information that changed based on it.

I had originally intended to talk about all seven patterns, but around the fourth pattern, Tabol managed to open his mouth, causing me to fail my goal.

“I understand that Lady Alrn is familiar with the stall’s dungeon.”

“Only now? Your comprehension is severely lacking. Imagine how tough it must be to work under someone like you. How pitiful.”

“…However, that’s still only proof of foul play. There’s no way you could study the dungeon without prior knowledge.”

Hah. What’s he talking about? That was such a pathetic excuse that I couldn’t help but chuckle.

If only he had hounded me on the artifact discussion like this! Then there would have been some hope, right?

“Why are you laughing?”

“How can I not laugh?♡ A dumb clown is putting on a show right in front of me!♡”

“You’re dodging the subject because you lack an answer.”

“Hey, hey, Balloon-Head Knight♡ Name any dungeon you know!♡ I’m doubting you’ve even got anything.”

“The Mountain of Dragons.”

Wow. I was curious about which dungeon he would pick, and he chose that one.

It’s such a low chance of occurrence it’s hard to find. I can feel his determination to make sure I wouldn’t be able to answer.

But what now?

“That’s all you could think of?♡ So petty!♡”

“Don’t you know?”

“No? I do know!”

I do know that dungeon.

Its danger rating is upper A. Monsters that mainly appear are dragons. There are a total of 13 dungeon patterns.

As I began to explain in detail just like I did before about the stall’s dungeon, I noticed Tabol’s expression hardening.

Wait. Did you seriously ask that without knowing? Did you think I wouldn’t answer because I didn’t know?

No way, right? You can’t be that trash, can you?

As I was horrified by those thoughts crossing my mind, a voice suddenly emerged from the crowd.

“That’s correct! It’s a dungeon that rarely appears, so it’s normal not to know, yet you remember it in such detail!”

Is that… the leader of the Claw Mercenaries?

He looks brighter than I remembered from the game. Wasn’t he supposed to be a bit darker in personality?

As the crowd erupted into unexpected applause, everyone was unsure how to react until someone from far away tossed a comment toward the mercenary leader.

“Leader of the Claw Mercenaries.”

Why is the First Prince getting all up in this?!

What’s going on? Is he about to throw shade?

Feeling a little anxious as I watched the First Prince keep his eyes fixed on the mercenary leader, he spoke nothing else but glared back.

“Is that accurate?”

The mercenary leader’s smile faltered but just briefly before he stammered a reply.

“Y-Yes. Of course. It’s one of the hardest dungeons I’ve tackled, so I remember well.”

“I see. Good. Mercenary Leader. Ask Lucy Alrn about other dungeons as well.”

Forced into this situation by his own astonishment, the mercenary leader promptly complied with the First Prince’s order.

“Well, then…”

Hah. Hey, Rene Soladin. You think you’re gonna find a gap in my knowledge by asking around like this?

That’s your misconception. I can answer about any dungeon, you know!

Thanks! Prince! You gave me a chance to prove my competence!

With you leaving so gracefully, it’s time to showcase the knowledge of my rotten water!

How many times did I have to answer the mercenary leader’s questions?

Once again, the First Prince’s voice rang out.

“Commander Tabol.”

“…Yes, Your Highness.”

“From your view, it seems Lucy Alrn is indeed well-versed in numerous dungeons. Among them, the stall’s dungeon.”

Tabol couldn’t even respond at that voice. Yet the First Prince continued without caring about him.

“My acknowledgment of the defeat at the stall comes from recognizing Lucy Alrn’s brilliance.”

…What the?!

Why’s he backing me up?!

Is he changing direction since the grasp isn’t viable anymore?

“Stability is thrown out the window. It’s a mockery, but since you accepted it, there’s nothing to nitpick.”

“Y-Your Highness, just a moment.”

“While I said that, don’t speak of it any further. If this continues, it’ll ruin the party’s atmosphere.”

Shouldn’t it be the First Prince, who would feel the most hurt if I committed foul play, requesting Tabol to keep it down?

The implication was clear.

I am innocent.

There’s no foul play in my becoming the festival’s butcher.

So this is politics.

Watching the situation unfold, he simply chooses what’s favorable to him.

It was he who tried to humiliate me by challenging a first-year student, but it’s him who’s being praised for his generosity!

Is this really happening?!

I felt wronged, but there was no way to raise my voice. Because if I complained without expressing gratitude, I’d surely be looked down upon.

“Duke Partran. I think that’s enough?”

“Thank you, Your Highness. Thanks to you, Lady Alrn’s innocence is now established.”

As if scripted, the Duke’s voice followed the First Prince’s.

“It seems the Commander has nothing left to say, so let’s resume the party. Lady Alrn?”

Huh? Why’s that guy calling on me?

Now that everything’s pretty much done…


Oh my god!

The perfect establishment of my innocence means my award is all but guaranteed!

What’s with this introverted prince suddenly jumping in and throwing me off?

What do I do?! How do I wiggle out of this?!

Should I pretend to be a sickly Young Lady?

Should I say I’m too exhausted to do anything thanks to all that just happened?!

Maybe I should feign dizziness and collapse?!

That’s plausible!

While I thought about acting, my mesugaki skill allowed nothing but confidence.

Damn this skill! Can’t you cooperate just a little? Something big is about to happen for your master!

“Thank you for your hard work. You must be tired, so please take a break for a moment.”


…Am I alive?

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not work with dark mode