Switch Mode

Chapter 206

Chapter: 206

As I nodded, Jeff began to explain the upcoming schedule.

A few more people were set to arrive, and after the First Prince and the Third Prince made their entrance, he would announce the official start of the party and call for me to step forward.

At that point, I’d just need to share my thoughts on participating in the festival and speak the words I’d prepared.

“It’s fine if you cause a ruckus, but please keep it manageable.”

His tone, which seemed to assume I would indeed be causing trouble, was quite annoying.

If you already know that, then just exempt me from this speech! Why is it necessary to put me in front of everyone?!

Because it’s Duke Partran’s order? Ugh… that’s just how it is, I guess.

After Jeff left, countless guests continued to enter the party hall.

Among them were many familiar faces.

Villains, heroes, NPCs I’d met briefly, and even those who provided touching side stories. There were individuals I’d personally wanted to meet.

Nothing too weird about that.

If you’re invited to the Partran Duke’s family, you’re someone special.

Whether it be authority, honor, skill, or lineage, it meant that you had something worthy of recognition from the Partran household.

Such people inevitably held significant influence on the continent, and having that influence meant they carried weight, so it was only natural they would be familiar to me.

As I recalled my memories of the game while looking at the faces of those entering, I felt my anxiety simmer down just a bit.

Isn’t that a form of escapism?

Yeah, pretty much.

But what can I do?!

If I don’t find a way to escape, my mind might just shatter!

Standing at the center of a party filled with people who hated me, I was expected to spout some nonsense, and I had to escape into my mind!

[Hey, girl.]

‘What is it?!’

[Do you know that guy over there?]

When I heard Grandpa’s words, I lifted my head and spotted a man glaring over in my direction.

Had he been someone I didn’t know, I would’ve brushed him off as a creepy guy, but this time was different.

I recognized him.

His face had grown more menacing than I remembered, but that was all. How could I possibly confuse someone who appeared as a story boss on the kingdom side?

In the game, he was celebrated as the strongest knight in the kingdom.

Filled with endless pride in his strength, he met a pitiful end amidst a desperate struggle.

Tabol Demesil.

‘He’s probably the head of the Royal Knight Order…’

I guessed that was the case.

With Benedict around, he likely didn’t have the title of the strongest, but he probably hadn’t lost his position as the order’s leader either.

[Just to ask, did you do something to him?]

‘Why do you ask?’

[Because there’s no way he would be looking at you like that otherwise.]

Tabol’s eyes were definitely fierce, like he was glaring at something full of hatred.

…Lucy, what did you do? Did you go and provoke that scary guy?!

It was pretty obvious. I probably said something like, “A weakling like you calls yourself the head of the knights? That’s hilarious!”

Didn’t he call the king a pig? There’s no way he would’ve let that slide.

Now, accustomed to this situation, I partially resigned myself and moved my gaze away.

Regardless, he’s a guy I’ll have to deal with later. What does it matter if I earn some hatred right now?

Not long after, the guest who would conclude this grand party made his appearance.

First came the Third Prince Arthur Soladin.

As he entered, everyone clapped, but most of the gazes were lukewarm.

He was someone more accustomed to this sort of thing than I was, so he likely noticed the lack of enthusiasm but kept a stiff expression as he approached the Duke to greet him.

Then, the highlight of the party finally showed up.

The First Prince, Rene Soladin.

His entrance was met with a warm welcome that was on a whole different level compared to Arthur’s.

Applause resounded throughout the party hall. Eager eyes lit up, cheers erupted.

Everyone was eager to make a good impression on someone practically certain to inherit the throne in the future.

While some were reluctantly applauding, those uninterested in power or hoping the Second Prince would take the throne made up the rest.

“Thank you for inviting me, Duke Partran. I’ve had a delightful time.”

“I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it, Your Highness.”

After the pleasantries, the First Prince stepped back, and the Duke positioned himself at the center stage and casually waved his hand.

As that brief motion ended, a magic circle appeared before him.

Amplifying Voice Magic.

The same spell Joy had used during our field trip last time.

At that time, Joy had struggled for quite a while to conjure just that one spell. Yet, here was Duke Partran effortlessly producing it with a mere flick of his wrist.

He truly is one of the great powers on the kingdom side.


As the Duke cleared his throat, all eyes fell on him.

No one dared to look away.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Duke Partran, the one hosting this party.”

And me? Because when the Duke starts his opening speech, it translates to him dragging me to the gallows too!

Swallowing hard as I watched the Duke expressing his gratitude to everyone present, his gaze caught mine.

“Before declaring the party open, I must introduce someone. She’s the one who earned the glorious title at our Partran Territory Festival. Given all that’s happened, I believe everyone knows her, but please pretend you don’t. It would make me feel awkward otherwise.”

That moment I had never wanted to come arrived right before me.

Taking a deep breath, I checked my outfit, then rose from my seat.

As I did, a murmur spread out from around me.

Voices filled with disdain couldn’t even be called friendly banter, but I hadn’t expected goodwill to begin with, so I didn’t mind too much.

Instead of wasting energy on them, I focused on Grandpa’s voice in my ear.

[As I mentioned earlier, I’ll say it once more. Keep it as concise as possible. Leave pauses between your words, and…]


I’m nervous.

It’s like I’m suffocating with all this tension.

Even meeting Karia didn’t make me this anxious.

Hey, pathetic god! If you want to throw me into a tough situation, can’t you at least make it enjoyable and less dangerous?!

I really don’t think I’m cut out for this!

If you’re going to mess with me, do it in a way I can use my veteran knowledge to cope with! Please!

“Duke Partran. Just a moment please.”

While I was lost in thoughts of seeking a calming remedy, a voice rang out from the crowd.

It was a deep, booming voice that naturally commanded attention.

Turning to see who was speaking, I easily spotted the source due to his massive stature towering among the crowd.

“Before that, I have a question to ask.”


The very man who had just been glaring at me with such malice.

“What is it, head of the Royal Knight Order?”

“The purpose of the Partran Festival is to showcase one’s strength through various victories and prove oneself. Is that correct?”

“Yes, that’s right. It’s something someone who once earned the title of the Massacre Artist ought to know well.”

“Then, if someone were to participate in the festival using dishonorable means, that record wouldn’t be accepted, would it?”

No matter how inexperienced I was in politics, I could understand where this was headed. He was clearly taking aim at me, and how could I not grasp it?

“What are you trying to say?”

The Duke’s tone was low.

That voice alone could weigh heavily on a person’s shoulders.

Yet, Tabol merely shrugged in response to the Duke’s ominous voice.

“I understand that the title of the Massacre Artist is one that comes with great honor, so it must be decided based on fairness and purity.”

“Knight Commander.”

Even I, who was not well-versed in politics, could see what was happening and knew those accustomed to high society would easily grasp it too.

Despite the Duke’s warning, the atmosphere in the party hall remained tense and thick with unease.

What filled the air instead was the murmurs of disdain and mockery.

“In other words, if you’ve sullied fairness and purity, then you cannot win the title, and you must face the appropriate punishment.”


Bad rumors spread like an epidemic.

They quickly infected the hearts of those present.

Starting from Tabol, his accusations swiftly rippled throughout the party hall and soon drowned out all other voices with the tide of murmurs.

“I raise a suspicion here. There’s no way Lucy Alrn, who’s been selected as this festival’s Massacre Artist, gained that title through legitimate means.”

Tabol appeared to be championing fairness and integrity, but everyone could see that wasn’t his true intent.

His gaze, fixated on one target, was clear.

The Duke Partran.


Above all, it pointed at—

Benedict Alrn.

Lucy’s father.

The rightful claim to the title of the strongest knight in the kingdom was his.

As Tabol looked at him, a smile appeared on his face.

Only then did I fully comprehend his intent.

At first, I was puzzled.

Why was he attacking me?

Even if I had crossed him, this felt too overt.

To insult me in front of everyone? Wasn’t that a challenge against my family, against Benedict himself?

Even the First Prince seemed concerned about Benedict—did Tabol not fear him?

But now, it made sense.

He didn’t hate me.

He hated Benedict.

He loathed a warrior whose talents surpassed his own.

Thus, he didn’t care who stood behind me.

He’d targeted me from the beginning.

“Is this a legitimate suspicion?”

“Of course.”

“If the suspicion turns out to be wrong, are you prepared to face the consequences?”

“My answer is the same as before.”

“Can you prove it?”

“That’s something the Young Lady must do.”

As Tabol fell silent and shifted his gaze away, the Duke turned his head, and the crowd shifted their attention.

Every single gaze—

With a sharpness like needles,

They bore down on me.

[This is not good. Regardless of the truth, the crowd is intent on condemning you.]

Grandpa warned.

Just the fact that suspicion had been cast upon me was problematic.

Regardless of whether I truly had engaged in foul play, the crowd was already labeling me as untrustworthy.

Why? Because Lucy’s reputation had already sunk to rock bottom.

People considered me capable of doing such a thing.

[This damned bastard. He’s calculated this. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not; he just wants to tarnish your image. To respond to that, well… girl?]

‘Yes? What is it, Grandpa?’

[Why are you smiling? ]

Grandpa, man, you really have sharp instincts.

You might think this smile is forcibly induced by the Mesugaki skill, but you’ve figured out it’s genuine!

Well, nothing to hide. If you are curious, I’ll tell you.

‘If this goes down, I might not even have to stand on that podium!’


Whether I was stripped of or retained the title of Massacre Artist—it’s none of my business!

The quest from the pathetic god’s been completed anyway.

Whether I reap the rewards or not, I get no penalties!

And of course, I’m innocent! I didn’t use any underhanded means!

But really, what can I do when there are so many cold stares directed at me?

All I can do is acknowledge the sins of the past and refuse the award, right?

Nice move, Tabol!

You do grace me with fabulous items in the game and now help me in reality too!

You’re the best boss!

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not work with dark mode