Switch Mode

Chapter 192

Chapter: 192

Seeing Karia’s face turn red with embarrassment, I sighed inwardly.

I thought her strong words were because of the curse from the Evil God, but it turns out the only thing she called me was “old maid aunty.”

Given that Karia has regained all her memories but can’t counter that, it feels like my claim has some truth to it…

And that just makes things worse.

The real issue is that you shouldn’t tease someone who’s genuinely troubled like that.

“Um. You’re Benedict’s daughter, right? Lucy?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Can’t you tell just by looking? Did you hit a wall of middle age or something? Oh dear, need me to get you some glasses?”

Seeing Karia’s lips tremble, it was evident that this situation was incredibly awkward for her.

I get it. From what I heard from Alsetin, she thought I was some kind of hero who saved her. So facing me, only to hear comments about being an old maid, would be hard to keep her composure.

At least it’s good that she views me as a benefactor.

Despite being bombarded with criticism that could’ve made her explode with anger, she never once let it show.

Not only that, but as time passed, she became accustomed to my tone, and she maintained a politeface even in the face of the gravest insults.

As expected, she’s Alsetin’s teacher.

In that respect, she’s more adept than him. His face literally cracked when under pressure.

“Anyway, really, thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t just have lost my life; I would’ve been branded a sinner in history.”

Seeing Karia bow her head, I subconsciously wanted to reassure her but promptly shut my mouth.

I didn’t think I could offer her any comfort with my words.

So I decided to just act shamelessly. That seemed like the better option.

“I’ve been thinking about how to repay you. It’s been difficult. I’ve lost all my power, and the connections and information networks I built over the years have disbanded. No matter how I think about it, there’s nothing I can offer you at the moment.”

I wasn’t disappointed by her words at all. It’s only natural. After being missing for over a decade, what could she possibly have left?

It would’ve been more surprising if she did have something for me.

“But my disciple told me something. He said you lent a seal to that kid, Kurz?”

Kurz… That’s Kurz Newman, right? The head of the Newman family. The poor guy with a baldness issue.

For Karia to casually call him a kid means she probably needs to be referred to as a grandmother by now.

“Could I borrow that for a moment?”

‘The ring?’

“Are you asking to borrow a ring? Why? You creepy old lady?”

“I hear there’s some mess in the Academy? I’ll take care of it all for you.”

In other words, Karia was saying she’d act as a bridge between the Newman family and the Academy.

That was certainly a necessary deal.

Right now, I’m satisfied being in Alsetin’s support role, but if the Newman family’s power branches out to the Academy, there’d be all sorts of new opportunities.

Plus, I had enough trust in Karia’s abilities.

She was successful in nurturing Alsetin, who was once an orphan in the back alleys, into a capable informant.

If she teamed up with Alsetin, there would definitely be proper results.

However, the issue is that I don’t really know anything about Karia.

This world isn’t a perfect replica of a game.

There are numerous variables that can’t simply be concluded as “it was like that in the game.”

Yet the general theme remains the same.

Peybi might’ve been all over the place compared to the game, but she was still a saint.

Frey might have an odd fondness for me, but she’s definitely still that crazy swordsman.

Arthur has become somewhat excessively passionate, yet he still fights his own inner demons.

While there are small variations, that’s enough to make a judgment on someone’s core character.

Except Karia, who never appeared in the game.

I know nothing about her. I only remember her as a fragmented character from Alsetin’s stories.

And that’s why I can’t hand over the ring.

I can’t predict what she’ll do if I accept her offer.

To be honest, connecting to the Newman family isn’t urgent.

I could manage without it.

Offering the seal of the crow over something that isn’t vital or that I’m not entirely sure about?

I already know without asking Grandpa that that’s madness.

“Are you hesitating after all?”

When I didn’t reply, Karia chuckled lightly.

It seems she didn’t expect me to agree right away.

“I understand. It’s tough to ask a stranger for such a precious item.”

Why bring it up knowing it’d be rejected?

Was it just a shot in the dark, hoping it might work?

I don’t think that’s the case. Hmm. I don’t get her intentions.

“So for now, I’ll stick by Alsetin and help you with anything you ask. When the time comes that I deem my aura and skills trustworthy, I’ll borrow the Newman family’s seal. Playing around with that kid would be really easy.”

Karia’s assertion, saying she’d repay the life-saving favor by working at my side while maintaining her own honor, carried strength.

Hmm. I guess I don’t need to turn that down?

She’s someone who has taught Alsetin various things and was even called the shadow of the former kingdom. The fact that she’s saying she’ll work for me is significant.

Just when I was about to agree, Karia burst out laughing.

“Lucy. Politics are not for you. Your thoughts show way too easily.”

Huh? What do you mean by that all of a sudden?

I felt bewildered by Karia’s sudden comment, but after listening to her explanation, I quickly understood.

Having learned that I was the one who saved her, Karia decided to repay me.

And perhaps to gauge what kind of person I am, she tossed around various comments, all the while noting my reactions.

“While working here, you’ll be able to figure out someone’s tendencies from just their reactions.”

She laughed, saying she initially thought she had mistaken the person when she first saw me, but after conversing, her opinion changed.

“You might have a rough way of speaking or express your thoughts strongly, but you’re quite a decent person.”

‘You can judge just by looking at that?!’

“Do you think I would believe that? A sloppy old maid who’s being swayed by the pathetic Evil God wouldn’t have that kind of ability.”

“Seriously. Should I give you the evidence?”

The slight rise in my eyes when I’m contemplating. The slight drop of my head when I agree. The slight curling of my toes when I’m angry.

She presented numerous pieces of evidence, measuring my thoughts and feelings.

Her reasoning was so overly detailed that it felt absurd.

No matter how I look at it, this feels like she’s trying to mess with me, right?

If I believed that sincerely, I could totally picture her laughing at me saying, “Do you really believe that?”

[Oh? Interesting. There’s a similarity.]

‘…Is Grandpa messing with me too?’

[Why on earth would I tease you? ]

‘I’m not that dumb to fall for such lies?!’

Grandpa. If you’re getting old, please stop being childish.

Does it make sense for you to chime in just because you see me about to get trolled?!

[Look at you. Didn’t your toes just curl? ]

… Oh. Seriously.

Wait a second!

Was everything Karia said earlier actually true?!

As Karia watched my bewilderment, she giggled before standing up.

“Anyway, since I’ve figured out what I wanted, I’ll head out now. I look forward to working with you, my employer. Oh, and don’t worry about most of what I said today; I just wanted to see your reactions.”

Even after Karia left, I spent a long time mulling over her words.

Surprisingly, Karia’s observations were all true.

‘…I don’t think I can handle the politics and tactics.’

Thinking of someone like her sitting on the other side, I felt truly terrified.

I felt like I could unknowingly spill all my secrets in no time at all.

[Don’t worry. That’s just her exceptional talent. Even I can’t grasp what she understands.]

Is this the kind of ability that someone called the shadow of the kingdom possesses?

… I’m just glad she’s on my side.

After finishing my business in Menestel, I returned to the Alrn family and was forcibly made to take a break.

There was no escaping it.

No matter how much time passed, my body just wouldn’t get better.

According to the assessment from the clumsy fox, I wouldn’t fully recover until the end of the vacation.

During that period, rest was absolutely necessary.

Thanks to that, I haven’t joined even a single training session with the Alrn Knights.

Even though my stats went up regardless, I couldn’t quite shake my sense of regret.

For a while, I trained to survive, but now my body craved it on its own.

That’s terrifying.

I feel like I’m becoming some muscle-bound creature.

Though I spent most of my time laying on the bed, I still made sure to train with Grandpa.

In practice mode, I didn’t have to worry about my actual physical condition.

I was able to move with even more intensity than I could in reality since I couldn’t do much else.

Through this, I realized that the reward given by Armadi for clearing the Menestel dungeon was much more significant than I initially thought.

First off, my divinity quantity increased, and my proficiency in handling it has risen, right?

This isn’t merely a stat boost.

To start with, the increased divinity means that the quality of the divinity contained in my body has improved.

I’d say it’s become purer, maybe?

Thanks to this, even if I act in the same way as before, I can now yield much better outcomes.

The increase in proficiency follows suit.

Before, I had to recite prayers fervently when using divine magic, but now that’s unnecessary.

Whenever I want to use a specific divine spell, just deciding on it brings the desired result instantly.

“Wow. Just how much does Armadi love you?”

This was such absurd progress that Grandpa ended up exclaiming this while we were confirming it together.

Additionally, the Divine Martial Arts technique was more outrageous than I had expected.

“Martial arts with divine power is considered an advanced form of martial arts. It doesn’t just wrap and concentrate power around your body and weapon; it allows for so much more.”

For instance, when I encased my shield in divinity, that’s a feat I personally overcame that wouldn’t usually be achievable through mere martial arts.

While it worked effectively, it wasn’t exactly efficient.

But now I don’t have to endure that inefficiency.

Having learned the art of divine martial arts, I’ll naturally be able to unleash all of it with ease.

Grandpa, spitting as he explained, mentioned that there are various potentials within these techniques.

Well. Honestly, I barely understood it.

What could I do?

It was too soon for me!

Grandpa also assured me it was fine not to rush understanding it!

Anyway, what truly matters is that all the gifts bestowed upon me by the great Armadi were incredibly useful.

Ah, Armadi.

I never doubted you!

Thank you!

“Lady. It’s done.”

Hearing Erin’s words, I snapped back to reality.

Looking in the mirror on my dressing table, I saw my hair neatly arranged.

How curious. I fix my hair the same way, yet why does it turn out so much nicer when Erin does it?

Is this the difference experience makes?

‘It looks great. Just as expected of Erin.’

“Thank you for the compliment, Lady.”

Looking at my hair, I finally put on the outside clothes of the Alrn family, no longer donning my usual uniform.

It was finally time to end the month-long leisurely and comfortable retreat.

While I wasn’t completely healed, there were places I absolutely had to go.

The auction house.

To pass the exam set by Armadi, I must get a few items from there!

I really don’t want to wear Lucy’s old dress!

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not work with dark mode