Switch Mode

Chapter 191

Chapter: 191

You’d think that receiving the rewards for the original quest would make me giddy with excitement, right?

Especially after crawling through hell to get them.

When you face hardships, you usually expect to be paid back handsomely.

But even now, reading the notification for the reward, I just couldn’t manage to smile.

In fact, I felt more anxious.

Why’s that? Because I’ve been through this before!

That wretched, incompetent, pathetic excuse of a deity who’s also a total cheapskate…

No, wait. No, forget it.

That was the clumsy fox controlling my mouth!

I didn’t say anything!

Anyway, the great god Armadi, who oversees all deities, has memories sharper than my own.

If he’s got a bone to pick with me, he’ll remind me of my screw-ups before handing down some stern advice.

I remember it all too well. The look on Phoebe’s face when I called her a lewd saint…

Thus, I, who just foolishly insulted the great deity, was feeling just… Ugh.

What is this?! I’ve suffered so much thanks to this lame deity, and now I’m trembling in fear over rewards?!

This isn’t right!

That jerk didn’t even give me proper guidance and sent me on dangerous tasks, pushing me to the brink of death multiple times!

If that pathetic deity had any sense of decency, he’d give me something worthwhile!

And what’s he gonna do? Kill me if I make fun of him?

Go ahead! What could that useless deity possibly do without me?!

– Ding!


…Are you listening?!

No, right?


With eyes shaking, I checked the first message and let out a sigh of relief.

[A miracle has been performed, resulting in a significant increase in the quantity and proficiency of your divinity!]

Phew. It’s just my good timing, that’s all.

I was so freaked out for no reason!

Hah. Is this what they call Pavlov’s dog? Just hearing that notification sound makes me tremble.

So my divinity’s quantity and proficiency have increased, huh?

That’s a solid reward.

Given that I’ve been feeling quite lacking in various aspects while learning skills from Grandpa lately, it’s a nice boost.

I’ll have to check just how substantial this “significant” increase is.

Later, I’ll have a test run with Grandpa at night.

Since I can still move decently in practice mode, even if I’m not at my best health.

I can’t wait to see his amazed face!

[You have gained many insights regarding divinity. Your skills will now possess new possibilities.]

[Ruel’s Sacred Martial Arts evolves.]

[Ruel’s Sacred Martial Arts -> Ruel’s Sacred Skills]

And the messages didn’t stop there.

Next up was something related to Sacred Martial Arts.

It said my skill evolved, but what’s the difference between Martial Arts and Skills?

Aren’t they basically the same?

Since both have “Ruel” in front of them, I feel like asking Grandpa will yield some answers.

Hmm. Let’s not ask him now.

I want to surprise him later!

[You have received a Quest Exemption Ticket.]

Then next…

Wait, what?!

A Exemption Ticket?!

So if a quest pops up that I don’t like, I can just hand this over and skip it?!


For a second, I thought I read that wrong, so I rubbed my eyes and checked again, but the wording stayed the same.

An Exemption Ticket!

The moment I saw that, countless absurd quests I’ve gone through flashed back through my mind.

Ridiculous or playful phrases, all of them.

And now I can at least cancel one of those out?!

Mwahahaha! That lame deity will regret giving me this reward someday!

I can’t believe he wouldn’t pull some petty trick to just give me the same quest after using it.

Let’s see…

Is this already the last one?

That’s odd.

Considering all the hardships I faced during this quest, it doesn’t seem like nearly enough.

Hey, you incompetent, pathetic deity.

Are you seriously saying that my life, which was risked to seal the awakening evil god, is worth just this?

No matter how lacking you are, if you put me through tough situations, you should be compensating me more!

Somehow, this miserly attitude is reflected in his rewards too.

How did such a loser end up becoming a deity?

If you keep pushing my buttons, I might just up and leave!

As I grumbled and checked the next message, I stared blankly at what popped up.

[During the vacation period, ability stats will be granted daily even if you don’t train.]

[※ This is based on an unweakened physical state.]

[※ Even if you train during this period, stats will not increase.]


So if I understand this right, it basically means…

During vacation, even if I don’t train, my stats will still increase as if I did.

But if I do train, those stats won’t rise at all.

In simpler terms, it’s telling me to just chill during the vacation!

After all the hard work I put in because of you, you want me to take the rest of my time off to relax?

Now that I grasped the message, a chuckle escaped my lips without me realizing it.

Looks like he might not be entirely heartless.

I thought Armadi would only dish out skills or items, but he’s giving me almost two months off!

And not just any rest, but he’s saying he’ll make sure I won’t lose out on anything.

Given my physical state, I practically had to take forced rest until I recovered, so this works out perfectly.

That was the end of the content of the rewards prepared by Armadi.

While I felt a hint of disappointment, the overwhelming thought was that this was definitely enough.

After all, I could always squeeze more rewards from other places.

And more than that, I was satisfied there were no ridiculous shenanigans involved.

How great would it be if Armadi always acted like this?

When he shows care towards his apostle, I can’t help but feel genuine admiration from the depths of my heart.

With the confirmation of my rewards wrapped up, I leaned back on my bed with a contented smile.

Alright. Since Armadi told me to rest, I guess I’ll take it easy this vacation.

I’ll slowly plan out my schedule while recovering my body.

First off, I have some items to gather, so I think I’ll check out the auction house.

And I’ve got to hang out with Joy during the Partran Territory Festival, so I need to think about that schedule too.

And then…

– Ding.

As I closed my eyes to ponder, another message popped up.

What’s going on, Armadi?

Do you have more rewards you haven’t delivered?

Or is it a new quest?

Either way, just say it.

I’m ready to show off my abilities as your apostle!

[Festival Slayer]

[Show your excellent abilities at the Partran Territory Festival!]

[Win battles at more than ten stalls!]

[Rewards: Increase in Reputation]

[Failure: Attend the party dressed as the past Lucy]

Oh. This quest also existed back when Soul Academy was a game.

It’s an automatically assigned quest when you participate in the Partran Territory Festival, which has intentionally high difficulty for no reason, requiring both luck and skill to clear.

While it was also a bonus for joining the festival, I didn’t feel the need to bite the bullet to clear it back then, but now it’s a whole different ball game.

With the added penalty of having to dress up like Lucy from the past if it fails!

That means…

A flashy dress that flares and flows around, boldly exposing my arms and shoulders.

I know that look very well from all the times I’ve seen Lucy wear it at the mansion.

I had to struggle to hold back my urge to tear that dress apart every time I opened the wardrobe!

You expect me to wear that and attend a Partran family party?

Are you serious?!

Especially when all the acquaintances I know will be there?!

No way.

Absolutely no way.

Sure, it’s not as revealing as a bunny girl outfit, but it’s still seriously distressing.

It looks like something out of a girls’ animation.

I still hesitated to wear my uniform!

Of course, it would look great on me regardless of how I feel.

But I don’t care what others think!

I just don’t want to!

The moment I step out in that outfit, I’m sure I’ll be kicking and tearing the bedding every single night!

Isn’t the goal just to succeed?

Of course! As long as I succeed, there won’t be any issues.

But how much can my reputation really rise from this?

Still, I might get away with it without any hassle.

But you know what?

The quest for the Festival Slayer isn’t something I can control!

Even at the peak of my game back then, I had a 50% chance of failing!

Besides, even in the game, it was seven stalls, and now it’s up to ten stalls!

Seriously, they just had to crank up the difficulty higher, didn’t they?! It’s practically pushing me to fail at this point!

Hey! You pathetic pervert!

Just say it straight.

Are you just dying to see me embarrass myself in that dress?!

You want to watch me accumulate black history for all the world to see!

You sadistic freak!!

What’s so bad about showing that you actually have a shred of decency and respect?!

Is it too much to hope for a moment of dignity?!

Huh?! Why do you keep shattering the respect I have for my apostle with your vile actions, you piece of trash?!

…Is that what you want?

If you’re too tight-fisted, just let me use my exemption ticket and bail out, huh?!

You petty little jerk.

Who gave you the right to settle it however you like?!

It’s an all-out war, you perverse creep!

I don’t care if you vanish from existence!

I’m blessed by the Dice God!

I’m going to win outright and smash your evil scheme to pieces!

Got it?! I’m from the Soul Academy!…

“Haa. Didn’t I tell you not to push yourself? What on earth are you getting worked up about by yourself?”

The soft, troubled voice of the clumsy fox marked the end of my memory.

With all the blood rushing to my head, I couldn’t take it anymore and completely lost consciousness.

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not work with dark mode