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Chapter 189

Chapter: 189

The moment I raised the mace high, the divinity that Armadi gifted me began to pulse within my body.

It was pure and powerful beyond comparison to my own divinity.

An overwhelming force that felt excessive for my lacking physical form.

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have been able to control such energy.

Let alone, I would have probably screamed in pain as that wild energy surged uncontrollably.

But not now. Because Grandpa was restraining the divinity residing within me.

I knew Grandpa was amazing.

I had seen Grandpa’s heroic deeds and experienced his power firsthand, following the path he had walked.

But feeling his abilities within my own body left me utterly amazed.

Is it really possible to handle divinity like this?

A part of the divinity that Armadi bestowed was enhancing my body.

It wasn’t just an ordinary enhancement.

Starting from my heart, every single blood vessel from my fingertips to my toes was being protected by that divine power, inside and outside alike.

Thanks to that, I felt no discomfort despite enduring such immense divine movement.

And that’s not all.

The divinity converging at the tip of the mace didn’t just gather there.

It continuously wove magic from that divinity to amplify itself repeatedly.

— Don’t be too shocked now.

I was inwardly gasping in awe when Grandpa’s voice echoed with a hint of laughter.

When I turned to look at him, his determined eyes met mine.

— This is just the beginning.

As soon as Grandpa spoke, the divinity gathered at the mace burst forth, flooding the area.

A gigantic magic circle formed from the concentrated divine energy.

I may still be a novice at magic, but now I at least understood the basics.

So I could tell.

This wasn’t a gift from a god.

This was crafted by humans.

— This technique was developed in collaboration with our party’s mage to recreate Armadi’s miracle.

It wasn’t merely borrowing divine power; it was a miraculous fusion of divine magic and human strength.

The result of humans struggling to replicate the exploits of the gods.

— It was tough keeping up with that old man’s enthusiasm.

Dozens of magic circles sprang forth above the massive one, with yet more circles being drawn atop those.

{What are you trying to pull?!}

Perhaps sensing Armadi’s divinity, the evil god yelled at me with hatred-filled eyes.

In the empty depths of its black gaze, I could see the malice and fury.

With the position of a god, it was only right to feel fear, yet somehow all that came out of my mouth was laughter.

{Did you think I’d just sit back and let you do whatever?!}

The evil god moved to thwart the miracle, but everything it tried couldn’t reach me.

The evil god’s flames were abruptly blocked by the ice that had suddenly appeared.

The curses spat from the evil god’s mouth were drowned out by the blessings uttered by the clergy.

The judgment the evil god sought to impose on mortals was intercepted by the knight’s massive sword.

Of course, the standoff wasn’t equal.

Even though it was incomplete, the evil god was still a god.

Desperately, the mage’s mana holding back the flames was slowly being drained away,

Cold sweat dripped from the forehead of the clergy spouting blessings,

And the knight’s smile, which was supposed to uphold the lines, was gradually hardening.

If this stalemate continued, the evil god would surely unleash its rage upon the world.

{Don’t interfere! You mere ashes!}

However, the preparation for the miracle progressed faster than the evil god’s intentions.

I found myself gazing blankly upward, the spheres forming from the multitude of divine layers.

The massive sphere filled with the divinity gifted by Armadi was more than mere magic.

It was truly fitting to call it a sun.

— Now then, young lady. This is the miracle you sought.


This is tough.

Johan wiped the sweat beading on his brow as he repelled the miracle with blessings.

Even incomplete, the evil god was still an evil god.

The powers of a being beyond the realm of living creatures would always remain beyond human comprehension.

While Alrn seemed to have some left in her, Georg and I were different.

Even if we gritted our teeth and held on, our limits would eventually show.

Hah. What kind of beings were the heroes of the past who triumphed over a complete evil god?

Even facing one that hadn’t fully awakened was exhausting; how did humans ever manage to contend against a complete evil god?

A deep-seated respect welled within me.

{I said don’t interfere!}

Hearing the evil god’s shout, Johan gripped his cross tightly, and at that moment, a warm energy enveloped him from behind.

It was a contrasting warmth, unlike the suffocating heat of the joint; it contained the solace and serenity gifted by the sun above.

As he felt it, Johan turned to see the scene unfolding behind him, dropping his hands in surprise.

“…What on earth…?”

The sun was there.

This wasn’t just a figure of speech like when one saw a great conflagration.

This was undoubtedly a sun shining above, watching over us from the blue sky.

How could this happen?

How could the sun, which should spread warmth to the world outside, be in this narrow cave?

Am I hallucinating?

Is this some bizarre sight bestowed upon me by the evil god?

{Impossible! How can a puny mortal like you accomplish this?!}


As Johan questioned his own eyes, he noticed the mischievous and bright laughter coming from the figure below the sun.

And he saw it.

A young girl, holding the mace high as if receiving the sun.

Ah, I see now.

It’s not that the sun meant to fall into this underground.

That little girl has created the sun within this cave.

An absurd depiction that, even when echoed in songs of bards, would lead to complaints about exaggeration.

However, every bit of that was the truth.

The girl holding the sun wore a smirk as she gazed at the shocked evil god from afar.

“Did you really think I’d scream?♡ Did you want me to beg for my life?♡ Was that to fill your fragile ego?♡ Wow, gross!♡”

{You little—!}

“Eek!♡ Scary!♡ Really. Pfft♡ You feel imposing, just like an evil god. Puhuhut♡”

{How dare you mock Bahrda! You pitiful mortal!}

The flames that had been swirling around suddenly dispersed, and all that heat concentrated in the hands of the evil god.

I was also a sun.

But unlike the sun the child held up, mine wasn’t warm and nurturing; it was a wicked sun that burned and consumed life.

A being mocking those dying of hunger on drought-stricken earth.

A force wishing for the devastation of all living things standing upon the earth.

{I will make you regret this!}

As the white sun flew from the evil god’s hand, the light began to flow from the sun held by the girl.

Johan finally realized what the sun created by the girl truly was.

Only Johan could understand it.

It was the divinity possessed by the great Armadi.

The same light that had guided him in the distant past.

The sacred light that streamed forth from the sun filled the joint.

The sinister colors that had flooded the joint gradually transformed to the brilliant hues of daylight.

The heat that sought to turn everything to ash was replaced by warmth nurturing the earth.

The vile energies that had resided within the cavity retreated, seeking shadows.

Not even the evil god was an exception.

The hands that had moved to eradicate the little girl found themselves frozen in place, unable to advance a single step.

{H-How. How is this happening?!}

“Curious about why this happened?♡ I don’t really need to explain it, but since I’m nice, I’ll let you in on the secret.♡ It’s because you burned your own brain, dumbass!♡”

The white sun began to shrink.

What was once comparable in size to that of a benevolent sun was now less than half that.

Soon, it shrank down to the size of the evil god’s fist before vanishing entirely.

“That’s because you’re pathetic!♡”

As if there had never been anything there at all.

{No way.}

With the sun that had been shielding the evil god gone, it was now time for the evil god to face Armadi’s divinity directly.

{This can’t be!}

The being of an evil god swung its axe in defiance, but it was in vain.

Even the sun created with everything it possessed was still eclipsed beneath the light of another sun.

There was no way that an insignificant axe could withstand Armadi’s divinity.

Starting with the day, the cracking axe shattered into countless fragments and scattered into the air.

{I cannot be sealed again!}

The flames that formed the evil god’s hands, arms, legs, and body lost coherence.

The seal that had held it prisoner took that small chance and pounced.

As if pulled by the strength of the earth, the components of the evil god began to be drawn into the cracks in the walls.

{I will curse you, Armadi! I hope everything you love turns to ash!}

The high-pitched scream drew to a close.

Ultimately, the sun raised by the girl filled the entire cavern with its warmth.

With nowhere else to go, the lost evil god could only turn to the place it hated the most.

Not long after everything of Bahrda was sealed, the cracks inscribed in the seal began to mend.

Having witnessed the entire scene, Johan knelt, gazing at the warm sun that still stood vigil.

It was something utterly incomprehensible if viewed through the lens of common sense.

If one had only heard of it, it would have drawn chuckles and mockery.

Those with shallow ears would marvel, while the pessimistic would doubt it outright.

People call it a miracle.

And in this moment, Johan etched the unfolding miracle before him into his memory.

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