Switch Mode

Chapter 188

Chapter: 188

Miracle Reproduction?! Why is that kind of phrase popping up now, something you’d expect to see at the end of the game?!

There’s no way I’m gonna be able to use that just because I learned it right now!

Just thinking about the prep needed to use it once is a headache!

Don’t throw useless stuff at me and act all cool about it, you pathetic god!

[I believe you can do it.]

That was the last message left by that lousy god.

And just like that, the message window cracked, then shattered into particles.

At the same time, a light started to seep from the mace in my hand.

Warm yet intense. Like the sun itself.

I remembered seeing this light before.

A few months ago, when I went to rescue Phoebe after she was attacked by Naklad, Grandpa had shown me that light.

— Huh. The god’s up to something.

As I turned my gaze at the voice that echoed in my ears rather than in my head, I saw Grandpa floating in the air like Adrim.


— Yep, it’s me.

“What the heck is this?”

Why is the personality of my mace suddenly popping out like this?!

Is this one of those hidden features of the mace or something?!

— Now’s not the time to worry about that.

Grandpa said that, looking downwards.

I could see the evil god, licking its lips like a trapdoor spider, filling the cave with its flames and glancing at me.

I could almost feel the pressure radiating from it.

I could hear the crackling sound that promised to turn the world to ashes.

I stared into the eyes of that creature, which were filled with hatred.

It was peculiar.

I wasn’t scared.

Even though that level of monster was aiming to kill me, I felt completely calm.


— Do you remember how to feel your own divinity, young lady?

“Of course! How could I forget that?”

You spent nights drilling that into my head when you taught me the Divine Banishment Technique! How could I forget?

— Look inside yourself.

The moment I followed Grandpa’s advice and checked inside my body, I understood.

I could feel it.

The overwhelming warmth that filled every corner of me.



Damn. Armadi, didn’t I tell you to be straightforward if you were going to explain something?

Apostles deserve to be listened to!

If you’re gonna give me a present, at least show some flair!

“Grandpa, I wanna ask you something.”

— Go ahead.

“Can you tell me how to perform a miracle?”

— That’s a rather troublesome request. That would be your matter to handle.

Grandpa seemed to struggle with that request, but his expression told a different story.

He couldn’t hide his delighted smile.

— But if you ask, I shall tell you.

The moment my conversation with Grandpa ended, the hands of the world started ticking again.

The descent began.


“Georg! Pass on the flames!”

Back in those reckless days when I charged into the front lines of all the battles.

Benedict had met Georg.

As an enemy, Georg was quite a nuisance.

If Georg was just some powerful magician, I wouldn’t have remembered him.

Just smash him with brute force and be done with it.

But Georg was different.

He was indeed a magician with immense power, but he specialized in other areas rather than raw firepower.

A jack-of-all-trades who could manipulate magic of every attribute seamlessly.

He was both an individual and a group at the same time.

The people of the kingdom referred to Georg with both hatred and awe.

The wizard of the multitude.

If anything, he has only grown stronger since then. So I guess this should be manageable.

“I’m already on it!”

In the tense situation, the Count tossed out pleasantries as dozens of magic circles appeared around him.

“Bishop Johan! Purification magic now!”

“I’m already casting it!”

“Quick on your feet!”

As the evil god’s flames scorched the ground, the purification prayer intertwined with it.

The wicked energies imbued in the flames couldn’t withstand the divine aura, backing off instead.

Seeing this, the Count unleashed a torrential downpour over the evil flames.

With a mass of water that could crush what was beneath it, the flames flickered and died.

As the Count confirmed the situation, he raised walls of that water around himself, freezing it solid.

Even though it was frozen, the snowflakes still blossomed in the ice wall, continuously freezing and thawing in front of the evil flames.

While it may not withstand indefinitely, it at least provided a temporary safe barrier.

Having landed with a crash on stable ground, Benedict looked up at our adversary while holding Lucy in his arms.

“That’s quite big.”

Flames of white, fierce and blazing, seeped out from the cracked walls.

That creature called itself Bahrda.

“Bishop Johan, isn’t Bahrda the name of the evil god?”

“Correct. It bears the power of fire.”

“A heavyweight has arrived.”

Hehe. It seems my daughter really is favored by the great god.

Seeing someone who calls themselves an evil god spewing hatred towards my daughter is a little bit distressing.

Thanks to that, Lucy was placed in danger.

Benedict recalled Lucy’s expression the moment the ground shattered.

Her eyes had been shaken.

For a long time, she avoided showing weakness. Her embarrassment revealed how unprepared she was for this situation.

Hmm. That means I shouldn’t burden Lucy any more than necessary.

Well, it’s good in a way.

I have the chance to showcase this father’s awesome self.

“It’s my first time facing an evil god. Johan, have you encountered one?”

“Is that an experience anyone can claim? I’ve only read about it in books during the era of the heroes.”

“Well, that’s quite the pickle. Georg, how about you? You must have some vision after managing this place for so long?”

“If I had a plan, I would have shared it by now. I’m not an idiot to hide something in a dangerous situation.”

None of them know how to deal with an evil god.

I guess it makes sense. Even I, having smashed everything in sight in the past, wouldn’t have a clue, so I get why they wouldn’t.

“Well then, we’ll just have to conduct a strategic approach from the beginning.”

There’s no problem in facing this.

After all, this guy is a loser who’s lost so many times already.

He’s no invincible being. If we keep smashing him, he’s bound to fall eventually.

It’s something I used to do in my spare time.

I can handle this just fine.

“You’re a dumb dad♡ Have you forgotten the person right beside you?♡”


Benedict, who was ready to fight with a smile, turned at the voice from next to him.

“… Do you have a plan?”

“Just hold on. You can count on your troll-like dad to buy some time, right?♡ Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet?♡”

Hearing that, Benedict looked into Lucy’s confident eyes.

And he saw something bubbling within her.

Benedict didn’t know exactly what it was.

But he understood that it was something bestowed upon her by the great god.

Is this how precious Lucy is to you?

What an outrageous situation.

It’s both a blessing and a irritation.

Just look at how much more struggle our Lucy has ahead of her.

Alright then, Armadi.

Just promise me one thing.

Let my daughter find peace in the end.

If that’s not the case, I, Benedict, will bet everything to lead you to ruin.

Cautiously putting Lucy down, he drew his sword from his back.

The gigantic sword that only he could wield.

Then, he enveloped his entire body with magic.

The unique bloodline magic passed down in the Alrn Family.

Only the heir to the family could receive this secret.

Its effect was simple.

Enhancement of physical capabilities.

Hah. It’s been so long since I showed my full power.

{Bow down! You pitiful mortal!}

Flames raised both hands.

In them was a flaming axe.

Axe formed from flames, constantly ablaze at its ends.

As it struck the ice wall, deep cracks began to form.

It was clear that it wouldn’t hold for long.

Yet in that danger, Benedict remained calm.

“Have you both heard? Just buying time means our daughter will solve everything for us.”

“Looks like things just got easier.”

“Fine. Let’s do it that way.”


When the fiery evil god struck the axe down again, the ice wall shattered, failing to protect the party.

Benedict gripped the hilt of his sword as he saw the evil god preparing to swing again.

At that, a gray aura circled around his sword.

Not just simple energy, it was an aura so dense it painted the whole area gray.


As the axe came crashing down, Benedict moved.

Pushing the ground with overwhelming force, he swung towards the axe.

Even though the sword was huge, it more or less resembled a shard compared to the axe.

Yet the axe couldn’t suppress the sword.

A mortal’s blade stood firm against a god’s wrath.

Flames licked the air as they danced around Benedict, but a smile crept onto his lips.

Soon, veins bulged around his neck.

Alongside that, the already colossal form of Benedict grew even more massive.

Muscles expanded along the flow of blood, and the armor groaned under pressure.

Then, the axe began to be pushed back.

Finally, it soared into the air.

Standing before the raging flames, Benedict pointed the sword skyward, raising his voice.

“Is this truly the best you can do while calling yourself a god?!”

Behold! Armadi!

When the worst conclusion has arrived, check to see who your enemy really is!

If not, then just know you have an eternal ally in me!

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not work with dark mode