Switch Mode

Chapter 185

Chapter: 185

Hearing that Lucy was coming, Benedict exited his office in search of the Count’s study.

“It’s been quite a while since the lord has come here.”


“Yes. Since the mistress went on her long journey, she hasn’t left the estate.”

Receiving the key from the butler, Benedict opened the door and stepped inside.

The entrance was adorned with various luxuries.

Items that Lucy, who once threw fits over expensive and flashy things, once brought.

But Lucy had changed significantly after some day, now asking where those things could even be used.

Benedict didn’t even glance at them as he passed through into the inner chambers.

Inside were countless jewels he had received during his service to the kingdom.

Various weapons and armors acquired while conquering dungeons.

Scrolls filled with magic.

Precious potions.

As Benedict passed all of these, he reached the end of the study where a set of armor stood.

It was immense, painted in a deep, absorbing black, as if it could swallow light itself.

A regular adult male would probably be crushed beneath it if he tried to wear it.

“You’ve taken good care of it, butler.”

“Haha. It was quite the struggle! It took at least four people just to move one piece of that armor!”

Picking it up like a toy, Benedict began to don it piece by piece.

It had already been ten years since he last wore armor, but his hands showed no hesitation.

It was something he once wore like a second skin. After all this time, he didn’t feel awkward at all.

Before long, fully armored, Benedict stepped forward to inspect his sword.

One of the weapons passed down from the Alrn family.

Wielded by distant ancestors, it had been covered in dust for ages, now held in Benedict’s hands, reclaiming its former glory as a massive greatsword.

Despite having the hilt right in front of him, the sword was long and thick enough to reach the floor as he examined it closely, releasing a long breath before gripping the hilt.

The weight transmitted through the gauntlet made Benedict smile lightly.

“What a rare occurrence. Lucy encounters Karia, who I thought was lost forever. Could this be divine guidance?”

“Indeed. It seems the great god has a fondness for the young lady.”

“Though it’s blasphemous, from a father’s perspective, it’s rather unpleasant. All I wished for was for Lucy to live a peaceful life.”

He knew that the transformation of his wandering daughter was due to the grace of the god.

While he felt grateful that the inept father could achieve what he couldn’t, he also wished that if the god was going to give something, it would simply just take it and not demand anything from him.

Yet, he knew all too well that the world doesn’t operate that way.

“Haha. Lord, do you really believe the words ‘peace’ and ‘our daughter’ go hand in hand?”

“Of course not. Our daughter just can’t live without causing trouble.”

Benedict chuckled at the butler’s joke while gripping the sword hilt with both hands.

He didn’t believe that Lucy’s decision to head to Menestel as soon as the break began was merely a spur-of-the-moment whim.

While it was true she started obsessing over strength after receiving divine grace, she also had a strong fixation on efficiency.

If she sought experience in conquering dungeons, there were countless better ways than heading to Menestel.

Yet, there was surely another reason for her stubbornness in choosing that perilous journey.

Most likely, it was due to a so-called divine oracle.

“So, I must do my best.”

If it were just Karia found in the Menestel dungeon, Benedict might not have acted.

While she had once been a close companion, that was a thing of the past.

At this point, he had something much more precious than her.

There was no reason to risk political burdens and tangible dangers just to go there.

Yet this time, it was different.

It was Lucy who discovered Karia, and she wished to save her.

And for her wish, she sought help from dear old dad.

As a father, how could he refuse his daughter’s request?

Benedict finally broke the lengthy silence and resolved to take action.

With a light pull, he drew his sword, slinging it onto his back and turning around.

“For the peace of our daughter.”

Just then, as Benedict and the butler smiled at each other, one of the attendants rushed into the study.


“What is it?”

“The young lady has returned!”


“Yes. Indeed…”

Before the attendant could finish, Benedict dashed out of the study.

He wanted to see the precious face of his daughter, who was back after such a long time.

And to hear that adorable sound of her calling him ‘Papa!’

The butler, witnessing the overly excited Benedict, sighed with a wry smile and helped up the fallen attendant.


When I first saw Benedict burst through the family door, I thought to myself that he looked amazing.

Clad in thick, dark armor that seemed to absorb all light, with a gigantic greatsword slung on his back, he resembled the protagonist of some heroic tale.

That was how Benedict used to look when roaming the battlefields.

No wonder everyone would tremble at the mention of his name.

Just imagine a monster of that size standing on the front lines, swinging a sword that matches his own size. Absolutely terrifying.

However, that awe dissipated the moment I saw Benedict’s face melt with relief upon seeing me.

With the weight of the armor making heavy thuds, he rushed right in and scooped me up like a little animal, letting out a cry.

He missed me that much, feeling so lonely without me around.

He wanted to rush to my side whenever he heard troubling news.

He couldn’t express how happy he was to hear I made friends.

Despite having had quite a few chats with him via communication magic, it appeared it wasn’t enough for Benedict.

He was still that doting father I always knew, hugging me tightly and unwilling to let go.

Just like in that meeting where we gathered for the Menestel dungeon strategy—not much had changed.

“Lucy, why don’t you call me ‘Papa’? You did last time we communicated magically, so why not now?”

Seeing Benedict throw a fit to be called ‘Papa’ left Count Georg shocked.


“Stupid Dad? I’m starting to feel embarrassed calling you that! Can you not make that gross voice anymore?”

“Stop that again! Come on, repeat after me: ‘Papa.’”

His determination to make me say ‘Papa’ was so adamant that it finally got to Johan, who had been frowning, to interject.

“Lord Benedict, is there any reason for this? You do understand this isn’t just a social gathering, right?”

Even with Johan’s admonishments about how their meeting wasn’t just idle chit-chat, Benedict was unfazed.

“Don’t worry! It won’t take long!”

“…Do as you please.”

Power that doesn’t need to heed others’ opinions.

A strength so overwhelming that no one could control it.

And a shamelessness that allows you to act however you please.

The combination of these three made Benedict like a truck with its brakes ripped off.

I could see why Lucy had turned into a troublemaker, just watching his antics.

Under such foolish nonsense, I found myself raising my hands in surrender.

“Stupid Papa♡ Stop it♡”

Seeing him beam at the utterance of ‘Papa’ that somehow slipped through my lips made a sigh escape me.

This guy acts like this, no wonder people find it hard to see just how great Benedict is.

To me, he was simply a doting dad, completely smitten with his adorable daughter.

Perhaps thanks to Benedict’s ridiculous antics, the atmosphere of the previously stiff parlor softened considerably since we first met.

Did he play the fool on purpose to lighten the mood?

With a chortle of amusement, he looked around before standing before the table.

“Lucy, while I will keep quiet as you wished, there are a few matters to address first. The two of you?”

The playful tone from just moments ago vanished as he gripped the air of the parlor with a serious and weighty demeanor, calling on Johan and Count Georg.

“The three of us here, separated by distance, have gathered to fulfill Lucy’s request. Do you agree?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Of course, Lord Benedict.”

“Then the one who holds the reins in this affair should be Lucy. What do you think?”

As he spoke, the other two tilted their heads in confusion, but I was the most surprised.

Sure, I was the one spearheading this mission, but I had no intention of leading the meeting.

When I was at the Academy, it made sense for me to have the authority.

There, I was the best.

No one could surpass my abilities or achievements, giving weight to my words.

But here, it was different.

Benedict, Johan, and Count Georg—all had accomplished things in their own right.

There was no reason for them to heed the words of just a girl who had just entered the Academy.

Even if I raised my voice here, it wouldn’t be easy to earn their trust quickly.

So, I had planned to share the information I knew and leave the overall framework to Benedict, intervening only at crucial moments.

But Benedict didn’t play along.

He insisted they gathered because of me, and thus everything should rest on my shoulders.

“Lord Benedict Alrn.”

The first to voice concern was Count Georg.

“I am well aware of your daughter’s talents. However, even so, she likely lacks many things compared to the knowledge she possesses. Perhaps in the future, it will be different, but for now…”

“Count Georg. My daughter is more capable than you think. Lucy is blessed with the love of the god.”

At Benedict’s words, Johan shifted his gaze toward me. He looked at me for a moment, as if understanding something, then nodded before speaking.

“I see. It would be wiser to entrust my authority to Lady Alrn. If there are any shortcomings, we can always cover for her.”

“Bishop Johan, I knew I could count on you to understand.”

With the two gathered here saying the same thing, there was no way Count Georg could oppose.

He reluctantly nodded, and the gazes of the three turned toward me.

“Now then, Lucy. Share your plans.”

I wasn’t quite sure what Benedict’s intentions were.

I lacked the capacity to guess those things.

But I understood what needed to be done.

“Alright, Benedict.”

“Since you’re my big, dumb dad who’s too big for his own good and feeling insecure, I guess I’ll take charge and lead.”

As I shrugged, Benedict smiled with satisfaction as he looked at me.

Is this what you wanted, Benedict?

“Lucy, you need to call me ‘Papa.’”

Is that where this is going?!

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not work with dark mode