Switch Mode

Chapter 178

Chapter: 178

Alsetin couldn’t believe the dramatic reaction that just unfolded, letting out a wry smile while Nick quietly appeared next to him, handing over a towel.

Alsetin thanked him for the gesture as he wiped the beer off his face.

“My bad. Did my ears deceive me, or did I really just hear some weird stuff?”

Watching this, Karl awkwardly raised the corners of his mouth and rubbed the back of his neck.

“It’s not a mistake.”

“Are you seriously telling me I asked if I enjoy being hit by a girl?”



Karl’s frown was super serious, as if he couldn’t understand why he was being asked that question.

“Why do you ask? Are you genuinely curious?”

“Is there any chance I’m not genuine? I’m a knight of the Alrn family! Just being suspected of that is super offensive!”

“…Are you really serious?”

“I’ll turn the question back on you. Why do you think of me like that?”

“Look at how you act around Lady Alrn!”

Alsetin finally raised his voice as he pointed out Karl’s unreasonable stance.

“You actually seem to enjoy being treated like a dog by the Young Lady! And when she uses derogatory terms, you look like it’s the saddest thing in your life!”

“Oh, is that what you meant?”

“Finally understood, huh?”

“What’s wrong with that?”


Alsetin pressed the bridge of his nose with his palm, confused out of his mind. Does this guy seriously think he’s all right?

He’d always thought there was something off about him, but not this level of ‘special’!

“Why, as a damn elite graduating from the Academy, do you have such a lack of common sense? Did you hit your head while working as a knight?!”

“No. I understand now why you found it weird. I can see how it could look like that.”

Watching Karl nod, Alsetin’s growing frustration made him down his drink in one go and shout out.

“But how can you even ask what’s wrong with that?!”

“Take a breath and listen. I’ll explain.”

“Ugh, fine. Go ahead.”

“First, there’s something you must understand. It’s my dream. I’ve always wanted to be an ideal knight from a bard’s tale.”

Then, Karl started recounting tales of knights he remembered.

Ones that became skeleton knights to guard their master’s grave.

Those who stood at the forefront of battle to fulfill their master’s wishes.

And knights who remained loyal even when captured and met a grim fate.

He spoke of countless knights from songs and stories.

“Do you know what their commonality is? They all served an ideal master.”

Karl had no interest in becoming a tragic hero.

Even if a master’s incompetence highlighted a knight’s competence, that wasn’t the point.

Because Karl sought to realize his aspiration, not to earn pity.

“Think about it. Save for her somewhat rough language, isn’t the Young Lady practically an ideal master?”

The initial decision for Karl to serve Lucy wasn’t one of recognition, but gratitude towards someone who forgave his shortcomings.

However, as he stayed by Lucy’s side, his thoughts gradually began to shift.

She was someone who could throw her life away for others.

A person who could overcome hesitation if she felt it was necessary.

Someone undaunted in the face of extreme situations.

A talent capable of overwhelming everyone in the Soul Academy, which housed the most gifted individuals in the kingdom.

“At some point, I realized that the Young Lady is the ideal master I dreamt of.”

How miraculous is this?

The person he hoped to serve in atonement could fulfill his dream!

Even if Lucy lacked abilities, Karl would’ve followed her. His sense of gratitude was that large.

Yet Lucy had more than he ever hoped for.

She had the abilities to make his dream come true!

How could he not be grateful for that?

How could this connection not be something special?

Karl’s enthusiasm drew out his tales, while Alsetin’s reaction remained tepid.

“Yeah, I get that Lady Alrn is the person you dreamed of. But why are you happy about her mischievous words and actions?”

“Because she’s the one who gives them!”

If Lucy treats him like a dog, that means she recognizes him as her favorite?

So naturally, he should be glad about that.

If Lucy used derogatory terms she didn’t use on others, it meant he was being treated in a special way.

Again, that’s something to be happy about!

“Do you get it? You’ve misunderstood everything! I don’t enjoy being hit by girls. I’m happy because it’s the Young Lady who does it! This isn’t some perverted desire; it’s loyalty!”

With no sense of embarrassment, Karl stood tall and declared, causing Alsetin to blankly stare at him before downing another drink.

So, essentially, he was happy about being hit by the Young Lady Alrn.

What’s the difference from what he said about enjoying being hit by a girl?

With a normal person’s reasoning, this was utterly incomprehensible.

Ugh. How unfortunate.

He looks fine, has solid skills, but what a shame about what’s inside.

He’ll never get married, that’s for sure.

Unless he finds someone just like him, he’s destined to live alone.

Alsetin thought this but kept his mouth shut.

That lunatic would probably go on about how it wouldn’t matter if it meant protecting the Young Lady!

“Alright! I’ve answered you properly. Now it’s my turn to ask.”

“You wanna know why I followed the Young Lady Alrn here?”

As Alsetin returned the question to Karl, he activated the magic stored in the ring on his finger.

“…Hmm. Is that some kind of soundproofing magic?”

“Very observant. It’s a bit different from the usual kinds, so it might be hard to tell.”

“It’s not about seeing; it’s about hearing.”

He realized Nick’s breathing had vanished, and Alsetin chuckled.

This guy’s talent is genuine, alright. The way he comprehended this silence meant he operates in the underbelly like Nick, who hides his presence.

“Well, that aside, answer my question.”

“Simple. I’m looking for someone who’s here.”

“Is it that Karia person the Young Lady mentioned?”

“Exactly. She’s my master.”

The one he often referred to more as “that woman” than “master” when she was around.

As soon as Alsetin mentioned her name, Karl crossed his arms.

“She must be an important person to you.”

“She’s the one who picked me up from death’s door in a garbage dump and raised me.”

Alsetin chuckled as he shared his past.

Abandoned in an alley right after birth, forced to beg as soon as he learned to walk, and beaten half to death for not fulfilling a set quota. Then he was picked up by chance.

“Everything I have now, I learned from her.”

Maybe it was the excitement of reuniting after so long, or maybe the alcohol had loosened him up.

As Alsetin spoke of his past, the words flowed more freely than ever.

Listening to his words about Karia, Karl muttered.

“She sounds like a remarkable person.”

“Right? She even once ventured into a dungeon with Sir Benedic Alrn.”


Seeing Karl’s face stiffen, Alsetin giggled and kept talking.

“I’m not joking. You’ll see it for yourself when you meet her.”

“The Karia, who was once called the Shadow of the Royal Palace, is your master? Ha. You’ve got to choose your lies more carefully.”

“I’m serious, though?”

Alsetin continued with a playful smirk, but Karl showed no sign of belief.

It was only natural. How could someone once legendary alongside Benedic be the master of a street informant?

Alsetin, not expecting his words to carry any weight, shrugged and continued sharing other memories.


After taking a full day to rest and regulate his conditions, the next day arrived. He checked the items in his inventory once again.

The place he was about to enter was far more dangerous than any he had ever visited. It’s where the evil god who controls fire was sealed.

The world of the Soul Academy is filled with countless deities.

These gods are more akin to the multifaceted deities found in Greek or Roman mythology than omniscient beings, and their behaviors remain quite human-like.

When many people gather together, a group is formed, right? The gods in this world are no different.

Divided into the group centered around the pathetic pedo pervert Armadi and one surrounding the petty Agra.

The former wishes for world maintenance and stability, while the latter wants the world to meet its demise.

These two factions clashed fiercely, eventually realizing words wouldn’t settle their differences, leading to war.

The victorious Armadi faction ended the war by sealing the evil gods in various places around the world.

However, there was one thing the gods didn’t foresee.

No matter how much they are sealed, gods are still gods.

Their powers naturally influenced the surroundings and birthed things that should not exist in the world.

That’s what giant dungeons are.

Not created by Agra’s power but by the abnormal atmosphere from the evil god’s influence.

As long as that evil god remains, the place is one that will never disappear.

The instant the seal breaks, that’s when calamity will begin.

Now do you get why the quest to save Menes Tail from disaster emerged?

Because there are those who currently seek to break that seal.

The pathetic god hopes I’ll be the one to stop it.

The opponent I’ll be facing this time will be stronger than any foe I’ve encountered thus far.

Naklad? Compared to the one I’m about to face, he’s laughable. It’s an insult to even compare them.

The alchemist? Like he’s got absolute power in his own dungeon, but I could take him down with Karl’s help easily.

But this opponent? That person can likely overwhelm Karl.

Is it even possible to conquer such a monster?

Absolutely. That’s why I’m here, right?

That assumption only holds true when I haven’t prepared a thing.

Why would I fight my opponent head-on and play fair?

In battle, it’s all about giving your enemies the worst and your allies the best.


Having finished checking my items, I stretched.

Alright. I’m all set to show my opponents just how pathetic a veteran can be.

I’ll wrap this bothersome task up quickly and then go hang out in Joy’s territory!

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not work with dark mode