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Chapter 177

Chapter: 177

After delivering a solid kick to the punching bag’s third leg and sending him to dreamland, I was back at it, conquering the dungeon like any normal day.

We were already on the 39th floor.

Originally, I had planned to wrap things up around floors 34 to 35 and then take a break, but after achieving my goals, I found myself fiercely pushing forward.

I had no idea how the Georg family would react.

Sure, that punching bag might be a moronic pervert with a brain lodged in his lower half, but he is still the heir of the Georg family.

After stepping all over him, wouldn’t it be expected for the Georgs to respond somehow?

Knowing their tendencies, I could guess how the unfolding situation might play out.

For starters, the current head of the Georg family is capable but a total coward.

When faced with a decision, he’s the type to overthink until the last minute, picking the “best” choice after endless deliberation.

Honestly, I doubt he’ll come to a decision quickly this time either.

It’s a complicated issue, but more importantly, he’s dealing with the Alrn family. If the Georg head is anything like the game, he’ll probably mull it over for at least a week.

So, does that mean I can chill for a bit?

Nope. There’s one more issue.

The Georg family matriarch.

She stands in stark contrast to the Georg head.

Impatient, incompetent, and always shouting that her son’s actions are right. She’s likely the biggest reason the punching bag has turned out so pathetic.

I can picture her seeing her son’s sorry state and raising a ruckus.

The Georg head is weak against her influence. If she badgers him daily, his decision time would be significantly shortened.

That’s about all I can infer.

What conclusion the Georg head will reach after all that pondering is still a mystery.

Well, to be honest, I really couldn’t care less about most of it!

But depending on how things go, I might be barred from entering the Menes Tail dungeon.

That would be a disaster. If I fail to clear the quest given by that pathetic god, who knows what would happen? It’s better not to find out.

So here I am, desperately racing to finish things up before the Georg head makes his move.

Today’s goal is the 46th floor.

This is where hidden sections of the Menes Tail dungeon are located, and where Alsetin’s master used to hang out.

After reaching there today, I plan to wrap everything up tomorrow and leave the Menes Tail.

It’s going to be tough, but I can handle it.

I’m used to overcoming challenges like this.


We finally emerged from the Menes Tail dungeon around the time the sun ducked behind the horizon and the moon took its place.

After informing the exhausted guard that we were out, we bypassed the Menes Tail Guild and headed straight to the inn.

Since the loot we’d get from processing was minor, I wanted to use that time to rest a little more.

After all, we had to continue our hard trek first thing the next morning.

“You’re late.”

Upon returning to the inn, the person greeting us wasn’t Nick. It wasn’t even the usual guy at the front desk.

No, this was someone I had anticipated meeting eventually, but I never expected to see him like this.

The current head of the Georg family.

Mev Georg.

A man who revitalized the streets of Menes Tail Dungeon with his remarkable abilities, and a genius magician recognized even in the Mage Empire brimming with skilled magicians.

Had it not been for his characteristic indecisiveness, he would have shaken the continent with his fame.

He was sitting casually on a shabby chair at the counter when he noticed my face and stood up.

What on earth is he doing here?

The man who typically can’t make decisions until a situation is in front of him—why is he taking action now?

Did the matriarch press that hard?

Damn it. The fact that he’s moving alone without guards means he’s taken this matter seriously!

“I apologize for my sudden visit, Lady Alrn. Given the urgency, I hope you can forgive my lack of formality.”

As I chewed on my lip, considering the predicament, I realized that as long as he didn’t touch on the subject related to the Menes Tail dungeon, everything else was negotiable.

Sure, Benedic is my backing, but I’m no lightweight when it comes to connections.

The Duke’s daughter from the Partran family. The third prince of the Soladin Kingdom. The current saint of the God Church.

These are people who could smooth over any substantial issues that arise.

So all I need to do is steer clear of any topics about the Menes Tail dungeon during our chat.

We could discuss it with the old man later.

“I’m sorry, Lady Alrn. Our foolish son has caused great trouble.”

My mind came to a screeching halt the moment the Georg head bowed.

Wait, huh? Didn’t you come here to talk about that time you got your son beaten up? Why the sudden bowing?

Of course, I think it was self-defense, but he certainly wouldn’t view it that way.

“Fortunately, Lady Alrn, you’ve managed to downplay this whole incident into a minor accident between the two of you. But without your quick judgment, Sir Benedic Alrn would have descended upon this place.”

My mind, which had been stuck in a loop, began functioning again the instant Benedic’s name was dropped.


Ha ha. What on earth did you do on this continent?

Why is the genius magician that is the Georg head so intimidated by your name?

Anyway, thanks for that; it seems this is going to resolve smoothly.

“On behalf of the Georg family, I will provide every convenience during your stay in our territory. Naturally, it’s only right that we properly educate our foolish son. So, I hope you can explain the situation well to Sir Benedic Alrn?”

“Well, if you insist like that, I’ll be sure to talk it over with Benedic.”

“Oh, the cowardly count is so terrified of our foolish father! I promise to make sure he doesn’t soil his pants around you, dear father!”

Thanks to my Mesugaki skills, the Georg head became a cowardly, trembling earl, but he simply awkwardly smiled without a hint of anger.

Judging by how he views himself as beneath others, he couldn’t come on strong.

“Thank you for your understanding, Lady Alrn.”

“It’s no trouble at all. Don’t stress over it.”

“Seeing the count’s pale face is just… haha, it looks pitiful. So please, don’t take it too seriously.”

Normally, I would’ve cursed at that trembling Georg earl, but that wasn’t my mood tonight.

To make an enemy of a man who holds power and status, and is important with actual strength?

Nah, not worth it.

But right now, that’s fine. After all, once this is all over, I’ll never have to step foot in this city again.

Naturally, I won’t ever have to meet that Georg earl again! So even if I tick him off, it won’t lead to any issues!

Phew. Looks like things worked out well.

In that case, there’s no need to head back into the dungeon tomorrow.

After running around all day, my body’s worn out, so I’ll take a day or two to rest, fully recover, and then head back into the dungeon.

Yeah, that sounds good.


With the earl of Georg apologizing, we suddenly found ourselves resting for the evening.

Maybe it was from being tired in various ways, but after Lucy dashed off to sleep, Alsetin sat alone in the living room, sipping on some alcohol.

It had been a difficult day.

Alsetin wasn’t the kind of person to half-heartedly train.

The person who took him in and taught him as a child always emphasized the importance of having a solid foundation, and since being saved by his master, Alsetin had never disobeyed her teachings.

But that was merely training needed to survive in the world of information and the underbelly, not the rigorous training that knights undergo.

The swordman’s impressive physical strength wasn’t something extraordinary.

He had been seen as a promising candidate since his time in the Soul Academy, entering the most powerful Alrn knight family right after graduation, so it’s strange for him not to exhibit such capabilities.

But still, what about the Young Lady Alrn?

How could she, a reckless troublemaker just a year ago, possess this level of incredible strength!

No matter how much Alrn blood runs through her veins, is this… is this just too abnormal?

Alsetin, who had to dash desperately just to keep up with her in pursuit of his master, was now half-exhausted.

If there was any silver lining for him, it was that he didn’t have to jump back into the dungeon tomorrow.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have had the luxury to chill for even a moment.

“Can’t sleep?”

After returning from the dungeon, Alsetin was horrified to see Karl emerging from the training room, looking all refreshed.

Is this what all Alrn knights are like? Or is this one just exceptional?

Considering the Young Lady Alrn, the former seems more plausible.

“I’m resting. I got lucky and managed to find some time to unwind.”

“Hmmm. Beer, huh. It wouldn’t hurt to indulge in a drink after so long. Mind if I join?”

“Be my guest.”

As soon as Karl pulled out a chair to sit, Nick came flying in with drinks and snacks, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

Being in a similar field, Alsetin could roughly gauge Nick’s level.

She was a talent who could be welcomed anywhere she went.

No doubt the Newman family had taken an interest in the Menes Tail area and sent someone capable.

Why is someone like her here, hearing how gloomy the Young Lady Alrn is?

People are hard to understand.

“So, Alsetin. Can you drink well?”

“I’m not exactly the type to pass out first.”

“Well then, how about a little challenge?”

“Me? Against you, Sir?”

What kind of nonsense is this?

Why is this monster making a drinking match with a human?

As Alsetin looked deeply confused, Karl burst into a laugh.

He was displaying such a human side that I’ve hardly seen when Lucy was around.

“Alright. Forget about the drinking contest, let’s move to something else. When are you going to stop calling me Sir?”

“But you’re a noble, and I’m…”

“Doesn’t matter. Under the Young Lady, we’re all just the same. Feel free to call me however you want. It looks like I’ll be working together with you for a long time from here on out.”

Well, yeah. After this, I definitely need to stick around the Young Lady Alrn.

As Alsetin gauged Karl’s intention, he downed his drink and spoke up.

“Okay. Karl. But don’t complain later, alright?”

“Hah. What would I look like complaining to my teammates?”

They had spent the last several months together under Lucy’s reign.

Once they loosened up from the formalities over a few drinks, it didn’t take long for them to bond.

As casual chatter flowed, and glasses stacked up on the table, Karl suddenly lowered his voice.

“Hey, Alsetin.”

“What’s up? Why so grim all of a sudden?”

“I’ve got something I want to ask you. But it wouldn’t be fair if I were the only one asking questions.”

“…So, if you have a question, then go ahead and ask it?”

“Exactly! Ask me anything, and I’ll answer.”

Alsetin raised an eyebrow, realizing that Karl’s curiosity was probably about why he followed them in the first place.

Typically, he’d keep it a secret, but since this guy will be around for a while, it doesn’t really matter.

There’s no point in hiding it now.

The question is—what to ask.

…Something amusing just popped into my head.

“Good timing. I wanted to ask something too.”

“Go ahead.”

“This might be a bit of a sensitive topic though.”

“Hey now, did you forget what you just said about answering anything? A knight doesn’t break their word.”

Karl stated that firmly and then, as if to show off, chugged his drink.

With a mischievous grin, Alsetin stared at him, then bluntly asked.

“Karl, do you happen to have a kink for getting slapped by girls?”


In return for my boldness, I found myself drenched in beer spewed from Karl’s mouth.

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not work with dark mode