Switch Mode

Chapter 176

Chapter: 176

It wasn’t too hard to figure out this guy’s intentions.

With that relaxed smile and the way he tried to sound considerate, there was no way I could miss it.

Seriously, is this idiot’s brain just located in his lower half?

Sure, I might look gorgeous right now. If I keep my mouth shut, I could totally pass for a cute doll you’d want to cuddle.

But the notorious reputation that comes with the name Lucy Alrn has the power to overshadow any beauty.

Even the adventurers of Menes Tail knew this truth, yet Meg the moron was blinded by my looks and approached me anyway.

No. Wait a minute.

It’s true that Meg is a class-A idiot, but he’s also a count’s son who’s had some education, right?

There’s no way he could be dumb enough to approach me without knowing who I am.

He must have come over without realizing it’s me. He probably just noticed a pretty girl passing by and thought, “Why not?”

Yeah. That’s definitely the case.

It has to be.

“Excuse me…”

“Hey there, you perverted pedo looking at a girl. Do you know who I am? I have no idea about freaks like you!”

“Your reputation precedes you, Young Lady Alrn. A thorny flower, is it?”

Wait, what? So he’s just an even dumber idiot who gave up using his brain for something above the waist?

I never expected there would be a nutjob worse than a clumsy fox.

Sigh. Why is the world full of such bad characters?

As I sighed, having lost what little hope I had, Meg’s grin remained unwavering.

“I’ll be joining you.”

Without even asking for my opinion, Meg tried to sit down, but Karl, who was standing behind me, stopped him.

“Lord Georg. The Young Lady is…”

“Shut it, you little knight. What kind of brain-dead fool dares to talk to me without wielding magic?”

Meg’s gaze toward Karl was packed with disdain.

Disgust for someone beneath him. Disgust for a knight who couldn’t even wield magic. And disgust for anyone intruding on his love life.

“Shut your mouth before I sew it shut.”

What a ridiculous level of confidence. What in the world does he think gives him such bravado?

Is it the count title he hasn’t even earned yet?

Or maybe he’s deluded enough to think he has some grand magical prowess while being utterly useless?

Could it be his current guard flunkies, who I could definitely take down with a half-hearted attack?

Regardless of what it is, it’s laughable to see him threatening someone who could wipe the floor with him.

I mean, Karl probably recognizes that too. Having some punk with less status flaunt around must also drive him nuts.

However, being a knight and a guard, he retained his courtesy.

“I apologize, but please step back.”

“Hah. This is why knights are useless. Filling your head with muscles leaves zero space for intelligence. Be adaptable, foolish knight.”

You’re seriously getting on my nerves!

Insulting me and my entourage is whatever.

I’ve been dealing with that kind of look and words non-stop since I got into Lucy’s body.

I’m so used to it that I can’t be bothered.

But when it comes to hurting those around me, it’s a different story.

Especially when it’s someone stepping up for me.

“Step back.”

“But, Young Lady…”

“Do I need to repeat myself, mutt? ♡”

Karl finally bit his lip and stepped back after I spoke.

Meg, probably thinking something demeaning, scoffed at Karl and sat across from me.

Ah, what a perfect situation.

I was already drowning in stress from conquering the Menes Tail dungeon, and now I have a punching bag I can unleash my frustrations on without any guilt!

“Thanks for allowing me to sit with you.”

“Just a beast full of mana thinking with his lower half? I’m curious what kind of creature that is. ♡”


When I tossed the same words back at him, Meg cleared his throat, looking uncomfortable.

Hmm. This punching bag isn’t bad at all. He’s trying to look dignified while his lips quiver, and I find that amusing.

“Alrn Young Lady, I’d like to ask if there’s a special reason for eating here?”

“No reason means I wouldn’t be sitting here, you idiot! ♡ Aw, are you dropping IQ points since you’re thinking with your lower half? ♡ Poor thing! ♡”

I wanted to infuriate him, and my body moved of its own accord.

Giggling laughter. Openly condescending eyes. Hands close to my mouth but with no intention of covering it.

Truly, a Mesugaki skill! This is the one thing I’ve nailed down!

The punching bag’s face flushed red as he bit down on his lips, but he didn’t raise his voice.

“Actually, if there’s no special reason to eat here, I just wanted to treat you to my meal.”

“Hey, hard of hearing? ♡ I just said I’m sitting here on purpose! ♡ Can you even understand that? Or do I need to speak down to you? ♡ Hahaha! ♡ So disgusting! ♡”

I could see his hands clenching tightly. Those trembling fingers screamed of pent-up rage, wanting to snap me one good time.

Wow. Talk about superhuman patience! Considering the provocation from my Mesugaki skills, he should have flipped out by now.

Is it that dedicating himself to his lower half has bestowed him with such resilience? Impressive. Not that I’d ever want to emulate that.

“…Then can we set up a meeting next time?”

“Where should I respond to this? ♡ Up? Or down? ♡”

“Alrn Young Lady.”

His voice, which had been as smooth as silk, suddenly turned cold.

Is his durability finally wearing thin? The punch-to-the-face quality is nice, but too fragile is a problem. Perhaps I should contact their manufacturer.

“Just kidding! ♡ Are you ever okay? ♡”

When I asked him again, a faint smile flickered across his face. Trying to hide it made it even more pathetic.

“Um. How about tomorrow?”

“Nope! ♡”

“How about the day after?”

“That also no! ♡”

“Is there a good day this week?”

“Not a single one! ♡”

“Are you teasing me?”

“Haha! Did you get it now? ♡ So dumb! ♡ There’s no way I’d set up anything with a piece of trash like you! ♡”

As the conversation dragged on, the punching bag’s face became stern and serious instead of the awkward grin.

“Lucy Alrn.”

“What? ♡ Were you actually hoping for something? ♡ Did meeting a cute girl like me make your day? ♡ But what a shame! ♡ I can’t stand disgusting losers like you! ♡ I might actually throw up just looking at you! ♡”

As I pretended to gag, the punching bag slammed his fist on the table and got up, glaring at me with a fierce look.


“What? Is that supposed to intimidate me? ♡ Wow, how scary! ♡ Hahaha! ♡ You’re completely pathetic! ♡”

Realizing I was driving him mad, the punching bag completely lost it.

In a fit of rage, he grabbed my wrist.

Even with the speed that a weak punching bag could muster, it was so slow I could insert the word ‘pathetic’ three times in the middle, and yet I deliberately allowed his grip to catch me.

Why? Because that gives me justification!

“Didn’t I tell you to behave!”

Now, let’s look at this situation objectively.

Who approached first? The punching bag.

Who insisted on sitting when I clearly said no? The punching bag.

Who raised their voice and forcibly grabbed my wrist? The punching bag.

And the witnesses? Everyone in this popular restaurant that Nick recommended.

So now, from this point on, all I’m doing is defending myself.

A small, fragile girl threatened by a scary-looking guy? Naturally, I’d fight back.

If my social standing had been lower, this wouldn’t have been enough justification.

But I’m the countess of the Alrn family, renowned throughout the continent.

This gives me just the right amount of power to teach this kid a lesson. Right?

I jumped up from my chair and stomped on the table, aiming to slap the punching bag right across the face.

I didn’t go wholly out of strength, though. I mean, I didn’t want any casualties.

Still, those couple of weak teeth of his are probably broken by now.

The punching bag flew away and knocked over, holding his belly while gagging.


“What? Did the girl intimidate you? ♡ A pathetic pervert, coward, and weakling! ♡ You’re the definition of trash! ♡”

“Do you know who I am? I’m the Georg family’s count! If I get…!”

And with that, I stomped on his face to shut up his useless speech.

“Could you shut it? ♡ Just hearing you is nauseating! ♡”

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not work with dark mode