Switch Mode

Chapter 156

Chapter: 156

The moment I saw the quest issued by that pathetic loser, I realized that when a person gets really heated, they can’t think of a single thing to say.


What the hell?

My reason for being unpopular?!

You little shit!

Damn it!

You didn’t know that, so you had to ask?

If it weren’t for this Mesugaki skill, I could’ve restored my reputation!

All the countless mistakes Lucy made in the past could be brushed aside as mere childish acts!

Consider my conditions! I have the ability to take the overwhelming top spot in both academics and martial arts at the academy.

That amazing charm that makes the Clumsy Fox stalk me!

On top of that, I’m the daughter of a Count family that has a major influence on the continent!

If I weren’t named Lucy, I’d probably be the idol of the academy by now!

Even if my name is Lucy, if it weren’t for the Mesugaki skill, I could’ve cleaned my slate easily!

Right now, the influence my acquaintances hold is pretty significant!

I have Arthur, the Third Prince of the Soladin Kingdom, who has huge support among the first-year students, backing me, right?

Plus, I’m friends with Joy, who is the center of various noble young ladies!

And I’m close to Phoebe, who has tremendous popularity among both commoners and noble clergy alike!

Given that I have all these people supporting me, what do you think will happen if I even hint at regretting my past mistakes?

Sure, there will still be haters, but many will think, “Wow, Young Lady Alrn has changed!”

Plus, since I have talent, even if they look at me unfavorably inside, they might pretend to be friendly!

But all these advantages are blocked by the wall that is this Mesugaki skill!

I’m stuck in some sort of disease where I can’t speak unless I mention one of those pathetic words!

In that situation, what?!

Why you are unpopular?!

You know it and you come asking me?!

That pathetic evil god compared me to himself and got all huffy and now gives me a hard time?!

If you know so well why I’m not popular, then get rid of this Mesugaki skill, you loser!

I even forgot there was a sobbing Lady Baines right in front of me with Karl trying to comfort her as I fumed.

Calm down. Let’s take a breath.

This isn’t the first time this pathetic loser fed me a quest with a side of misery. Getting worked up already?

He still makes sure to provide proper rewards, even if he occasionally throws my moods into the dirt.

Let’s read the quest content before I lose my temper.

Right. That’s the right thing to do.

[Why are you hated by everyone at the academy?]

The moment I read the first sentence, my eyes sharpened, but I held back my anger with superhuman patience and continued.

[You shouldn’t look for reasons elsewhere! Let’s find the reason within yourself!]

But when I read the next line, I couldn’t take it anymore and made a clicking sound with my teeth.

Yep, this is clearly a jab.

He’s telling me not to blame him and to think about how I can improve, right?

You pathetic old man!

You think I want to make a fool of myself?

It’s all because of this damn skill! Damn it!

Reading his direct comments shows that while he can tolerate insults about himself, he can’t endure being compared to that petty evil god?!

Okay! I got it!

So, that’s your trigger button?! From now on, I’ll make sure to use that against you whenever something goes wrong!

Honestly, what kind of god are you, anyway?

When Soul Academy was just a game, you were as significant as a ghost!

“A young lady?”

Lost in thought about how to tick off that pathetic god, I snapped back to reality at Karl’s voice.

He was looking at me with concern.

“Is something wrong?”


“You pathetic loser. What nonsense are you spouting?”

“Your expression doesn’t look too good.”

Well, did my anger show that clearly?

I thought the Mesugaki skill would help hide some of that rage, but it seems my anger toward that pathetic god was pretty intense.

Looking at Baines, who had stopped crying and was glancing at me, my heat began to cool down.

Ahem. If she’s paying enough attention to feel uneasy, my expression must have been pretty scary.

After telling Karl to take Lady Baines back, I stayed behind and sat on a nearby chair to read the remaining quest content.

[First, let’s find out why people have come to hate you!]

[Investigate Lucy’s past!]

[Reward: ???]

[Failure: Haha, LOL]

For a quest designed to get under my skin, the content was surprisingly solid.

Investigate my past misdeeds and find ways to make amends—got it?

This is definitely some constructive advice. Plus, if the reward is good, I can’t complain much.

But seriously, what’s with the “LOL”? Why mention that?

You’re not hinting at me needing a bunny suit again, are you?

You don’t mean that thing that got stuck in my inventory after the field trip, right?

Why can’t you just say no?!

Say it quickly that you’re not that pathetic perverted god who enjoys watching me squirm in a bunny suit!

I was shouting inside, but I knew reality too well.

If it’s that pathetic loser, he would absolutely laugh at the thought of me in a bunny suit squirming away.

So the penalty for failure definitely means putting me back in that suit again.

But under what circumstances would I end up in a bunny suit?

If it’s just hanging out at home while the Clumsy Fox drools watching me, I could probably deal with that.

But would that pathetic perverted god be satisfied with just that?

I should probably consider the possibility that I’d have to go to the academy in a bunny suit…

As that thought crossed my mind, I shook my head to get rid of the worst-case scenario and vowed to complete this quest no matter what.


Bearing the heavy duty of investigating my past sins, the first place I decided to visit was Alsetin’s tavern.

Honestly, it seemed like there was no one better than this guy to give me an objective evaluation.

The folks around me, including Karl, would try their best not to say anything bad just to avoid my ire,

And if I asked Lady Baines, who dislikes me, I’d only get a torrent of emotional insults.

Of course, Alsetin wouldn’t be completely neutral, but considering he’s in the business of selling information, he might at least give me a somewhat objective opinion.

“Are you asking me to investigate the various things that Young Lady Alrn has done in the past?”

With that thought, I turned to Alsetin, who looked especially incredulous.

Seems like now that we’ve gotten closer, he’s increasingly expressing his feelings directly.

‘Yep. That’s right.’

“But? You have a problem?”

“Nope. Isn’t it true that one knows best about their own affairs?”

Right. Usually, people know their own affairs best.

But I’m not Lucy.

I’m just a poor soul possessed in Lucy’s body due to the mysterious Mesugaki skill!

So how could I know about Lucy?!

Of course, spilling all this to Alsetin would probably get me labeled as a crazy person, so I prepared a proper explanation.

‘Why should I remember?’

“Why should I remember the deeds of those pathetic losers? I treated them like the useless trash they are!”

This disaster of a person clearly won’t remember the crap they’ve done.

When someone listens in, they’d probably just hear me ranting about this crazy girl.

Alsetin, however, nodded with a strange expression.

“That’s fair enough.”

I didn’t expect him to agree, but the fact that Alsetin accepted it felt oddly satisfying.

‘Is it possible then?’

“You, below-average idiot, can manage this much, right?”

“Yes, I will. Actually, there’s no need to research it. I already know everything.”

Alsetin said to wait a moment, then stepped outside and returned with some documents.

“Here is the record of what Young Lady Alrn did. Reading this might jog some memories.”

I was curious why he had all this ready to go, but since it saved me the trouble, I decided to overlook it this time.

As I accepted the documents from Alsetin, I turned to read what had happened.

What serious things did Lucy get into?

[Royal Insult Incident]

The moment I read that first line, my head spun, and I pressed my eyelids tightly, looking at Alsetin.


“Hey, information dealer. Is everything written here true?”

“How could I lie to you, Young Lady?”

Right. Since I’m the only one who knows about your master’s whereabouts, you wouldn’t dare deceive me.

So is this something Lucy did in the past?

[In front of the king who came to see the daughter of Benedict Alrn, she insulted him, saying he resembled a pig. Though the surrounding people gasped in shock over her expression that he smelled like livestock, Benedict Alrn managed to smooth things over. Officially, it was deemed a non-incident.]

Oh. Shit. That pathetic god! What the hell is this?

Which crazy girl insults the king of a country to his face?!

Given that this is a summarized version, Lucy probably did even worse!

No wonder she’s been avoided like the plague in high society!

Reading that first incident crushed my spirit, but I still had a stack of events left.

I’m terrified. Reading this is so frightening.

But if I don’t read all this, I’ll fail the quest and be forced into that bunny suit again.

I have no choice. Worrying won’t change the past!

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself and absorbed the rest of the events listed.

[Destruction of the Divine Church Statue Incident]

[Insulting Prince Jere of the Jer Kingdom Incident]

[Commotion at the Nigel Auction House Incident]

[Commotion at the Azela Casino Incident]

As I read through countless incidents, I became convinced.

Lucy is definitely a crazy girl.

If she sees someone in her line of sight, she’ll definitely provoke them, true rage problems.

Now I understand why the academy students backed off like they saw a cockroach as soon as I showed up.

Who wouldn’t want to avoid someone like that?

I would’ve too.

Given all this trouble she caused, her charm points wouldn’t mean a thing.

Is it possible to settle all this?

Can I really overturn all this and restore my reputation?

The word “impossible” began to scrawl itself in my mind as I scrolled down to discover yet another shocking incident.

[The Royal Prince Insult Incident.]

[At an official event, she called the first prince a gloomy pathetic loser. Despite the surrounding people who were shocked by those words trying to stop Lucy Alrn, she didn’t relent. The situation was handled by Benedict Alrn rushing out to smooth it over.]

Oh man, seriously?

So now she piled up sins against the final boss of the kingdom?

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not work with dark mode