Switch Mode

Chapter 152

Chapter: 152

Taking a deep breath, I covered my fist with divinity.

Just like during last night’s spiritual training, the heat of divinity gathered in my fist.

With my fist enveloped in the holy power, I got into position, just like grandpa taught me yesterday.

He always said that when you put your all into an attack, it’s not just about using one part of your body.

A full-powered attack means pouring your entire strength into it.

Starting from your steps, you build up the force through your waist, transfer it to your arm, and then explode it at the end.

Following his advice, which had almost become second nature now, I launched my fist toward the training scarecrow.

As soon as my fist made contact, cracks began to form where I hit, and before long, the scarecrow shattered and collapsed on the ground.

The only evidence that it had stood just a moment ago was the heart embedded in the floor.

[Wow, what I trained in the spiritual world definitely translates to reality.]


I had broken the training scarecrow before, sure.

My mace’s power alone could easily bend iron.

But, destroying a scarecrow with just one punch? That was a first.

This is holy martial arts for you.

What incredible power.

[Are you feeling motivated?]


Motivated? Grandpa, is that even a question?!

I’d just started and pulled off a shot that powerful! How could I not feel motivated?!

Of course, using this in real combat still seemed impossible. The amount of divinity I consumed just to get that one punch off was massive.

As an envoy of Armadi, I had quite a bit of divinity in me, but I had burned through more than half for just this one attack.

No wonder practice mode is so efficient. In there, I don’t have to worry about running out of divinity.

[But you still have a long way to go. You can only throw out a finishing blow without any detailed control.]

‘Gotta practice, I guess.’

After all, it looks like I’ll have to roll around every night without getting any real rest. If I keep pushing, I might get used to it eventually.

“Lady! You’re amazing!”

While recovering from my exhausted body after all that punching, I heard Karl’s voice from behind.

He wasn’t being a stalker like some clumsy fox; I had actually set him up behind me ahead of time.

For our sparring later.

With Karl as my opponent, I wouldn’t hold back either.

Right now, among the first years at the academy, no one could match me if I went all out in a one-on-one duel.

Well, except maybe Frey. But even he was still a level or two below me, so he wouldn’t be the best challenge.

But Karl? He was much stronger than me.

I’d always known Karl was strong. I couldn’t even land a hit when I met him for the first time, as he just let me have it.

But you know what? Compared to when I first possessed this body, I’m incredibly stronger now!

Yet, I still couldn’t hope to catch up to Karl.

The more my skills improved, the more I realized just how monstrous he really was.

He’s just a knight in the Alrn Family, but that family’s knight order is on another level of crazy!

Now I understand why grandpa was shocked at what this place was like.

I get why the professors looked at my feats and said, “Yep, that’s the blood of Alrn!”

“It’s been a while since we fought together, Lady.”

Karl stood before me with the training sword he always used.

He was dressed in simple cloth without any armor, but that wasn’t really a problem.

That skilled knight knew perfectly well how to guard himself using his own magic.

If I swung my mace with all my strength right now, I probably wouldn’t even scratch him.

Well, unless I used holy martial arts. Then things might change.

“Are you sure you don’t need more rest after that big output?”

“Who are you calling a pathetic mutt, worrying about your master?♡ Kya-ha! So heartwarming!♡ Should I just give your chin a scratch?♡ You disgusting mutt?♡”

Even before the match started, I provoked Karl. This is what it means to go all out.

Right now, I’m clearly the weaker one compared to him. I can’t afford to hold back.

“I would love to receive that reward, but let’s save that for later.”

Nevertheless, despite the intensity of my taunts, Karl remained calm.

After hearing all my words day in and day out, he probably got used to it.

Since I was expecting this, I didn’t get flustered. I knew Karl would lose his composure soon enough.

Holding a shield made by dwarves in my left hand and grandpa in my right, I took a deep breath and silently chanted several holy spells.

Increase physical capabilities. Boost vitality. Raise luck.

I cast every spell that would benefit me right now.

Afterward, I spread the remaining divinity throughout my body.

Like enhancing my physical abilities with magic, I’m now boosting my capabilities with divinity.

I can’t say it’s efficient yet since I still have a lot to learn, but that’s totally okay.

My one and only goal right now is to land a hit on Karl.

“Are you ready?”

“What about you, pathetic mutt?♡ Are you ready to get beaten by your master?♡”

“Nope. Sorry, but I’m not planning to lose to you yet.”

Karl put on a show of confidence, but my provocations were clearly getting under his skin.

I could feel the surge of buffs building up inside me compared to earlier.

With the preliminary work done, I was ready to go.

[Looks like it’s time to fight back.]

When the one-sided assault from Karl began to shift into our fierce back and forth, grandpa finally spoke up.

‘Time to show my teeth, huh?’

[You got any plans?]

‘Of course!’

While blocking Karl’s more serious attempts with the wooden sword, I was thinking of the best way to deliver a hit while he’s all riled up!

[Hmm. Alright then, go for it.]

‘You got it!’

Watch closely, grandpa!

Your pupil’s about to smack a mace into that pathetic mutt’s face!

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not work with dark mode