Switch Mode

Chapter 147

Chapter: 147

Haha. Grandpa, you’re totally breaking the balance here.

Watching you fight reminds me of those cutscenes from games.

You know, the kind that was made with such movie-like quality, yet is absolutely impossible to replicate in game systems.

I really can’t even imagine catching up to that level. If I want to see the end of this world, I have to become an even bigger monster than that old man—can I really do that?

Just how much effort do I need to put in to surpass him?

Being on the path to greatness, I can tell. It’s far. Too far. So far that he just looks like a faint dot in the distance.

Sigh. I guess I need to live even more earnestly. Otherwise, I don’t think I can even get close to that grandpa.

“Alrn Young Lady.”

As I admired Grandpa’s display, I heard Phoebe’s voice next to me.

She, too, seemed captivated by the miracle unfolding before us, unable to tear her eyes away.

“That person is…”

‘It’s Ruel…’

“That pathetic grandpa. He’s the one who resides in my mace and my teacher.”

Since falling into this world, I’ve had two major figures I could call my mentor.

One is Possell, who had a blast rolling around beside the knights of the Alrn family until the moment I enrolled in the academy.

Thanks to him, I can now endure physical limits without even batting an eye.

And the other is the grandpa Ruel.

After overcoming trials and meeting Grandpa Ruel, he taught me how to fight like someone wielding a mace and shield.

He used to nag me every time I moved, and I would often think he was too picky, but now, seeing him swing the mace, I completely understand.

From his perspective, it must have been frustrating to watch me struggle with something so simple.

Even now, look at him. He’s bashing Nakrad with the mace and occasionally glancing my way as if to say, “Learn from this.”

Grandpa, even if you give me those hints, I still don’t think I can keep up with you!

In terms of studying, I’m just that damn brat who’s barely finishing up multiplication tables, okay?

Showing that little kid a complex problem that might come up in college entrance exams isn’t going to teach them anything other than awe.

I might try to imitate it, but don’t expect much. Got it? Don’t grumble later about why I can’t do it.

Maybe he couldn’t bear to be hit by Grandpa? Staggering to his feet, Nakrad pulled out his minions from the shadows.

Whoa. That’s like half a finishing move.

Given the state the Evil God hasn’t fully resurrected yet, just summoning those brats takes considerable time.

Ordinarily, these would be the kind of things he’d use to assault the academy during finals, but he’s pulling them out now? Guess Grandpa scared him pretty good.

But what will he do now? I doubt those minions pose any threat to Grandpa.

Grandpa didn’t even flinch at the sight of his surrounding crowd.

He just had this indifferent expression. Soon, when he raised his mace, divine power gathered around it.

Holy moly, what’s with the density of that divinity gathering above? That looks like a tiny sun!

Grandpa, is that the state I’m supposed to reach someday? Just how much do you think I’m going to grow?

Alright, I’ll understand. I’ll make your expectations come true. I’m a rotten player from the Soul Academy. I’m gonna surprise you.

Just wait, I’ll make you regret ever looking down on me.

Once the divinity atop the mace shone with its brilliance, the shadowy minions began to retreat one by one.

Even beings born from the power of the Evil God couldn’t resist that light.

After all Nakrad’s minions vanished, Grandpa erased the gathered divinity before advancing towards Nakrad.

“That is the teacher of the Alrn Young Lady.”

Phoebe gazed at the scene with awe.

Unlike me, who had no thoughts on divine beings, she was a devout follower.

Seeing a holy knight, once someone who saved the world and was deemed a saint, perform miracles has got to spark plenty of thoughts for her.

“There’s a reason the Young Lady was so strong!”

‘That’s pretty much it.’

“What are you saying, pathetic Saintess? I’m strong because I’m amazing, not because that pathetic old man taught me so well. Don’t spout such nonsense!”

Hey, Mesugaki skill—why are you so whiny? Thanks to you, Phoebe looks totally lost for words.

And why are you speaking informally to Phoebe? This isn’t even a case where your Mesugaki skill got upgraded!

What’s the deal? Come on, fill me in. So I can react accordingly. Please!

Kaboom! As Grandpa smashed Nakrad down with his mace, a minor earthquake shook the area.

Cracks formed on the floor as debris splattered into the air, standing amidst the chaos was Grandpa looking less than pleased.

Where just a moment ago Nakrad had been, now there was nothing. Did he escape?

Grandpa clicked his tongue lightly, swung his mace to clear the smoke, and walked over to where we were.

“Sorry about that. I couldn’t finish things off. This is, after all, a spiritual world, so it has its limitations.”

Well, that can’t be helped. My goal in coming here was to save Phoebe anyway, and bullying Nakrad was just a side quest.

I feel a little disappointed, but okay, at least I still got a hit in, right? I should have smiled and told him not to worry, but sadly, my Mesugaki skill built a wall around me.

“It’s okay, Grandpa.”

“Such a pathetic grandpa. Can’t even get that right? But then again, it’s my fault for expecting anything from a lonely old man stuck in a mace. You’re such a pitiful has-been, you know?”

“This is maddening. How are other kids tolerating this kind of attitude?”

Grandpa, showing this much reaction is problematic.

Kids like Joy and Arthur have to put up with this tone all day long. A saint getting this riled up over it isn’t right!

But he did just show us some impressive stuff, so I’ll let it slide this time. Grandpa.

“I’m sorry. Please bear with me a little.”

“Huh? Can’t handle this? Pitiful grandpa? Hahaha, that’s hilarious. That such a person is a saint—how amusing.”

Ah, right. Bringing up an apology probably won’t help much.

With the provocation from my Mesugaki skill, Grandpa sighed while Phoebe looked utterly shocked.

Of course, stuck in a position of having to respect someone while hearing them throw around insults would definitely lead to that expression.

If Phoebe were a bit more assertive, she might’ve hit back, calling me rude!

“Um, Ruel.”

As I thought I should keep my mouth shut for a bit, Phoebe cautiously initiated the conversation.

Grandpa raised an eyebrow and turned toward her, flashing a subtle smile.

“What is it, child?”

“Is it always like this?”

No, Phoebe! Don’t misunderstand! I’m totally respectful with Grandpa! I always speak politely and keep my words in check!

Sure, I’ve done some disrespectful things here and there, but that’s only because he messed up first! I’m nice to him, I swear!

As I mentally defended myself, an idea suddenly popped into my head.

…Wait? This is an opportunity, isn’t it? A chance to prove that the way I speak isn’t all just me!

Think about it. If someone who usually spouts “pathetic” and “scrub” suddenly claims, “My speech comes from that dumb god,” people would just think I’m talking nonsense, right?

Anyone unaware of just how twisted that god is would assume there’s no way a divine being would enforce such a tone. They’d think I’m just talking gibberish to justify myself.

But if grandpa says it, the credibility skyrockets!

If the saint, savior of the world, and designated holy knight backs me up, there’s no way they can ignore it!

Especially after witnessing the miracle he just performed, Phoebe would find it even more convincing!

Grandpa! Please, hurry up and clear my name to Phoebe!

Then she can use her title as a saint to convince everyone else too!

If that’s how things roll, I could fix my reputation!

As I shot him a look, Grandpa nodded.

This old man has some keen instincts. He must be picking up on my thoughts.

Sigh. Finally, I can enjoy school life properly!


Huh? Why can’t Grandpa finish his sentence?

He’s usually so smooth with words—why’s he stumbling now?

This must be a prank, right? Please say it is!

“Please, say that’s the case!”


“Well, despite the tone, the heart is pure.”

“That’s true. Alrn Young Lady is a good person.”


Grandpa! You said it’s my tone! That wasn’t agreed upon!

Why bring up my speaking style at a time when I need to clarify things?

You had your chance to rectify the situation, and then you start talking about my ‘pure heart’ instead!

I was about to launch into a lengthy explanation to push back against him when my consciousness suddenly flickered.

As my vision faded, I regained my senses as the church scenery I had seen before entering Phoebe’s spiritual world came into view.

Did I get kicked out of Phoebe’s spiritual world?

“Was everything resolved?”

Looking up from the voice above, I saw a Clumsy Fox’s face.

Why does this clingy little creature refuse to let me touch her? I really don’t get it.


“Don’t you see? Clumsy Fox?”

“If that’s the case, then it’s a good thing.”

The Clumsy Fox chuckled softly and scampered away to a place out of my reach.

Stupid pathetic fox. I want to chase after her and ruffle her fur, but right now, there’s something more urgent.


I need to demand some clarification.

Answer me. Grandpa, why did you do that?

Why throw away a chance to clear up everyone’s misunderstanding about me?

This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity—poof, gone!

[Sorry, dear. I meant to clarify your speech but I couldn’t get a word out.]

‘What do you mean by that?’

[I felt some sort of restraint acting on me. It felt like I couldn’t say anything related to your blessings, and all I could do was speak what would be acceptable.]

Ugh, so that “pure heart” comment was him trying to be considerate by making excuses.

If someone imposed restrictions on explaining my skill, there’s only one suspect.

A pathetic sadistic perverted god trash!

Is your satisfaction really only met when you bash me like this?!

Can’t I have one day of peace and quiet?!

Do I have to get insulted by everyone all the time?

Lately, I’ve been trying to build up some goodwill and feel bad about not getting attacked!

Fine! I’ll give it to you! You damn pervert who enjoys toying with girls!

I’m making a private request, so why can’t you just grant mine!

Why can’t I have my moment of glory?! Why?!

– Ding!

While I let out an internal scream, a notification sound rang out.

[Quest Clear!]

[Successfully saved Phoebe within the time limit!]

[Rewards will be given!]

What’s this? Sorry for the trouble, and here’s a consolation prize?

Hey, pathetic idiot. I’m feeling AAAAAAA pretty bad right now.

Just giving me some half-baked reward isn’t going to fix anything, no matter what you give me.

[Practice Mode function is now unlocked!]


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not work with dark mode