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Chapter 140

Chapter: 140

Back when I started looting, I thought I’d get a bunch of angry stares from other students — and boy, did that turn out to be true!

With my usual image and the fact that looting isn’t exactly a pristine act, it was pretty much a given.

No matter that the Academy allowed it, I was still the one doing the stealing. Naturally, people would think, “What a bad girl!”

But you know what? As I went along with my pillaging, I realized people’s grudge against me was way worse than I expected!

Some of them were glaring at me with genuine murderous intent while I was looting. Can you believe that?

I’ve joked before about not caring about my reputation, but that didn’t mean I wanted to be the punching bag for everyone’s frustrations!

I went from being a dumb bad girl to a competent bad girl, but evolving into a ‘talented yet annoying girl who needs to be avenged’ is not in my plans!

I’m really not that mentally tough! I don’t want to keep experiencing students clicking their tongues and hurling insults at me every time I walk by!

Convinced I was about to become the common enemy of the Academy, I pondered how to resolve this situation and came up with a plan.

After all, this world isn’t narrated with a predetermined script — that’s where I found my angle.

To be accurate, I didn’t exactly come up with the plan myself.

I casually asked my grandpa, “Hey, is it cool if I try something like this?” and he ended up writing the whole script from start to finish!

This guy had been a commander in massive wars, a high aristocrat, and a holy knight, meaning his brain is on another level!

Listening to him casually toss his thoughts around really left me dazed. I wonder if I’ll ever reach that level of brilliance?

Regardless, the foundation of my plan was simple: divert the various emotions aimed at me onto others.

The moment I started looting, it was inevitable that someone would feel a spark of anger.

After all, who wouldn’t be irked if something they worked hard to get was snatched away? But I didn’t have to bear that negativity myself.

Emotions can shift direction depending on the situation, you know?

I decided to choose the poor Academy professors as my scapegoats.

Two reasons for that.

One, it’s easier to send the anger toward the strong rather than the weak, and two, if I could place the responsibility on the professors, there’s a chance for a good outcome.

After all, the professors are the ones in charge of this field study, right?

If the students get hurt because of their mistakes, shouldn’t they be compensated?

As I was mulling over this, grandpa chimed in, saying it wasn’t a bad idea and added a few tips on top.

“Create a chaotic scene that the professors can’t help but intervene in. They need to mess up over there.”

“And finally, use your blessings to stir the emotions of the one in charge. That’ll wrap it up nicely.”

Honestly, I didn’t think it would work out this well.

If it hadn’t been for Arthur, who had previously played a dirty trick on me by rounding everyone up, this level of chaos wouldn’t have happened.

Thinking about how Arthur helped perfect my plan, I should probably give him a gift later. What would be nice, though?

I glanced at Jesel, who realized her blunder and had shut her mouth.

She was only in her late twenties but held a professor position at the Soul Academy. Obviously, she was smart and sharp-witted.

Just moments ago, she had been losing her marbles due to my provocation, but now that she regained her composure after hearing Arthur’s words, she seemed to realize the mistake she made.

Not that it would change anything.

Once words are out, they can’t be taken back, right?

“Given that you are currently in a leadership position, it seems I must ask again. If what you said earlier is true, it means many students might fail this study due to the professor’s judgment.”

“Uh… Well, that is…”

So, have I done my part? The rest is up to Arthur to handle.

He’s good with words, clever, and holds a high status.

I laid out the whole setup for him, but can’t he take advantage of it?

I’m ready to kick back and relax. I haven’t slept a wink for days, and I’m exhausted!

Managing everything — strategies, battles, camping, and keeping watch — it’s just too much for one person to handle.


“Have you acknowledged that we’ve taken damage? How will you make it right?”

“That’s true, but what about the feelings of the students who are now at risk of failing due to this incident?”

With Anton’s reckless behavior, students were slowly getting back up and directing their protests at Jesel.

Jesel explained to them that it was necessary for their safety, but her words fell on deaf ears. The moral high ground was clearly with the students now.

The issue at hand was, just moments ago, Jesel herself had mentioned the possibility of students being harmed.

Had she not acknowledged it, there wouldn’t have been a problem at all. If she had just focused on student safety, what could they argue about?

But Jesel couldn’t stand Lucy Alrn’s teasing and created her own justification by speaking carelessly.

Why did she even say that?

It’s not unusual for children from wealthy families to throw a tantrum, so why did they suddenly—

“Professor Jesel? Might I get an answer?”

At Arthur’s inquiry, Jesel tightened her grip on her fingers. What should she do? How to rectify this situation?

“I will answer that for you.”

While Jesel hesitated, thinking of how to respond, Anton pushed her head down and stepped forward.

“This mistake does indeed lie with us, the professors. We apologize, Your Highness.”

“Alright then. How do you plan to address this?”

“There will be no student failing this field study. Of course, the rewards given will vary based on the number of spoils collected.”

“Excuse me?!”

Jesel’s reaction was priceless. There would be NO student failing? What even is this?

“Don’t worry; it won’t be a problem at all.”

Anton smiled at Jesel, who was frantically looking around, throwing silent questions with her eyes. Jesel was left speechless.

With a mix of remorse, Jesel bowed her head, while Anton turned towards Arthur.

“Does this satisfy Your Highness?”

“Quite. I’ll gladly accept such a generous decision.”

Arthur politely thanked Anton before turning away, exhaling slowly.

Lucy Alrn, were you anticipating all of this?

From that first night — when you ambushed the students — were you aiming for this very moment?

Arthur didn’t ask Lucy directly, but somehow he felt he knew the answer.

She had certainly foreseen everything.

That the students would harbor animosity toward her.

That Arthur would gather people to his side.

And the chaos that would arise from it.

And that the professors would intervene to stop it.

‘Your Highness, Lady Alrn is orchestrating this situation.’

‘Make your way to where the Young Lady is discussing things with the professors. She’ll surely have words that will help you.’

There’s no way Anton would be so swift to quell the chaos unless Joy had hurried to deliver that message to him.

Ha-ha. Got played, didn’t I?

I thought I could use Lucy Alrn’s mistakes to threaten her, but turns out I was dancing right in the palm of her hand.

Damn it. Lucy Alrn, now that you’ve shown me your skills, what am I supposed to do about that?

“I guess I owe her a thank-you note.”

Originally, I would have faced the students’ ire for failing to capture Lucy Alrn, but with everyone passing the field study, that opportunity vanished.

“And it must be made clear that this all stems from Lucy Alrn’s merit.”

I’m not sure how those wronged by Lucy will feel, but I better do my best to alleviate their grudge as much as possible.

Since Lucy helped smooth over Arthur’s blunder, I ought to return the favor, don’t you think?


After returning to the Academy post-field study and the next day rolled around.

As I was taking everything out of my inventory to check my loot, I froze when I stumbled upon a living creature that definitely shouldn’t be there.

Among the numerous items I brought back, the clumsy fox had managed to sneak in!

The perv made a beeline for my face the second my bag opened, but my superhuman reflexes caught him by the scruff of his neck before he reached me.

‘What are you doing in here?!’

“Hey, pervy fox! What are you up to?”

“Well, it’s just that the thought of not being able to see someone as beautiful as you after this field study made me feel so sad! So, I hid away here!”

So you’re stalking someone just because you’re sad at the thought of them leaving? The ‘master of the forest’ is acting like this?

Insanity, I swear.

‘Grandpa! Why didn’t you detect this?!’

Grandpa! Why didn’t you play your role correctly?!

It’s your job to notice this kind of thing and prevent it, you know!

[Honestly, I didn’t see it coming. The master of the forest must have something up his sleeve, but I didn’t catch it.]

‘What are we doing now?! This creep followed me here!’


I was so relieved to think I wouldn’t have to see that clumsy fox’s face again as I left the forest!

I swore I would never step foot into Cail Forest again!

Why! Why on earth!

[Well, dear girl, you have to admit he means no harm. You just have to endure the little discomfort.]

‘Little discomfort?! Grandpa, you really think this is just a little discomfort?!’

What’s with you, Grandpa? Living the easy life, are we?!

Do I need to shove you in the toilet to make you see reason?!

Alright! I’ll listen to your wishes! The Soul Academy Street is filled with shops! Shall we check some out?

“Don’t worry! I have no intention of bothering you! I just wish to admire you!”

What a freak! What nonsensical junk is that?

Just your existence is stressing me out, you damn creep!

“Can you just clear out?♡ Go back to your filthy forest, you pervy fox!♡”

Get! Out! Of! Here! Please!

“Are you trying to chase me away?”

“Of course! Why would I have to deal with a disgusting perv like you?♡”

“Think it through. Even if you manage to chase me away, will she just walk away quietly?”

…No! Absolutely not!

This crazy brat, who would beg for more teasing from my Mesugaki skills, wouldn’t just give up and go home!

If I chased her away from my room, she’d follow me for miles, guaranteed.

“You’re saying that even if you try to get rid of me, I’m always going to be right by you?”

Ugh. Apologies, but Miss Irresistible here is committing a crime known as stalking.

Why do you state your intentions so boldly to commit a crime?

“Wouldn’t it be better to keep an eye on me instead!”

Sigh. Seriously, I can feel my soul leaving my body with every word from that clumsy fox.

But you know what’s even more infuriating?

The weight of her claims actually holds some truth!

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