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Chapter 139

Chapter: 139

“Karl. Your Young Lady is certainly carrying the blood of the Alrn family.”

Watching Lucy Alrn shout back at the hundred strong crowd charging towards her instead of retreating, Anton let out a snicker.

Who would think the reckless spirit of someone who hasn’t even been at the Academy for six months could be so bold?

Among the active knights and adventurers, few would display as much guts as she did.

What’s more astonishing is that Lucy was successfully performing under pressure against a legion of one hundred.

After tossing Meryl Baines of the Baines family aside with one hand, she showcased her abilities during the ensuing attack.

An incredible shield technique that fended off most of the numerous attacks directed her way.

Even when four or five guys around her tried to pile on, she shook them off like they were nothing.

In the midst of all this, her wide field of vision and quick judgment helped her avoid being overwhelmed.

“Losers♡ Is this all you’ve got?♡ Can’t even catch a single girl?♡ This is hilarious♡”

Even in a situation where one mistake would have her stomped, she remained completely unfazed.

Lucy Alrn was undoubtedly part of the noble Alrn bloodline. A descendant from a long and noble knightly family.

Anticipating that praise would lead to a show of excitement from Karl, he was instead met with silence.

What’s this? Shouldn’t the guy say, “Of course! She’s our Young Lady! This is nothing!”?

As he thought this, Anton turned to see Karl wearing an unusually serious expression, closely observing below.


“…Ah. Yes, Professor Anton.”

“Why the long face?”

“I’m just a bit surprised at how rapidly the Young Lady has grown…”

Karl strived to keep track of Lucy’s movements, but there was a limit to it.

Though nominally a substitute, he had his own responsibilities as a professor. He couldn’t abandon everything and just hover around Lucy.

To rush to her side the moment she needed him, he had to put his best effort into his own duties.

That’s why he was unaware of just how strong Lucy had truly become. Especially lately, Kent’s Young Lady had been taking over the role of her sparring partner.

At this moment, Karl was shocked to witness Lucy surpassing even his expectations.

So this is her strength. I see. During the sparring lessons. When raiding the Academy’s dungeon. She must have been holding her ground the whole time.

She had no need to exert herself.

Yet I had been putting her in the box of common sense! The Young Lady has been smashing through those norms, writing her own history! How sacrilegious for a knight!

Ah. When my work is done today, I must report to the Head of the Family. If he hears how much the Young Lady has grown, he will surely shed tears of joy.

And I should also mention how well she gets along with her peers.

“Hey, you two! Is this really the time to be sightseeing?!”

As Anton and Karl leisurely watched the chaos from the trees, a professor from the Academy approached them.

Professors Jesel, who taught Monster Hunting, hid not a trace of disdain on her face.

“What’s going on, Professor Jesel?”

“Is there a problem?”

“A problem? Of course! Just look at the chaos going on! It’s an absolute mess!”

Not all chaos is created equal, even if it’s labeled as such.

In some instances, there’s organized chaos where command is intact, and in others, people simply lose their minds and rampage.

What was happening here clearly fell into the latter category.

“If this continues, it’s highly likely to lead to an accident!”

Friendly fire was happening frequently, allies were stepping on each other scattered on the ground, and people trying to approach Lucy found themselves entangled with others, falling like dominoes.

At this juncture, it wasn’t out of the question for a major accident to occur.

From the perspective of ensuring student safety, this situation could not be any worse.

“We don’t have much time until the field studies end anyway! I believe it’s necessary to call it off now for the students’ safety!”

After hearing Jesel’s fervent words, Anton pondered for a moment, then nodded.

“Professor Jesel is right. What do the other professors think?”

“They all agree. It just needs your approval, Professor Anton!”

“Is that so? Then I’ll take the lead.”

With that, Anton jumped down from the branch he had been perched on.

Despite his massive size, he landed extremely lightly, surveying the disoriented crowd and rolling his neck. It seemed like simple warnings wouldn’t reach them.

Having made that judgment, Anton opened his mouth wide to take a deep breath, causing his chest to puff up rapidly.

Not long after, when it appeared his lungs would burst, Anton spoke.


His booming voice echoed through the area, several times louder than what Lucy had just amplified.

The very moment those charged at Lucy were left clutching their ears, collapsing to the ground.

If they didn’t, they’d feel like their eardrums were about to burst.


Ughah. My ears. My ears hurt! Am I tearing my eardrum?!

That thought flickered through my mind as I tried to cast Armedi’s touch on myself, but the pain didn’t go away. Turns out my eardrum was just fine.

I always thought voices in games couldn’t possibly be that loud, but experiencing it in reality shifted my understanding completely.

Wow, this vocal power is no joke. There’s a bit of satisfaction in having experienced an event I’d only seen in-game, but the pain is way worse.

Even with my absurdly high physical specs, I was having a hard time—what about the other students? Most of them were already sitting on the ground, moaning in agony.

“At this moment! Under the professors’ judgment, we shall conclude the first semester’s field studies! Thank you all for your efforts!”

Amidst it all, Anton declared the end of the field studies with his heavy voice.

Hey there, Professor Anton, ending the field study is all well and good, but look around you.

How many people are actually able to hear you at this point? Shouldn’t you give the students a moment to recover first?

As I considered this while observing Anton, another professor popped up and started speaking to him.

Right? My take on this is rational and this person is acting irrationally, right? Seeing that gives me some relief.

[So far, so good with the plan.]

‘That’s right.’

My plan had always been to derive an end to the field study.

Especially since it would be impossible to restrain a hundred students without causing serious injuries.

If my intention was to just demolish them without minding what happens, there’d be options aplenty—but I had no intent to kill just yet.

There was no way the professors would allow something that dangerous either.

Having known all this, I never set my sights on winning the scuffle. Instead, my hope was for the chaos to escalate beyond recovery.

If the chaos continued, the professors would naturally be concerned about the students getting seriously hurt.

Why? Because then everyone can reach a happy conclusion.

Let’s see. According to the plan, Frey and Joy should be heading toward Arthur by now.

A quick glance at Arthur’s side revealed him and Joy deep in conversation. Great. Perfect.

[Alright, let’s wrap this plan up.]

I made my way past the students sprawled on the ground toward the professors.

Anton, caught up with Jesel’s scolding, noticed me and his face lit up. He probably thought I was a savior who’d save him from the lecture.

Actually, I was the bearer of a way bigger headache.

“Hey, you professors.”

“Hey, you losers! What do you mean you’ll end the field study? We’ve still got hours left! You guys are but forgetful idiots?”

“Of course, we know, but it’s the professors’ decision to end it now. Please understand.”

Jesel was the one who answered my sharp question. She spoke respectfully yet firmly, hoping for understanding.

Her reasoning that what the professors had decided was the best judgment given the earlier situation carried considerable weight.

A rational person would have nodded in agreement.

But unfortunately for her, I had zero intention of acting rationally.

Of course, I’m a cheeky Mesugaki, right? Common sense? Rationality? That’s not my style! A true Mesugaki acts freely!

“You babbling and making noise, old hag?♡ I’m asking why you ended this fight without warning me♡”

“As I just mentioned…”

“Ahh~♡ Too noisy♡ If the fight had continued, I would’ve totally beaten those pathetic trash♡ If that happened, all that sweet loot would have been mine. How will you take responsibility for that?♡ Huh?♡ Are you too dimwitted to get it?♡”

“I regret that but…”

“Old lady♡ do you want me to annoy you more?♡ It’s not my fault that you’re so unappealing and don’t attract men, okay?♡”

With every provocation, cracks began to show on Jesel’s visage.

Wow. Those eyes are fierce. I can tell she’s itching to teach me what manners are about.

Knowing Jesel’s ability and nature better than anyone, I felt a twinge of dread, but what could I do? Having come this far, there’s no turning back.

“Take responsibility, you old maid professor♡”

“From the start, how certain are you that Lady Alrn would indeed win? It’s possible she was spared from losing and robbed of her loot instead. Since the chaos was cut short, no one could determine the outcome.”

Aha! Gotcha there, Professor Jesel. That’s something you usually wouldn’t say.

Thanks for saying exactly what I wanted!

“Me?♡ To those pathetic losers?♡ Ha♡ Ms. Old Maid doesn’t possess even a hint of humor!♡”

“I won’t deny the Young Lady’s abilities, but based on the unique situation of the field study and the ongoing chaos, I can’t assert she wouldn’t lose.”

“Excuse me for a moment.”

Just as Jesel boldly asserted her opinion, Arthur interjected beside us.

Using an expression that’s hard to describe, he looked at me, then shifted his gaze to Jesel.

“If what Professor Jesel just stated is true, then does that imply that all of Lucy Alrn’s loot could be divided among us?”

Hearing what Arthur said, Jesel finally regained her composure.

Did you just realize, Jesel?

What you said earlier had a bigger impact than you thought.

You think the students will care about safety after you just pulled the plug on their field study?

Instead of conquering me, they could have excelled and secured a good grade, yet the professors forcibly robbed that opportunity from them.

What’s going to happen if that perception takes hold?

I don’t know for sure, but it’s definitely going to get frustrating, right? Right, Professor Jesel?

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