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Chapter 135

Chapter: 135

Most of the students at the Academy were surprisingly relaxed, just as I had predicted. They seemed to think there wouldn’t be any student-on-student combat, allowing ambushes to happen way too easily.

Of course, there were a few who were mindful of the risk of looting. Those who had upperclassmen buddies to give them a heads-up or those who flunked the promotion to the second year and remained stuck in the first.

Unlike the others, they kept a sharp eye on me, fully aware of the potential for an ambush.

In this little game, Paybi turned out to be the most useful. As the saintess of the Lord’s Church with a stellar reputation among students, no one could maintain their composure in front of her smile.

Surely, they believed that the saintess wouldn’t engage in looting—too trusting for their own good—and allowed us to approach.

If it weren’t for Paybi, things would’ve been a lot more troublesome. Even with things looking slightly better, my reputation was still crawling in the gutter.

Had the title of saintess not balanced things out, there’s no way I could have pulled off this little massacre so comfortably.

‘These folks…’

“What’s this? You pathetic losers are weak as hell, yet you’re loaded with loot?”

“No! Don’t touch that!”

‘All the way to the quota…’

“What the hell? You wanna hand over all your loot too?”


Must be the newbies from last year that ended up mixed in with this party because the amount of loot they had was significant.

Guess experience in field studies really pays off. Although, they still couldn’t hold a candle to Arthur’s party.

That guy Arthur is definitely competent. I mean, how could a fresh first-year gather nearly a hundred pieces of loot in just one day?

All those precious spoils he earned from working tirelessly now lay in the hands of my gang.

Should’ve been more careful when investing back then.

“I’m sorry! There was nothing we could do!”

While looking at those sprawled out on the ground moaning in pain, Paybi was clasping her hands together.

She convinced herself this was all for the sake of the other students’ development, but it seemed she still felt a bit uneasy about it.

But you know, Paybi, I think you genuinely meant it, but to those listening, it sounds an awful lot like tea-bagging.

Doesn’t it get annoying when someone who set a trap acts all apologetic?

“It’s okay, saintess. We know it couldn’t be helped.”

“Exactly, saintess! It’s not your fault!”

Looking at people’s reactions, it seems my theory wasn’t entirely wrong.

[It’s the difference in behavior you see.]

‘Grandpa, please don’t hit me with facts.’

I understand why they’re reacting that way. Paybi has an excellent image while mine’s in the dumpster.

If Paybi were doing this on her own, people would think, “Why is the saintess doing such a thing?” But since I’m right next to her…

They must be thinking, “That wicked b*tch must have threatened the saintess into doing this!”

How unfair!

Sure, I did orchestrate it, but I didn’t threaten anyone! I gently persuaded her!

Okay, maybe I did mention the shame I suffered because of her, but still!

Ugh. Hmph. Whatever! I don’t feel guilty at all!

[Oh, Armandi, why did you choose such a child as your apostle?]

‘If you find the answer, please let me know.’

I’m just as curious about why it had to be me.

Was there a reason behind it, or did they just want to toy with a messy little brat?


“Useless saintess, we don’t have time to waste. There are plenty more losers to loot!”

“Ah, right. I’ll just treat these folks.”

Thanks to Paybi’s last line, the gazes on us became distinctly divided.

In reality, I was the one who allowed the treatment, yet here I am.

So you all think I’m the villain, huh?

Fine. Let’s show you what a real villain looks like.

It’s only the second day of the field study, remember? You’ll have to stick with me in this forest for three more days.

Get ready. I’ll make sure you learn just how tough it can get.

[Oh girl, didn’t you say you wanted to raise your reputation someday?]

‘That was a long time ago, I gave up on that.’


Vishi, who had been wide awake keeping watch over the campfire, eventually succumbed to fatigue and started dozing off.

When we were wandering through the forest earlier, she had been bubbling with enthusiasm. Adrien chuckled while watching Vishi, who was drooling and giggling in her sleep; it was hard not to smile.

It was nice to wander outside with Vishi.

Not too long ago, Adrien had been a boss monster in a dungeon, but now she had broken free from being a helpless spirit.

Being a powerful spirit, she could dominate a dungeon, enabling her to resist the shackles of her previous existence.

However, since her roots were that of a ghost, even wandering outside the mansion, she still needed a place to stay—a location tied to her.

Fortunately, Adrien had a connection—Vishi. The kind person who regarded her as a friend even after knowing she was a spirit.

Thanks to that connection, Adrien was finally able to see the world beyond her long-standing loneliness.

After being confined to a decrepit mansion for so long, she found no place in the world devoid of beauty.

Buildings. Forests. Roads. The sky. The people.

Now with time passed, she looked at Vishi like a silly younger sibling, but when Adrien first arrived in this forest, she had been just as rambunctious.

She completely forgot she had to play the role of a bright girl beside Vishi, causing a commotion all around her.

It was fortunate that her naïve display suited the character she had to portray. Otherwise, Vishi may have tilted her head in confusion.

While gazing at the twinkling stars, Adrien thought to herself how wonderful the outside world truly was, but she soon sensed a presence approaching.

That energy—it belongs to that cocky little brat. Is she coming to see Vishi?

No way. That girl doesn’t have any deep affection for Vishi. She probably thinks of her as just an easy mark, and she wouldn’t come seeking her in the dead of night.

There’s gotta be some other motive behind this.

Adrien recalled how earlier that day, Vishi’s party had encountered a different group.

Instead of greeting Vishi’s party, those folks immediately launched an attack.

When they asked why they were doing this to Vishi’s party, all they said was it was part of a field study.

The reason Vishi’s party managed to win that confrontation was because, unbeknownst to her, Adrien had helped out.

Had it not been for that, Vishi’s group would’ve been easily overrun.

Afterward, Vishi’s group heard the other party explain their situation.

“The night before, we were robbed too!”

Their tale began when Lucy Alrn’s party had raided several groups, including theirs.

Realizing the true nature of the Academy’s field study, numerous parties began ambushing others, igniting chaos throughout the forest.

“Right now, there are only two types of people in this forest. Those being robbed and those doing the robbing.”

They had spilled everything to Vishi’s party, pleading for just a minimum quota to be left.

The sole aim of those creating this chaotic turmoil in the forest was clear.


Should I wake Vishi? While considering that thought, Adrien glanced at Vishi, deeply asleep against a log, and shook her head.

That cocky little brat is someone I can chat with. I’ll just send her off with words, no need to wake up a poor sleeper.

With that, Adrien moved towards the direction where Lucy was.

Did Lucy catch the sense of Adrien approaching? She was standing alone in the middle of the forest, separated from her party.

“What’s this? Lonely old ghost? What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be holed up in a dusty corner as a spirit?”

– I’ve told you countless times, I’m neither an old ghost nor a lonely one, you brat!

The moment Lucy spotted her, she instantly picked a fight. Ah, geez. If it weren’t for the debt of gratitude I owed this brat, I would’ve smashed her to bits ages ago!

“Just give me a straight answer, ghost girl. Even if you’re senile, you can still speak, right? Or should I fetch you some dentures or something?”

– Ugh…

With each word, Adrien found herself on the receiving end. She decided to quickly explain her situation before telling her to take a hike.

– This here is Vishi’s party, so don’t interfere.

“Why not?”

– …Don’t you know Vishi?

“Yeah, I do. She’s that background character’s Lady, but what’s that to me? This is a field study. If you’re peeved, you should’ve been strong enough to handle it. Have you been cooped up too long that you can’t tell right from wrong? Lonely senile ghost?”

What a ruthless girl. Just because someone is familiar doesn’t mean she can bulldoze over them, huh?

Adrien, refusing to be intimidated, responded with an annoyed tone.

– Keep at it, and I will step in.

Adrien warned her, even though she wasn’t certain whether it would actually take effect.

After all, this was Lucy Alrn.

Even when she showed her true power as a dungeon boss, she toyed with her opponents nonchalantly. Adrien would find it difficult to win even if she went all out against her, a living nightmare.

While she could damage Lucy’s party, defeating Lucy Alrn herself would be a prolonged and painful feat.

Tension brewing inside, Adrien was surprised to see Lucy step back more calmly than she expected.

“Seeing you, old ghost, trembling in fear makes me feel a bit sorry for you, so I’ll turn back for now.”

– That’s not what I…

With Lucy leaving, still laughing at her, Adrien returned to where Vishi was.

What she found was Vishi sprawled out on the ground, snorting peacefully.

Seeing her like that, Adrien couldn’t help but smile, feeling as if all her worries had just vanished.

Vishi, you really ought to be grateful for having such a friend. Got it?


“What a mess.”

It was the night when the second day of the field study was winding down. Anton, the Combat Studies professor, openly sighed while among several professors at the Academy.

“Isn’t this just what we intended? Everything is going according to our plan!”

“That’s true, but things are progressing way too rapidly. With this, after the field study concludes, distrust among the students will run rampant.”

The professors of the Academy had, in fact, instigated confusion. The whole point of this field study was to create experiences through continuous real-life challenges.

However, the scale of the conflict had escalated far beyond what they intended.

Right now, the situation had devolved into beasts, with parties meeting only to scheme on how best to take each other’s loot, which was clearly not what the professors had hoped for.

“Your lady had a very active first day.”

This all began with Lucy Alrn’s raid.

She took advantage of the moment when students were relaxed on the first night, attacking countless parties. Added on that, she suggested that being weaker meant it was okay to loot those who were weak.

After being plundered by Lucy, those parties began invading others, and then those parties began to invade yet another, spiraling into a chaotic cycle.

“There’s only one of two scenarios in this forest right now. People being robbed and those doing the robbing.”

The ones who ambushed Vishi’s group had revealed everything, begging for just a quota to be left for them.

The only purpose behind the ones who stirred up the colossal chaos in this forest was singular.


“We need to discuss how to clean this up. This has gone too far.”

With two days still remaining in the field trip, if this atmosphere persisted, it wouldn’t bode well at all.

As Anton voiced the concern, most of the professors nodded in agreement when Luca raised her hand.

“Professor Luca? What is it?”

“Is it really necessary? From what I can see, the students should be able to band together on their own.”

“Uh, what do you mean?”

Luca chuckled upon seeing Anton blink in confusion.

“There’s a common enemy now, isn’t there?”

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