Switch Mode

Chapter 132

Chapter: 132

“Hold on! I…”

“Wait a second, you clumsy pervert fox. I need to change my clothes first.”

I can’t just keep wandering around in a bunny girl outfit, right?

I’m already used to wearing armor, so it won’t take long. If it’s urgent, I’ll just go out in something light, so let me change!

“Ahh. Are your own modesty and dignity really that important while your friend is in a deep slumber?”

As I shouted, the perverted fox put on a faux-serious face and asked, making it seem like she was scolding me.

At a glance, it looked like she was reprimanding me, but I knew better. This perverted fox just wanted to gawk at my bunny girl outfit a little longer. I could see her smirk creeping in despite her words.

Come on, is it going to make a difference if I stall for a bit? Do you think I don’t know it’s fine to be asleep for at least a week?!

“Look at that. Your friend seems pretty worried, doesn’t she?”

Shifting my gaze, I caught sight of Joy, who was avoiding eye contact and fidgeting.

“I’m fine, Lady Alrn. You go ahead.”

Despite her words, her complexion was pale as a ghost. She didn’t know the exact state of Paybi. How could she stay calm when her close friend’s life was on the line?

…Sigh. Anyway, I’ve already shown it to everyone else. What’s changing now that I want to change clothes?

The bunny girl outfit isn’t so bad. It’s super easy to move in since it barely covers anything. The breeze feels nice against my skin. Yeah, it’s fine. Totally fine.

“Let’s go.”

“Going without changing?”

“I’m okay.”

“I think it would be better to not have those creepy perverted eyes running all over your skin.”

“Ugh, that’s troublesome. Even if I try not to look, my eyes wander naturally.”

“Please just die.”

“Seriously disgusting. Just die. Go apologize to the creatures in the forest you govern and off yourself.”

I genuinely wished for that, but the perverted fox just couldn’t keep her expression under control, grinning like a fool.

One day. Someday. When I’m strong enough to take this clumsy fox down, I’ll come back here and smash her head. I’ll give her a proper physical education, that’s for sure.

Paybi was in a room just five steps away from where I was. Opening the door, I saw her resting peacefully on the bed.

She had a happy smile on her face. Was she dreaming sweet dreams? What kind of dreams did she have? Since everything connects to that pathetic god, maybe she was dreaming about him too.

She needs to know how perverted that god truly is! He’s not some noble and benevolent deity as described in the scriptures! He’s a sadistic pervert with freaky tendencies! He’s even more useless than Agra!

These days, sure, he’s been helping me out a lot, but things were way worse before! No kidding! No matter how deep Paybi’s faith is, she wouldn’t still believe in Armadi after knowing all this, right?

One day, when I can proudly declare myself as Armadi’s apostle, I’ll have to tell Paybi.

“Do you know the best way to bring someone out of a dream?”

The perverted fox approached Paybi, placing a hand on her forehead.

“It’s to actively deny the dream. In her case, it should be easy enough.”

With someone as goofy as this fox trying to give advice on mental matters, I should really trust her, right? But why do I feel so uneasy?

Is it because I heard her begging me to hit her even harder just moments ago?


“You must have had a tough time.”

Outside the orphanage, sitting on an old bench that was on the verge of falling apart, Paybi smiled, gently patting her head as Armadi stroked her hair.

“No, it’s okay. Thanks to you, the god visited me, didn’t he?”

She felt happiness—more than any moment she had ever experienced.

It was pure joy, knowing that everything she had done was being acknowledged by Armadi, whom she believed in and followed.

Amidst the warm sunlight and gentle touch, Paybi closed her eyes with a smile, only for Armadi to speak again.

“My saint, may I give you a task?”

Hearing those words, Paybi hastily opened her eyes and turned her gaze to Armadi. His face shone so brightly that she could hardly take it in, but that didn’t matter.

What mattered to Paybi was that the great being needed her.

“Yes, of course. Oh, great god.”

What kind of task could Armadi possibly want from her? If he was giving her a direct task, it must be something dangerous and arduous.

But Paybi didn’t worry. With the greatness right behind her, what could she possibly be afraid of?

“There is a foul-mouthed child among your friends.”

“…Yes, that’s right.”

Her response faltered at the mention of Lucy’s name, but she pressed down on the feelings in her heart and spoke.

It couldn’t be helped. Lady Alrn was a being who was loved by the god.

“Can you belittle me like that child?”


As the jealousy that was creeping into her heart reared its head, Paybi involuntarily asked in return.

It made sense. The words that slipped from Armadi’s mouth were not something a great god would say.

“Can you insult me like Lucy does?”

But he wasn’t saying something that she had misheard. The lord of all gods wanted Paybi to belittle him.

Why?! The question bubbled up but she forcibly suppressed it. Questioning a god’s will would be far too impious.

“I understand that you cannot comprehend it, but it is indeed necessary.”

Right. There must be a reason why the great god would say such things. How could a mere mortal understand his intentions?

“Paybi, is saying a few mean words really that hard? Just let them out. You can do it.”

“A-Ahm, Armadi…”

But saying that to someone I believe in and rely on? What should I do? What should I do?!

“It’s fine, my saint. It’s what I’ve asked of you.”

“Yes, yes!”

With her eyes closed, Paybi took several deep breaths, recalling the words Lucy often said.

What would Lady Alrn say now? What would she say? Biting her lips, she prepared the words in her mind and shouted.

“Ahh… Ohh… Pathetic god! Y-you… you want to hear something bad from me? Pervert!”

Trembling, Paybi then tentatively opened her eyes, only to find the light that had covered Armadi’s face had vanished.

What? Confused, she opened her eyes wide to see a lascivious gaze resembling that of a man who had been shooting glances at her from beneath her saintly robe.


With a scream, Paybi covered her face with her small hands, gasping to regain her breath.

It was a dream. It had to be a dream. Yes, that’s it. Surely, the great god wouldn’t flaunt such a… a perverted expression while listening to such… nonsense.

Damn fool Paybi! Have you stooped low enough to insult your god in your dreams too?! You idiot, you fool, and—

“Paybi, are you alright?”

At the concerning voice from beside her, Paybi looked up to see Joy peering at her with worry.

“Joy? Why do you look so pale?”

“Paybi! I’m so glad you’re okay!”

Normally, as the Duke’s daughter, Joy would suppress her emotions way too much, but now, as she hugged Paybi, she blinked in surprise. What in the world happened?

“I thought you might not wake up!”

The half-sobbing tone of Joy’s voice brought back the memory of Paybi’s situation.

I participated in the trial of the Cytil Forest. There I encountered the vision I had always desired…

I see. It was the face of the god I always wanted to see. And I didn’t want to believe that it was an illusion, so I ignored all the discomfort.

How pathetic. I’ve been acting just like Lady Alrn always said.

“I’m sorry for worrying you, Joy. And thank you.”

“While I’m sorry for interrupting, kid, you need to thank someone else too.”

While Paybi was patting Joy’s back in apology, she looked up at Lina, who had interjected.


Only then did she focus on the two figures behind Joy. Lina looked just as she did before Paybi had fainted, but the person standing next to her was different.

Lucy Alrn, beloved by the great god and the most talented saint in the continent.

The one who had made Paybi understand the word jealousy; she stood there in a costume that left little to the imagination.

What the heck is that?! All the flesh of her arms, shoulders, and legs is completely exposed?! Am I still stuck in this world of illusion? Did my dark heart wish for Lady Alrn to wear such an embarrassing outfit?!

“Geez! What a nuisance. Pathetic saint.”

“Ah, um, I’m sorry?”

“Just change your clothes and go wait in the reception room.”

This isn’t a dream…?


Is it possible to go back to the past if you die?

Who knows? Maybe if my head gets chopped off, I could roll back to an earlier time? But I don’t have the guts to test it, so…

Ugh. Dammit. Returning to my room without my armor, I closed the door and shove Grandpa into my inventory, then threw the bunny girl outfit on the floor.

I’m really losing it! Paybi’s expression when our eyes met just won’t leave my mind! She must think I’m a total freak, right?! Right?!

“Gahhh! Pathetic god! I’m really sorry, but could you tell me what torture you plan to inflict after clearing this quest?!”

If that indescribable humiliation of showing off this bunny girl outfit in front of everyone is worse than what you’ll do to me, I might feel a bit relieved about that! Please!

There’s no way that perverted voyeur is not looking at me right now! Answer already!

– Ding!

I yelled in desperation, and it looks like it was real. I can feel my already non-existent faith drop further down.

[Quest Cleared!]

[You have successfully gained acknowledgment from the lord of the forest!]

[A reward will be granted!]

[The cross ability is enhanced!]

What the heck is this? Is this a consolation prize? You’re telling me to eat this as a treat for all the suffering I went through?! It’s better than nothing, but I’m feeling all kinds of weird!


[During the settlement, it was confirmed that you gained not just acknowledgment but also affection from the lord of the forest.]

[Exceeding quest conditions acknowledged!]

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not work with dark mode