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Chapter 128

Chapter: 128

Seeing the face of the fox leaping out from the bushes, I tilted my head in confusion.

Why’s that thing popping out here?

I knew that the clumsy fox wandered around looking for attractive people to ogle at.

That’s the very reason why the Academy can conduct field studies in this forest.

The doddering fox gets pleasure from feasting its eyes on the pretty students while letting them use the forest for their studies in return.

If it just wanted to lounge around its den while watching the forest get messy, it wouldn’t have allowed a field study in the first place!

However, it usually sends out its other form when it patrols.

What a joker, acting all high and mighty about being the master of the forest while not even knowing what it should or shouldn’t do.

But wait. From what I’m seeing, that looks a lot like the fox’s real form, doesn’t it?

Am I seeing things?

Maybe I’m under some illusion?

[Why is the master of the forest showing up like this? ]

Looks like the weird one is that clumsy fox and not me.

That’s fine for me, but gramps definitely wouldn’t be mistaken about something like this.

The white-furred fox, which was peeking out at us, suddenly stepped out from the bushes and stood right in the middle of our resting spot.

“What a cute fox!”

“I can sense some divine energy!”

There were indeed moments in the game when the clumsy fox revealed its true identity.

The condition for that was simple.

It needed the total charm of its party members to be so high that it couldn’t resist capturing it with its own eyes.

When charm points exceed a certain level, the forest’s authority turns to a pile of nothingness, and it ends up revealing itself due to its uncontainable desires.

But how curious.

Is the party’s charm score that high right now?

Sure, it must be to some extent.

After all, Joy and Phoebe both have incredibly high charm points.

Frey might not be as high as those two, but her level is still nothing to scoff at.

As for me?

Considering Arthur’s reaction last time, no matter how high it is, I wouldn’t think I’d match up to Joy.

So, simply put, my score is above average, but not enough to make the fox lose its mind over me.

So why is it showing up now?

Is there another variable that I’m unaware of?

As I was lost in thought, the fox skillfully trotted over to me and abruptly stopped.

Mya mya mya mya.

Then it made a noise that caught my attention, rubbing its face against my feet and showing its affection.

“It looks like the fox is fond of Young Lady Alrn.”

While the other party members were watching with delighted expressions, I simply couldn’t bring myself to feel joyful.

I knew this wasn’t just a cute fox; it was a creepy old pervert with ulterior motives!

Why is that old creep doing this to me?!

There are pretty people everywhere, so why does it come over to express its twisted intentions next to me, you crazy fox!

Could it be that, like the pathetic god, it has a penchant for younger girls?!

Was there some hidden backstory that wasn’t revealed in the game?!

Ugh, well, it’s not the worst thing that could happen.

I lifted the fox by its nape and locked eyes with it, and it grinned.

Even though the fur was likely making it hard to discern its expression, I could tell without a doubt that this goofy fox was feeling very pleased right now.

Do I really impress you that much, you silly fox?

‘Greetings, oh master of the forest.’

“Hey, clumsy fox. Do you enjoy being treated like a pet by a girl hundreds of years younger than you? Seriously, what a joke.”

As I made it clear that I knew its true identity, the fox’s smile stiffened.

Wagging its tail and whining like it knew nothing did make it seem like a real fox, but that didn’t fool me.

[This is indeed the master of the forest. What significance does such energy hold if it acts like that? ]

To be honest, it’s not that I can fool myself, but Gramps wouldn’t be fooled either.

‘You’ve already been found out.’

“Are you really unaware? Have you lost your ability to make judgments with age? Pathetic~ Old-timer~”

“…How did you know?”

As I said one more thing, a human voice finally flowed out of the fox’s mouth.


“The fox spoke?!”

“How fascinating.”

As the trio stood there, shocked at the unexpected turn of events, the fox slipped out of my grasp and did a flip in the air.

Smoke billowed up, and when it cleared, a woman appeared who hadn’t been there just a moment ago.

“Indeed, you are one with divine energy. To grasp my true identity so easily is impressive.”

The woman, resembling a game NPC, was dressed in silk clothes that wouldn’t belong in any western fantasy universe.

With thin, piercing eyes and a relaxed smile.

Fox ears perched atop her head, and behind her swayed nine tails.

Moreover, her figure was undeniably eye-catching.

The woman, exuding a dangerously attractive charm, reached down to admire me.

“Your insight matches your lovely voice. What more do you have to say to me?”

‘Excuse me, but your gaze is kind of creepy.’

“Hey, clumsy fox. Since your eyes are disturbing and sickening, would you mind averting your gaze?”

“Ah, that’s nice too. The rebelliousness is quite charming.”

All that previous explanation applied when this fox hadn’t spoken yet.

When it comes to looks, it certainly ranks among the top in Soul Academy, including all the characters, but sadly, this one has a regrettable personality.

As I mentioned, this one is a complete idiot.

Despite its appearance, it’s burdened by its ridiculous infatuation.

If charm points are high enough, it’ll look favorably on any behavior whatsoever.

I didn’t nonchalantly throw out my words just for kicks.

I knew it would just laugh off anything I said the moment it showed its interest.

This was a style that thoroughly annoyed me in the game, and now that it’s real, if anything, it’s worse.

Especially since I’m the one experiencing it myself.

As my gaze drifted downward, the fox’s lips curled upward.

Right then, Joy, who had finally regained her wits after the shock, spoke up.

“Excuse me, but what’s going on here?”

Oh, right.

In all my clumsy excitement with this creepy fox, I completely forgot to explain the situation.

I thought I had built up immunity from perverted antics thanks to Karl, but it seems I haven’t.

Real-life “not caring for others” is quite different.

“My apologies. I momentarily lost my composure.”

The clumsy fox turned her head towards Joy, bowing her head gently with a soft tone.

I guess the charm points of Joy and Phoebe, which were quite high, make it a tad kinder.

If she had brought some nameless extra along, I could see her looking down and telling him to shut up.

“I am Lina, the master of this forest. I felt your divine energy and came to check it out. So, fear not, for I intend no harm to you.”

Divine energy? Is she talking about Armedi’s energy?

Like the time with Naklad, it appears people who can sense energy catch something odd about me.

If the clumsy fox is behaving so amiably, could it mean there’s some charm boost tied to that energy?

Honestly, aside from that pervy aspect of the pathetic god, it seems to have its uses.

That damned perversion is what gives me grief.

“Well, since we’re at this point, shall we go to a good place to talk? I wish to spend a joyful time with you all.”

The three of them, who had initially looked on with intrigue at the clumsy fox, appeared to grow increasingly stiff with each word that left her lips.

Anyone would be put off by that creepy grin and drooling.

It’s already doing that to me.

“I assure you I will not harm you. To be precise, I cannot harm you. There are many others lurking in this forest. Messing around could cost you your head.”

The moment the clumsy fox finished speaking, the eyes of my party members locked onto me.

Since I was the one leading them here, they likely expect me to make the call.

It’s true that the sudden appearance of the clumsy fox twisted our plans a bit, but it’s not a bad variable at all.

Our goal was to meet the clumsy fox from the start.

There’s no reason to refuse an invitation to her den.

Just as I was about to nod in agreement, another thought struck me.

That fool of a fox seems to think quite highly of me thanks to Armedi’s energy.

Wanting to invite me to her home and chat like this, could it mean she sees me as higher up in this situation?

There’s that saying, after all: the one who falls first is the loser.

Right now, it seems the loser is definitely the clumsy fox.

‘Alright. But in return…’

“Alright, clumsy fox. However, I have a condition.”

“What is it? Speak freely. I’m inclined to follow your wishes.”

‘You need to…’

“Recognize us and provide appropriate rewards. Then I’ll hang around, even if you’re a disgusting and repulsive pervert.”

As I confidently lifted my chin and made that statement, the clumsy fox narrowed her eyes.

It was as if she was gauging something.

“I’m sorry, but that might be a bit difficult. I think highly of you and your party, but the recognition of a master isn’t something easily granted.”

Seems I might have overstepped my bounds a bit?

No matter how clumsy the fox may be, it is indeed the master of the forest, so presuming it would happily give everything away is a bit naive.

Still, since it already takes me into high regard, it probably won’t look down on me too harshly.

I suppose I could think of it as a satisfactory attitude. Maybe she finds that kind of boldness appealing.

“However, I will grant you the opportunity to take the test right away. Normally, you’d need to endure hardships and wander to the heart of the forest to face my trial, but I’m walking you straight there. Wouldn’t you say that’s quite generous?”

Just as expected.

That’s plenty of goodwill.

Usually, facing the forest master is a matter of having to go through trials and obstacles first.

By allowing me to take the trial directly, she’s extending as much courtesy as a forest master can.

Other forest masters would probably lose their minds over this.

‘Alright, then.’

“Sounds good. Clumsy fox, for an old timer, that’s a surprisingly generous decision.”

“What say the others? Do you all agree to take the trial of this lady?”

At the clumsy fox’s question, the other three nodded in agreement.

I had briefed them beforehand about the benefits of this clumsy fox’s blessing and why acquiring it was worthwhile, so it’s only natural.

Having made up their minds, there was no other reaction forthcoming.

“Oh, just a moment. The child holding the sword—you’re an exception. You aren’t yet qualified to face my trial.”


“Your charm is lacking.”

Frey blinked in astonishment at the remark of lacking charm.

Ha! That’s it. That’s what a clumsy fox should be like.

Eternally helpful to those it likes, while being cold as ice to those it deems unworthy.

‘Hey, um…’

“Clumsy fox, that lousy swordsman is one of my companions. Why are you so petty about this despite his age?”

Frey is practically a permanent fixture in my party.

Her growth benefits me directly, so the more rewards we can extract, the better.

If it doesn’t pan out, I intended to make use of various charm-related items in my inventory to convince her, but surprisingly, the clumsy fox nodded agreeably.

“…Hmm, I see. If you insist so much, I’ll concede. I won’t deny that child’s charm is lacking, but it’s not overly so either, so I’ll admit her.”

Wow. How large must Armedi’s divine energy be to sway the fox into such agreement?

“Alright then. Let’s get started! A trial to gain the recognition of this fox!”

As the clumsy fox chuckled and snapped her fingers, a fog enveloped our surroundings.

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not work with dark mode