Switch Mode

Chapter 125

Chapter: 125

In the world of the Soul Academy, there exist forests of considerable scale, each with its own masters.

In ancient times, those masters were regarded as gods and possessed skills that were incomparable to ordinary beings. They would bestow significant blessings upon those they deemed worthy.

Naturally, these former gods don’t just meet anyone at a whim. They only show their faces when they believe someone has sufficient worth.

Each god has its own conditions, and for someone like the lord of Siluf Forest, it’s all about strength. In the game, you had to reach a certain level to be granted an audience with them.

They’d think, “You look like a promising candidate, let’s meet.”

So, I wasn’t worried at all.

I believed that my consistent level grinding would make me fully qualified to meet them. Gaining their recognition shouldn’t be too difficult.

Right now, my strength is even on the higher side in game terms. Facing off against the likes of Siluf would be easier than against Naklad.

But who could have imagined this curveball?!

“I heard not long ago that it was decided to go to Cytil Forest.”

‘Why the hell?!’

“Pathetic! What’s the reason for this??”

Cytil Forest! That’s the place where they usually go in the second semester!

Why on earth did they switch the order of the forests all of a sudden?!

“I heard it was for safety reasons. There have been so many incidents at the Academy this year. They deemed Cytil Forest more suitable for ensuring the students’ safety than Siluf Forest.”

Oh… That’s the reason?

Kall said he didn’t know the details, but I think I get the gist.

Simply put, the owner of Cytil Forest is more cooperative than the owner of Siluf.

To protect the students from various troubles, Cytil Forest is indeed a better option.

If it’s for safety, then I can’t argue against that.

Ugh… This is really inconvenient.

It’s true I could still earn the master’s approval of the forest despite the change.

Theoretically, that’s correct.

But think about it differently.

As a veteran player, I’ve memorized all the ways to get the approval of the masters of each forest, right?

So why am I having these concerns?

To meet the master of Cytil Forest requires charm.

To put it simply, I’m talking about beauty and grace.

To increase those stats, I can’t just keep bashing my way through battles like I’ve been doing now.

I need to take an interest in beauty, mingle in social circles to cultivate grace, and even hire a private tutor to learn!

Of all those things, what have I done so far?


All I’ve done until now is raise my level for battle, increase my stats, and work on my skills.

There’s not a single effort to boost my charm stat.

What that means is my current charm stat is just as it was when I first created my character!

What to do…

At this rate, I won’t gain approval from the master of Cytil Forest.

Sure, I can tag along some charm-enhancing friends like Phoebe or Joy who might give me an audience, but it won’t mean anything unless I get that stupid fox’s approval!

No way. I can feel the pathetic god’s torment creeping up on me.

“Miss? Are you alright?”


“Pathetic. Close your mouth.”


I need to think. I can’t just sit here doing nothing.

I don’t know what kind of embarrassing penalty awaits me if I fail, but I want no part of it.

The environment itself isn’t too bad, though.

I’ve got debts to Alsetin, and the Newman family is also at my disposal.

It’s entirely possible to find ways to boost my charm stat.

Then what’s most important right now is figuring out how much I need to raise my charm stat.

While deep in thought, I raised my head to look at Kall.

The easiest way for me to check my charm stat now, since I can’t view my status window, is through NPC reactions.

Reactions vary depending on your charm stat.

Specifically, a low charm stat elicits cold responses, while a high charm stat garners favorable reactions.

‘Kall. Am I pretty?’

“Pathetic. Am I pretty?”

“Of course, why would you even ask? My lady, you possess an appearance akin to an angel descended from the heavens. Your skin is…”

‘That’s enough.’

“Seriously, stop. You pathetic lolicon.”

Right, I should’ve expected that from Kall.

Whatever happened, he adores his master.

I haven’t done anything to him, and yet his affinity for me is off the charts.

Who should I ask for a proper evaluation?

Most ordinary NPCs won’t give a decent response.

Before even considering my charm stat, my reputation is a problem.

The moment they hear the name Lucy Alrn, they’d recoil in disgust. Would they really respond honestly if I asked if I’m pretty?

The only person left who might provide an objective assessment is Arthur.

Hmm. He seems like a good candidate.

After the fight we had, he doesn’t harbor any ill feelings toward me, but his affection isn’t too high either.

Checking his reaction would give me a clear idea of my current charm stat.


Since losing to Joy in the last midterms, Arthur has been diligently honing his skills.

He had always been hard-working, but his efforts intensified recently.

During those midterms, he might have complained a bit, but regardless, the loss was the loss.

If only he had scored slightly higher… If only he had outperformed Lucy Alrn just a bit, everything would’ve been fine.

Arthur, plagued by the humiliation of that loss, vowed to crush both Joy and Lucy Alrn in the future, giving it his all.

Though the problem was that Lucy Alrn was now heading even further away.

“Was she the first to conquer the Academy dungeon?”

She became the first first-year to clear a dungeon in the Academy’s long history during the first semester.

Lucy Alrn.

It was only natural.

She had everything about the dungeon in her palm.

To her, the dungeons of the Academy were just places she could conquer whenever she wished.

Achieving such results was expected.

“With that kind of talent, she could afford to be a bit lazy.”

She continues to leverage her abilities to achieve even greater feats, racing toward heights no one else can reach.

“However, I will surely claim victory over Lucy Alrn one day.”

It may sound arrogant, but he never once doubted his talent.

After all, he is a shining star in his own right.

No matter how brightly Lucy Alrn may shine, he vowed he would surpass her one day.

And then, he would ask her the meaning of her words back then.

“Me? Oh, poor prince. Dreaming big, aren’t you? Always getting beaten, you pathetic fool.”

As Arthur was clenching his fists with such thoughts, he slowly turned his head at the voice that rang from behind.

There stood Lucy Alrn, the very rival he had just resolved to defeat.

Dressed in the Academy uniform, she looked up at him with half-lidded eyes.

“…How much did you hear?”

“From the start. Hehe. Feeling inferior, are we? Poor prince?”

Was she listening the whole time as he got lost in thought over his training?!

Arthur’s face turned beet red in embarrassment as he hurriedly turned his gaze away.

“What are you doing here?”

“I merely wish to ask something. The pathetic prince who feels inferior to a girl.”

“…Knock it off. I regret that.”

Usually, as a prince, he was used to not being teased too much, but Lucy’s playful demeanor was hard for him to withstand.

Seeing Arthur, whose face flushed red with embarrassment, Lucy chuckled, then nodded as if she understood before continuing with her intent.

“Hey, poor prince. How do I look in your pathetic eyes? Am I pretty?”

“Huh? Why are you asking that out of nowhere?”


Why was she coming out of the blue with such a question?

“Just answer me. Or else the poor prince will have to reenact his own monologues…”

“No, wait! I’ll answer you!”

Damn it. He can’t let his weakness get exposed to her!

He hoped she wouldn’t use this as blackmail.

What was the question again?

Am I pretty?

Arthur cleared his throat and took a moment to take in Lucy’s face.

Objectively speaking, she was definitely on the pretty side.

Even after living in the royal palace and seeing beauties from all walks of life, he could say she was beautiful without hesitation.

Her flawless skin appeared like polished marble, her ruby-like crimson eyes sparkled, and her hair glimmered like red silk, almost begging to be stroked.

Standing still with her lips sealed, Lucy Alrn looked like a handmade doll crafted by a skilled artist—undeniably beautiful.

Even if he searched through the high society, few could rival her.

He couldn’t deny that fact.

But Arthur found himself unable to grant her that compliment.

He feared that if he admitted she was beautiful, she might retort with something hurtful.

“She’s tolerably acceptable.”

“Is that so?”

When Arthur brusquely answered, Lucy visibly expressed disappointment.

Ah, did I make a mistake?

No matter how annoying Lucy Alrn is, calling her only tolerable isn’t very polite, is it?

“Well, I mean, it’s a joke. You belong to the beautiful category.”

“Really? Poor prince?”


“Got it. Then train hard. You won’t stand a chance against me, that pathetic poor prince.”

“If you’re done here, then scram!”

“Okay! I’ll be on my way then!”

Arthur sighed as he watched Lucy stroll away lightly.

Was that really all she came for?


Hmm. If those words came out of Arthur’s mouth, maybe my charm stat isn’t too shabby after all.

If he thought me pretty, that confirms I’m at least above average.

With that, I have the means to cover it with an item.

Alright! I see the way forward.

No matter how much that pathetic god tries to get me down, I’ll push through!

That’s what being a veteran means!

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not work with dark mode